1. Introduction
In this paper, we deal with the concept of fuzzy metric space
due to George and Veeramani [
2]. These types of fuzzy metric spaces are close to probabilistic metric spaces (
-spaces) [
3] and fuzzy metric spaces in the sense of Kramosil and Michalek [
4]. In the same way as the mentioned spaces, a topology
, deduced from
, is defined on
. The family of open balls
is a base for
. In [
6], the authors proved that
is metrizable, and so many metric concepts were extended to the fuzzy context, some of them inherited from
-spaces. Now, a significant difference between fuzzy metric spaces and
-spaces (or classical metric spaces) is that, in general, fuzzy metric spaces do not admit completion [
8]. For this reason, an interesting problem in this fuzzy context is to find large classes of completable fuzzy metric spaces.
Several concepts of convergent sequences have been introduced in our fuzzy context (see [
11] and references therein). In particular, a weaker concept than convergence called
p-convergence (Definition 2) was introduced by D. Mihet in [
12] devoted to fixed point theory, which is currently a topic of high activity in this context (see, for instance, [
In [
20], the authors called
principal those fuzzy metric spaces in which every
p-convergent sequence is convergent and gave the following characterization:
principal if and only if for each
the family
is a local base at
x for
, for each
. In addition, according to the concept of
p-convergence, the authors introduced the concepts of a
p-Cauchy sequence (Definition 7) and
p-complete fuzzy metric space which here will be called weak
p-complete (Definition 10). We notice that in a principal fuzzy metric space one can find
p-Cauchy sequences that are not Cauchy.
In this paper, we approach two questions: the first one is related to those fuzzy metric spaces in which every p-Cauchy sequence is Cauchy; the second one is to provide a wide family of fuzzy metric spaces that admit completion. Both approaches are carried out by introducing a stronger concept than the principal fuzzy metric, named the strongly principal fuzzy metric. This concept arises from the observation of the characterization of principal fuzzy metrics, above shown, but applied to a particular base of the uniformity on , compatible with , deduced from , instead of the family of open balls (Definition 9). The class of strongly principal fuzzy metric spaces is a wide family that contains stationary fuzzy metrics (Definition 3) and a well-known fuzzy metric as the standard one.
Concerning the first question, we prove that if every p-Cauchy sequence in is Cauchy then is principal (Theorem 1). In addition, we prove that if is strongly principal then every p-Cauchy sequence is Cauchy (Proposition 3) and we ignore if the converse of this proposition is true (Problem 1). On the other hand, if is principal and weakly p-complete then the family of p-Cauchy sequences in agrees with the family of Cauchy sequences in (Proposition 5). Then, there arises a question related to Problem 1: Does a weak p-complete principal fuzzy metric space which is not strongly principal exist (Problem 2)?
With respect to the second question, using Proposition 6, we prove that every strongly principal fuzzy metric space , where is strong for an integral (positive) t-norm ∗, is completable (Corollary 3). Several examples throughout the paper illustrate the theory.
The structure of the paper is as follows. After preliminaries (
Section 2), we introduce and study, in
Section 3, the concept of a strongly principal fuzzy metric.
Section 4 is devoted to completeness and weak
p-completeness in (principal) fuzzy metric spaces and the completion of strongly principal fuzzy metric spaces.
2. Preliminaries
In the following, will denote the set of positive real numbers, i.e., is the interval .
Definition 1 (Ref. [
. A fuzzy metric space is an ordered triple such that is a (non-empty) set, ∗ is a continuous t-norm and is a fuzzy set on satisfying the following conditions, for all and :(GV1)
(GV2) if and only if
(GV5) The function is continuous, where for each .
If is a fuzzy metric space, we say that , or simply , is a fuzzy metric on . In addition, we say that , or simply , is a fuzzy metric space.
be a metric space. Denote by · the usual product on
, and let
be the fuzzy set defined on
is a fuzzy metric on
called the
standard fuzzy metric induced by
d [
George and Veeramani proved in [
1] that every fuzzy metric
generates a topology
which has as a base the family of open sets of the form
for all
. In the case of the standard fuzzy metric
, it is well known that the topology
deduced from
d satisfies
. If confusion is not possible, we write
instead of
. From now on, we suppose
is endowed with the topology
A t-norm ∗ is called integral (positive) if for all .
Definition 2 (Ref. [
. A fuzzy metric space is said to be strong (non-Archimedean) if for all and all it satisfies Definition 3 (Ref. [
. A fuzzy metric on is said to be stationary if does not depend on t, i.e., if for each the function defined in axiom (GV5) is constant, for all . Proposition 1 (Ref. [
. A sequence in a fuzzy metric space converges to if and only if , for all . Definition 4 (Ref. [
. A fuzzy metric space is said to be principal (or simply, is principal) if is a local base at , for each and each . If confusion is not possible, we also say, simply, that , or , is principal. This terminology is applied, without mention, as usual, to other concepts.
Definition 5 (Ref. [
. A sequence in a fuzzy metric space is called Cauchy if for each and each there exists such that for all , or equivalently, for all . is called complete if every Cauchy sequence in is convergent with respect to .
Definition 6 (Ref. [
. A sequence in a fuzzy metric space is called p-convergent to , or simply p-convergent, if for some . Definition 7. A sequence in a fuzzy metric space is called p-Cauchy if there exists such that for each there exists such that for all , or equivalently, for some .
Observe that every p-convergent sequence is p-Cauchy.
Definition 8 (Ref. [
. Let and be two fuzzy metric spaces. A mapping f from to is called an isometry if, for each and each , and, in this case, if f is a bijection, and are called isometric. A fuzzy metric completion of is a complete fuzzy metric space such that is isometric to a dense subspace of . is said to be completable if it admits a fuzzy metric completion. 3. Strongly Principal Fuzzy Metric Spaces
be a fuzzy metric space. Similarly to the case of metric spaces, the family of bands
is a natural base for a uniformity
, induced by
, which is compatible with
6], where
Now, according to the concept of principal fuzzy metric spaces ([
20], Definition 9), we introduce the following concept.
Definition 9. We say that the fuzzy metric space is strongly principal (s-principal, for short) if is a base for , for each .
Observe that if is s-principal then, for each , is a local base at x, for all , where . Then, we have the following proposition.
Proposition 2. Every s-principal fuzzy metric space is principal.
Next, we show some examples of s-principal fuzzy metric spaces.
Example 1. - (a)
Stationary fuzzy metric spaces are, obviously, s-principal.
- (b)
The standard fuzzy metric space is s-principal. Indeed, let d be a metric on and consider . Fix and let and be arbitrary. The basic band of is . Choose such that . We claim that . Indeed, let . We have that , and hence . Then, for we have that , and thus .
- (c)
It is well known [22] that is a fuzzy metric on for the product t-norm. We will see that is s-principal. Fix , and let and be arbitrary. If , it is obvious that . Suppose and choose . Let . Then, . An easy computation shows that from the previous inequality we obtain the following one: Then, Hence, .
The converse of Proposition 2 is false, as is shown in the following example.
Example 2. (A principal non-s-principal fuzzy metric space) - (a)
Let and define the fuzzy set on by In [20], Example 19, it is proven that is a principal fuzzy metric on . We will see that is not s-principal. Notice that is the discrete uniformity, since is the diagonal Δ of .
For , the family is constituted by the bands , where . Obviously, for all , and then for all , and so is not a base for , and hence is not s-principal.
- (b)
Let and be two strictly increasing sequences of positive real numbers, which converge to 1, with respect to the Euclidean metric, with , where and . Put and define a fuzzy set on as follows: Then, is a strong fuzzy metric space ([21], Example 41). Let and, without loss of generality, suppose for some . Let . For and , we have that , and so if we choose such that we have , and thus is the discrete topology on .
Clearly, is a local base at x, for all and , and then is principal. We will see that is not s-principal.
Suppose that is the least element of A satisfying and is the least element of B satisfying . We have that Now, let . Suppose that and are the least elements of A and B, respectively, such that and . We have thatand then for all . Then, is not a base for and hence is not s-principal.
Proposition 3. In an s-principal fuzzy metric space, every p-Cauchy sequence is Cauchy.
Proof. Suppose is an s-principal fuzzy metric on and let be a p-Cauchy sequence in X. Let , and suppose that for some . Now, since is s-principal there exists such that . On the other hand, since , we can find such that for , i.e., for all , and so is Cauchy. □
The following corollary is obvious.
Corollary 1. In an s-principal fuzzy metric space, a sequence is Cauchy if and only if it is p-Cauchy.
Theorem 1. Let be a fuzzy metric space. If every p-Cauchy sequence in is Cauchy, then is principal.
Proof. Suppose is not principal. Then, there exist and such that is not a local base at for . Consequently, we can find and such that for all .
We construct, by induction, a sequence in such that , for , and consider the sequence defined by and , for .
By construction, , so and, in consequence, , and then , i.e., is p-Cauchy.
Now, is not Cauchy since for the above values and we have that for each we can find such that , and hence is not Cauchy. □
The converse of the last theorem is false, as is shown in the following example.
Example 3. (A p-Cauchy non-Cauchy sequence in a principal fuzzy metric space) Consider the principal fuzzy metric space of (b) in Example 2. We define the sequence in as follows: if n is even and if n is odd. Then, is a p-Cauchy sequence since, for , we have due to . Now, is not Cauchy, since does not exist for all . Indeed, given , there exists such that for all , due to , and so .
Notation 1. Denote by and the families of principal and s-principal fuzzy metric spaces, respectively, and denote by the family of fuzzy metric spaces in which all p-Cauchy sequences are Cauchy. By Proposition 3 and Theorem 1, we have the chain of inclusions By Example 3, we know that the inclusion is strict but we do not know if the inclusion is strict. Thus, the following is an open question.
Problem 1. How can we find a non-s-principal fuzzy metric space in which all p-Cauchy sequences are Cauchy?
4. Completeness and Weak p-Completenes (w-p-Completeness)
Definition 10. A fuzzy metric space is called weak p-complete (w-p-complete, for short) if every p-Cauchy sequence in is p-convergent in .
Remark 1. Notice that in [20] w-p-completeness is called p-completeness. There is not any relationship between completeness and w-p-completeness, as is shown in the following example.
Example 4. - (a)
The principal fuzzy metric space of (a) in Example 2 is complete and it is not w-p-complete ([20], Example 19). - (b)
The non-principal fuzzy metric space of [20], Example 18, is w-p-complete and non-complete. - (c)
(A non-principal complete w-p-complete fuzzy metric space) Let and let be a function given by if and elsewhere. Define the fuzzy set on by In [20], Example 13, it is proven that is a non-principal fuzzy metric space. Now, the only Cauchy sequences are the constant sequences, and then it is complete. We will see that is w-p-complete. Suppose that is a p-Cauchy sequence in . Then, and in such a case we have . In consequence, is a Cauchy sequence in the stationary fuzzy metric space where , and by [23], Theorem 16, is a convergent sequence in , and so there exists such that , i.e., , and hence is p-convergent. - (d)
(A non-principal non-complete non-w-p-complete fuzzy metric space)
Let and . Define the fuzzy set on by It is easy to verify that is a fuzzy metric on for the product t-norm (compare with [22], Example 18). We describe the topology on . Notice that if then and if then . Now, it is easy to verify that the open balls of the local base at , for , given by , are Thus, is finer than the usual topology of , restricted to , but is not the discrete topology.
Now, for each . On the other hand, , and then is not a local base at , since for all , and hence is not principal.
Now, consider a strictly increasing sequence , contained in B, converging to 1, in the usual topology of . It is easy to verify that is Cauchy. In addition, is p-convergent since . Nevertheless, by [20], Corollary 6, does not converge in , due to . Hence, is not complete. Consider now two strictly decreasing sequences and converging to 0, in the usual topology of , such that for each . Let be the sequence defined by We have that and so is p-Cauchy. However, is not Cauchy, since for each . Now, if , then for we have that , and for we have that does not exist, and so is not p-convergent in , and then is not w-p-complete.
In the case that is principal, the situation is distinct since it is easy to prove the following proposition.
Proposition 4. If is principal and w-p-complete, then is complete.
We prove in the following proposition that the class of principal w-p-complete spaces is contained in .
Proposition 5. In a principal w-p-complete fuzzy metric space, the family of Cauchy sequences agrees with the family of p-Cauchy sequences.
Proof. Let be a p-Cauchy sequence in the principal fuzzy metric space . Since is w-p-complete, then is p-convergent in , and thus is convergent in , since is principal, and then is Cauchy.
Obviously, Cauchy sequences are p-Cauchy. □
The following is a natural question.
Problem 2. Does a principal w-p-complete fuzzy metric space which is not strongly principal exist?
If the answer to this problem is affirmative, then Problem 1 is also answered and .
In order to obtain a nice result on completion in fuzzy metric spaces, we need the following proposition.
Proposition 6. Let be an s-principal fuzzy metric space and let and be two sequences in . If for some , then for all .
Proof. Suppose that and are sequences satisfying for some . Let . Since is s-principal, for we can find such that . Since , then there exists such that for all , i.e., for , and hence for , and so for , and then , since is arbitrary. □
Theorem 2 (Ref. [
. A fuzzy metric space admits completion if and only if, for each pair of Cauchy sequences and in , the following conditions are satisfied:- (c1)
The assignment for each is a continuous function on , provided with the usual topology of .
- (c2)
for some implies for all .
- (c3)
for all .
Attending to Proposition 6 and Theorem 2, we obtain the following theorem.
Theorem 3. An s-principal fuzzy metric space is completable if and only if satisfies (c1) and (c3).
In Theorem 4.6 of [
24], it is proven that condition (c1) is satisfied for strong fuzzy metrics, and thus we obtain the following corollary.
Corollary 2. A strong s-principal fuzzy metric space is completable if and only if satisfies condition (c3).
On the other hand, in Theorem 35 of [
21], the following result is proven.
Theorem 4. Let be a strong fuzzy metric space and suppose that ∗ is integral (positive). If and are a pair of Cauchy sequences in and , then converges in .
Therefore, an immediate consequence is the following corollary.
Corollary 3. If is a strong s-principal fuzzy metric space and ∗ is integral, then is completable.
We cannot replace
s-principal by principal in the last corollary. Indeed, the principal fuzzy metric space of (b) Example 2 is strong for the
t-norm minimum ([
21], Example 41) and it is not completable ([
8], Example 2).
The next example shows an application of Corollary 3.
Example 5. Consider the fuzzy metric space where , and ∗ is the product t-norm.
It is well known [23] that is the usual topology of restricted to . The sequence in defined by for all is p-Cauchy. Indeed, given we have . Consequently, is Cauchy due to being strongly principal (see (c) in Example 1). Then, is not complete since does not converge, obviously, in .
Now, is strong for the (integral) t-norm product (see [21]) and so, by Corollary 3, we conclude that admits completion. It is left to the reader to verify that is the completion of , where and is the above expression of extended to . As an application of our main results, we can prove the classical one, which claims that every metric admits completion. Below, we show such an affirmation.
Let d be a metric on and consider the corresponding standard fuzzy metric space . It is well known that the class of -Cauchy (-convergent) sequences agrees with the class of d-Cauchy (d-convergent) sequences. For this reason, it is easy to conclude that is complete if and only if is complete.
Suppose that
is a non-complete metric space. Since
is strongly principal (see (b) in Example 1) and strong (see [
21]) and · is integral, we can apply Corollary 3 to conclude that
admits completion. On account of [
is a completion of
, where
is the set of all equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences in
, under the equivalence relation
for all
, and
is given by
, whenever
are Cauchy sequences of the classes
, respectively. It means that there exists the metric
given by
. In other words,
is actually the standard fuzzy metric
, and since
is complete, it is easy to conclude that
is the metric completion of
Explanatory 1. The problem of finding fuzzy metrics satisfying condition (c2) was approached in [25]. There, a family of fuzzy metrics was found, called stratified, that satisfy (c2). Both families, stratified and s-principal fuzzy metrics, are two wide classes of fuzzy metrics that include stationary fuzzy metrics and the standard fuzzy metric. Now, they are different. Indeed, the fuzzy metric of (c) in Example 1 is s-principal and not stratified, and the fuzzy metric of (c) in Example 4 is stratified and it is not s-principal.