A Survey of Recent Trends in Multiobjective Optimal Control—Surrogate Models, Feedback Control and Objective Reduction
:1. Introduction
2. Multiobjective Optimization
2.1. Theory
- 1.
- a point dominates a point u, if and .
- 2.
- a feasible point is called globally Pareto optimal if there exists no feasible point dominating . The image of a globally Pareto optimal point is called a globally Pareto optimal value. If this property holds in a neighborhood , then is called locally Pareto optimal.
- 3.
- the set of non-dominated feasible points is called the Pareto set and its image the Pareto front .
2.2. Solution Methods
3. Surrogate Models
3.1. Inaccuracies and -Dominance
- 1.
- a point confidently dominates a point u, if and for at least one .
- 2.
- The set of almost non-dominated points, which is a superset of the Pareto set , is defined as:
- (a)
- If then there exists no direction with:
- (b)
- All points u with are contained in the set:
3.2. Surrogate Models for the Objective Function
- Response Surface Models (RSM);
- Radial Basis Functions (RBF);
- statistical models such as Kriging or Gauss regression;
- machine learning methods such as artificial neural networks or support vector machines;
- How large does the set have to be?
- How can we pick the correct elements for ?
- Do we define in advance or online during the model building process?
3.3. Surrogate Models for the Dynamical System
3.3.1. ROMS via Proper Orthogonal Decomposition or the Reduced Basis Method
3.3.2. Optimal Control Using Surrogate Models
- build a model once,
- construction of regular updates in a trust region approach,
- construction of regular updates using error estimators.
3.4. ROM-Based Multiobjective Optimal Control of PDEs
3.4.1. Scalarization
3.4.2. Set-Oriented Approaches with -Dominance
3.5. Summary
4. Feedback Control
4.1. Online Multiobjective Optimization
- compute a single Pareto-optimal solution according to some predefined preference,
- compute only a rough approximation of the Pareto set,
- compute an arbitrary Pareto-optimal control that satisfies additional constraints (e.g., stability).
4.2. Offline-Online Decomposition
4.2.1. Example: Autonomous Driving
4.3. Summary
5. Reduction Techniques for Many-Objective Optimization Problems
6. Future Directions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Surveys | |
Tabatabei et al. [2], Chugh et al. [3] | Extensive surveys on meta modeling for MOEAs |
Voutchkov and Keane [74], Knowles and Nakayama [1], Jin [75] | Surveys on meta modeling approaches from statistics (RSM, RBF) and machine learning in combination with MOEAs |
Benner et al. [83], Taira et al. [85], Peherstorfer et al. [84] | Surveys on reduced order modeling of dynamical systems |
Algorithms Using Meta Models for the Objective Function | |
Ong et al. [112], Ray et al. [113] | Combination of RBF and MOEA |
Chung and Alonso [114], Keane [115] | Combination of kriging models and MOEA |
Karakasis and Giannakoglou [116] | RBF as an inexpensive pre-processing step in a MOEA |
Knowles [117] | Combination of DoE and an interactive method |
Zhang et al. [118] | Combination of Gaussian process models and scalarization |
Telen et al. [79] | Combination of DoE and scalarization and MOEA |
Chugh et al. [119] | Kriging model in combination with reference vector approach for MOPs |
Meta Models Specifically Tailored to Multiobjective Optimization | |
Shimoyama et al. [120] | Kriging surrogate for hypervolume approximation (MOEA) |
Pan et al. [121] | Surrogate model for dominance relations with uncertainties |
Algorithms Using Surrogate Models for the System Dynamics | |
Iapichino et al. [105] | Combination of POD and weighted sum |
Banholzer et al. [108,109] | Combination of POD and reference point method |
Iapichino et al. [106] | Combination of RB and weighted sum |
Peitz [73] | Combination of TR-POD and reference point method |
Beermann et al. [110,111] | Combination of POD and set-oriented method |
Applications | |
Albunni et al. [53] | POD and MOEA applied to the Maxwell equation |
Ma and Qu [80] | MO of a switched reluctance motor by coupling RSM and MOEA (particle swarm optimization) |
Peitz et al. [107] | POD-based multiobjective optimal control of the Navier–Stokes equations via scalarization and set-oriented methods |
Wang et al. [122] | MOEA with multi-fidelity surrogate-management and offline-online decomposition applied to a trauma system |
Algorithms without Offline Phase: Computation of Single Points | |
Kerrigan et al. [131], Wojsznis et al. [154] | Scalarization via Weighted Sum (WS) |
Kerrigan and Maciejowski [155], He et al. [137] | Scalarization via lexicographic ordering |
Bemporad and Muñoz de la Peña [132,133] | Scalarization via WS for convex objectives, guaranteed stability for large gain vs. noise robust stabilizing objectives |
Geisler and Trächtler [134] | WS, online adaptation of weights using gradient information |
Maestre et al. [143] | Scalarization via game-theoretic approach |
Zavala and Flores-Tlacuahuac [135] | Scalarization via reference point approach |
Hackl et al. [129] | Scalarization via WS for Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) systems |
Zavala [136] | Scalarization via -constraint: economic objective, stability as constraint |
Grüne and Stieler [130] | Economic objectives, performance bounds via selection criterion |
Algorithms without Offline Phase: Approximation of the Entire Pareto Set | |
Laabidi et al. [138,140], Garcìa et al. [141] | ANN for state prediction, optimization via MOEA, selection of Pareto point via WS |
Bouani et al. [139] | ANN for state prediction, comparison of two MOEAs and WS for MOP |
Nakayama et al. [142] | Few MOEA iterations online, selection via satisficing trade-off method |
Algorithms with Offline Phase | |
Fonseca [145], Herreros et al. [146] | Offline computation of Pareto optimal controller parameters using MOEA |
Scherer et al. [156] | Robust control using a common Lyapunov function for multiple stability criteria |
Ben Aicha et al. [147] | Offline computation of Pareto optimal controllers parameters via EA and WS, online selection according to geometric mean of objectives |
Krüger et al. [148] | Offline computation of Pareto optimal controllers parameters via Set oriented methods, parametric model reduction for increased efficiency |
Hernández et al. [149], Xiong et al. [150] | Offline computation of Pareto-optimal controllers parameters via simple cell mapping |
Peitz et al. [48] | Offline-online decomposition similar to explicit MPC |
Applications | |
Zambrano and Camacho [157] | MOMPC of a solar refrigeration plant via scalarization |
Porfírio et al. [158] | MOMPC of an industrial splitter using a min-max reformulation |
Pedersen and Yang [159] | MO PID controller design for magnetic levitation systems via MOEA |
Li et al. [160] | Multiobjective adaptive cruise control for vehicles |
Hu et al. [161] | MOMPC of high-power converters via WS |
Núñez et al. [162] | MOMPC of dynamic pickup and delivery problems using MOEA |
Peitz et al. [163] | MOMPC of an industrial laundry, scalarization of a traveling salesman problem via WS |
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Share and Cite
Peitz, S.; Dellnitz, M. A Survey of Recent Trends in Multiobjective Optimal Control—Surrogate Models, Feedback Control and Objective Reduction. Math. Comput. Appl. 2018, 23, 30. https://doi.org/10.3390/mca23020030
Peitz S, Dellnitz M. A Survey of Recent Trends in Multiobjective Optimal Control—Surrogate Models, Feedback Control and Objective Reduction. Mathematical and Computational Applications. 2018; 23(2):30. https://doi.org/10.3390/mca23020030
Chicago/Turabian StylePeitz, Sebastian, and Michael Dellnitz. 2018. "A Survey of Recent Trends in Multiobjective Optimal Control—Surrogate Models, Feedback Control and Objective Reduction" Mathematical and Computational Applications 23, no. 2: 30. https://doi.org/10.3390/mca23020030
APA StylePeitz, S., & Dellnitz, M. (2018). A Survey of Recent Trends in Multiobjective Optimal Control—Surrogate Models, Feedback Control and Objective Reduction. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 23(2), 30. https://doi.org/10.3390/mca23020030