This section is divided into three subsections dedicated to the presentation of theories, hypotheses, and materials and methods proposed.
2.1. Underlying Theories
In the literature, there is a set of theories that seek to justify the motivations for voluntary disclosure by entities, but none of them can explain the phenomenon of reporting (
Leventis and Weetman 2000). For better contextualization and justification of the hypotheses addressed in this paper, four theories were relevant in the study as justifications of voluntary reporting (
De Lima e Silva et al. 2015): the legitimacy theory, the agency theory, the theory of signaling, and the theory of higher echelons.
Considering legitimacy theory, business disclosures are made as reactions to the environment and to legitimize business actions (
Guthrie and Parker 1989). This theory is based on the notion that an entity operates in society through a social contract, where it agrees to perform various socially accepted actions in exchange for approval (
Guthrie and Parker 1989). To this end, it needs to disseminate sufficient social information for society to assess its good social performance. By legitimizing its actions through disclosure, an entity ultimately hopes to legitimize its existence (
Guthrie and Parker 1989).
Legitimacy is a condition or status that exists when an entity’s value system is congruent with the value of the social system of which the entity is a part. When there is a disparity, actual or potential, between the two value systems, there is a threat to the legitimacy of the entity (
Lindblom 1994).
Currently, entities need to do more than just provide economic benefits and comply with the law to be considered legitimate in the society in which they operate, and it is necessary to act within the limits of what is considered acceptable according to the values and norms of society (
Castelo Branco and Rodriques 2007). The legitimacy theory appears in this context as a justification of the report, because the entities feel somehow persuaded by this social contract to make a voluntary report of their activities (
Ereira 2007).
On the other hand, the agency theory, developed by
Jensen and Meckling (
1976), is based on the conflict of interests between the principals (owners of the entities) and the agents (managers of the same). The authors define the agency relationship as a contract under which one or more persons (principals) hire another person (the agent) to perform some service on their behalf, which involves the delegation of authority in the agent’s decision making.
According to
Morris (
1987), agency theory is concerned with the problem between the principal and the agent concerning the difference between the ownership and control of an entity, between different suppliers of capital, as well as in the separation between the assumption of risks, decision making, and the functions of control in the entity. If individuals act in self-interest, these separations produce conflicts. The author further describes that such conflicts incur agency costs that are, first and foremost, the decline in an entity’s value when owners realize that managers are not pursuing their interests (the interests of shareholders) or when they act inefficiently. Second, the costs of monitoring and linking managers’ interest are relevant, so that they meet the interests of the owners. There is a trade-off between these two sets of agency costs. The first agency costs are the loss of a manager’s opportunity if it is not reduced by monitoring and linkage, since their acts of self-interest precipitate the costs and shareholders incorporate them into the entity’s share price (
Morris 1987).
Finally, signaling theory focuses on issues related to information asymmetry problems (
Morris 1987). According to
Cotter et al. (
2011), this signaling involves the communication of an entity’s value using the available channels. The authors further add that managers can also provide additional information to investors through voluntary disclosures to assist them in making investment decisions. According to
Ereira (
2007), entities’ managers are those with the duty of transmitting to investors signals that evidence it, since they have a higher level of the entity’s specific information in comparison to other market agents.
Signaling theory suggests that managers tend to reveal good news to the market to avoid any undervaluation of their shares (
Elzahar and Hussainey 2012). However, an entity’s management may tend to hide or postpone the release of bad news because the magnitude of the market’s reaction to bad news is greater than that to good news (
Kothari et al. 2009). On the other hand, according to those authors, entities also have an incentive to report their bad news, to avoid litigation costs for non-disclosure, and to maintain the equity value of the entities. Based on
Cotter et al. (
2011), managers of entities with neutral news have the incentive to report positive news so that they are not suspected of having bad results. In this sense, signaling theory seems to indicate that entities will disclose more information than required (
Morris 1987).
Additionally, in the present study, the upper echelons theory is pertinent to explain the influence of the BD on strategic decisions, among them, the decision on the disclosure of information. According to
Michelon et al. (
2019), the upper echelons theory proposes that organizational strategic results and processes are a consequence of the characteristics of the top or top managers. According to the authors, the main notion of the theory is that strategic choices, unlike operational decisions, originate in behavioral factors and not in the mechanical calculation for economic optimization.
Based on
Pacheco et al. (
2019), this theory addresses two strands: observable characteristics (such as gender, education, and age) and psychological characteristics. Then, according to such characteristics, executives base their decisions in ways that influence their strategies, since these characteristics end up influencing the way they interpret the situation.
The following subsection proposes the hypotheses based on these theories.
2.2. Hypotheses
Potentially explanatory factors of the level of risk disclosure by entities arise from the influence of the theories referred to in the previous subsection.
According to the literature, it has been found that the size is usually explained by the agency theory (
Kongprajya 2010;
Glaum and Street 2003;
Alkababji 2016) and the legitimacy theory (
Kongprajya 2010). The theories cited are consensual regarding the positive association between the size of an entity and the level of risk disclosure.
Several factors may justify that the size of an entity may impact information disclosure practices. The cost of disseminating more detailed information is lower for larger entities since this information is often also produced for internal purposes and companies of larger size and with a higher growth rate have significant mandatory compliance (
Singhvi and Desai 1971).
According to both agency theory and legitimacy theory, larger entities have a greater public interest and, as such, have additional disclosure needs, supporting the existence of a positive association between the size of the entities and the disclosure of risk (
De Lima e Silva et al. 2015). In addition,
Kongprajya (
2010) justifies that, according to these two theories, larger entities tend to have a greater impact on society. As such, larger entities tend to disclose more risk than smaller entities (
Ereira 2007).
H1. The level of disclosure of risk-related matters in RI is positively associated with the size of the entity.
Regarding profitability, some theories intend to explain the relationship between the profitability of entities and the level of disclosure, among them the agency theory (
Guerreiro 2006;
Elzahar and Hussainey 2012) and signaling theory (
Owusu-Ansah 1998;
Tsalavoutas 2011). The theories cited generally point to a positive association between this factor and the level of disclosure.
According to agency theory, managers of entities with high profitability tend to provide more information about risk in intermediate reports to justify their current performance to shareholders (
Elzahar and Hussainey 2012).
Since profitability is a measure to evaluate management performance, and in the light of signaling theory, a profitable entity will tend to disclose more information to justify the continuity of management and the possible advantages for its managers (
Owusu-Ansah 1998). In this sense, signaling theory justifies that entities with good news tend to disclose more detailed and accurate information than entities that intend to present bad news to the market (
Singhvi and Desai 1971).
H2. The level of disclosure of risk-related matters in RI is positively associated with the entity’s profitability.
According to agency theory, agency costs are higher in highly leveraged entities, and to mitigate them, entities need to disclose more information to meet the needs of lenders (
Jensen and Meckling 1976). In addition, entities with higher levels of indebtedness have a greater incentive to disclose information and to respond to the demands of their shareholders because of the high financial risk (
Elzahar and Hussainey 2012).
However, according to
De Lima e Silva et al. (
2015), the signaling theory points out that less indebted entities are encouraged to send signals to the market about their position, causing higher levels of disclosure. Then, according to
Guerreiro (
2006), the entities with lower indebtedness disclose more information.
H3. The level of disclosure of risk-related matters in RI is positively associated with the entity’s indebtedness.
The structure of an entity’s BD, namely the explanatory factor number of non-executive members, is supported by agency theory. According to such a theory, an entity with a more concentrated ownership structure tends to have lower agency costs compared with entities in which the management structure involves people external to the entity itself, due to the separation of ownership and control (
Jensen and Meckling 1976).
In more diffuse structures, agency problems increase, as members with lower levels of participation in the entity may have difficulty monitoring management activities, and a higher level of disclosure is expected (
Barako et al. 2006). In this sense, a positive association is expected between the number of non-executive members on the BD and the level of risk disclosure.
In the literature, a positive association has been found between the size and independence of the BD and the level of risk disclosure (
Elshandidy et al. 2013,
2021). Regarding the quality of disclosure in RI, the educational level of the members of the BD has more influence on the quality of RI reporting, compared with the number of executive and/or non-executive members (
Songini et al. 2021). This also demonstrates a positive relationship between the level of education of the members and the quality of the dissemination in IRs. Having said that, the fourth hypothesis (H4) of this study was defined as follows:
H4. The level of disclosure of risk-related matters in IR is positively associated with the weight of non-executive directors on the BD.
According to
Adams and Ferreira (
2009), the diversity of members on the BD can affect the decision-making process. In addition, women play an important role in positions related to the monitoring and risk management of entities. The upper echelons theory advocates that the strategic results and processes of entities are influenced by the characteristics or management styles of senior managers or top managers (
Michelon et al. 2019). The theory argues that such characteristics, such as gender, can influence strategic decision making (
Mineiro 2016).
In the literature, a positive association has been proposed between risk disclosure and BD diversity (
Ntim et al. 2013;
Allini et al. 2014;
Mineiro 2016). As for the type of disclosure, particularly on prospects and the quality of information, studies show a positive association between the gender of the board and the level of disclosure (
Kılıç and Kuzey 2018;
Iredele 2019). In this sense, the fifth hypothesis (H5) was defined as follows:
H5. The level of disclosure of risk-related matters in IR is positively associated with gender diversity in the BD.
The audit is associated with the theory of the agency, with a positive relationship between this explanatory factor and the level of risk disclosure (
Tsalavoutas 2011). From the perspective of the agency’s policy, to reduce high agency costs, entities would be motivated to hire audit firms. In addition to reducing costs, auditing also increases the credibility of disclosures (
Jensen and Meckling 1976).
In this sense,
Elshandidy et al. (
2021) found a positive association between the size of the audit committee and risk disclosure. According to the authors, larger entities, with high dividend levels, greater board independence, and an effective audit environment, tend to have higher levels of risk disclosure than other entities. Other studies have found no evidence of an association between risk disclosure and auditor fees and audit size (especially those designated as the Big 4) (
Serrasqueiro and Mineiro 2018;
Kılıç and Kuzey 2018).
Thus, considering the studies that conclude the existence of a positive association between the audit and the level of risk disclosure, the sixth hypothesis (H6) of this study was formulated in the following terms:
H6. The level of disclosure of risk-related matters in IR is positively associated with the assurance of reliability by external audit.
Finally, the activity sector finds support in the signaling theory, to the extent that entities in the same activity sector are more likely to adopt the same level of disclosure (
Khlif and Hussainey 2016). In this sense, if an entity in the same sector fails to follow the same disclosure practices, this can be interpreted as a sign of news concealment (
Khlif and Hussainey 2016).
Therefore, entities in certain sectors tend to disclose more information than others (
Elzahar and Hussainey 2012;
Coulmont et al. 2020). Some studies found a positive association between certain sectors and the level of disclosure of risk stories (
Elzahar and Hussainey 2012). However, there is no evidence of the influence of the sector on disclosure rates (
Coulmont et al. 2020). Having said that, the seventh hypothesis (H7) was defined with an undefined sign of association, as follows:
H7. The level of disclosure of risk-related matters in RI is associated with the entity’s activity sector.
Table 1 presents a summary of the explanatory factors, the related theories, the signs of association underlying the hypotheses, as well as the main results found in previous research.
2.3. Material and Methods
For the selection of the sample for the present study, the entities of the Brazilian stock exchange that were part of the IBX100 on 31 December 2020 were initially selected. The IBX 100, or Brazil Index, is an index that includes the 100 equity securities (shares) of entities with greater negotiability and representativeness of the B3 (
Brasil 2021). This choice considered this characteristic, as well as the public accessibility of the reports and accounts of such entities. The identification of the entities was obtained by consulting the B3 website. It should be noted, however, that from the IBX100 listing, it was observed that two types of shares belonged to the same entity and, consequently, a total of 98 entities were previously selected.
After this selection, the second criterion used for the sample selection consisted of the entities that had disclosed an IR for the year 2020. Once this criterion was applied, 49 entities were found that did not issue an IR or that did not refer in their annual report or sustainability report to the IIRC guidelines. The entity’s website was used for collecting its reporting.
Thus, after applying the proposed criteria, a total of 49 entities that are members of the IBX100 were selected as the research sample of this study for the year 2020.
Table 2 summarizes the criteria applied for the selection of the study entities.
Subsequently, and after consulting the sectoral classification of each entity, available on the website of the Brazilian stock exchange, the entities in the sample were grouped into four sectors of economic activity, presented and coded as follows: trade, services, and others (sector 1); energy (sector 2); financial (sector 3); and industry (sector 4).
Industry and commerce, services, and others are the sectors with the highest predominance in the total number of entities (16 entities in each sector), followed by the financial sector (10 entities) and, finally, the energy sector (7 entities).
Table 3 provides more in-depth information on the entities and the activity sector to which they belong.
To identify the types of risks disclosed by the entities in the IRs, this research used content analysis as a technique. For collecting the dependent variables proposed for this study, key issues were initially proposed. The issues were based on RI’s international framework, where the IIRC describes what entities need to respond to when reporting “risks”.
Then, the study selected a set of seven dependent variables associated with the level of disclosure of each of the (six) types of risk, to which was added the total risks (TR) resulting from the grouping of individual risks. At stake, the following risk typologies are proposed: financial risk (FR), operational risk (OR), leadership and management risk (LMR), integrity risk (IR_), information and technological risk (ITR), and strategic risk (SR). Each type of risk is associated with certain attributes for which different individual items of analysis have been proposed. It is worth stressing that the IR_ includes issues related to environmental and social matters, while SR includes governance issues. Therefore, these proposed categories of risks can be seen as related to sustainable development since they comprise the ESG factors.
For this classification, it became important to find out what are the specific risks that affect an entity’s ability to generate value in the short, medium, and long term, in addition to the actions to deal with them. For the definition of the type of risk, as well as the attribute disclosed by the entities, the IIRC definitions for the item were considered as well as the categorization of the type of risks carried out in the studies by
Linsley and Shrives (
Ereira (
2007), and
De Lima e Silva et al. (
According to The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (
ICAEW 1997), the FR results from the possibility of financial means not being adequately managed from money availability, the uncertainty of the exchange rate, the interest rate, credit, and other financial risks. It also comes from the possibility of losses caused by failures, deficiencies or inadequacy of internal processes, people, systems, and external events. Its management includes the identification of weaknesses or inadequacies in the activities to enable the correct and timely action for mitigation (
Banco do Brasil 2020). In turn, the LMR is related to the strategic decisions of the management of the entities that may jeopardize their performance and communication with related parties (
Linsley and Shrives 2006). In this follow-up, ITR comes from cyber-attacks against technology and information infrastructure or corporate systems that may affect data integrity, confidentiality, and availability (
BB Seguridade 2020). The IR_ is associated with inadequacy or deficiency in signed contracts, as well as sanctions due to non-compliance with legal provisions and compensation for damages to third parties arising from the activities developed (
Banco Pan 2020). Finally, SR is related to the adversities that can affect entities and interfere with their ability to execute their strategy. Among them, for example, are environmental, social, and political risks (
Linsley and Shrives 2006).
Table 4 presents the types of risks selected for the study and their disclosure attributes.
After defining the type of risk and the respective attributes to be disclosed, five issues (Q) were proposed, that is, individual items of analysis to be analyzed for the set composed of risk and attribute, from the reading and assessment of the IR by each entity, as shown in
Table 5.
Subsequently, an evaluation matrix (risk/attribute/issue) was proposed for recording the items disclosed by an entity, as shown in
Table 6.
Subsequently, the IR from each entity was read to find information about the disclosure of the risk, as performed in previous studies (
Linsley and Shrives 2006;
Ereira 2007;
De Lima e Silva et al. 2015). Then, the analysis was performed using an evaluation matrix per entity, with the data organized to collect each type of risk, according to the different attributes and respective issues under analysis. For each positive response to the item under assessment, the values “1” and “0” were assigned otherwise, which allowed us to identify the entities’ risk disclosure level at the end of this process.
Table 7 shows the maximum number of items for each proposed risk and disclosure attribute per entity.
To assess the levels of risk disclosure of the entities in the sample, disclosure indices were computed, which were later used as dependent variables in the seven regression models proposed, namely FR, OR, LMR, ITR, IR_, SR, and the TR. The disclosure indexes were developed based on other studies that adopted this methodology (
Ereira 2007). Therefore, the DIX of each entity can be obtained as presented in the following expression:
ID = disclosure index;
X = typology of the risk under assessment, which may represent, inter alia, financial risk (FR), operational risk (OR), leadership and management risk (LMR), information and technological risk (ITR), integrity risk (IR_), strategic risk (SR) and, finally, the total risks (TR);
d = 1 when the element is disclosed and 0 when it is not disclosed by an entity;
m = number of items disclosed;
n = number of items susceptible to the disclosure;
i = observed disclosures; and
p = total disclosures that can be observed.
Table 8 summarizes the independent variables used as proxies for the explanatory factors proposed in this research from the literature, with those selected for this study highlighted in gray.
Regarding the profitability, associated with H2, we chose to use the return on equity (ROE) indicator, as it is more widely used (namely, by
Vandemaele et al. 2009;
Elzahar and Hussainey 2012;
Elshandidy et al. 2013,
Serrasqueiro and Mineiro 2018;
Coulmont et al. 2020), although it can be also seen in literature the use other measures, such as the return on assets (ROA) (
Lee and Yeo 2016;
Kılıç and Kuzey 2018), earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) (
Ereira 2007).
Regarding the non-executive members of the BD, underlying H4, the percentage of these in the total number of directors (executive and non-executive) was considered, as proposed by the literature (
Elshandidy et al. 2013,
Gender diversity, underlying H5, was calculated using the total number of male or female members who make up the board (
Ntim et al. 2013;
Allini et al. 2014;
Mineiro 2016;
Kılıç and Kuzey 2018;
Iredele 2019). However, the variable proposed for this study consisted of a dummy variable, calculated from the median of the sample in what concerned the weight of women, in which “0” corresponded to the entities with a lower weight of men on the BD and “1” if otherwise.
In the present study, the audit was also a dummy variable, with a value of “1” if the entity had an external audit and “0” if otherwise (
Kılıç and Kuzey 2018). In the literature, other proposals can be found, such as the study by
Elshandidy et al. (
2021), which used the size of the audit committee as a reference.
Serrasqueiro and Mineiro (
2018) used the auditor’s fees and the size of the audit firm (Big 4).
Finally, the study also used the sector of economic activity (sector) as an explanatory factor, proposed as a categorical variable (
Elzahar and Hussainey 2012;
Coulmont et al. 2020). For this purpose, the entities were previously grouped into four sectors, as referred to in the subsection on the characterization of the sample, namely: trade, services, and others (sector 1); energy (sector 2); financial (sector 3); and industry (sector 4).
Data on size, indebtedness, and profitability were obtained by consulting the financial data, while information on the audit, the number of non-executive members, and the gender of the members of the BD were obtained from other sources of RI available on each entity’s website in the investor relations section.
The analysis began with the presentation of descriptive statistics. Additionally, a nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test was performed to study the differences between the mean values of the risk disclosures for the different explanatory factors. To perform the test, the subgroups related to the explanatory factors that use continuous variables as proxies, namely size, indebtedness, profitability, audit, and members of the BD, were divided according to the median of the sample for each of these factors. For the remaining explanatory factors, namely the gender diversity in the BD, audit, and the sector, the subgroups were represented by the values “0” and “1”, associated with the dichotomous variables already proposed for these factors.
Finally, to assess the explanatory factors that potentially influence the disclosure of each of the types of risk in IRs, seven multiple linear regression models were proposed and executed, having as dependent variables the constructed disclosure indices and as independent variables the proposed explanatory factors, namely the size, the profitability, indebtedness, auditing, the number of non-executive members on the BD, the gender of the BD, and the activity sector. In the specific case of the size variable, the total assets were logarithmized, as proposed, for instance, by
Saraswatia and Bernawatib (
Multiple linear regression models are intended to identify the characteristics of entities (independent variables) that can explain the number of risk disclosures (dependent variables) (
Mineiro 2016). Therefore, considering the hypotheses and variables proposed for this study, the regression model was defined as follows:
IDX = dependent variable;
= model parameters, with
representing the constant; and
= standard error.
It should be noted that the inclusion of the categorical variable sector requires the prior transformation of each of the four sectors into distinct dichotomous variables (sector 1 to sector 4), in which “1” indicates, for each of these variables, the sector concerned and “0” if otherwise (entities from other sectors). In addition, the inclusion of these variables necessarily leads to the elimination of one of the existing variables, used as a reference variable for the analysis. Thus, this study excluded sector 4 (industry).
Before the regression analysis, some of the main assumptions used to validate the quality and usefulness of the model were analyzed. To identify the possible existence of autocorrelation in the regression residuals, the Durbin–Watson test was performed, assuming that there was no such evidence when the values were between 1.5 and 2.5 (
Mohammadi et al. 2021).
In turn, the F test ANOVA allowed us to simultaneously test for the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable and identify any interaction effect (
Pallant 2010). To assess any issues associated with collinearity between the proposed continuous independent variables, Pearson’s correlation was previously performed. According to
Pallant (
2010), collinearity occurs when the independent variables are strongly correlated with each other, considering that this occurs for values above 0.7 (in absolute value), which can result in a meaningless regression model. Thus, it is an important assumption to be validated in the linear regression model (
Maroco 2007).
It is also noteworthy that, in the linear regression model, the adjusted R square (or R
2) determines the extent of the variance of the dependent variable that can be explained by the independent variables proposed (
Tulcanaza-Prieto et al. 2020). Therefore, the higher the adjusted R², the better the regression model, since it implies a higher explanatory power of the independent variable chosen.
Finally, to validate the non-existence of multicollinearity among the independent variables, the variance inflation factor (VIF) was used. According to
Ferré (
2009), the VIF is commonly used to assess multicollinearity in a regression model and indicates the increase in the variance of a regression coefficient because of collinearity. With multicollinearity, the regression coefficients are still consistent, but they are no longer reliable, which means that the predictive power of the model is not reduced, but the coefficients may not be statistically significant (
Ferré 2009). According to
Maroco (
2007), if VIF values higher than 5 are obtained, we are facing problems with the estimation of the coefficients due to the presence of multicollinearity in the independent variables. For
Kalyar et al. (
2013), a VIF greater than 10 indicated that multicollinearity may be influencing least squares estimates. As such, if there are divergences in the literature in this regard, VIF values greater than 5 should be prudently avoided.
The results of the regression models are analyzed considering a significance level associated with each proposed independent variable of 5%.
The following section presents and discusses the findings from this research.