1. Introduction
Asymptotically safe cosmology [
6] relies on the success of the asymptotic safety scenario [
7] in quantum gravity achieved in the last two decades (see the status reports in [
10] and the references therein). Based on the RG studies of the four-dimensional two-parameter EH gravity in the continuum, good evidence is found for the existence of an ultraviolet (UV) fixed point, the so-called Reuter fixed point, and that of the Gaussian fixed point [
21]. It is assumed that the early time evolution of the Universe was governed by the Reuter fixed point, revealing asymptotic safety, while its evolution preceding somewhat the present-day time was dictated by the perturbative regime of the gravitational couplings near the Gaussian fixed point. The idea is that at any cosmological time
t, the relevant physical processes in the Universe are those of a given energy scale
identified with the RG scale
k. The function
is called below the
t conversion rule. As the authors pointed out in [
22], the main features of the RG flow of the gravitational couplings are rather independent of the fine details of RG scheme used, as well as the matter content of the Universe. Moreover, the RG analyses of the Euclidean and Lorentzian theories yield rather similar results in that respect [
27]. These features of the RG flow on realistic RG trajectories include
(i) three scaling regions, the UV regime governed by the Reuter fixed point, the crossover regime ended in the perturbative one close to the Gaussian fixed point, and the IR region where the gravitational couplings become almost scale-independent, and
(ii) the order of magnitude of their limit points at
, where
is the Planck mass. For the expanding Universe, one naturally expects that the decreasing energy scale
k should correspond to the increasing cosmological time
t. The RG studies prove that Newton’s gravitational coupling
G vanishes at the Reuter fixed point, making it plausible that the quantum-improved evolution equations and the quantum-improved Friedmann equations should keep their classical form with the only modification that Newton’s gravitational constant
and the cosmological constant
(the null index indicates the present-day values) should be replaced by the time-dependent couplings
, respectively. From now on, we assume that the functions
are well-known functions from the RG analysis of quantum gravity.
So far, quantum fluctuations of the metric and those of the matter fields have been neglected, and the cosmological evolution of the homogeneous and isotropic Universe is described by the quantum modified Friedmann equations and their consistency condition, where the gravitational constants are replaced by their time-dependent counterparts. These equations represent the symmetry-reduced sector of the quantum-improved version of classical EH gravity, when the gravitational constants
are replaced by their time-dependent counterparts. Then, the Bianchi identity
(for the Einstein tensor
) implies the quantum-improved consistency condition
of the Einstein equations with the stress–energy tensor of matter
. Having performed the symmetry reduction to the homogeneous and isotropic sector, one obtains the quantum-improved consistency condition (cf. (
13) below) of the quantum-improved Friedmann equations, which is now different from the law of the local energy conservation of matter, as it was in the classical case. Let us say that one formulates the cosmological evolution problem in terms of the Hubble parameter
, the energy density of matter
, and the function
. Then, one has only two independent equations for the determination of three yet-unknown functions. Regarding this problem, various approaches have been worked out in the literature. The first attempts assumed that one has to make some intuitive assumption on the function
such as
with some constant
, require the local conservation of the energy of matter separately as in classical cosmology [
28], and adjust the constant
in the UV and in the perturbative regimes separately in order to achieve consistency among the four equations [
30]. These first efforts have given a hint about the scale- or time-dependence of
itself: different results have been obtained for
in the UV and in the perturbative regimes. There is an approach that determines the function
from the interplay between the local energy conservation of matter and the reduced consistency condition (cf. (
14) below) following from the quantum-improved consistency condition [
31]. Below, we shall follow this route under Scheme A. Another approach has been proposed in the framework of dimensionless cosmological variables [
33], when the
t conversion rule is determined from a constraint on the RG parameters (cf. (
24) below), which follows from taking the first derivative of the Friedmann constraint with respect to the RG scale
k [
1]. This approach is particularly adequate to consider models in which both gravitation and matter underlie quantum effects, but we restrict now ourselves to a model where matter is represented by a barotropic fluid with the classical equation of state (EOS). Below, we shall follow this route under Scheme B. Finally, we have to mention the approach when one gives up the requirement of the local energy conservation of matter separately, then one has to go back to some intuitive choice of the conversion rule
t and establish that matter is expanding in a nonadiabatic manner, and the entropy production can be read off from the thermodynamical reinterpretation of the quantum-improved consistency condition [
3]. We should mention that, in particular systems, both Scheme A and Scheme B may reproduce the naive inverse proportionality
, but not in general. It has been shown that, according to the matter content of the Universe, the cosmological evolution may exhibit cosmological fixed points, where the RG scale freezes in, and ones where the RG scale continues to evolve; a detailed classification of the possible cosmological fixed points can be found in [
The main goal of the present paper was to put forward interpolation formulas that describe the above-mentioned main features of the RG flow of the gravitational couplings. Then, we shall apply these formulas to a particularly simple, analytically solvable model Universe, in order to obtain analytic relations for the characteristic time scales of the cosmological evolution. We restricted ourselves to the asymptotically safe cosmology based on the two-parameter EH gravity. We intended to give interpolation formulas that reproduce the main features of the RG flow discussed in detail in [
22]. The UV scaling for
is governed by the Reuter fixed point, while for
, the gravitational couplings take their present-day constant values
measured at the laboratory scale
observed at the Hubble scale
. (It should be noticed that, along the RG trajectories relevant for the evolution of our Universe, there may exist a deep IR regime for
, where the gravitational couplings
G and
tend to zero in the limit
6]; this scaling region can affect, however, the evolution of the Universe in the late future, which is out of the scope of our discussion in the present paper).
On the space of the dimensionless couplings
, the physical RG trajectory relevant for our Universe starts at the Reuter fixed point
. We note that the position of the Reuter fixed point depends slightly on the details of the RG analysis and can be influenced by the matter content of the early Universe, but our considerations make use of the existence of the Reuter fixed point rather than its position. For
, it approaches the Gaussian fixed point at
, and with the further decrease of the RG scale,
k runs away from the Gaussian fixed point towards positive values of
, while the dimensionful couplings take their constant values observed in the present day. The scaling of the couplings slightly above the scale
is the so-called perturbative regime. The proposed interpolation formulas recover the UV scaling laws and the constant values
below the scale
, and in the crossover regime
are motivated by the scaling in the perturbative regime. The interpolation formulas contain three free parameters, which are determined from the continuity of
, and that of the matter density
at the dynamical scale
, while the scale
is taken from the RG analyses [
The interpolation formulas are applied to a rather simple model Universe making the assumptions that
(i) the Universe is spatially homogeneous and isotropic,
(ii) it is spatially flat,
(iii) its matter content is assigned to a single type of barotropic fluid with the EOS
with the constant
being its pressure and energy density, respectively, while
(iv) the barotropic fluid is subjected to the law of local energy conservation separately. In this model, we identify the presence of the evolving cosmological coupling
with that of the dark energy and call the quantity:
the density of the dark energy. It is rather giving a name to the
-component of the model; to go beyond the nature of dark energy is out of the scope of the present paper. Motivated by the interpretation used in [
1], we take the point of view that
can be considered as the field-independent potential energy density of a condensed scalar field, which implies the EOS
with the pressure
of the dark energy. Since the constituent
is represented in its own right explicitly in our model, we assumed that the equation of state parameter of the other constituent of matter is definitely larger than
. The cases of barotropic fluids with a constant negative parameter
, as well as those with
are rather hypothetical ones according to our knowledge. For a one-component scalar field
in the slow-roll inflationary scenario, the parameter
takes initially negative values close to, but larger than
and may approach values either
(dust) or
(ultrarelativistic gas) at the graceful exit depending on the particular form of the inflaton potential [
It is well known that, if the Universe was filled by radiation or dust after the Big Bang, the quantum improvement may make unnecessary any fine-tuning of the initial conditions or the introduction of an inflaton field, in order to solve the horizon and flatness problems [
29]. In that case, the physical phase trajectory runs to a universal attractor, being independent of the IR values of the gravitational couplings. The early time evolution is characterized by the time-dependent Hubble parameter
and the scale factor
. For
, both the flatness and horizon problems are solved automatically [
(i) the universal attractor starts from a singularity at
, characterized by constant and equal cosmological parameters
of the matter and that of the dark energy, respectively, so that
implies in total
and a flat spatial geometry;
(ii) no finite particle horizon exists, so that our entire visible Universe should have been causally connected in the Planck era. It should be noted that the inequality
allows for considering hypothetical barotropic fluids with
, as well. Our formulas found below remain valid for any values of the parameter
w in the interval
Applying the proposed interpolation formulas to the above-described spatially flat model Universe enables one to solve analytically the problem of evolution for times from the Big Bang at
to the asymptotically far future
. This circumstance enables one to obtain analytic expressions for the
t conversion rule in the Planck and crossover eras, as well as those for the characteristic time scales
corresponding to the dynamical RG scales
, respectively. The discussion of the evolution problem is performed both in Scheme A and Scheme B. Both descriptions provide identical results for the entire cosmological evolution including the characteristic time scales. This is basically the consequence of the equivalence of the reduced consistency condition and the constraint on the RG parameters, Equations (
14) and (
24), respectively, in the case of the discussed particular model Universe. After continuously sewing the solutions on the various intervals for
and those for
, the cosmological quantities
, and
become continuous. In the Planck era for
, the well-known universal evolution governed by the Reuter fixed point is recovered with the simple conversion rule
, while for late times
, the classical evolution holds trivially. In the crossover era for
, a nontrivial with increasing cosmological time strictly monotonically decreasing function
is obtained. Nevertheless, the simple proportionality
remains yet a rather good approximation. The solution found in Scheme B enables us to identify the evolution in the time interval
as a cosmological fixed point with an evolving RG scale
and the dominance of a mixture of dark energy and barotropic fluid in equal proportions. The evolution of the model Universe in the late future for
corresponds to another cosmological fixed point with a frozen-in RG scale at
and dark energy domination in the asymptotic limit
. It is argued that the evolution of dark energy is accompanied by the decrease of its entropy in the Planck and crossover eras, while the entropy of the barotropic fluid is preserved.
2. Interpolation Formulas
In this section, we propose simple formulas reflecting the main features of the RG flow of the gravitational couplings
G and
in the four-dimensional, two-parameter EH gravity and interpolating between the UV and IR scaling regimes. In the parameter space of the dimensionless couplings
, the RG trajectories are considered along which both of the couplings are nonnegative, running in the broken symmetry phase. The physically relevant trajectories emanate from the Reuter fixed point
, pass the close neighborhood of the Gaussian fixed point, and possibly approach an IR fixed point for
. The latter is expressed in our treatment by saying that the couplings
G and
take their present-day observed values in the IR region. This behavior, based on the results of much effort on the RG analysis of the EH theory of general relativity, was thoroughly discussed in [
22]. There are two dynamical scales characterizing the RG flow: the scale
above which the UV scaling laws
hold and the scale
below which the IR regime with
is found. At the scale
, the RG trajectory is close to the Gaussian fixed point, so that for scales
k larger, but close to
, the perturbative scaling laws can be used (see, e.g., Equations (1.2) and (1.3) in [
3], or Equation (
26) in [
22]). These perturbative laws motivated our choice of the interpolation formulas in the crossover regime
. Thus, the following simple formulas are proposed:
is taken from the RG analysis [
22] and
are still free parameters. By construction, the formulas are continuous at the scale
. Two algebraic equations for the determination of the three yet-unknown parameters are the continuity conditions for
G and
at the scale
. The third equation is obtained by requiring the continuity of the ratio of the time derivatives of the gravitational couplings
at the scale
. (Here and below, the dot denotes the time derivative.) Since local energy conservation is supposed to hold separately for matter, the consistency condition
reduces to an expression, the reduced consistency condition (cf. Equation (
14) below) according to which the energy density of matter is proportional to the ratio
. Therefore, the requirement of the continuity of that ratio ensures the continuity of matter density
at the scale
. We shall see that the three requirements settle
at a value of the correct order of magnitude,
. The continuity conditions are then the following:
Making the working hypotheses that the order-of-magnitude estimates
hold, one obtains for the free parameters of the interpolation formulas:
Then, we see that our working hypotheses are rather well-satisfied, because the following estimates can be made:
One can check that the interpolation Formula (
2) provides a good approximation of the IR scaling law for scales close to, but above the scale
given by Equation (
26) in [
22]. The latter can be approximated for
, i.e., for
was used. A comparison of the estimate (
8) with our interpolation Formula (
2) yields
, while according to our setting above,
Finally, it was checked numerically that the interpolation Formulas (
2) and (
3) with the parameter setting (
7) reproduce fairly well the RG evolution of the couplings
G and
over the entire range of the RG scale covering roughly 40 orders of magnitude (see Figure 4 in [
5. Summary
In this paper, we proposed simple, analytic formulas to describe the main features of the RG scale dependences of the gravitational couplings in the framework of four-dimensional, two-parameter EH gravity. These analytic formulas interpolate in a continuous manner between the Reuter-fixed-point-governed UV scaling regime and the low-energy IR regime, where the couplings take their observed classical values. The interpolation formulas were constructed to ensure the continuity of the energy density of matter at the border of the UV and crossover scaling regions in the framework of asymptotically safe cosmology. We applied the proposed interpolation formulas to an analytically solvable, homogeneous, and isotropic, spatially flat model Universe, which contains a classical barotropic fluid and the
-component identified here with dark energy. The local energy conservation of the barotropic fluid has been required separately. The problem of evolution was solved in two schemes. In Scheme A, we followed the method used in [
31], i.e., we worked in terms of the traditional, dimensionful cosmological variables and determined the conversion rule
between the RG scale
k and the cosmological time
t by means of the reduced consistency condition (
14) of the quantum-improved Friedmann equations. In Scheme B, we followed the method used in [
1], i.e., we worked in terms of dimensionless cosmological variables and determined the conversion rule
from the Friedmann-constraint-induced constraint on the RG parameters (
24). We showed that the constraints (
14) and (
24) are equivalent in the case of the particular model. Therefore, both schemes provided just the same result for the evolution of the system.
In the framework of the particular model, explicit formulas were given for the characteristic time scales
corresponding to the dynamical RG scales
, respectively, arising in the RG analysis of EH gravity. We recovered the well-known result of quantum-improved cosmology, that in the Planck era, just the inverse proportionality
holds. In the crossover era, a nontrivial relation was obtained for the conversion rule
, but it happens that, at the end of the crossover era, the relation
holds with an extremely high accuracy. The characteristic time scale
was also discussed, when the quantum effects driving the accelerating expansion of the early Universe go into a decelerating one. It was shown that
holds and the value of
depends on the matter content of the model. The determination of the solution in Scheme B enabled us to identify the cosmological fixed points, in the sense of the classification given in [
1], from which the evolution starts and at which it ends up. As a by-product, it was found that the quantum effects result in the change of the entropy of the dark energy.