Systematizing Professional Knowledge of Medical Doctors and Teachers: Development of an Interdisciplinary Framework in the Context of Diagnostic Competences
:1. Introduction
2. Recent Frameworks for Professional Knowledge in Medical and Educational Sciences
2.1. Medical Sciences
2.1.1. Types of Knowledge by Mayer
2.1.2. A Model of Diagnostic Knowledge
2.1.3. The MOT Model of Clinical Reasoning Processes
2.2. Educational Sciences
2.2.1. Content-Related Facets of Knowledge
2.2.2. Types of Professional Knowledge: Shulman’s Model and Realization in Different Projects
2.3. Summary
3. A Synthesis
3.1. Commonalities Between the Different Models Leading to a Two-dimensional Model
3.2. Domain-Specific Applications in the Context of Diagnosis
3.2.1. Medicine: Diagnosing Collaboratively During an Interprofessional Medical Ward Round
3.2.2. Mathematics: Diagnosing Individual Student’s Misconceptions Regarding Decimal Fractions
3.2.3. Biology: Diagnosing the Situation within Whole Class Lesson Settings
4. Concluding Discussion and Outlook
4.1. Role of the Knowledge Facets for Competent Acting and Transferability Between Domains
4.2. A Third Dimension: Links to Competence Development
4.3. Research Agenda
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Content-Related Facets of Knowledge | ||||
Types of knowledge | CK | PCK | PK | |
knowing when and why | Knowing, when and why subject-specific actions are executed. (KW-CK) | Knowing, when and why subject-specific instructional strategies are executed and knowing, when and why students’ errors within a certain topic are dealt with (KW-PCK) | Knowing, when and why subject-independent instructional strategies and the diagnostic process are executed (KW-PK) | |
knowing how | Knowing, how subject-specific actions are executed (KH-CK) | Knowing, how subject-specific instructional strategies are executed and knowing, how students’ errors within a certain topic are dealt with (KH-PCK) | Knowing, how subject-independent instructional strategies and the diagnostic process are executed (KH-PK) | |
knowing that | Knowledge about subject-specific terms, concepts, facts, and principles (KT-CK) | Knowledge about subject-specific instructional strategies and students’ errors within a certain topic (KT-PCK) | Knowledge about subject-independent instructional strategies and the diagnostic process (KT-PK) |
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Förtsch, C.; Sommerhoff, D.; Fischer, F.; Fischer, M.R.; Girwidz, R.; Obersteiner, A.; Reiss, K.; Stürmer, K.; Siebeck, M.; Schmidmaier, R.; et al. Systematizing Professional Knowledge of Medical Doctors and Teachers: Development of an Interdisciplinary Framework in the Context of Diagnostic Competences. Educ. Sci. 2018, 8, 207.
Förtsch C, Sommerhoff D, Fischer F, Fischer MR, Girwidz R, Obersteiner A, Reiss K, Stürmer K, Siebeck M, Schmidmaier R, et al. Systematizing Professional Knowledge of Medical Doctors and Teachers: Development of an Interdisciplinary Framework in the Context of Diagnostic Competences. Education Sciences. 2018; 8(4):207.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFörtsch, Christian, Daniel Sommerhoff, Frank Fischer, Martin R. Fischer, Raimund Girwidz, Andreas Obersteiner, Kristina Reiss, Kathleen Stürmer, Matthias Siebeck, Ralf Schmidmaier, and et al. 2018. "Systematizing Professional Knowledge of Medical Doctors and Teachers: Development of an Interdisciplinary Framework in the Context of Diagnostic Competences" Education Sciences 8, no. 4: 207.
APA StyleFörtsch, C., Sommerhoff, D., Fischer, F., Fischer, M. R., Girwidz, R., Obersteiner, A., Reiss, K., Stürmer, K., Siebeck, M., Schmidmaier, R., Seidel, T., Ufer, S., Wecker, C., & Neuhaus, B. J. (2018). Systematizing Professional Knowledge of Medical Doctors and Teachers: Development of an Interdisciplinary Framework in the Context of Diagnostic Competences. Education Sciences, 8(4), 207.