Bank Interest Margin, Multiple Shadow Banking Activities, and Capital Regulation
:1. Introduction
2. Related Literature
3. The Model
3.1. Bank Equity
3.2. Bank Liabilities
3.3. Scope Equities
4. Solving the Model
5. Numerical Analysis
5.1. Parameter Basics
- (i)
- The conditions of , and indicate the scope for earning-asset portfolio substitution (Kashyap et al. 2002), and the case of the binding capital constraint (Wong 1997), respectively. Accordingly, we have the result of , yielding a positive value of the bank interest margin recognized as a primary element of earnings (Saunders and Schumacher 2000).
- (ii)
- The condition of implies that WMPs are risky in that they are subject to non-performance. Further, Lu et al. (2015) point out that about 97% of WMPs have a maturity of less than one year. Accordingly, the condition of is assumed in the numerical analysis. The condition of demonstrates that WMPs attract investors who expect a higher return than is available on deposits at banks (Lu et al. 2015). In addition, we assume since banks cannot invest funds in non-standard assets that exceed 35% of the value of their outstanding WMPs (Lu et al. 2015).
- (iii)
- The assumed condition of explains that the amount of ELs is lent through the bank to the borrower at as instructed by the trustor. ELs are risky in that they are subject to non-performance.
- (iv)
- The premium for the shadow banking entrusted lending service as well as its risk compensation is assumed to be of ELs.
- (v)
- The specification of capital adequacy requirement is consistent with the Basel, which is set by the capital-to-deposits ratio . In this case, a capital-to-asset ratio at is , which meets the requirement (VanHoose 2007).
- (vi)
- We assume due to the empirical findings of Brockman and Turtle (2003): the mean value of asset volatility is 0.2904 with a corresponding standard deviation of 0.2608 in the descriptive sample statistics for firms.
- (vii)
- We assume in the numerical analysis according to Brockman and Turtle (2003): the mean value of barrier is 0.6920 with a corresponding standard deviation of 0.2259 in the pooled sample statistics for firms.
5.2. Impacts on Bank Interest Margin
5.3. Impacts on Bank Liabilities
5.4. Impacts on Bank Scope Equities
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | For papers that explain deteriorating bank interest margins, see for instance, Valverde and Fernández (2007), and Lepetit et al. (2008), among others. |
2 | Adrian and Ashcraft (2012) demonstrate that credit intermediation on the balance sheets of commercial banks does not constitute shadow banking activities. However, commercial banks can be involved in shadow banking activities since they can provide credit and liquidity lines to shadow bank entities through a conduit system. Commercial banks in turn are owned by bank holding companies. The bank we analyze in this paper can be simply viewed as an institution of a bank holding company. |
3 | The recent financial crisis has underlined the importance of analyzing the link between bank equity capital and financial stability. Berger and Bouwman (2013) find that capital enhances the performance of medium and large banks primarily during banking crises. Several related papers, for example, Kashyap et al. (2008), Acharya et al. (2012), and Hart and Zingales (2011) document that social efficiency can be improved by requiring banks to operate with more capital, especially during financial crises. However, literature has pointed out some negative consequences of more capital (e.g., Aiyar et al. 2014; Jiménez et al. 2017; Osborne et al. 2012). |
4 | Our model is fundamentally based on Merton (1974) contingent-claim approach to financial intermediaries. We adopt the option pricing framework along the lines of Ronn and Verma (1986), Brockman and Turtle (2003), and Episcopos (2008) for the valuation of the equity return and the equity risk of a bank (our model and the relevant literature are based on a similar modeling approach from Merton (1974). The barrier option theory of corporate security valuation is applied to the contingent claims of the bank (Episcopos 2008); the work of Ronn and Verma (1986) with an application of Episcopos (2008) is used to value the bank’s equity risk, and the framework of Brockman and Turtle (2003) is utilized to model the default risk in the bank’s equity return. |
5 | Wong (1997) and Li and Lin (2016) assume a presentative banking firm with optimization behaviors. The bank has some market power in its lending activities. When the bank makes a loan to a firm, it gathers the firm’s specific information to assess the riskiness of the loan and determine the loan rate. The details of what potentially derive loan demand, in particular, the non-price factors, are not crucial for our research purposes, so this simple reduced form is sufficient. |
6 | The bank accepts deposits and chooses the amount of the loans at the beginning of the period . We adopt the barrier option framework of Brockman and Turtle (2003) for corporate security valuation. The valuation formula for a European down-and-out call option assumes the options can only be exercised on the expiration date . The single period horizon also implies the bank regulation period is fixed (Episcopos 2008). The assumption of a fixed regulation period is followed in the deposit insurance literature (Merton 1977; Ronn and Verma 1986). |
7 | As pointed out by Jiang (2015), Chinese shadow banking instruments mainly fall into two categories, WMPs and ELs. WMPs are investments that offer fixed rates of return well above regulated interest rates for deposits and are often used to fund investments in sectors where bank credit is restricted (Perry and Weltewitz 2015). ELs simply imply loans extended between companies, which often use banks or similar financial institutions as an intermediary (Jiang 2015). Our model focuses on these two shadow banking products. |
8 | Also see Mandel et al. (2012) as mentioned in the previous section. |
9 | The administrative costs and the fixed costs are omitted for simplicity because adding this complexity affects none of the qualitative results. |
10 | Merton (1973) considers a barrier as an exponential function of time. For simplicity, we follow Brockman and Turtle (2003) and consider only the case of a constant barrier. |
11 | |
12 | Van Riet (2017) offers a review of the effects of ultra-low interest rates in the euro area. The author points out that the ECB and the European micro- and macro-prudential authorities remained watchful of the unintended side-effects of an extended period of very low or negative interest rates for financial intermediation, financial stability and market discipline, and took preventive or corrective measures as appropriate. |
(5.1, 350) | (5.2, 349) | (5.3, 347) | (5.4, 344) | (5.5, 340) | (5.6, 335) | (5.7, 329) | |
70 | 75.9410 | 76.0466 | 76.0189 | 75.8561 | 75.5564 | 75.1182 | 74.5399 |
72 | 76.0249 | 76.1306 | 76.1028 | 75.9399 | 75.6401 | 75.2019 | 74.6235 |
74 | 76.1089 | 76.2146 | 76.1867 | 76.0238 | 75.7239 | 75.2856 | 74.7071 |
76 | 76.1929 | 76.2985 | 76.2706 | 76.1076 | 75.8077 | 75.3693 | 74.7907 |
78 | 76.2769 | 76.3825 | 76.3546 | 76.1915 | 75.8915 | 75.4530 | 74.8744 |
80 | 76.3610 | 76.4664 | 76.4385 | 76.2753 | 75.9753 | 75.5367 | 74.9580 |
82 | 76.4450 | 76.5504 | 76.5224 | 76.3592 | 76.0591 | 75.6204 | 75.0416 |
(%) | |||||||
70 | 2.9491 | 2.9098 | 2.8581 | 2.7944 | 2.7193 | 2.6332 | 2.5367 |
72 | 2.9561 | 2.9168 | 2.8651 | 2.8014 | 2.7262 | 2.6401 | 2.5435 |
74 | 2.9632 | 2.9238 | 2.8721 | 2.8083 | 2.7331 | 2.6469 | 2.5502 |
76 | 2.9703 | 2.9309 | 2.8791 | 2.8153 | 2.7400 | 2.6538 | 2.5570 |
78 | 2.9774 | 2.9379 | 2.8861 | 2.8223 | 2.7469 | 2.6606 | 2.5638 |
80 | 2.9844 | 2.9450 | 2.8931 | 2.8292 | 2.7539 | 2.6675 | 2.5706 |
82 | 2.9915 | 2.9520 | 2.9001 | 2.8362 | 2.7608 | 2.6743 | 2.5774 |
70→72 | - | −1.5507 | −1.8446 | −2.1526 | −2.4820 | −2.8407 | - |
72→74 | - | −1.5461 | −1.8388 | −2.1456 | −2.4736 | −2.8308 | - |
74→76 | - | −1.5416 | −1.8331 | −2.1386 | −2.4653 | −2.8209 | - |
76→78 | - | −1.5371 | −1.8274 | −2.1317 | −2.4569 | −2.8110 | - |
78→80 | - | −1.5325 | −1.8217 | −2.1248 | −2.4487 | −2.8011 | - |
80→82 | - | −1.5280 | −1.8161 | −2.1179 | −2.4404 | −2.7914 | - |
(5.1, 350) | (5.2, 349) | (5.3, 347) | (5.4, 344) | (5.5, 340) | (5.6, 335) | (5.7, 329) | |
70→72 | - | −7.3489 | −8.6955 | −10.0881 | −11.5566 | −13.1342 | - |
72→74 | - | −7.2747 | −8.6012 | −9.9724 | −11.4177 | −12.9694 | - |
74→76 | - | −7.2015 | −8.5083 | −9.8586 | −11.2811 | −12.8076 | - |
76→78 | - | −7.1295 | −8.4169 | −9.7467 | −11.1469 | −12.6487 | - |
78→80 | - | −7.0585 | −8.3269 | −9.6366 | −11.0150 | −12.4925 | - |
80→82 | - | −6.9886 | −8.2383 | −9.5283 | −10.8853 | −12.3391 | - |
(5.1, 350) | (5.2, 349) | (5.3, 347) | (5.4, 344) | (5.5, 340) | (5.6, 335) | (5.7, 329) | |
0.65→0.70 | - | 0.0233 | 0.0308 | 0.0379 | 0.0446 | 0.0509 | - |
0.70→0.75 | - | 0.0778 | 0.1045 | 0.1299 | 0.1539 | 0.1767 | - |
0.75→0.80 | - | 0.2004 | 0.2742 | 0.3445 | 0.4115 | 0.4753 | - |
0.80→0.85 | - | 0.4242 | 0.5922 | 0.7524 | 0.9053 | 1.0511 | - |
0.85→0.90 | - | 0.7883 | 1.1239 | 1.4431 | 1.7469 | 2.0361 | - |
0.90→0.95 | - | 1.3968 | 2.0324 | 2.6306 | 3.1939 | 3.7250 | - |
(%) | (5.1, 350) | (5.2, 349) | (5.3, 347) | (5.4, 344) | (5.5, 340) | (5.6, 335) | (5.7, 329) |
8.2→8.4 | - | −3.6393 | −4.2566 | −4.8724 | −5.4972 | −6.1420 | - |
8.4→8.6 | - | −3.4682 | −4.0550 | −4.6405 | −5.2344 | −5.8474 | - |
8.6→8.8 | - | −3.3088 | −3.8675 | −4.4247 | −4.9901 | −5.5735 | - |
8.8→9.0 | - | −3.1602 | −3.6926 | −4.2237 | −4.7625 | −5.3185 | - |
9.0→9.2 | - | −3.0214 | −3.5293 | −4.0360 | −4.5500 | −5.0805 | - |
9.2→9.4 | - | −2.8915 | −3.3767 | −3.8606 | −4.3515 | −4.8581 | - |
(5.1, 350) | (5.2, 349) | (5.3, 347) | (5.4, 344) | (5.5, 340) | (5.6, 335) | (5.7, 329) | |
70 | 387.4590 | 386.6514 | 384.9221 | 382.2699 | 378.6936 | 374.1918 | 368.7631 |
72 | 388.0051 | 387.1974 | 385.4682 | 382.8161 | 379.2399 | 374.7381 | 369.3095 |
74 | 388.5511 | 387.7434 | 386.0143 | 383.3622 | 379.7861 | 375.2844 | 369.8559 |
76 | 389.0971 | 388.2895 | 386.5604 | 383.9084 | 380.3323 | 375.8307 | 370.4023 |
78 | 389.6431 | 388.8355 | 387.1064 | 384.4545 | 380.8785 | 376.3770 | 370.9486 |
80 | 390.1890 | 389.3816 | 387.6525 | 385.0007 | 381.4247 | 376.9233 | 371.4950 |
82 | 390.7350 | 389.9276 | 388.1986 | 385.5468 | 381.9709 | 377.4696 | 372.0414 |
total effect (%) | |||||||
70→72 | - | 27.3150 | 27.3368 | 27.3650 | 27.4001 | 27.4432 | - |
72→74 | - | 27.3147 | 27.3365 | 27.3646 | 27.3996 | 27.4425 | - |
74→76 | - | 27.3145 | 27.3362 | 27.3642 | 27.3990 | 27.4418 | - |
76→78 | - | 27.3143 | 27.3360 | 27.3638 | 27.3985 | 27.4412 | - |
78→80 | - | 27.3141 | 27.3357 | 27.3634 | 27.3980 | 27.4405 | - |
80→82 | - | 27.3139 | 27.3354 | 27.3630 | 27.3975 | 27.4398 | - |
(5.1, 350) | (5.2, 349) | (5.3, 347) | (5.4, 344) | (5.5, 340) | (5.6, 335) | (5.7, 329) | |
total effect (%) | |||||||
70→72 | - | 92.4484 | 92.5512 | 92.6822 | 92.8439 | 93.0403 | - |
72→74 | - | 92.4437 | 92.5453 | 92.6747 | 92.8344 | 93.0281 | - |
74→76 | - | 92.4391 | 92.5395 | 92.6673 | 92.8249 | 93.0160 | - |
76→78 | - | 92.4345 | 92.5338 | 92.6601 | 92.8156 | 93.0041 | - |
78→80 | - | 92.4299 | 92.5282 | 92.6529 | 92.8065 | 92.9925 | - |
80→82 | - | 92.4255 | 92.5226 | 92.6459 | 92.7975 | 92.9810 | - |
(5.1, 350) | (5.2, 349) | (5.3, 347) | (5.4, 344) | (5.5, 340) | (5.6, 335) | (5.7, 329) | |
total effect | |||||||
0.65→0.70 | - | 2.4375 | 2.0512 | 1.5269 | 0.8756 | 0.1082 | - |
0.70→0.75 | - | 9.1755 | 7.8551 | 6.0397 | 3.7650 | 1.0654 | - |
0.75→0.80 | - | 26.4758 | 22.9773 | 18.1037 | 11.9464 | 4.5922 | - |
0.80→0.85 | - | 61.2937 | 53.6450 | 42.8554 | 29.1264 | 12.6479 | - |
0.85→0.90 | - | 118.0878 | 103.3400 | 82.3128 | 55.4322 | 23.0933 | - |
0.90→0.95 | - | 194.7443 | 167.5357 | 128.5150 | 78.6576 | 18.8461 | - |
(%) | (5.1, 350) | (5.2, 349) | (5.3, 347) | (5.4, 344) | (5.5, 340) | (5.6, 335) | (5.7, 329) |
total effect | |||||||
8.2→8.4 | - | 0.2308 | 0.2358 | 0.2420 | 0.2495 | 0.2583 | - |
8.4→8.6 | - | 0.2199 | 0.2247 | 0.2306 | 0.2378 | 0.2462 | - |
8.6→8.8 | - | 0.2099 | 0.2144 | 0.2200 | 0.2268 | 0.2349 | - |
8.8→9.0 | - | 0.2004 | 0.2048 | 0.2102 | 0.2167 | 0.2243 | - |
9.0→9.2 | - | 0.1917 | 0.1958 | 0.2010 | 0.2071 | 0.2145 | - |
9.2→9.4 | - | 0.1834 | 0.1874 | 0.1923 | 0.1982 | 0.2052 | - |
(%) | (%) | (%) | |
0.65 | 4.3167 | 11.9456 | 15.3449 |
0.70 | 4.3082 | 11.9125 | 15.3069 |
0.75 | 4.2787 | 11.7983 | 15.1761 |
0.80 | 4.1988 | 11.4917 | 14.8253 |
0.85 | 4.0201 | 10.8052 | 14.0395 |
0.90 | 3.6642 | 9.4231 | 12.4533 |
0.95 | 2.9784 | 6.6817 | 9.2837 |
(%) | (%) | (%) | |
0.65→0.70 | −0.1725 | −0.6690 | −0.7682 |
0.70→0.75 | −0.5999 | −2.3068 | −2.6435 |
0.75→0.80 | −1.6188 | −6.1926 | −7.0881 |
0.80→0.85 | −3.6219 | −13.8610 | −15.8704 |
0.85→0.90 | −7.2143 | −27.8949 | −32.0316 |
0.90→0.95 | −13.9107 | −55.3140 | −64.0012 |
(%) | (%) | (%) | (%) |
8.2 | 4.3167 | 11.9456 | 15.3449 |
8.4 | 4.3205 | 11.9556 | 15.3570 |
8.6 | 4.3241 | 11.9652 | 15.3685 |
8.8 | 4.3275 | 11.9744 | 15.3795 |
9.0 | 4.3308 | 11.9832 | 15.3900 |
9.2 | 4.3339 | 11.9916 | 15.4001 |
9.4 | 4.3369 | 11.9996 | 15.4097 |
8.2→8.4 | 1.8822 | 5.0440 | 6.0538 |
8.4→8.6 | 1.7954 | 4.8108 | 5.7737 |
8.6→8.8 | 1.7145 | 4.5935 | 5.5127 |
8.8→9.0 | 1.6389 | 4.3906 | 5.2689 |
9.0→9.2 | 1.5681 | 4.2008 | 5.0410 |
9.2→9.4 | 1.5019 | 4.0231 | 4.8275 |
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Lin, J.-H.; Chen, S.; Huang, F.-W. Bank Interest Margin, Multiple Shadow Banking Activities, and Capital Regulation. Int. J. Financial Stud. 2018, 6, 63.
Lin J-H, Chen S, Huang F-W. Bank Interest Margin, Multiple Shadow Banking Activities, and Capital Regulation. International Journal of Financial Studies. 2018; 6(3):63.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLin, Jyh-Horng, Shi Chen, and Fu-Wei Huang. 2018. "Bank Interest Margin, Multiple Shadow Banking Activities, and Capital Regulation" International Journal of Financial Studies 6, no. 3: 63.
APA StyleLin, J.-H., Chen, S., & Huang, F.-W. (2018). Bank Interest Margin, Multiple Shadow Banking Activities, and Capital Regulation. International Journal of Financial Studies, 6(3), 63.