Construction and Evaluation of an Instrument to Measure Content Knowledge in Biology: The CK-IBI
:1. Introduction
1.1. Construction and Evaluation of an Instrument to Measure Content Knowledge in Biology
1.2. Conceptualization of CK
1.3. Assessment of CK
1.4. Hypotheses
- Teacher education program. Pre-service teachers choose between two secondary teacher education programs (both require the study of two teaching subjects) which provide a teaching certificate for schools qualifying their students for an academic (grade 5–12 [or 13]; academic track) or nonacademic career (grade 5–9 [or 10]; nonacademic track). There are strong indications that the type of teacher education program pre-service teachers attend influences their performance [37,58,59], partly due to associated variations in the number of subject-related courses they take [60]. Pre-service teachers of the academic track reportedly perform better in CK tests than their nonacademic colleagues [48,61,62]. Thus, we hypothesize that CK scores for participants of the academic track would be higher than those of their colleagues of the nonacademic track.
- Period of time spent in higher education. During their 3.5 to 5 years of higher education, pre-service teachers in Germany get lectures to develop professional knowledge, that is, CK, PCK, and pedagogical/psychological knowledge (PPK). Beyond that, they have instructional practice at schools, lasting up to five months in total [63]. Research confirms that pre-service teachers’ professional knowledge arise during the course of higher education [61,64]. As higher education in Germany is structured in semesters—the semester is one of the two periods of time that a year at university is divided into—we expect a positive correlation between CK scores and semester (Since there is no standard order of CK contents across universities in Germany, for the sake of simplicity this hypothesis assumes that pre-service teachers are best prepared in the end of higher education, although content thought in the first semester may have been forgotten in the end).
- Academic success. The high school grade point average (GPA) is one of the most important criteria for selecting higher education candidates in Germany [65]. There are varying opinions regarding what it measures, e.g., cognitive abilities [66,67] or academic achievement [68]. A meta-analysis by Baron-Boldt [69] showed that GPA is a valid predictor of academic success (finding a correlation between GPA and academic success in university with r = 0.46), and other authors regard GPA as one of the best available predictors of academic success [70,71]. Thus, unsurprisingly given the association between GPA and CK, several authors have found moderate correlations between GPA and measured CK of pre-service teachers of physics (e.g., [48]) and mathematics [72,73]. Therefore, we expected to find negative correlations between GPA and CK subscale scores.
- Cognitive abilities. Inferences about peoples’ cognitive abilities are commonly derived from their formal reasoning abilities. This construct—defined as the “basic intellectual processes of manipulating abstractions, rules, generalizations, and logical relationships” [74] (p. 583)—is a viable predictor of learning progress and performance according to various studies (e.g., [75]). Three sub-constructs of formal reasoning ability can be distinguished: verbal, nonverbal figural, and numerical reasoning (the abilities to solve text-based, geometric, and quantitative problems, respectively) [76]. As verbal abilities seem most relevant for a primarily language-based instrument, we expect CK scores to be positively related to verbal reasoning abilities, but not to the other subscales.
- Knowledge of the nature of science (NOS). Knowledge of NOS refers to individuals’ conceptions of the values and assumptions underlying scientific understanding and methodology: “an individual’s beliefs concerning whether or not scientific knowledge is amoral, tentative, empirically based, a product of human creativity, or parsimonious reflect [sic] that individual’s conception of the nature of science” [77] (p. 331). As knowledge of NOS is sometimes assumed to be an integral facet of CK [32], we expected to find a positive correlation between CK and knowledge of NOS scores.
- PCK. Research has shown that biology teachers’ CK and PCK are highly correlated but distinct domains of knowledge [78], in accordance with findings regarding the knowledge of teachers of various other subjects, physics, and mathematics for example [48,79,80]. We expect CK scores and PCK scores to be highly correlated, but CK and PCK to be empirically separable constructs.
- PPK. Pedagogical knowledge was initially defined as knowledge of the “broad principles and strategies of classroom management and organization” [81] (p. 8), which is independent of the subject matter. Tamir [82] extended this definition by identifying four elements of pedagogical knowledge: knowledge of “instructional strategies for teaching”, “students’ understanding”, “classroom management”, and “assessment”. Voss [83] recently further extended the boundaries of pedagogical knowledge into PPK, by including psychological aspects related to the classroom and heterogeneity of individual students. Großschedl and colleagues [32] found that pre-service biology teachers’ CK and PPK are moderately correlated domains of knowledge, while other researchers have found a substantial correlation among a sample of pre-service physics teachers and a weak correlation among a sample of pre-service mathematics teachers [33]. We hypothesize that CK and PPK scores would be positively correlated, but expect CK and PPK to be empirically separable constructs.
- Opportunities to learn. It is well known that the curriculum of educational institutions as well as the intensity of CK, PCK, and PPK contents in teacher education influence students’ performance [3]. Thus, CK, PCK, and PPK contents considered in participants’ previous teacher education were captured as indicators of their opportunities to learn (in addition to type of teacher education program and number of semesters). Regarding the contents considered in previous teacher education as indicators of the realized curriculum, we expect to find a positive correlation between coverage of CK contents in previous teacher education and the participants’ CK scores. Given that PCK is defined as an “amalgam of content and pedagogy” [81], we also expect to detect positive (but weaker) correlations between their CK scores and the PCK/PPK contents considered, due to reciprocal effects between PCK and CK/PPK.
- Interest. Individual interest is defined as a relatively enduring preference for particular topics, subject areas, or activities [84]. Pohlmann and Möller [85] have shown that “subject-specific interest” is a positive predictor of pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy, working commitment, and task orientation (i.e., pursuit of increasing competence), all of which are positively related to academic performance [86,87,88,89,90]. Thus, there are positive correlations between interest and achievement, with published r values ranging between 0.05–0.26 according to a review by Fishman and Pasanella [91]. A meta-analysis by Schiefele et al. [92] corroborated these results, finding mean correlations between the two constructs of r = 0.31, averaged over various subject areas, and r = 0.16 in the subject area of biology. As interest is reportedly a highly content-specific motivational characteristic [84,93], we expect CK-IBI scores to be significantly related to interest in the subject, but not correlated, or even negatively correlated, to interest in pedagogy/psychology and interest in the pedagogy of subject matter.
- Self-concept. Shavelson [94] defined self-concept as “a person’s perception of himself” (p. 411), arising from his set of attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge about his personal characteristics and attributes [95,96]. The general self-concept can be subdivided into academic and non-academic self-concepts. A large body of research on academic self-concept has revealed positive relations between students’ academic self-concept and their performance (e.g., [97,98]). Recently, Paulick et al. [99] showed that pre-service teachers’ academic self-concept is empirically separable into CK-, PCK-, and PPK-related components. As self-concept and achievement have reciprocal effects [100,101], we expect to find a stronger positive correlation between CK scores and CK self-concept than correlations between CK scores and PCK/PPK self-concepts.
2. Evaluation 1
2.1. Materials and Methods
2.1.1. Sample and Procedure
2.1.2. Operationalization of CK as a Dependent Variable
2.1.3. Independent Variables
2.2. Results
2.2.1. Statistical Item Analyses
2.2.2. Criterion Validity
2.2.3. Construct Validity
3. Evaluation 2
3.1. Materials and Methods
3.1.1. Sample and Procedure
3.1.2. Operationalization of PCK as a Dependent Variable
3.1.3. Independent Variables
3.1.4. Statistical Analysis
3.2. Results
3.2.1. Statistical Item Analyses
3.2.2. Latent Structure of Professional Knowledge
3.2.3. Criterion Validity
3.2.4. Construct Validity
3.2.5. DIF
4. Discussion
4.1. Evaluation 1
4.2. Evaluation 2
4.3. Limitations
4.4. Implications
4.4.1. Implications for Further Research
4.4.2. Implications for Teacher Education
4.4.3. Implications for the Further Application of the CK-IBI
4.5. Applications
4.5.1. Application in Further Research
4.5.2. Application in University-Level Teacher Education
4.5.3. Application in School
4.6. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Subject Matter | Teacher Education Program | Semester | Grade Point Average (GPA) | Verbal Reasoning | Nonverbal Figural Reasoning | Numerical Reasoning |
Ecology (n = 89) | 0.35 *** | −0.06 | −0.23 * | 0.28 ** | −0.13 | −0.14 |
Evolution (n = 85) | 0.43 *** | 0.16 | −0.38 *** | 0.27 * | 0.09 | 0.27 * |
Genetics and microbiology (n = 85) | 0.32 ** | 0.27 * | −0.29 ** | 0.14 | −0.05 | 0.17 |
Morphology (n = 89) | 0.16 | 0.11 | −0.21 * | 0.11 | 0.22 * | 0.12 |
Physiology (n = 89) | 0.21 * | 0.13 | −0.11 | 0.26* | −0.10 | −0.06 |
Predictor Variable | M | SD | CK | ||
r | p | ||||
Opportunities to learn | Track | -- | -- | 0.29 | <0.001 |
Semester | 5.87 | 2.81 | 0.24 | <0.001 | |
CK | 2.86 | 0.49 | 0.26 | <0.001 | |
PCK | 2.69 | 0.75 | 0.11 | <0.05 | |
PPK | 0.45 | 0.23 | 0.07 | 0.07 | |
Performance | NOS | 3.65 | 0.42 | 0.31 | <0.001 |
PCK | 27.51 | 7.52 | 0.61 | <0.001 | |
PPK | 82.60 | 29.38 | 0.42 | <0.001 | |
Interest | CK | 3.39 | 0.51 | 0.14 | <0.01 |
PCK | 2.59 | 0.61 | −0.06 | 0.11 | |
PPK | 2.43 | 0.73 | −0.17 | <0.001 | |
Self-concept | CK | 2.85 | 0.46 | 0.28 | <0.001 |
PCK | 2.58 | 0.57 | 0.12 | <0.01 | |
PPK | 2.46 | 0.50 | −0.05 | 0.15 |
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Großschedl, J.; Mahler, D.; Harms, U. Construction and Evaluation of an Instrument to Measure Content Knowledge in Biology: The CK-IBI. Educ. Sci. 2018, 8, 145.
Großschedl J, Mahler D, Harms U. Construction and Evaluation of an Instrument to Measure Content Knowledge in Biology: The CK-IBI. Education Sciences. 2018; 8(3):145.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGroßschedl, Jörg, Daniela Mahler, and Ute Harms. 2018. "Construction and Evaluation of an Instrument to Measure Content Knowledge in Biology: The CK-IBI" Education Sciences 8, no. 3: 145.
APA StyleGroßschedl, J., Mahler, D., & Harms, U. (2018). Construction and Evaluation of an Instrument to Measure Content Knowledge in Biology: The CK-IBI. Education Sciences, 8(3), 145.