Analysis of Supply Chain Response Frameworks: A Literature Review
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Description of SCRFs
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Reference | Topic | Purpose of the SCRF |
[8] | Order fulfillment process | Discuss evidence from field studies undertaken to investigate responsiveness. |
[28] | Assessing responsiveness | Evaluate the SCR using four variables: delivery times, postponement strategies, bullwhip effect, and exchange of information. |
[29] | Appraising determinants of SCR | Appraise the determinants of SCR concerning demand uncertainties in the Thai textile industry. |
[30] | Cross-functional orientation | Examine the influence of cross-functional orientation on customer satisfaction and SCR in SCM. |
[7] | Assessing responsiveness | Describe a structural approach to assess the responsiveness of a volatile and seasonal SC. |
[31] | Responsiveness of the partnership of SC | Explore how innovations in SC communication systems affect channel relationships and market performance. |
[32] | Responsiveness to customers and competitors | Identify the differential mechanisms that drive responsiveness to customers and responsiveness to competitors. |
[33] | Manufacturing response | Develop an overall framework for capturing the main attributes of a responsive enterprise. |
[3] | Customer responsiveness | Propose a clear definition of SCR and its relationship to flexibility and develop a holistic framework. |
[34] | Competitive strategy | Analyze both advanced manufacturing and SC management to develop a framework for responsive SC. |
[35] | Market performance | Examine the multiple roles of system collaboration and strategic collaboration and how they, directly and indirectly, influence a firm’s SCR and market performance. |
[36] | Response to SC disruptions | Identify the repertoire of strategic responses to SC disruptions and devise and test a model that explains the occurrence of alternative responses. |
[37] | IT integration | Examine the influence of information technology integration and trust on SCR in varied cultural distance conditions. |
[38] | Factors that affect the SCR | Develop a theoretical framework to improve coordination in the SC and test it empirically. |
[39] | Manufacturing flexibility and technological dimensions | Investigate the impact of manufacturing flexibility and technological dimensions of manufacturing strategy on SCR. |
[40] | Modularity-based manufacturing practices | Extend previous research on manufacturing practices exploring dimension-level and item-level relationships between manufacturing practices based on modularity and SCR. |
[41] | Impact of SCM practices | Conceptualize three dimensions of SCR and develop a reliable and valid instrument to measure this concept. |
[42] | Strategic supplier partnership and postponement | Examine the role of strategic supplier partnership and postponement, respectively, on the relation between lean and agile SC strategy and SCR. |
[43] | Several topics | Not specified. |
[44] | Responsiveness and flexibility in multisite production environments | Explore responsiveness and flexibility in multisite production systems to identify the factors that require and enable responsiveness in a production network system. |
[45] | Responsiveness and process integration in SC coordination | Present an integrative framework related to chain responsiveness, process integration, SC coordination, and performance. |
[2] | SCR: a relational capability perspective | Conceptually explore trust, commitment, communication, cooperation, adaptation, and interdependence as relational resources in developing SCR. |
[1] | Responsive SC | Develop a model of responsive SC management. |
[46] | Retail SCR | Empirically analyze the impacts of SC strategies on retail SCR. |
[47] | Determinants of SCR | Verify the significance of SC strategies (lean and agile SC, strategic supplier partnership, and postponement) on achieving SCR. |
[48] | Stages of response to SC disruption | Not specified |
[49] | SCM practices and product development | Develop a moderated mediation model, investigate the influence of SCM practices on product development, explore the mediating role of SCR, and examine the moderating influence of organization structure and research and development. |
[50] | Responsiveness manufacturing | Understand the main motivation behind the re-shoring strategy of UK companies located in India. |
[4] | SC | Explore the effect of data-driven SC capabilities on financial performance. |
[51] | Environmental scanning, SC integration, responsiveness, and operational performance | Investigate the effects of environmental scanning on operational performance through SC integration and SCR. |
[52] | SC orientation for global supplier responsiveness | Utilize middle-range theorizing to examine whether a US manufacturer can leverage SC orientation to garner responsiveness from a global supplier. |
[53] | SC drivers and retail SCR | Explore important drivers of retail SCR. |
[54] | SC | Epistemologically extend and explore the present theories from prior research conducted in the area of responsiveness. |
[55] | SCR and customer development | Examine how SCR impacts the ability of firms to attract, satisfy, and retain customers. |
[56] | Responsiveness model of textile SC | Examine the effect of the combination of material flow, information flow, lead time, and overall capability on the responsiveness of a textile SC. |
[57] | SC | Show the potential of defined responsiveness based on SC and logistics management. |
[58] | Process modularity and SCR | Extend the literature on SCR processes. |
[59] | Global SCM | Guide both scholars and industrialists on reforming global SCM to achieve responsiveness, resilience, and restoration and to seek survival under a pandemic. |
Reference | Assessed Components | Stimulus | Activity | Objective | Evaluation |
[8] | Stimuli, goals, capabilities | X | X | X | |
[28] | Lead time, postponement strategies, bullwhip effect, and information exchange | X | X | X | |
[29] | Buyer behavior, operational accuracy, lead time, organizational culture, and collaboration | X | |||
[30] | Interfunctional cooperation, operational linkages, information exchange, participative management style, technology integration, length of Internet adoption, and customer satisfaction | X | X | ||
[7] | Strategies and operational level of responsiveness, cluster, and indicators | X | X | X | |
[31] | Information exchange and interfirm coordination | X | |||
[32] | Customer orientation of the cognitive organizational system, customer orientation of the affective organizational system, customer-related responsiveness, and competitor-related responsiveness | X | |||
[33] | Manufacturing responsiveness and response output | X | X | ||
[3] | Operational factors, SC integration, external requirements, and relational factors | X | X | ||
[34] | Virtual enterprise, strategic planning, knowledge and IT management, and outcome | X | X | ||
[35] | System collaboration and strategic collaboration | X | |||
[36] | Trust, dependence, SC disruption orientation, and prior experience | X | |||
[37] | Disruption impact | ||||
[38] | Top-level commitment, organizational factors, mutual under-standing, flow of information, and relationship- and deci-sion-making | X | |||
[39] | New product flexibility, E-procurement, market flexibility, and advanced manufacturing technology | X | |||
[40] | Modularity-based manufacturing practices and SCR | X | |||
[41] | Strategic supplier partnership, customer relationship, information sharing, operation system responsiveness, logistics process responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, price/cost, quality, delivery dependability, and time to market and product innovation | X | X | ||
[42] | Lean SC strategy, agile SC strategy, strategic supplier partnership, postponement, and firm performance | X | |||
[43] | Operational factors, SC integration, external determinants, strategic planning, virtual enterprise, knowledge and information technology management, and SCR | X | X | ||
[44] | Operational factors, SC integration, external requirements, and relational factors | X | X | ||
[45] | SCR, SC process integration, and SC coordination | X | |||
[2] | Relational resources | X | |||
[1] | Operational factors, SC integration, external determinants, strategic planning, virtual enterprise, knowledge and IT management, and SCR | X | |||
[46] | Lean SC strategy, agile SC strategy, and hybrid strategies | X | |||
[47] | Lean SC strategy, agile SC strategy, strategic supplier partnership, and postponement | X | |||
[48] | Recognition, diagnosis, development, and implementation | X | |||
[49] | SCM practices, organization structure, research and development, and product development | X | |||
[50] | Human factors, manufacturing equipment, and IT solutions | X | |||
[4] | SC data drives | X | |||
[51] | Environmental scanning, SC integration | X | |||
[52] | SC orientation, formal institutionaldistance, and informal institutional distance | X | |||
[53] | Suppliers, inventory management, IT, transportation management, and coordination | X | |||
[54] | Innovation, collaboration, flexibility, service performance, customer relationship management, and customer engagement | X | |||
[55] | Operation system responsiveness, supplier network responsiveness, and logistics process responsiveness | X | |||
[56] | Material flow, overall capability, information flow, and lead time | X | |||
[57] | Flexibility, agility, resilience, and improvisation | X | |||
[58] | Process modularity: architecture, interfaces, standards | X | |||
[59] | Operational flexibilities and strategies, managerial attitudes, enhanced logistics, forecasting, and analytics | X |
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Díaz Pacheco, R.A.; Benedito, E. Analysis of Supply Chain Response Frameworks: A Literature Review. Logistics 2024, 8, 63.
Díaz Pacheco RA, Benedito E. Analysis of Supply Chain Response Frameworks: A Literature Review. Logistics. 2024; 8(3):63.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDíaz Pacheco, Raúl Antonio, and Ernest Benedito. 2024. "Analysis of Supply Chain Response Frameworks: A Literature Review" Logistics 8, no. 3: 63.
APA StyleDíaz Pacheco, R. A., & Benedito, E. (2024). Analysis of Supply Chain Response Frameworks: A Literature Review. Logistics, 8(3), 63.