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High Lying Precise Resonance Energies from Photoionization Studies of Se3+ and Rb+ Ions Using the Screening Constant per Unit Nuclear Charge Formalism

Département Physique Chimie, UFR Sciences et Technologies, Université Iba Der Thiam, Thiès BP 967, Senegal
Atoms 2023, 11(2), 26;
Submission received: 8 December 2022 / Revised: 24 January 2023 / Accepted: 28 January 2023 / Published: 1 February 2023


Resonance energies of the 4s4p (3P0,1)np, 4s4p (3P2)np (2P3/2, 4D7/2, 4D5/2) and 4s4p (1P1)np (2D3/2, 2D5/2) Rydberg series of Se3+ ions along with resonance energies of the 4s24p5 (21/2) nd 11 and 4s4p6 (2S1/2) np 11 series of Rb+ ions are reported. Calculations are done in the framework of the screening constant per unit nuclear charge (SCUNC) formalism. The fine structure splitting of the 4s4p (3P2)np (2P3/2, 4D7/2, 4D5/2) series from n = 10 to n = 27 and for the 4s4p (1P1)np (2D3/2, 2D5/2) series from n = 8 to 11 are resolved in this paper. Very good agreements are obtained between the present calculations and the available experimental and theoretical literature data. The present predicted data up to n = 40 may be of great importance for the atomic physics community in connection with the understanding of the chemical evolution of the Se and Rb elements in the Universe.

1. Introduction

Photoionization is the key phenomenon for understanding the chemical evolution of elements in the universe in connection with their abundances in photoionized astrophysical nebulae. For Z > 30, processes of neutron (n)-capture elements (e.g., Se, Kr, Br, Xe, Rb, Ba and Pb) produced by slow or rapid n-capture nucleosynthesis have been detected in a large number of ionized nebulae [1,2,3,4]. Intensive research has been made particularly on the photoionization of Kr, Br, Xe, Rb and of Se. As far as Kr and Xe elements are concerned, Bizau et al. [5] performed the first experiment on the photoionization spectrum of Kr+ and Xe+ in the energy range covering 15 eV above the first ionization threshold. McLaughlin and Balance [6] reported the first theoretical resonance energies of the 4s24p4 (1D2)nd and 4s24p4 (1S0)nd prominent Rydberg series observed in the photoionization spectra of Kr+ and Xe+ ions using the multi-channel R-matrix QB method of Quigley–Berrington (which defines matrices Q and B in terms of asymptotic solutions). In addition, using the Modified orbital atomic theory, Diop et al. [7], investigated the dominant Rydberg series of Halogen-like Kr+ and Xe+ ions. Moreover, Sakho [8] studied high lying (1D2, 1S0) ns, nd Rydberg series in the photoionization spectra of the halogen-like ion Kr+ in the framework of the screening constant per unit nuclear charge (SCUNC) method. On the other hand, active research has been performed on the photoionisation of Rb ions due to their importance for modeling astrophysical objects such as those in the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) region [9,10]. Photoionization study of Rb2+ ions is especially crucial because it permits to provide benchmark data allowing to aid in the formulation of so-called “ionization correction factors” used in the modeling of planetary nebula emission lines of Rb ions [11,12,13]. Macaluso et al. [14] performed high-resolution photoionization cross-section measurements for Rb2+ ions using synchrotron radiation and the photo-ion merged-beams technique. Following these measurements, McLaughlin and Babb [15] reported theoretical photoionization data for Rb2+ using the Dirac-Coulomb R-matrix approximation. Following the experimental [14] and theoretical [15] studies, Sakho [16] reported high lying photoionization data for Rb2+ ions in the framework of the SCUNC method. Moreover, Kilbane et al. [9] performed photoionisation measurements for Rb+ ions using both synchrotron radiation and dual laser plasma and compared their experimental data with the Hartree-Fock with exchange plus relativistic corrections calculations [9]. Afterward, McLaughlin and Babb [17] performed Dirac R-matrix calculations to report photoionization data compared with the earlier experimental and theoretical works [9]. On the other hand, photoionization of selenium ions such as Se+, Se2+, Se3+, Se4+ and Se5+ were the subject of active research in connection with the understanding of the chemical evolution of Se in the universe. Photoionization of Se+ ions was pioneered experimentally by Esteves et al. [18] from the photo-ion merged-beams technique and theoretically by McLaughlin and Balance [19] who applied the Breit-Pauli and Dirac-Coulomb R-matrix approximations. In the same way, Sakho [20,21] reported high lying resonance energies belonging to numerous Rydberg series of Se+ using the SCUNC formalism. Furthermore, Esteves et al. [22] and Macaluso et al. [23] reported the first absolute single-photoionization cross-section measurements for Se3+ and Se5+ [22] and for Se2+ [23]. In the experiment of Esteves et al. [22] conducted at the Advanced Light Source (ALS) synchrotron radiation (SR) facility, fine structure splitting of the 4s4p (3P2)np (2P3/2, 4D7/2, 4D5/2) and 4s4p (1P1)np (2D3/2, 2D5/2) series were unresolved and all the corresponding resonance energies overlap, respectively, for n = 10–27 and for n = 8–11. Furthermore, in the measurements of Kilbane et al. [9] and the calculations of McLaughlin and Babb [17], the resonance energies of the 4s24p5(21/2) nd 11 Rydberg series converging to the Rb2+ (3d104s24p5 21/2) threshold were limited to low lying states n = 8–14 [9] and to n = 8–16 [17]. It should be underlined that, in the works of Kalyar et al. [24], precise wavelengths have been measured up to highly excited states n = 70 for the 4p (2P3/2) → nd 2D3/2,5/2 and 4p (2P1/2) → nd 2D3/2 transitions in K I. This particular example points out the importance of extending available low lying experimental measurements to highly excited energy levels. Very recently [25], the SCUNC formalism has been applied to the calculations of accurate transition energies and wavelengths belonging to the Rydberg transitions reported in Kalyar et al. [24] up to n = 100. The maximum shift in wavelengths relative to the experimental data [24] was at 0.03 nm up to n = 70. This points out the suitability of the SCUNC formalism to report accurate high resonance energies corresponding to high quantum number values as demonstrated in various previous studies [16,20,21,26]. The motivation of the present study is in this direction where we use the screening constant per unit nuclear charge method to report high lying precise resonance energies of the 4s4p (3P2)np (2P3/2, 4D7/2, 4D5/2) and of the 4s4p (1P1)np (2D3/2, 2D5/2) Rydberg series of Se3+ ions and of the 4s24p5(21/2) nd 11 and 4s4p6 (2S1/2) np 11 series of Rb+ ions. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a brief summary of SCUNC formalism. Section 3 presents a discussion of the results obtained and compared with the available literature data. In Section 4 we summarize and conclude the present study.

2. Theory

For a given Rydberg series originating from a-2S+1LJ state, we obtain [16,20,21,25]
E n = E Z 2 n 2 [ 1 β ( n l ; s , μ , ν , 2 S + 1 L π . Z ) ] 2 .
In this equation, ν and µ (µ > ν) denote the principal quantum numbers of the (2S+1LJ) nl Rydberg series used in the empirical determination of the fk—screening constants, s represents the spin of the nl- electron (s = ½), E is the energy value of the series limit, En denotes the resonance energy and Z stands for the atomic number (nuclear charge). The β-parameters are screening constants by unit nuclear charge expanded in inverse powers of Z and given by
β ( Z , L J 2 S + 1 , n , s , μ , ν ) = k = 1 q f k ( 1 Z ) k .
In Equation (2), f k = f k ( L J 2 S + 1 , n , s , μ , ν ) are screening constants to be evaluated empirically and q stands for the number of terms in the expansion of the β–parameter. The resonance energy is in the general form
E n = E Z 2 n 2 { 1 f 1 ( L J π 2 S + 1 ) Z ( n 1 ) f 2 ( L J π 2 S + 1 ) Z ± k = 1 q k = 1 q f 1 k F ( n , μ , ν , s ) × ( 1 Z ) k } 2
In Equation (3), ± k = 1 q k = 1 q f 1 k F ( n , μ , ν , s ) × ( 1 Z ) k is a corrective term introduced to stabilize the resonance energies by increasing the principal quantum number n.
In general, resonance energies are analyzed from the standard quantum-defect expansion formula
E n = E R Z c o r e 2 ( n δ ) 2 .
In this equation, R is the Rydberg constant, E denotes the converging limit, Zcore represents the electric charge of the core ion, and δ represents the quantum defect.
Besides, theoretical and measured energy positions can be analyzed by calculating the Z*-effective nuclear charge in the framework of the SCUNC procedure. Let us then express the resonance energy as follows:
E n = E Z * 2 n 2 R .
Comparing Equations (3) and (5), the effective nuclear charge is in the form
Z * = Z { 1 f 1 ( L π 2 S + 1 ) Z ( n 1 ) f 2 ( L π 2 S + 1 ) Z ± k = 1 q k = 1 q f 1 k F ( n , μ , ν , s ) × ( 1 Z ) k } .
In addition, the f2-parameter in Equation (3) can be theoretically determined from Equation (6) by neglecting the corrective term with the condition
lim n Z * = Z ( 1 f 2 ( L π 2 S + 1 ) Z ) = Z c o r e .
So we get then:
f2 = ZZcore
The single photoionization process from an atomic Xp+ system is given by
Xp+ + → X(p+1)+ + e.
Using (9), we find Zcore = p +1.
From Equations (4) and (5), we find the relationship between the effective nuclear charge and the quantum defect
Z 2 * n 2 = Z c o r e 2 ( n δ ) 2
That means
Z * = Z c o r e ( 1 δ n ) .
From the viewpoint of the SCUNC formalism, Equation (11) indicates clearly that, each Rydberg series must satisfy the following conditions
{ Z * Z c o r e i f δ 0 Z * Z c o r e i f δ 0 lim Z * n = Z c o r e

3. Results and Discussion

For the Se3+ and Rb+ ions considered in this work, Equation (9) is, respectively, in the form
Se3+ + → Se4+ + e; Zcore = 4.
Rb+ + → Rb2+ + e; Zcore = 2.
Equation (8) gives for Se3+, f2 = 34 − 4 = 30 and Rb+, f2 = 37 − 2 = 35.
The remaining f1-parameters in Equation (3) are evaluated empirically from the experimental data of Esteves et al. [22] for Se3+ and of Kilbane et al. [9] for Rb+. The results obtained are presented in the caption of each table. Table 1 and Table 2 present comparisons of the resonance energies and quantum defects of the 4s4p (3P0,1)np Rydberg series originating from the 4s24p 2P1/2,3/2 states of Se3+ converging to the 3P0,1 series limits in Se4+. The agreements between the SCUNC results and the SR data [22] are seen to be very good up to n = 22. Almost constant quantum defects are obtained for both theory and experiment as revealed by the data quoted in Table 2. Table 3 and Table 4 lists the resonance energies and quantum defects of the 4s4p (3P2)np (2P3/2, 4D7/2, 4D5/2) Rydberg series originating from the 4s24p 2P3/2 states of Se3+ converging to the 3P2 series limit in Se4+. The SCUNC results are compared with the SR measurements [22]. For n = 6–8, the SCUNC results agree well with the SR values [22]. For n = 9 up to n = 27, the fine structures splitting related to the 4s4p (3P2)np (2P3/2, 4D7/2, 4D5/2) Rydberg series are well resolved via the present calculations in contrast with the SR measurements [22]. Table 5 reports the resonance energies and quantum defects of the 4s4p (1P1)np (2D3/2, 2D5/2) Rydberg series originating from the 4s24p 2P3/2 states of Se3+ converging to the 1P1 series limit in Se4+. It is seen that the SCUNC results compare very well with the SR measurements [22] for the low lying states n = 6–7. For n = 8–11, the SR resonances overlap. Here again, the resonance energies of the 4s4p (1P1)np (2D3/2, 2D5/2) Rydberg series are well identified via the present SCUNC calculations up to n = 40. As stated by Esteves et al. [18], some resonances in their previous SR analysis were not resolved, either due to interference from other series or to limitations in photon energy resolution at high n values. Probable strong coupling series occur in the photoionisation processes of the Se+ ions. In any case, unresolved fine structure splitting may be explained by the interference from other series causing strong inter-series coupling and/or limitations in photon energy resolution. Table 6 lists the resonance energies and quantum defects of the 4s24p5 (21/2) nd 11 Rydberg series of Rb+ converging to the Rb2+ (3d104s24p5 21/2) threshold. The comparison indicates an excellent agreement between the present SCUNC results and the Dirac R-matrix calculations of McLaughlin and Babb [17] from n = 8 to n = 16. In addition, the SCUNC predictions agree very well with the synchrotron radiation (SR) and dual laser plasma (DPL) measurements of Kilbane et al. [9] up to n = 12. For n = 13, the shift in energy is at 0.02 eV. However, for n = 14, the SCUNC prediction and the Dirac R-matrix calculation [17] are, respectively, at 27.92 eV and 27.91 eV in contracts with the SR-DPL measurement equal to 27.95 eV. For n = 15, the SCUNC prediction and the Dirac R-matrix value [17] are equal to 27.95 eV and 27.91 eV in contracts with the SR-DPL measurement equal to 27.95 eV. As a result, the SR-DPL measurement at 27.95 eV for n = 14 may not be accurate and the theoretical data may be good references for this. The SR-DPL resonance energy at 27.95 eV may probably be that of the n = 15 level with the hypothesis that the SR-DPL line for n = 14 is unresolved. For n = 16–40, new SCUNC data are expected to be accurate are tabulated. It should be underlined that, for n = 13–14, the SR-DPL quantum defects are negative in contrast with the SCUNC predictions. To enlighten this point, one needs just to calculate the values of Z* using Equation (6). For the 4s24p5 (21/2) nd 11 series, Z* decreases towards Zcore = 2.0 from 2.0621 for the first entry 4s24p5 (21/2) 8d 11 to 2.0045 for the very higher 4s24p5 (21/2) 100d 11 level. This indicates clearly that Z* > Zcore. Subsequently, positive quantum defects are allowed for the 4s24p5 (21/2) nd 11 Rydberg series as predicted by the SCUNC conditions analysis (12) of resonance energies. Finally, Table 7 presents the resonances energies of the 4s4p6 (2S1/2) np 11 Rydberg series of Rb+ converging to the Rb2+ (3d104s4p6 2S1/2) threshold. For these series, the SCUNC results are seen to compare very well with the SR-DPL measurements of Kilbane et al. [9] along with the dual laser plasma (DPL) data of Neogi et al. [27] and corrected dual laser plasma (Coor-DPL) data of Neogi et al. [27] by Kilbane et al. [9] and with the Dirac R-matrix calculations of McLaughlin and Babb [17] for n = 5–7. It should be mentioned that there is an excellent agreement between the SCUNC prediction and the Coor-DPL [27] for n = 6. New SCUNC data are tabulated for n = 8–11.

4. Summary and Conclusions

In this paper, accurate resonance energies of the 4s4p (3P0,1)np, 4s4p (3P2)np (2P3/2, 4D7/2, 4D5/2) and 4s4p (1P1)np (2D3/2, 2D5/2) Rydberg series of Se3+ and of the 4s24p5 (21/2) nd 11 and 4s4p6 (2S1/2) np 11 series of Rb+ are reported in the framework of the screening constant per unit nuclear charge formalism. Overall, very good agreements are obtained between the SCUNC predictions and the available literature data. In addition, the possibility to use the SCUNC method to resolve unresolved fine structure splitting measurements is demonstrated in this paper as far as the 4s4p (3P2)np (2P3/2, 4D7/2, 4D5/2) and 4s4p (1P1)np (2D3/2, 2D5/2) series are concerned. The new SCUNC values up to n = 40 may be useful photoionization data for incorporation into astrophysical modeling codes in connection with the understanding of the chemical evolution of Se and Kb elements in the Universe.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

The present study did not report any data.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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Table 1. Resonance energies of the 4s4p (3P0,1)np Rydberg series originating from the 4s24p 2P1/2,3/2 states of Se3+ converging to the 3P0,1 series limits in Se4+. The Screening constant per unit nuclear charge (SCUNC) results are compared to the synchrotron radiation (SR) measurements of Esteves et al. [22]. The screening constants are equal to: f1 (2P3/2,3P0) = −6.579 ± 0.029, f1 (2P3/2,3P1) = −7.303 ± 0.029 and f1 (2P1/2,3P1) = −7.365 ± 0.029.
Table 1. Resonance energies of the 4s4p (3P0,1)np Rydberg series originating from the 4s24p 2P1/2,3/2 states of Se3+ converging to the 3P0,1 series limits in Se4+. The Screening constant per unit nuclear charge (SCUNC) results are compared to the synchrotron radiation (SR) measurements of Esteves et al. [22]. The screening constants are equal to: f1 (2P3/2,3P0) = −6.579 ± 0.029, f1 (2P3/2,3P1) = −7.303 ± 0.029 and f1 (2P1/2,3P1) = −7.365 ± 0.029.
4s24p 2P3/2 → 4s4p (3P0)np4s24p 2P3/2 → 4s4p (3P1)np4s24p 2P1/2 → 4s4p (3P1)np
642.85042.85below threshold42.95042.95
1351.890 52.04152.0652.58552.62
1452.142 52.30452.3152.84752.88
1552.340 52.50952.5353.05253.07
1652.498 52.67352.6853.21653.22
1752.627 52.80652.8153.34953.36
1852.733 52.91552.9253.45853.46
1952.822 53.00653.0153.54953.53
2052.896 53.083 53.62653.63
2152.959 53.148 53.69153.70
2253.014 53.203 53.74653.75
2353.061 53.251 53.794
2453.101 53.293 53.836
2553.137 53.329 53.872
2653.168 53.361 53.904
2753.196 53.390 53.933
2853.221 53.415 53.958
2953.243 53.437 53.980
3053.263 53.458 54.000
3153.280 53.476 54.019
3253.297 53.492 54.035
3353.311 53.507 54.050
3453.324 53.520 54.063
3553.336 53.533 54.075
3653.348 53.544 54.087
3753.358 53.554 54.097
3853.367 53.563 54.106
3953.376 53.572 54.115
4053.383 53.580 54.123
53.53053.53053.728 54.271
Table 2. Quantum defects (dimensionless) of the 4s4p (3P0,1)np Rydberg series originating from the 4s24p 2P1/2,3/2 states of Se3+ converging to the 3P0,1 series limits in Se4+. The SCUNC results are compared to the SR data of Esteves et al. [22].
Table 2. Quantum defects (dimensionless) of the 4s4p (3P0,1)np Rydberg series originating from the 4s24p 2P1/2,3/2 states of Se3+ converging to the 3P0,1 series limits in Se4+. The SCUNC results are compared to the SR data of Esteves et al. [22].
4s24p 2P3/2 → 4s4p (3P0)np4s24p 2P3/2 → 4s4p (3P1)np4s24p 2P1/2 → 4s4p (3P1)np
61.491.49below threshold1.611.62
131.48 1.641.621.641.55
141.48 1.641.621.641.50
151.47 1.641.621.641.55
161.47 1.631.581.641.55
171.47 1.631.551.641.55
181.47 1.631.581.641.55
191.47 1.631.581.631.55
201.47 1.63 1.631.55
211.47 1.63 1.631.55
221.47 1.63 1.641.55
231.47 1.63 1.64
241.47 1.63 1.64
251.46 1.63 1.64
261.46 1.63 1.64
271.46 1.63 1.64
281.46 1.63 1.64
291.46 1.63 1.64
301.46 1.63 1.64
311.46 1.63 1.64
321.46 1.63 1.64
331.46 1.63 1.64
341.46 1.63 1.64
351.46 1.63 1.64
361.46 1.63 1.64
371.46 1.63 1.64
381.46 1.63 1.64
391.46 1.63 1.64
401.46 1.63 1.64
Table 3. Resonance energies (in eV) of the 4s4p (3P2)np (2P3/2, 4D7/2, 4D5/2) Rydberg series originating from the 4s24p 2P3/2 states of Se3+ converging to the 3P2 series limit in Se4+. The SCUNC results are compared to the SR data of Esteves et al. [22]. The screening constants are equal to: f1 (3P2, 2P3/2)) = −7.636 ± 0.029, f1 (3P2, 4D7/2) = −7.335 ± 0.027 and f1 (3P2, 2D5/2) = −6.982 ± 0.027.
Table 3. Resonance energies (in eV) of the 4s4p (3P2)np (2P3/2, 4D7/2, 4D5/2) Rydberg series originating from the 4s24p 2P3/2 states of Se3+ converging to the 3P2 series limit in Se4+. The SCUNC results are compared to the SR data of Esteves et al. [22]. The screening constants are equal to: f1 (3P2, 2P3/2)) = −7.636 ± 0.029, f1 (3P2, 4D7/2) = −7.335 ± 0.027 and f1 (3P2, 2D5/2) = −6.982 ± 0.027.
4s24p 2P3/2 → 4s4p (3P0)np4s4p (3P2)np (4D7/2)4s4p (3P2)np (2D5/2)
2853.874 53.875 53.876
2953.896 53.897 53.898
3053.916 53.917 53.918
3153.934 53.935 53.936
3253.950 53.951 53.952
3353.965 53.966 53.967
3453.979 53.979 53.980
3553.991 53.991 53.992
3654.002 54.003 54.003
3754.012 54.013 54.013
3854.022 54.022 54.023
3954.030 54.031 54.031
4054.038 54.039 54.039
Table 4. Quantum defects (dimensionless) of the 4s4p (3P2)np (2P3/2, 4D7/2, 4D5/2) Rydberg series originating from the 4s24p 2P3/2 states of Se3+ converging to the 3P2 series limit in Se4+. The SCUNC results are compared to the SR measurements of Esteves et al. [22].
Table 4. Quantum defects (dimensionless) of the 4s4p (3P2)np (2P3/2, 4D7/2, 4D5/2) Rydberg series originating from the 4s24p 2P3/2 states of Se3+ converging to the 3P2 series limit in Se4+. The SCUNC results are compared to the SR measurements of Esteves et al. [22].
4s4p (3P2)np (2P3/2)4s4p (3P2)np (4D7/2)4s4p (3P2)np (2D5/2)
281.60 1.55 1.48
291.60 1.55 1.48
301.60 1.55 1.48
311.60 1.55 1.48
321.60 1.55 1.48
331.60 1.55 1.48
341.60 1.55 1.48
351.60 1.55 1.48
361.60 1.55 1.48
371.60 1.55 1.48
381.60 1.55 1.48
391.60 1.55 1.48
401.60 1.55 1.48
Table 5. Resonance energies (in eV) and quantum defects (dimensionless) of the 4s4p (1P1)np (2D3/2, 2D5/2) Rydberg series originating from the 4s24p 2P3/2 states of Se3+ converging to the 1P1 series limit in Se4+. The SCUNC results are compared to the SR measurements of Esteves et al. [22]. The screening constants are equal to: f1 (1P1, 2D3/2) = −7.515 ± 0.028 and f1 (1P1, 2D5/2) = −7.362 ± 0.028.
Table 5. Resonance energies (in eV) and quantum defects (dimensionless) of the 4s4p (1P1)np (2D3/2, 2D5/2) Rydberg series originating from the 4s24p 2P3/2 states of Se3+ converging to the 1P1 series limit in Se4+. The SCUNC results are compared to the SR measurements of Esteves et al. [22]. The screening constants are equal to: f1 (1P1, 2D3/2) = −7.515 ± 0.028 and f1 (1P1, 2D5/2) = −7.362 ± 0.028.
4s24p 2P3/2 → 4s4p (1P1)np (2D3/2)4s24p 2P3/2 → 4s4p (1P1)np (2D5/2)
E (eV)δE (eV)Δ
1256.724 1.60 56.734 1.57
1357.062 1.59 57.070 1.56
1457.321 1.59 57.327 1.56
1557.524 1.59 57.529 1.56
1657.687 1.59 57.691 1.55
1757.819 1.59 57.822 1.55
1857.927 1.59 57.930 1.55
1958.017 1.59 58.019 1.55
2058.093 1.58 58.095 1.55
2158.158 1.58 58.159 1.55
2258.213 1.58 58.214 1.55
2358.260 1.58 58.262 1.55
2458.302 1.58 58.303 1.55
2558.338 1.58 58.339 1.55
2658.370 1.58 58.371 1.55
2758.398 1.58 58.399 1.55
2858.423 1.58 58.424 1.55
2958.445 1.58 58.446 1.55
3058.465 1.58 58.466 1.55
3158.483 1.58 58.484 1.55
3258.499 1.58 58.500 1.56
3358.514 1.58 58.515 1.56
3458.528 1.58 58.528 1.56
3558.540 1.58 58.540 1.56
3658.551 1.58 58.552 1.56
3758.561 1.58 58.562 1.56
3858.571 1.58 58.571 1.56
3958.579 1.58 58.580 1.57
4058.587 1.58 58.588 1.57
58.735 58.735
Table 6. Resonance energies (in eV) and quantum defects (dimensionless) of the 4s24p5 (21/2) nd 11 Rydberg series of Rb+ converging to the Rb2+ (3d104s24p5 21/2) threshold. The present SCUNC results are compared to the synchrotron radiation (SR) and dual laser plasma (DPL) measurements of Kilbane et al. [9] along with their theoretical results from Hartree-Fock with exchange plus relativistic corrections (HXR) [9] and with the Dirac R-matrix calculations of McLaughlin and Babb [17]. The SCUNC screening constant is f1 (21/2, 11) = −0.435 ± 0.028.
Table 6. Resonance energies (in eV) and quantum defects (dimensionless) of the 4s24p5 (21/2) nd 11 Rydberg series of Rb+ converging to the Rb2+ (3d104s24p5 21/2) threshold. The present SCUNC results are compared to the synchrotron radiation (SR) and dual laser plasma (DPL) measurements of Kilbane et al. [9] along with their theoretical results from Hartree-Fock with exchange plus relativistic corrections (HXR) [9] and with the Dirac R-matrix calculations of McLaughlin and Babb [17]. The SCUNC screening constant is f1 (21/2, 11) = −0.435 ± 0.028.
Resonance Energies EnQuantum Defects δn
1527.954427.9512 0.23270.3239
1627.985127.9824 0.23210.3239
1728.0104 0.2316
1828.0316 0.2312
1928.0495 0.2308
2028.0648 0.2304
2128.0778 0.2301
2228.0892 0.2298
2328.0990 0.2295
2428.1077 0.2293
2528.1153 0.2290
2628.1221 0.2288
2728.1281 0.2286
2828.1334 0.2285
2928.1383 0.2283
3028.1426 0.2281
3128.1465 0.2280
3228.1501 0.2279
3328.1533 0.2277
3428.1563 0.2276
3528.1590 0.2275
3628.1615 0.2274
3728.1638 0.2273
3828.1659 0.2272
3928.1678 0.2271
4028.1696 0.2271
Table 7. Resonance energies (in eV) of the 4s4p6 (2S1/2) np 11 Rydberg series of Rb+ converging to the Rb2+ (3d104s4p6 2S1/2) threshold. The SCUNC results are compared to the synchrotron radiation (SR) and dual laser plasma (DPL) measurements of Kilbane et al. [9] along with the dual laser plasma (DPL) data of Neogi et al. [26] and corrected dual laser plasma (Coor-DPL) data of Neogi et al. [26] by Kilbane et al. [9] and with the Dirac R-matrix calculations of McLaughlin and Babb [17]. The screening constant f1 (2S1/2, 11) = −7.255 ± 0.020.
Table 7. Resonance energies (in eV) of the 4s4p6 (2S1/2) np 11 Rydberg series of Rb+ converging to the Rb2+ (3d104s4p6 2S1/2) threshold. The SCUNC results are compared to the synchrotron radiation (SR) and dual laser plasma (DPL) measurements of Kilbane et al. [9] along with the dual laser plasma (DPL) data of Neogi et al. [26] and corrected dual laser plasma (Coor-DPL) data of Neogi et al. [26] by Kilbane et al. [9] and with the Dirac R-matrix calculations of McLaughlin and Babb [17]. The screening constant f1 (2S1/2, 11) = −7.255 ± 0.020.
535.71435.72035.71435.70835.710 ± 0.02
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Sakho, I. High Lying Precise Resonance Energies from Photoionization Studies of Se3+ and Rb+ Ions Using the Screening Constant per Unit Nuclear Charge Formalism. Atoms 2023, 11, 26.

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Sakho I. High Lying Precise Resonance Energies from Photoionization Studies of Se3+ and Rb+ Ions Using the Screening Constant per Unit Nuclear Charge Formalism. Atoms. 2023; 11(2):26.

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Sakho, Ibrahima. 2023. "High Lying Precise Resonance Energies from Photoionization Studies of Se3+ and Rb+ Ions Using the Screening Constant per Unit Nuclear Charge Formalism" Atoms 11, no. 2: 26.

APA Style

Sakho, I. (2023). High Lying Precise Resonance Energies from Photoionization Studies of Se3+ and Rb+ Ions Using the Screening Constant per Unit Nuclear Charge Formalism. Atoms, 11(2), 26.

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