Entrepreneurship Education with Purpose: Active Ageing for 50+ Entrepreneurs and Sustainable Development for Rural Areas
:1. Introduction
1.1. ENTRUST Project
1.2. Research Questions and Research Design
2. Literature Review and Theoretical Background
2.1. Ageing and Senior Entrepreneurship
2.1.1. Senior Entrepreneurship
2.1.2. Reasons for Becoming an Entrepreneur at an Older Age
2.2. Entrepreneurial Learning and 50+ Learning Approaches
2.3. Sustainable Development and Sustainable Tourism
2.4. Rural Tourism
3. Research Methods and Data
4. Results
4.1. What Kind of Entrepreneurial Training Do Potential 50+ Entrepreneurs Need If They Want to Create New Businesses Which Promote Sustainable Development and Tourism in Rural Areas (RQ1)?
4.1.1. Experts’ Views on the Entrepreneurial Potential and Challenges of Entrepreneurship for Tourism-Related Business
4.1.2. Entrepreneurial Aspirations of Potential 50+ Entrepreneurs in Rural Areas
4.1.3. Key Topics in 50+ Entrepreneurship Training
4.2. How Do 50+ Rural Area Entrepreneurs Promote the Sustainable Development in Rural Areas (RQ2)?
4.2.1. Entrepreneurs’ Influence on Social–Environmental Sustainability in the Region
4.2.2. Entrepreneurs’ Influence on Social–Economic Sustainability in the Region
“We have a very good cooperation with local entrepreneurs. We have our own beer that has been made in the local brewery. In addition, we also try to take everything that we need from local producers”.(Case 1)
4.2.3. Entrepreneurs’ Influence on Economic–Environmental Sustainability in the Region
“I think it’s pretty cool to be a part of history. The same applies when we have customers, then we require them to environmentally friendly way of working. For example, on the lake we are not allowed to drive motorboat at all. We have rowing boats. The intention is to keep this place as it is now”.(Case 2)
“We have here, for example bees, which pollinate. The primary function of the bees is pollination. Of course, we get honey, and that’s nice. This is about maintaining the balance of nature, that we have bees. All our activities are based on it, that we do not change nature, but we want to preserve nature as it is today.”(Case 2)
“But, when we had to rebuild, the front end in 2020, we found out that there was hardly any isolation. So, we asked the building company to really isolate it in a very sustainable way. And they used a lot of natural materials, and actually this farm became much more sustainable. And on top of that in 2022, early this year we found out that we had more space and room for solar panels. So we installed extra solar panels to heat up the apartments. But also to use it in the water supply. And I think now, we are approaching zero kind of use of gas and fossil fuels”.(Case 5)
5. Discussion
5.1. Conclusions
5.2. Contribution of the Study
5.3. Limitations of the Study
5.4. Further Research
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Potential Entrepreneurs 50+ | Tourism Development Organizations | |
Netherlands | 17 | 16 |
Ireland | 15 | 43 |
Portugal | 24 | 27 |
Finland | 16 | 14 |
Total | 72 | 100 |
n | |
Infrastructure (transport links, network connections, etc.) | 56 |
Access to finance | 54 |
Too few entrepreneurs | 37 |
Availability of labor | 71 |
Difficult to find customers | 33 |
Lack of appropriate networks | 33 |
Lack of appropriate education/training | 35 |
n | % | |
I plan to become an entrepreneur in the near future | 18 | 25% |
I plan to become an entrepreneur when I retire | 8 | 11% |
I am an entrepreneur and I intend to continue running my business even after I retire | 33 | 47% |
I am self-employed, but I want to start a new business in another sector | 8 | 11% |
I have no intention of becoming an entrepreneur | 8 | 11% |
n | % | |
I want to develop and use my skills | 47 | 65% |
I need extra money | 27 | 38% |
I want to feel part of a community | 22 | 31% |
Entrepreneurship is my way of life | 27 | 38% |
I want to play an active role in society | 33 | 46% |
I want to promote the cultural heritage of the region | 23 | 32% |
I want to promote social sustainability in my region | 32 | 44% |
n | % | |
Personalized guidance according to your professional needs | 36 | 50% |
Peer learning in cooperation with other entrepreneurs | 35 | 48% |
Multimodal training (a combination of face-to-face and online training) | 25 | 34% |
Online training (includes teaching and guidance) | 29 | 40% |
Classroom teaching | 3 | 4% |
Virtual training (self-learning; does not include guidance or teaching) | 10 | 14% |
I am not interested in entrepreneurship education | 8 | 11% |
Experts Averages | 50+ Entrepre-Neurs Averages | |
Creating new ideas for sustainable rural tourism | 3.1–3.9 | 3.1–3.7 |
Anticipating the future and identifying opportunities | 3.4–3.9 | 3.4–3.6 |
Developing sustainable tourism experiences and service design | 3.4–3.7 | 3.1–3.6 |
Business planning from concept to commercialization | 3.2–3.6 | 3.4–3.5 |
Marketing and sales of rural tourism | 2.9–3.8 | 2.9–3.6 |
Networking and stakeholders | 3.1–3.6 | 3.0–3.5 |
Digital and technological skills | 3.1–3.6 | 3.1–3.5 |
National and European funding sources | 2.7–3.6 | 2.6–3.4 |
Leadership skills | 2.8–3.3 | 2.4–3.3 |
Financial skills | 3.1–3.6 | 3.3–3.5 |
Case | Country | Owner’s Age/ Years as Entrepreneur | Type of Business | Future Expectations |
Case 1 | Finland | Entrepreneurial couple both 50+ years of age/together since year 2005 | For the last 5 years they have focused on catering, lunch and events. They want to offer lake district and local food. | They expect the business to continue for several years into the future. |
Case 2 | Finland | Two entrepreneurial couple, all over 60 years old/since 2014 | Event organizer; Accommodation; They want to offer overnight stay on an island, etc. | They expect to continue if they stay healthy. It is possible that one of the children continues the business later. |
Case 3 | Ireland | Male 56 years of age/since 1995 | Organizing boat trips; He wants their customers to experience the sea and cliffs of the region. | He expects to continue as a skipper for the near future. As a contingency plan, he can hire a skipper to work for him. |
Case 4 | Ireland | Male 55 years of age/since 2014 | Accommodation; Alpaca rides; They want their customers to experience a peaceful landscape. | One day at a time |
Case 5 | Netherlands | Entrepreneurial couple both 50+ years of age/since 2020 | BedandBreakfast; They want their customers to experience a peaceful landscape and farm animals. | When retiring, the couple plans to continue as AirBnB hosts. |
Case 6 | Netherlands | Entrepreneurial couple 50+ years of age/ | Accommodation, vegan food offerings. Focus on vegan food and sustainable living. | |
Case 7 | Portugal | Entrepreneurial couple both 60+ years of age/since 2015 | Accommodation. Focus on protecting the history and the family’s patrimony. | They want to dream well into their 70s/one year at a time. |
Case 8 | Portugal | The non-profit organization/operated since 2003 | Landscape observatory: The Observatory of the landscape, installed in an old agricultural warehouse, is a center for sharing, research and promoting the landscape. |
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Römer-Paakkanen, T.; Suonpää, M. Entrepreneurship Education with Purpose: Active Ageing for 50+ Entrepreneurs and Sustainable Development for Rural Areas. Educ. Sci. 2023, 13, 572. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13060572
Römer-Paakkanen T, Suonpää M. Entrepreneurship Education with Purpose: Active Ageing for 50+ Entrepreneurs and Sustainable Development for Rural Areas. Education Sciences. 2023; 13(6):572. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13060572
Chicago/Turabian StyleRömer-Paakkanen, Tarja, and Maija Suonpää. 2023. "Entrepreneurship Education with Purpose: Active Ageing for 50+ Entrepreneurs and Sustainable Development for Rural Areas" Education Sciences 13, no. 6: 572. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13060572
APA StyleRömer-Paakkanen, T., & Suonpää, M. (2023). Entrepreneurship Education with Purpose: Active Ageing for 50+ Entrepreneurs and Sustainable Development for Rural Areas. Education Sciences, 13(6), 572. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13060572