The Social Robot in Rehabilitation and Assistance: What Is the Future?
:1. Introduction
- To invest in social robots specifically designed as support during rehabilitation phases (such as, for example, in the care of the elderly).
- To invest in social robots specifically designed as cultural mediators to support during communication/therapy activity (such as in the care of autism).
- To address the problem of empathy in robotics, especially in relation to interaction with social robots.
- With AlphaGo, are we crossing the threshold between the two forms of artificial and human intelligence, and what does this entail for future developments?
- What is the boundary between a social robot and a powerful computer?
- Does a social robot have at least a mechatronic body (AlphaGo does not have one)?
- Is an interactive video connected to a computer attached to a mobile body/column sufficient to characterize a social robot?
- What degree of autonomy must a social robot have in any case?
- Is all of this ethically acceptable?
2. The Social Robot as an Evolution of the Collaborative Robot
2.1. Collaborative Robots
- Reactive collaboration: the robot responds to the movement of the worker in real time;
- Cooperation: the human and robot are both in motion and work simultaneously;
- Sequential collaboration: the human and robot share part or all of a workspace but do not work simultaneously;
- Coexistence: there is no shared workspace, but the human and robot work together.
2.2. Social Robots
- Establishing and maintaining social relationships;
- Learning social skills development and role models;
- Using “natural” signals, such as gestures and gaze;
- Expressing emotions and are able to perceive them;
- Communicating with high-level dialog;
- Expressing one’s own personality and distinctive character.
- (a)
- Support certain motor activities;
- (b)
- Support the elderly during feeding;
- (c)
- Support them in drug therapy; for example, by reminding them to take a drug;
- (d)
- Support them from a cognitive point of view; for example, by stimulating them with games and supporting them from the point of view of communicative interaction, even as simple company;
- (e)
- Or, more generally, provide support as a hospital assistant.
3. Research Directions in Social Robots
3.1. A Possible Categorization as a Reference
3.1.1. Affect, Personality and Adaptation
3.1.2. Sensing and Control for Action
3.1.3. Assistance to the Elderly and Handicapped
3.1.4. Toys and the Market for Social Robots in General
3.2. Further Personal Considerations
3.2.1. Social-Animal-Like Robot for Pet Therapy
3.2.2. Social Robots and COVID-19
4. Conclusions
- As facilitators/mediators to put fragile and/or needy subjects in contact with the health system and/or family members for more complete support of rehabilitation monitoring.
- As support in a more tailored patient-centered therapy by adapting SRs to the patient’s telerehabilitation needs.
- In the domiciliation of care also integrated on the basis of the previous point, with the emerging robotic rehabilitation technologies of the upper and lower limbs integrated into the telerehabilitative pathways and processes.
Conflicts of Interest
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Giansanti, D. The Social Robot in Rehabilitation and Assistance: What Is the Future? Healthcare 2021, 9, 244.
Giansanti D. The Social Robot in Rehabilitation and Assistance: What Is the Future? Healthcare. 2021; 9(3):244.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGiansanti, Daniele. 2021. "The Social Robot in Rehabilitation and Assistance: What Is the Future?" Healthcare 9, no. 3: 244.
APA StyleGiansanti, D. (2021). The Social Robot in Rehabilitation and Assistance: What Is the Future? Healthcare, 9(3), 244.