Detection of Lead-Lag Relationships Using Both Time Domain and Time-Frequency Domain; An Application to Wealth-To-Income Ratio
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Time Domain Analysis
2.2. Wavelet Analysis
3. Data
4. Methodology
4.1. Time Domain Analysis
- Investigation of the stationarity of and to determine the order of integration of the variables.
- Specification of the lag order to include in the cointegration analysis.
- Investigation of the cointegrating relationship between and .
- Estimation of the coefficients of the VEC model in order to determine the lead-lag relationship between and .
- If , there is no cointegration among the non-stationary variables and a VAR in their first differences is consistent.
- If , all the variables in are and a VAR in their levels is consistent.
- If then can be expressed as where and are matrices of rank .
- the parameters of the cointegrating matrix ,
- the parameters of the adjustment matrix and
- the parameters of the short-run coefficient matrix .
- If the coefficients are non-zero or the error correction coefficient has a significant value, there is some information in that will be assimilated in later values of ; meaning that leads . More specifically:
- ○
- The existence of non-zero and significant coefficients in (8), i.e., the lagged coefficients of in the regression of indicate that there is a short-run causality between and : causes .
- ○
- The existence of a significant error correction coefficient indicates that there is a long-run causality between and : causes .
- If the coefficients are non-zero or the error correction coefficient has a significant value, there is some information in that will be assimilated in later values of ; meaning that leads . More specifically:
- ○
- The existence of non-zero and significant coefficients in (9), i.e., the lagged coefficients of in the regression of , indicates a short-term causality; causes .
- ○
- The existence of a significant error correction coefficient indicates that there is a long-run causality; causes .
- If all coefficients , , , have significant values, there is a two-directional relationship between the variables and .
4.2. Wavelet Analysis
5. Empirical Results
5.1. Time Domain Analysis
5.2. Wavelet Analysis
5.3. Comparison of the Two Methodologies
6. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Variable | Mean | Standard Deviation | Min | Max | Observations |
467.67 | 192.53 | 174.96 | 790.29 | 141 | |
384.04 | 171.05 | 153.82 | 703.72 | 141 | |
480.60 | 156.07 | 268.39 | 744.85 | 141 | |
399.96 | 62.78 | 232.56 | 515.80 | 141 |
Unit Root Tests | |||
Variable | Lag | t-Statistic | p-Value |
0 | −1.162 | 0.6899 | |
1 | −1.561 | 0.5032 | |
2 | −1.258 | 0.6481 | |
0 | −11.193 *** | 0.00 | |
1 | −7.377 *** | 0.00 | |
2 | −5.759 *** | 0.00 | |
0 | −1.910 | 0.3274 | |
1 | −1.74 | 0.4131 | |
2 | −1.393 | 0.5856 | |
0 | −8.422 *** | 0.00 | |
1 | −5.617 *** | 0.00 | |
2 | −5.101 *** | 0.00 | |
0 | −1.381 | 0.5915 | |
1 | −1.816 | 0.3728 | |
2 | −1.685 | 0.4387 | |
0 | −6.378 *** | 0.00 | |
1 | −6.988 *** | 0.00 | |
2 | −5.765 *** | 0.00 | |
0 | −2.236 | 0.1933 | |
1 | −2.673 * | 0.0789 | |
2 | −2.502 | 0.1151 | |
0 | −9.991 *** | 0.00 | |
1 | −8.195 *** | 0.00 | |
2 | −6.826 *** | 0.00 |
Selection of Lag Order | |||||||||
Lag | FPE | AIC | HQIC | FPE | AIC | HQIC | FPE | AIC | HQIC |
0 | 6.7 × 107 | 23.694 | 23.7113 | 1.6 × 108 | 24.5876 | 24.6049 | 7.2 × 107 | 23.7673 | 23.7846 |
1 | 281,199 | 18.2226 | 18.2745 | 491,706 | 18.7814 | 18.8333 | 460,394 | 18.7156 | 18.7675 |
2 | 246,603 | 18.0912 | 18.1778 * | 320,585 | 18.3536 | 18.440 * | 426,324 * | 18.6386 * | 18.7253 * |
3 | 24,952 * | 18.0803 * | 18.2016 | 314,823 | 18.3353 | 18.4566 | 447,804 | 18.6877 | 18.8089 |
4 | 253,046 | 18.1176 | 18.2716 | 303,003 * | 18.2969 * | 18.4528 | 466,883 | 18.7292 | 18.8851 |
Lag | FPE | AIC | HQIC | FPE | AIC | HQIC | FPE | AIC | HQIC |
0 | 1.3 × 108 | 24.3869 | 24.4042 | 5.7 × 107 | 23.5357 | 23.553 | 3.6 × 107 | 23.0649 | 23.0822 |
1 | 206,577 | 17.9142 | 17.9661 | 202,704 | 17.8952 | 17.9472 | 296,622 | 18.276 | 18.3279 |
2 | 127,167 | 17.4289 | 17.5156 | 178,230 | 17.7665 | 17.853 * | 200,433 | 17.8839 | 17.9705 * |
3 | 120,902 * | 17.3783 * | 17.4996 * | 175,691 * | 17.7521 * | 17.8733 | 201,810 | 17.8907 | 18.0119 |
4 | 126,803 | 17.4258 | 17.5817 | 183,276 | 17.7941 | 17.95 | 199,470 * | 17.8788 * | 18.0347 |
Trace Statistic of Johansen Test | ||||||
Maximum Rank | ||||||
0 | 16.4989 | 24.0862 | 25.371 | 19.8358 | 17.2377 | 21.0002 |
1 | 1.8499 * | 2.6225 * | 3.76 * | 2.1310 * | 1.997 * | 2.6198 * |
Coefficients of VEC Model forand | |||
Dependent: , Independent: | Dependent: , Independent: | ||
−0.1220 *** (0.0321) | 0.01851 (0.0235) | ||
0.2176 *** (0.0819) | −0.1057 * (0.0571) | ||
0.0365 (0.0795) | 0.1426 ***(0.0553) | ||
0.1373 * (0.0766) | 0.0598 (0.0534) | ||
−0.1125 (0.1254) | 0.7065 *** (0.0875) | ||
0.3099 * (0.1467) | −0.2314 **(0.1023) | ||
−0.3419 *** (0.1275) | 0.0327 (0.0890) | ||
Coefficients of cointegrating equation | |||
1 | |||
−0.9848 *** (0.0365) |
Coefficients of VEC model forand | |||
Dependent: , Independent: | Dependent: , Independent: | ||
−0.1352 *** (0.0502) | 0. 0498 (0.0315) | ||
0.1127 (0.0900) | −0.0074 (0.0565) | ||
0.0306 (0.0827) | 0.0543 (0.0519) | ||
0.2510 * (0.1374) | 0.2485 *** (0.0859) | ||
0.1367 (0.1406) | 0.2254 ***(0.0883) | ||
Coefficients of cointegrating equation | |||
1 | |||
−1.2154 *** (0.0311) |
Coefficients of VEC model forand | |||
Dependent: , Independent: | Dependent: , Independent: | ||
−0.0460 *** (0.0171) | 0.0095 (0.0132) | ||
0.0880 (0.0806) | 0.0887 (0.0621) | ||
−0.0452 (0.1104) | 0.1756 ** (0.0866) | ||
Coefficients of cointegrating equation | |||
1 | |||
−1.1670 *** (0.1342) |
Coefficients of VEC model forand | |||
Dependent: , Independent: | Dependent: Independent: | ||
−0.0628 *** (0.0199) | 0.01458 (0.0227) | ||
0.2129 *** (0.0790) | −0.0630 (0.0901) | ||
0.2612 *** (0.0792) | 0.1168 (0.0903) | ||
0.0549 (0.0736) | 0.6908 *** (0.0839) | ||
−0.0831 (0.0766) | 0.2274 ***(0.0873) | ||
Coefficients of cointegrating equation | |||
1 | |||
−0.8119 *** (0.0441) |
Coefficients of VEC model forand | |||
Dependent: , Independent: | Dependent: , Independent: | ||
−0.0188 * (0.0119) | 0.0127 (0.0146) | ||
0.2256 *** (0.0804) | 0.0351 (0.1060) | ||
0.2425 *** (0.0806) | 0.1081 (0.1063) | ||
−0.326 (0.0652) | 0.1703 ** (0.0860) | ||
0.468 (0.065) | −0.0784(0.0868) | ||
Coefficients of cointegrating equation | |||
1 | |||
−0.9265 *** (0.1780) |
Coefficients of VEC model forand | |||
Dependent: , Independent: | Dependent: , Independent: | ||
−0.0294 * (0.0160) | 0.0233 (0.0188) | ||
0.7220 *** (0.0861) | 0.0351 ** (0.1060) | ||
−0.2701 *** (0.1026) | −0.12579 (0.1203) | ||
0.0831 (0.0876) | 0.2234 **(0.1027) | ||
−0.0920 (0.0739) | 0.1205 (0.0866) | ||
0.0778 (0.0747) | −0.8500 (0.0876) | ||
−0.1644 *(0.0753) | −0.8544 (0.0883) | ||
Coefficients of cointegrating equation | |||
1 | |||
−1.1875 *** (0.1080) |
Timescale | Years | Leading |
1–4 years | 1904–1910 | (positive) |
2007–2010 | (negative) | |
4–8 years | 1970–1977 | (positive) |
8–16 years | 1902–1905 | (positive) |
1906–1937 | (positive) | |
1938–1941 | (positive) | |
16–32 years | 1889–1968 | (positive) |
Timescale | Years | Leading |
1–4 years | 1874–1879 | (positive) |
1914–1916 | (negative) | |
1936–1938 | (negative) | |
1943–1951 | (negative) | |
1984–1986 | (negative) | |
1999–2002 | (positive) | |
2006–2009 | (positive) | |
4–8 years | 1879–1881 | (positive) |
1902–1920 | (negative) | |
1939–1943 | (negative) | |
1945–1948 | (negative) | |
1980–1988 | (positive) | |
16–32 years | 1895–1991 | (positive) |
Timescale | Years | Leading |
1–4 years | 1959–1962 | (positive) |
1982–1990 | (negative) | |
4–8 years | 1991–2004 | (positive) |
8–16 years | 1947–1951 | (negative) |
1991–1997 | (positive) | |
16–32 years | 1909–1993 | (positive) |
Timescale | Years | Leading |
1–4 years | 1907–1909 | (positive) |
1922–1924 | (negative) | |
1966–1975 | (positive) | |
4–8 years | 1875–1877 | (positive) |
16–32 years | 1895–1969 | (positive) |
Timescale | Years | Leading |
1–4 years | 1981–1896 | (positive) |
1956–1961 | (positive) | |
1966–1968 | (positive) | |
4–8 years | 1938–1955 | (positive) |
8–16 years | 1942–1952 | (positive) |
16–32 years | 1901–1966 | (positive) |
Timescale | Years | Leading |
1–4 years | 1930–1935 | (positive) |
1983–1987 | (positive) | |
4–8 years | 2000–2010 | (positive) |
8–16 years | 1887–1905 | (positive) |
16–32 years | 1889–1989 | (positive) |
Relationship | Evidence from the Time Domain | Evidence from the Time-Frequency Domain |
Long-run: leadership, speed of adjustment −0.1352 Short-run: causality from to | Long-run: leadership Short-run: changes in leadership depending on the time period Medium-run: leadership in 1970–1977 | |
Long-run: leadership, speed of adjustment −0.122 Short-run: bidirectional causality | Long-run: leadership Short-run, Medium-run: changes in leadership depending on the time period | |
Long-run: leadership, speed of adjustment −0.046 | Long-run: leadership Short-run: changes in leadership depending on the time period Medium-run: leadership in 1991–2004 | |
Long-run: leadership, speed of adjustment −0.0628 | Long-run: leadership Short-run: changes in leadership depending on the time period Medium-run: leadership in 1875–1877 | |
Long-run: leadership, speed of adjustment −0.0188 | Long-run: leadership Short-run: changes in leadership depending on the time period Medium-run: leadership in 1938–1955 | |
Long-run: leadership, speed of adjustment −0.0294 Short-run: bidirectional causality | Long-run: leadership Short-run: leadership in 1930–1935 and in 1983–1987 Medium-run: leadership in 2000–2010 |
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Skoura, A. Detection of Lead-Lag Relationships Using Both Time Domain and Time-Frequency Domain; An Application to Wealth-To-Income Ratio. Economies 2019, 7, 28.
Skoura A. Detection of Lead-Lag Relationships Using Both Time Domain and Time-Frequency Domain; An Application to Wealth-To-Income Ratio. Economies. 2019; 7(2):28.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSkoura, Angeliki. 2019. "Detection of Lead-Lag Relationships Using Both Time Domain and Time-Frequency Domain; An Application to Wealth-To-Income Ratio" Economies 7, no. 2: 28.
APA StyleSkoura, A. (2019). Detection of Lead-Lag Relationships Using Both Time Domain and Time-Frequency Domain; An Application to Wealth-To-Income Ratio. Economies, 7(2), 28.