Mission Design and Orbit-Attitude Control Algorithms Development of Multistatic SAR Satellites for Very-High-Resolution Stripmap Imaging
:1. Introduction
2. Preliminary Design of a Multistatic SAR Formation System for VHRSI
2.1. Top-Level Requirements of Multistatic SAR System
2.2. Methodology for Improving the Resolution of a SAR Image
2.3. Formation Design of Multistatic SAR Satellites
3. Design of the Relative-Orbit-Control Algorithm for Multistatic SAR Formation-Flying
- (1)
- The relative distance (baseline) should be maintained at 6000 ± 100 m for the along-track direction. Here, the error criterion of 100 m is set as half of the ground-station based relative orbital control error of the multistatic SAR mission of TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X [31].
- (2)
- The magnitude of the thrust used for relative orbit control shall not exceed the performance of the thruster suitable for microsatellites.
- (3)
- The total used during the lifetime of the satellite shall not exceed the total fuel of the thrusters.
3.1. Relative Orbit Control Algorithm for the Along-Track Formation Maintenance
3.1.1. Calculations of the Mean Relative Orbital Elements (Steps 1, 2, and 3 in Figure 4)
3.1.2. Calculation of the Control Value of Relative Eccentricity and Inclination ( and ) for Desired Relative Orbit Motion (Step 4 in Figure 4)
3.1.3. Calculations of the Control Value of the Relative Semimajor Axis () to Maintain the Desired Relative Mean Argument of Latitude (Steps 5 and 6 in Figure 4)
3.1.4. Calculations of Control Parameters (Step 6 in Figure 4)
3.2. Numerical Simulations of Relative Orbit Control for the Along-Track Formation Maintenance
3.3. Performance Analysis of Thrusters for Orbit Control
4. Autonomous Attitude Control of Multistatic SAR Satellites for VHRSI
- (1)
- The antenna pointing error through attitude control must be within 0.01° (3σ).
- (2)
- The attitude stability during multistatic SAR imaging must be within 0.0007°/s (3σ).
- (3)
- The attitude control for the multistatic SAR imaging must be completed at least 0.7 s before . Because strip-map SAR imaging synthesizes received signals from the leading edge of the azimuth direction of the transmitted radar beam, SAR imaging starts before half the beam width from the target. Here, denotes a time point when the Doppler shift frequency of the chief satellite with respect to the ground target becomes zero.
4.1. Concept of the Optimal RADN () Sectors
4.1.1. Calculation of Using the Geometric Method
4.1.2. Obtaining the Precise Using a Numerical Method
4.2. Attitude Control Strategy for Multistatic SAR Imaging
4.3. Design of the Attitude-Control Algorithm
4.4. Numerical Simulations of Autonomous Attitude Control
5. Performance Verification and Image Analysis of a Multistatic SAR System for VHRSI
5.1. Performance Analysis of the Preliminary Design of a Multistatic SAR System
5.1.1. Case of the Designed Orbit Path without Navigation and Attitude Errors
5.1.2. Case of the Determined Orbit Path with Navigation and Attitude Errors
5.1.3. Analysis of the Target Image-Separation Phenomenon Due to Navigation and Attitude Errors
5.1.4. Multistatic SAR Imaging with a Phase-Correction Algorithm under the Determined Orbit Path
5.2. Design Change of the Multistatic SAR System to Satisfy the Spatial Resolution Requirement
5.3. Analysis of the Multistatic SAR Image with Respect to Navigation and Beam Pointing Errors
5.3.1. SAR Image Analysis According to the Relative Orbit Determination Error
5.3.2. SAR Image Analysis According to the Relative Orbit Control Error
5.3.3. SAR Image Analysis According to the Absolute Orbit Determination and Attitude Control Errors
5.4. Performance Verification of the Multistatic SAR System through Near-Multi-Target Imaging Simulation
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Category | Specification |
Level 3 (2.5~4.5 m) | - Detect individual houses in residential neighborhoods - Identify inland waterways navigable by barges |
Level 4 (1.2~2.5 m) | - Detect basketball court, tennis court in urban areas - Identify buildings and large ships - Identify individual tracks, rail pairs, control towers |
Level 5 (0.75~1.2 m) | - Identify tents (larger than two person) at established areas - Identify individual rail cars by type (e.g., gondola, flat, box) - Detect large animals (e.g., elephants, giraffes) in grasslands |
Contents | Specification |
Altitude | 570 km |
Antenna size | 2.2 m 0.5 m |
Carrier frequency | X-band (9.65 GHz) |
Incidence angle | 25°~35° |
Pulse bandwidth () | 400 MHz |
Pulse repetition frequency (PRF) | 11 kHz |
Aperture time | 1.4 s |
Orbital Elements of the Chief Satellite | Relative Orbital Elements of the Deputy Satellite | ||
6378 + 570 km | 0 m | ||
0° | −7500 m | ||
0.0001 | 0 m | ||
0 | 0 m | ||
98.19° | 0 m | ||
189.89° | 0 m |
Contents | Specifications | |
Dynamic model | Gravity model | JGM-3 60 by 60 |
Third body perturbation | Sun, Moon, Planets (DE405) | |
Air drag model | MSISE00 | |
Solar radiation pressure | Conical spherical model | |
Parameters for orbit controls | Drag area | 1.0 m2 (chief)/1.5 m2 (deputy) |
Mass | 100 kg | |
Orbit determination error | 2 m, 0.02 m/s (1σ) | |
Relative orbit determination error | 0.1 m, 0.001 m/s (1σ) | |
direction error | 1° (3σ) | |
control interval | In-plane: 5 orbit periods Out-of-plane: |
Minimum | Maximum | |||||||
Ascend/Descend | Ascending | Descending | Ascending | Descending | ||||
Beam Direction | Left Looking | Right Looking | Left Looking | Right Looking | Left Looking | Right Looking | Left Looking | Right Looking |
Case No | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Contents | Specifications | |
Satellite | Tensor of inertia | kg·m2 |
Control rate | 1 Hz | |
Maximum angular velocity | 2 | |
Average disturbance torque | 0.001 mN·m (1σ) | |
Star tracker | Accuracy | 5 arcsec (2σ) |
Update rate | 5 Hz | |
Reaction wheel | Maximum torque | 20 mN·m |
Maximum angular momentum | 0.65 N·m·s | |
Wheel speed range | ||
Control accuracy | ||
Skew angle () | 35° | |
Rotation angle () | 45° |
Leader Deputy | Chief | Trailer Deputy | |
Total pointing error () | 0.00328° | 0.00332° | 0.00320° |
Angular velocity error () | 0.00015°/s | 0.00016°/s | 0.00016°/s |
6.5 km | 7.5 km | 8.5 km | 9.5 km | |
Azimuth resolution (m) | 1.125 | 0.962 | 0.891 | 0.815 |
PSLR (dB) | −20.8 | −19.3 | −18.3 | −16.7 |
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Share and Cite
Lee, S.; Park, S.-Y.; Kim, J.; Ka, M.-H.; Song, Y. Mission Design and Orbit-Attitude Control Algorithms Development of Multistatic SAR Satellites for Very-High-Resolution Stripmap Imaging. Aerospace 2023, 10, 33. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace10010033
Lee S, Park S-Y, Kim J, Ka M-H, Song Y. Mission Design and Orbit-Attitude Control Algorithms Development of Multistatic SAR Satellites for Very-High-Resolution Stripmap Imaging. Aerospace. 2023; 10(1):33. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace10010033
Chicago/Turabian StyleLee, Sangwon, Sang-Young Park, Jeongbae Kim, Min-Ho Ka, and Youngbum Song. 2023. "Mission Design and Orbit-Attitude Control Algorithms Development of Multistatic SAR Satellites for Very-High-Resolution Stripmap Imaging" Aerospace 10, no. 1: 33. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace10010033
APA StyleLee, S., Park, S.-Y., Kim, J., Ka, M.-H., & Song, Y. (2023). Mission Design and Orbit-Attitude Control Algorithms Development of Multistatic SAR Satellites for Very-High-Resolution Stripmap Imaging. Aerospace, 10(1), 33. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace10010033