Bank Market Power, Firm Performance, Financing Costs and Capital Structure
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. General Framework
2.2. The Impact of Bank Market Power on Firm Performance
2.3. The Impact of Bank Market Power on Corporate Financing Costs
2.4. The Impact of Bank Market Power on the Capital Structure of Companies
3. Data and Methods
4. Results
4.1. Impact of Bank Concentration and of the Relative Power of Banks on Return on Assets (ROA)
4.2. Impact of Bank Concentration and of the Relative Power of Banks on Corporate Debt Costs
4.3. Impact of Bank Concentration and of the Relative Power of Banks on Debt-to-Assets Ratio (DAR)
4.4. Impact of Bank Concentration and of Relative Power of Banks on ROA, IR, and DAR, Sorted by Year
5. Conclusions
5.1. Theoretical Implications
5.2. Practical Implications
5.3. Limitations and Avenues for Future Research
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Max_relationship | Nb_relationship | Hhi_relationship | |
Max_relationship (%) | 1.0000 | - | - |
Nb_relationship (un.) | −0.7778 | 1.0000 | - |
Hhi_relationship (%) | 0.9879 | 0.7973 | 1.0000 |
Variable | Obs. | Average | Standard Deviation | 99th Percentile | 90th Percentile | 50th Percentile (Median) | 5th Percentile | 1st Percentile |
Return on Asset (ROA) | 2665.155 | −27.44 | 9930.14 | 0.588 | 0.176 | 0.023 | −0.532 | −2.40 |
Interest Rate (IR) | 2422.715 | 4.162 | 892.91 | 2.86 | 0.143 | 0.040 | 0 | 0 |
Debt-to-Assets Ratio (DAR) | 2665.155 | 3214.84 | 1,602,130 | 2.72 | 0.661 | 0.17 | 0 | 0 |
Banking Concentration | 2669.407 | 2.87 × 10−8 | 1.646 | 1.29 | 1.288 | 1.28 | −3.17 | −4.79 |
Bank-Related Power | 1,299,522 | 9.286 | 19.142 | 99 | 19 | 3.54 | 1.28 | 1.04 |
Dependent Variable | Business Dimension | Bank Concentration | Bank-Related Power | ||
Hausman Test (Prob > chi2) | Fixed/Random Effects/Pooled OLS Model | Hausman Test (Prob > chi2) | Fixed/Random Effects/Pooled OLS Model | ||
Return on Assets (ROA) | Micro-Enterprise | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects |
Small Business | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
Medium Company | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
Big Company | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
Micro- and Small-Sized Business | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
SMEs | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
Annual Review | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
Interest Rate (IR) | Micro-Enterprise | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects |
Small-Sized Business | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
Medium Company | 0.6321 * | Pooled OLS | 0.7511 * | Pooled OLS | |
Big Company | 0.0991 * | Pooled OLS | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
Micro- and Small-Sized Business | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
SMEs | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0602 * | Pooled OLS | |
Annual Review | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
Debt-to-Assets Ratio (DAR) | Micro-Enterprise | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects |
Small-Sized Business | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
Medium Company | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
Big Company | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
Micro- and Small-Sized Business | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
SMEs | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | |
Annual Review | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects | 0.0000 | Fixed Effects |
Independent Variable | Business Dimension | FE Model | Driscoll–Kraay Model | ||||
Coefficients | Robust Standard Error | p-Value | Coefficients | Drisc/Kraay Standard Error | p-Value | ||
Bank Concentration | Micro-Enterprise | 10.42115 | 6.045695 | 0.085 | 10.42115 | 4.663853 | 0.025 * |
Small Business | 0.1762664 | 0.1141432 | 0.123 | 0.1762664 | 0.0760314 | 0.020 * | |
Medium Company | 0.166335 | 0.1445204 | 0.250 | 0.166335 | 0.1117679 | 0.137 | |
Big Company | −0.0010629 | 0.0054524 | 0.845 | −0.0010629 | 0.0031834 | 0.739 | |
Micro- and Small-Sized Business | 9.393949 | 5.297796 | 0.076 | 9.393949 | 4.067361 | 0.021 * | |
SMEs | 9.198932 | 5.174585 | 0.075 | 9.198932 | 3.988641 | 0.021 * | |
Bank-Related Power | Micro-Enterprise | 0.0009442 | 0.0008369 | 0.259 | 0.0009442 | 0.0006049 | 0.119 |
Small-Sized Business | −0.0002173 | 0.0000704 | 0.002 * | −0.0002173 | 0.000053 | 0.000 * | |
Medium Company | 0.0000223 | 0.0000587 | 0.703 | 0.0000223 | 0.0000544 | 0.681 | |
Big Company | 0.000111 | 0.0000869 | 0.202 | 0.000111 | 0.0000631 | 0.079 | |
Micro- and Small-Sized Business | 0.0008263 | 0.0006063 | 0.173 | 0.0008263 | 0.0005249 | 0.115 | |
SMEs | 0.0008779 | 0.0005604 | 0.117 | 0.0008779 | 0.0004961 | 0.077 |
Independent Variable | Business Dimension | FE Model | Pooled OLS | Driscoll–Kraay Model | ||||||
Coefficients | Robust Standard Error | p-Value | Coefficients | Robust Standard Error | p-Value | Coefficients | Drisc/Kraay Standard Error | p-Value | ||
Bank Concentration | Micro-Enterprise | 0.5755502 | 0.25019 | 0.021 * | 0.575550 | 0.127190 | 0.000 * | |||
Small-Sized Business | 0.9623591 | 0.43036 | 0.025 * | 0.962359 | 0.334465 | 0.004 * | ||||
Medium Company | 0.87328 | 0.26950 | 0.001 * | |||||||
Big Company | 1.92754 | 0.69635 | 0.006 * | |||||||
Micro- and Small-Sized Business | 0.8732815 | 0.26950 | 0.001 * | 0.873281 | 0.224323 | 0.000 * | ||||
SMEs | 1.927546 | 0.69635 | 0.006 * | 1.927546 | 0.612394 | 0.002 * | ||||
Bank-Related Power | Micro-Enterprise | 0.0033156 | 0.00428 | 0.439 | 0.003315 | 0.002410 | 0.169 | |||
Small-Sized Business | −0.020889 | 0.31304 | 0.505 | −0.02088 | 0.016671 | 0.210 | ||||
Medium Company | −0.1253 | 0.23986 | 0.601 | |||||||
Big Company | −11.76660 | 13.7938 | 0.394 | −11.7660 | 10.74242 | 0.274 | ||||
Micro- and Small-Sized Business | 0.000272 | 0.00927 | 0.977 | 0.000272 | 0.004894 | 0.956 | ||||
SMEs | -0.0113 | 0.01912 | 0.554 |
Independent Variable | Business Dimension | FE Model | Driscoll–Kraay Model | ||||
Coefficients | Robust Standard Error | p-Value | Coefficients | Drisc/Kraay Standard Error | p-Value | ||
Bank Concentration | Micro-Enterprise | −8351.81 | 4405.732 | 0.058 | −8351.81 | 3249.551 | 0.010 * |
Small-Sized Business | −0.2463276 | 0.2047333 | 0.229 | −0.246327 | 0.1376364 | 0.074 | |
Medium Company | −0.1458864 | 0.1077418 | 0.176 | −0.145886 | 0.0812153 | 0.072 | |
Big Company | −0.0200299 | 0.0033929 | 0.000 * | −0.020029 | 0.0011794 | 0.000 * | |
Micro- and Small-Sized Business | −10164.31 | 4415.924 | 0.021 * | −10164.31 | 3186.39 | 0.001 * | |
SMEs | −14903.06 | 5,544,453 | 0.007 * | −14903.06 | 4740.575 | 0.002 * | |
Bank-Related Power | Micro-Enterprise | −86.62807 | 65.04397 | 0.183 | −86.62807 | 50.51778 | 0.086 |
Small-Sized Business | 0.0010729 | 0.0010008 | 0.284 | 0.0010729 | 0.000602 | 0.075 | |
Medium Company | −0.0003268 | 0.0006326 | 0.605 | −0.000326 | 0.0007463 | 0.661 | |
Big Company | 0.0001095 | 0.0000812 | 0.178 | 0.0001095 | 0.000365 | 0.003 * | |
Micro- and Small-Sized Business | −92.54217 | 65.32136 | 0.157 | −92.54217 | 50.09726 | 0.065 | |
SMEs | −134.3061 | 70.81504 | 0.058 | −134.3061 | 67.07209 | 0.045 * |
Year | Bank Concentration | ||||||||
Return on Assets (ROA) | Interest Rate (IR) | Debt-to-Assets Ratio (DAR) | |||||||
Coefficients | Robust Standard Error | p-Value | Coefficients | Robust Standard Error | p-Value | Coefficients | Robust Standard Error | p-Value | |
2008 | −9.244864 | 13.90965 | 0.506 | 3.838775 | 3.288102 | 0.243 | 1511.738 | 1727.344 | 0.381 |
2009 | −8.535076 | 6.256597 | 0.173 | 0.502289 | 0.5573841 | 0.368 | −3771.982 | 1893.161 | 0.046 * |
2010 | −1.80818 | 3.929724 | 0.645 | 1.383204 | 0.8332707 | 0.097 | −6275.349 | 2937.49 | 0.033 * |
2011 | 1.348194 | 2.638778 | 0.609 | 6.264821 | 5.11251 | 0.220 | −10,029.05 | 4504.103 | 0.026 * |
2012 | 10.10118 | 6.498106 | 0.120 | 4.283053 | 1.845413 | 0.020 * | −16,308.43 | 6465.038 | 0.012 * |
2013 | 3.628651 | 3.088965 | 0.240 | 3.594374 | 2.220384 | 0.105 | −18,574.79 | 7285.686 | 0.011 * |
2014 | 9.095324 | 4.350414 | 0.037 * | 3.751572 | 1.870114 | 0.045 * | −20,429.37 | 7892.141 | 0.010 * |
2015 | 9.431619 | 4.348199 | 0.030 * | 2.217638 | 1.536301 | 0.149 | −11,315.86 | 6000.312 | 0.059 |
2016 | 6.501354 | 2.920872 | 0.026 * | 6.581209 | 3.10762 | 0.034 * | −12,642.01 | 5724.45 | 0.027 * |
2017 | 2.988391 | 1.278761 | 0.019 * | 0.300160 | 0.5397667 | 0.578 | −8181.452 | 4165.649 | 0.050 * |
Bank-Related Power | |||||||||
Return on Assets (ROA) | Interest Rate (IR) | Debt-to-Assets Ratio (DAR) | |||||||
Year | Coefficients | Robust Standard Error | p-Value | Coefficients | Robust Standard Error | p-Value | Coefficients | Robust Standard Error | p-Value |
2008 | −0.1130145 | 0.0847292 | 0.182 | 6.277107 | 6.784592 | 0.355 | 5066.422 | 3748.542 | 0.177 |
2009 | −0.1927135 | 0.1463825 | 0.188 | 0.0242111 | 0.7866838 | 0.975 | −199.1742 | 2161.927 | 0.927 |
2010 | −0.2184637 | 0.0906998 | 0.016 * | −0.3367994 | 1.199415 | 0.779 | −3360.682 | 3383.588 | 0.321 |
2011 | −0.0591263 | 0.0438212 | 0.177 | 9.341509 | 8.582431 | 0.276 | −14,430.36 | 8511.365 | 0.090 |
2012 | 0.0266162 | 0.0566628 | 0.639 | 4.167491 | 2.298249 | 0.070 | −30,970.28 | 15,246.61 | 0.042 * |
2013 | 0.1981546 | 0.0640628 | 0.002 * | 6.04311 | 3.747088 | 0.107 | −37,666.07 | 18,080.62 | 0.037 * |
2014 | −0.1130145 | 0.0847292 | 0.182 | 4.930809 | 3.007807 | 0.101 | −39,831.11 | 18,888.79 | 0.035 * |
2015 | −0.1927135 | 0.1463825 | 0.188 | 3.102814 | 2.159887 | 0.151 | −17,652.1 | 10,615.02 | 0.096 |
2016 | −0.2184637 | 0.0906998 | 0.016 * | 4.991077 | 3.409368 | 0.143 | −25,034.93 | 11,977.62 | 0.037 * |
2017 | −0.0591263 | 0.0438212 | 0.177 | −1.496164 | 1.518812 | 0.325 | −12,941.57 | 7262,841 | 0.075 |
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Gonçalves, M.P.; Reis, P.M.N.; Pinto, A.P. Bank Market Power, Firm Performance, Financing Costs and Capital Structure. Int. J. Financial Stud. 2024, 12, 7.
Gonçalves MP, Reis PMN, Pinto AP. Bank Market Power, Firm Performance, Financing Costs and Capital Structure. International Journal of Financial Studies. 2024; 12(1):7.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGonçalves, Marisa Pessoa, Pedro M. Nogueira Reis, and António Pedro Pinto. 2024. "Bank Market Power, Firm Performance, Financing Costs and Capital Structure" International Journal of Financial Studies 12, no. 1: 7.
APA StyleGonçalves, M. P., Reis, P. M. N., & Pinto, A. P. (2024). Bank Market Power, Firm Performance, Financing Costs and Capital Structure. International Journal of Financial Studies, 12(1), 7.