1. Introduction
The geometry in Minkowski space is very important and interesting in both mathematics and physics. It is well-known that there exist three kinds of curves, i.e., space-like curve, time-like curve and light-like (null) curve in Minkowski space. Many topics in classical differential geometry of Riemannian manifolds can be extended into those of Lorentz–Minkowski manifolds. However, the geometry of null curves has no Riemannian analogs because one can not define the arc length parameter of null curves in a natural way due to the norm of the light-like vector vanishing everywhere.
Bejancu [
1] studied the properties of general null curves in Minkowski space. In 1998, Nersessian and Romos [
3] have shown the importance of null curves in physics and mathematics by showing that there exists a geometric particle model associated with null curves in Minkowski space. Inoguchi and Lee [
4] proved the existence of a canonical representation of null curves in Minkowski 3-space. All these works proved that it is possible to study the null curves if the appropriate method can be applied. Wang and Pei [
5] defined the Darboux (rotation) vector of a null curve which describes the direction of rotation axis of a Cartan frame in Minkowski 3-space. Nesovic et al. [
6] defined a k-type null Cartan slant helices lying on a time-like surface according to their Darboux frame. One of the authors and Kim [
7] defined the structure function of null curves and studied the directional associated curves of a null curve in Minkowski 3-space. Making use of the structure function of null curves, most of works about null curves have been pushed forward greatly, such as the generalized null scrolls that are characterized via the structure function of null curves [
In this paper, the Darboux associated curves of a null curve on three pseudo-Riemannian space forms are defined and studied. In
Section 2, some fundamental facts of null curves, space forms and the Darboux vector of a null curve are reviewed. In
Section 3, the relationships between a null curve and its Darboux associated curve on three pseudo-Riemannian space forms, i.e., de-Sitter space, hyperbolic space and light-like cone are discussed respectively. Particularly, the Darboux associated curves of k-type null helices are characterized and some typical examples are given. Last but not least, the relationship of two null curves which share the same Darboux associated curves is found.
Throughout this paper, all geometric objects under consideration are smooth and regular unless otherwise stated.
2. Preliminaries
be the Minkowski 3-space with natural Lorentzian metric
in terms of the natural coordinate system
. A vector
v in
is said to be space-like, time-like and light-like (null) if
, respectively. The norm of a vector
v is defined by
An arbitrary curve r in is space-like, time-like or light-like (null) if its tangent vector is space-like, time-like or light-like (null), correspondingly. For null curves, we have
Proposition 1. [7] Let be a null curve parameterized by the null arc length s (i.e.,
in . Then there exists a unique Cartan frame such thatwhere , . In the sequel,
is called the tangent, principal normal and binormal vector field of
, respectively. From Equation (
1), it is easy to know that
. The function
is called the null curvature of
which is an invariant under Lorentzian transformations [
4]. Hence, a null curve is only determined by its null curvature.
In [
7], the authors introduced the structure function and the representation formula of a null curve. Namely,
Proposition 2. [7] Let be a null curve. Then r can be written aswhere f is called the structure function of r. And the null curvature of r can be expressed by For a null curve
with Frenet frame
and null curvature
, the Darboux (rotation) vector field
is defined as
(see details in [
Definition 1. [9] Let p be a fixed point in and be a constant. Then the pseudo-Riemannian space forms, i.e., the de-Sitter space , the hyperbolic space and the light-like cone are defined as The point p is called the center of , and . When p is the origin and , we simply denote them by , and .
Proposition 3. [9] Let be a curve with Frenet frame . Thenwhere , . Proposition 4. [9] Let be a curve with Frenet frame . Thenwhere , . Proposition 5. [9] Let be a curve with Frenet frame . Thenwhere , . Definition 2. Let be a null curve with Darboux (rotation) vector field . Then the curve defined asis called the Darboux associated curve of on . Remark 1. Obviously, is space-like (respectively time-like or light-like) if and only if (respectively or because . If D is space-like (respectively time-like), then . If D is light-like, then the Darboux associated curve of degenerates as .
Remark 2. In particular, and is constant since when the null curvature is constant.
3. Main Results
In this section, we study the Darboux associated curve of a null curve on de-Sitter space , hyperbolic space and light-like cone , respectively.
3.1. Darboux Associated Curve of a Null Curve on De-Sitter Space
Theorem 1. Let be a null curve with Frenet frame and null curvature , its Darboux associated curve on with Frenet frame and curvature . Then the Frenet frames of and satisfythe curvature of can be given by Proof of Theorem 1. When
, i.e.,
for all
s, we have
Differentiating Equation (
8) by using Equations (
4) and (
1), it gives
is the arc length of
Taking scalar product on both sides of Equation (
9), we obtain
Equation (
10) implies
, i.e.,
. Hence, Equation (
9) can be rewritten by
Differentiating Equation (
11), we get
From Equation (
12), we can find easily
Taking scalar product on both sides of Equation (
13), we obtain
Thus, the curvature
is given by Equation (
7). □
3.2. Darboux Associated Curve of a Null Curve on Hyperbolic Space
Theorem 2. Let be a null curve with Frenet frame and null curvature , its Darboux associated curve on with Frenet frame and curvature . Then the Frenet frames of and satisfythe curvature of can be given by Proof of Theorem 2. When , i.e., for all s, by similar calculations in Theorem 1, we can find the conclusions easily. □
3.3. Darboux Associated Curve of a Null Curve on Light-like Cone
Theorem 3. The Darboux associated curve of a null curve on light-like cone degenerates as a point on .
Proof of Theorem 3. When , i.e., for all s. From Remark 2, the conclusion is straightforward. □
4. Darboux Associated Curves of K-Type Null Helices on Pseudo-Riemannian Space Forms
First of all, let us review the definition of k-type null helix in and the relevant results.
Definition 3. [10] Let be a null curve with Frenet frame . If there exists a nonzero constant vector field V such that (respectively is a constant for all , then is said to be a k-type (k=1,2,3) null helix and V is called the axis of . Remark 3. If the vector T, N or B in the Frenet frame of is constant, then every fixed direction V satisfies the above definition. Throughout this paper, we assume this situation never happens.
Theorem 4. [11] Let be a null curve. Then - 1.
is a 1-type null helix or 3-type null helix if and only if its null curvature is a constant;
- 2.
is a 2-type null helix if and only if its null curvature , .
Remark 4. From Theorem 4, a 1-type or 3-type null helix has constant null curvature, so their Darboux associated curves are not considered here by Remark 2.
Theorem 5. [8] Let be a 2-type null helix with null curvature Then and its structure function can be represented as - 1.
when and , we have - 2.
when and , we have - 3.
when and , we have
Theorem 6. Let be a 2-type null helix with null curvature , . Then the Darboux vector field of can be written as
- 1.
when and , we have - 2.
when and , we have - 3.
when and , we have
Proof of Theorem 6. From Proposition 1 and Theorem 5, through direct calculations, the Frenet frame of can be expressed as follows:
, we have
Therefore, the Darboux vector
can be written by
, we have
Therefore, the Darboux vector
can be written by
, we have
Therefore, the Darboux vector
can be written by
Theorem 7. Let be a 2-type null helix with null curvature , . Then the Darboux associated curve of can be expressed as
- 1.
when and , we have - 2.
when and , we have - 3.
when and , we have
Proof of Theorem 7. By Definition 2 and Theorem 6, the Darboux associated curve of can be obtained easily. □
From Theorem 1, Theorem 2 and Theorem 4, we have the following result.
Corollary 1. Let be a null curve. Then is a 2-type null helix if and only if its Darboux associated curve has nonzero constant curvature.
Proof (Proof of Corollary 1). Let
be a 2-type null helix in
. From Theorem 4, the null curvature is
. By Theorems 1 and 2, the curvature
of its Darboux associated curve
is given by
has nonzero constant curvature. Conversely, if
is a nonzero constant then, from Theorems 1 and 2, we know
Solving the above differential equation, we get
By Theorem 4, is a 2-type null helix. □
Example 1. Let be a 2-type null helix with . By Theorem 5, can be expressed by From Theorem 7, the Darboux associated curve can be obtained aswhich satisfies , i.e., . (see Figure 1 and Figure 2). Example 2. Let be a 2-type null helix with . By Theorem 5, can be expressed by From Theorem 7, the Darboux associated curve can be obtained aswhich satisfies , i.e., . (see Figure 3 and Figure 4). Example 3. Let be a 2-type null helix with . By Theorem 5, can be expressed by From Theorem 7, the Darboux associated curve can be written aswhich satisfies , i.e., . (see Figure 5 and Figure 6). Last but not least, we study the null curves which share the same Darboux associated curves on pseudo-Riemannian space forms.
Theorem 8. Let be null curves with non-constant null curvatures . If the Darboux associated curves of satisfy , then the null curvatures of satisfy or .
Proof of Theorem 8. (Case 1) Assume that
, i.e.,
for all
s. Since
, from Theorem 1, we have
Differentiating Equation (
14), we have
Taking scalar product on both sides of Equation (
15), we obtain
From Equation (
16), we have
which implies
Then, we have or .
(Case 2) Assume that , i.e., for all s. By the similar process as in (Case 1), the same result can be achieved. □
In 2015, one of the authors and Kim defined the self-associated curves of a null curve as follows:
Definition 4. [7] Let be a null curve with Frenet frame . The null curve defined by is called the self-associated curve of r, where is the null arc length parameter of . Theorem 9. [7] Let be a null curve framed by and its self-associated curve with Frenet frame . Then - 1.
the Frenet frame of is related by , , ;
- 2.
the null curvature of satisfy .
Corollary 2. Let be a null curve and its self-associated curve. Then they share the same Darboux associated curve on pseudo-Riemannian space forms.
Proof (Proof of Corollary 2). From Definition 2 and Theorem 9, the Darboux associated curve
can be written by
is the Darboux associated curve of
r. Then the result is achieved easily. □
Remark 5. Even the result in Corollary 2 shows that two null curves whose null curvature are reciprocal have the same Darboux associated curves, but it does not mean the opposite of conclusion in Theorem 8 holds.
Example 4. Let be a 2-type null helix with . and have been expressed in Example 1. From Definition 4, through direct calculations, the self-associated curve of can be expressed bywhich shares the same Darboux associated curve with . (see Figure 7 and Figure 8).
Author Contributions
J.Q. and X.F. set up the problem and computed the details. S.D.J. checked and polished the draft. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
The first author was supported by NSFC (11801065) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (N2005012). The third author was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (NRF-2018R1A2B2002046).
We thank the referee for the careful review and the valuable comments to improve the paper.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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