Current Trends in Random Walks on Random Lattices
:1. Introduction
Related Literature
2. The Operational Calculus of One-Dimensional Random Walks
- (i)
- is a linear functional on the space of all functions analytic at zero.
- (ii)
- where 1 for all .
- (iii)
- Let g be an analytic function at zero. Then,
- (iv)
- In particular, if , we have .
- (v)
- If is analytic at zero, then
- (vi)
- If , then
- (vii)
- For any real number a and for a positive integer n, except for , it holds true that
- (viii)
- For any two real numbers and two positive integers n and r (except for and ) it holds that
- (ix)
- If X be an integer-valued non-negative r.v. with and k is a positive integer, then
- (x)
- If X be an integer-valued non-negative r.v. with and k is a positive integer, then
3. Random Walks on Infinite Graphs and Cybersecurity: A Bivariate Model
- As previously, the attack times form a Poisson point process of rate λ.
- Inter-observation times are constant, i.e.,a.s., .
- Nodes lost per strike have an arbitrary finite discrete distribution, i.e., , and PGF , with p
- Weight per node , so we have LST .
- The initial functional (i.e., zero initial damage).
4. Time Insensitive Random Walk and Applications
5. Higher Dimensional Random Walks
6. Time Sensitive Analysis of Random Walks
- The jump times form a Poisson point process of rate λ.
- Inter-observation times are exponentially distributed with parameter μ, so their LST is .
- The marks of the real time process are geometrically distributed with parameter a, so their PGF is where .
- The initial functional (i.e., zero initial state and time).
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Dshalalow, J.H.; White, R.T. Current Trends in Random Walks on Random Lattices. Mathematics 2021, 9, 1148.
Dshalalow JH, White RT. Current Trends in Random Walks on Random Lattices. Mathematics. 2021; 9(10):1148.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDshalalow, Jewgeni H., and Ryan T. White. 2021. "Current Trends in Random Walks on Random Lattices" Mathematics 9, no. 10: 1148.
APA StyleDshalalow, J. H., & White, R. T. (2021). Current Trends in Random Walks on Random Lattices. Mathematics, 9(10), 1148.