1. Introduction
Observation of cosmic microwave background (CMB) implies that the classical universe is homogeneous and isotropic on scales larger than 250 million light years. Based on the standard CDM model of cosmology, the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) solution of Einstein’s field equations provides a suitable explanation of such near perfect isotropy of the CMB and other astrophysical observables. Nevertheless, there is not yet a decisive answer to the question of whether or not the quantum structure of the universe in the super-Planckian regime has the same symmetry as observed in the CMB and how such structure can be traced in the observational data.
According to the standard model of cosmology, the structure formation at large scales are described via (inhomogeneous) perturbations at smaller scales in the early universe. Quantum field theory in classical, curved spacetime provides a good approximate description of such phenomena in a regime where the quantum effects of gravity are negligible [
2]. Within such framework, the issue of the gravitational particle production induced by the time-dependent background in an expanding universe and its backreaction effect is of significant importance [
4]. Nevertheless, when tracing further back in time, where the curvature of the universe reaches the Planck scales, the quantum effects of gravity become important. This might lead to additional phenomena that are expected to be important when exploring the dynamics of the early universe.
Loop quantum cosmology (LQC) is a promising candidate to investigate the quantum gravity effects in Planckian regime [
5]. It follows the quantization scheme of loop quantum gravity (LQG), which is a background independent, non-perturbative approach to the quantization of general relativity [
8]. This approach has provided a number of concrete results: the classical big bang singularity is resolved and is replaced by a quantum bounce [
12]; the standard theory of cosmological perturbations has been extended to a self-consistent theory from the bounce in the super-Planckian regime to the onset of slow-roll inflation [
17]. Further phenomenological consequences and observational predictions of LQC can be found, e.g., in Refs. [
29], respectively.
The cosmological quantum backgrounds in LQC establish a fruitful ground to explore the quantum theory of inhomogeneous fields propagating on it. In a dressed metric approach, when the full quantum Hamiltonian constraint of the gravity-matter system is solved, an effectively dressed geometry emerges for the field modes. Depending on whether the field is massless or massive, various spacetime metrics can raise for the dressed background geometry. The emergent metric components, if the backreaction between the fields and the geometry is discarded, depend, generically, on the fluctuations of the original quantum metric operator only. For massive modes, quantum gravity effects may induce a small deviation from the initial isotropy [
24]. If the backreaction is considered, other properties, such as emerging a mode-dependent background, can raise, which leads to the violation of the local Lorentz symmetry [
20]. Even in the absence of the backreaction between the states of the gravity and matter fields, a backreaction effect may arise due to the gravitational particle production, which can challenge the validity of the test field approximations employed in the dressed metric scenario [
Motivated from the above paragraphs, our purpose in this article is to address some phenomenological issues associated with the massive test field propagating on a quantum cosmological spacetime. In particular, we will consider a scenario in which an anisotropic dressed geometry emerges for the massive modes due to quantum gravity effects and then revisit the occurrence of the gravitational particle production on such an anisotropic dressed background. Such effects will have important consequences in the super-Planckian regime and at the onset of the classical inflationary epoch. We thus organize this paper as follows. In
Section 2, we will consider the propagation of a massive test field on a quantized FLRW spacetime. We will derive an effective evolution equation for the field and obtain a suitable anisotropic dressed background for the field propagation. In
Section 3, we will study the theory of the quantum field by considering the many infinite modes on the emergent anisotropic spacetime. We will then explore the problem of the gravitational particle production by choosing a convenient, adiabatic vacuum state in the super-Planckian regime. Finally, in
Section 5, we will present the conclusion and discussion of our work.
2. Quantum Fields on a Quantum FLRW Spacetime
In this section, we study the quantum theory of a massive scalar field on a quantum FLRW background. Firstly, we will analyze the quantum theory of a scalar field in the classical Friedmann universe. Next, we will quantize the background and obtain a quantum evolution equation for the composite state of the gravity-perturbation system. Finally, in the last step, we will extract an effective evolution equation for the field mode degrees of freedom, due to which we can extract an effective anisotropic background for propagation of the massive modes.
2.1. Quantum Field on a Cosmological Classical Spacetime
We start with considering a
massive scalar field propagating on a more general classical,
anisotropic background spacetime. In particular, we take a Bianchi type I model whose line element is represented by
is the lapse function and
the scale factor in the
-direction. The coordinates
are chosen such that
is a generic time coordinate, and
(i.e., a 3-torus with the coordinates
We consider a real, minimally coupled scalar field,
, with a mass
m, propagating on the background (Equation(
1)). Having the Lagrangian density for
, with a quadratic potential,
the equation of motion is obtained as
On the
slice, by performing the Legendre transformation, we take a canonically conjugate momentum
to the field
. Then, the classical solutions of Equation (
3) for the pair
can be Fourier expanded as
being a 3-dimensional lattice:
spanned by
, where
is the set of integers [
Let us decompose the field modes into the real and imaginary parts as
Then, the reality condition implies that
. By introducing a new variable
associated to the real variables
, we can rewrite the field modes
Likewise, the decomposition of the momentum
in terms of the real variables
, and introducing the new variable
(conjugate to
above), as
The conjugate variables satisfy the Poisson bracket, .
Using the Equations (
7) and (
10), the Hamiltonian of the scalar test field,
, can be written as the sum of the Hamiltonians,
, of the decoupled harmonic oscillators, each given in terms of
is a time-dependent frequency, defined by
Note that is the field amplitude for the mode characterized by .
To quantize the field, we follow the Schrödinger representation. While the background spacetime is left as the classical, the quantization of
for a fixed mode
resembles that of a quantum harmonic oscillator with the Hilbert space
, where
are promoted to operators on
Then, the Hamiltonian operator
generates the time evolution of the state
via the Schrödinger equation
denotes the physical volume of the universe.
By setting
in Equation (
15) as an
internal time parameter, the evolution of the state
with respect to
on a Bianchi-I background with components
Clearly, one gets an isotropic background for the field by .
2.2. Quantization of the Background
In our model herein this paper, we will assume that the field, , propagates on an isotropic FLRW spacetime in a super-Planckian regime so that this isotropic background has to be quantized. However, the reason for constructing a general formalism of the field on an anisotropic background in the previous subsection is for the purpose of comparison, when an effectively dressed spacetime emerges from the isotropic quantum background. We will show that the emergent effective spacetime can have the same structure of an anisotropic Bianchi-I geometry for the field propagation.
Let us assume a harmonic time gauge,
, and set the isotropic components as
in Equation (
1). Then,
, and the Hamiltonian (
12) becomes
We note that the massless scalar field, , still serves as an internal time parameter.
In quantum theory, we will quantize not only the test field but also the background geometry. We will assume that the backreaction of the quantum field on the background quantized spacetime is negligible. This yields an evolution for the wave function, , of the test field with respect to the internal time . Let denote the background Hilbert space, which consists of the Hilbert space of the gravity sector and that of the scalar clock variable ; the matter sector is quantized according to the Schrödinger representation, . Likewise, the Hilbert space of the field modes reads , as before. Subsequently, the full kinematical Hilbert space of the system for a single mode is given by .
In LQC, the background Hamiltonian constraint operator,
is well-defined on
; the physical states
are those lying on the kernel of
and are solutions to the self-adjoint constraint Equation: [
The quantum number
is the eigenvalue of the background volume operator,
, which acts on the states
is a difference operator that acts on
, involving only the volume sector
. Taking only the positive frequency solutions to Equation (
21), we get a Schrödinger equation for the background as
The solutions yield a physical Hilbert space,
, equipped by the inner product
for an “instant”
of the internal time.
For a composite state
of the geometry-test field system, the action of the total quantum Hamiltonian constraint,
, is written as [
is the Hamiltonian operator of the
th field mode,
By replacing Equation (
21) into the constraint Equation (
25), we obtain
which represents a quantum evolution of
with respect to the internal time
. In a test field approximation, when the backreaction effect is omitted, the expression under the square root can be expanded up to the first-order terms, as [
In expanding the right-hand-side of Equation (
27) to derive the equation above, we regarded
as the Hamiltonian of the heavy degree of freedom, whereas
, defined by
was considered as the Hamiltonian of the light degree of freedom (i.e, a perturbation term). In this approximation, it is suitable to separate the total state of the system as
To explore the quantum evolution of a pure test field state,
, on a time-dependent background, it is more convenient to employ an interaction picture. Thus, we introduce
In this picture, the geometry evolves by
through Equation (
23) for any
in the Heisenberg picture,
Plugging this into Equation (
31), we get
Thereby, the geometrical sector in the composite state becomes frozen in the instant of time so that represents a time-dependent test field state, , solely.
By replacing Equation (
33) into the evolution Equation (
28) and tracing out the geometrical state,
, a quantum evolution for
is obtained as
denotes the expectation value with respect to
. It is clear that the use of the interaction picture in Equation (
34) provided the Heisenberg description for the quantum geometrical elements; that is, the geometry state,
, is fixed at time
, while the geometrical operator,
, evolves in time as
Therefore, Equation (
34) represents a
-evolution of the field,
, on a
time-dependent (classical) background, which is similar to the one we had in classical spacetime (cf. Equation (
2.3. Emergence of Anisotropic Dressed Spacetimes
Equation (
34) can be interpreted as an evolution equation for the field modes on an (effective) classical spacetime, whose components are generated by the expectation values of the original isotropic quantum geometry operators with respect to the unperturbed state
. To explore the properties of such effective spacetime, we can compare Equation (
34), for the evolution of the state
, with the corresponding Equation (
16), for the same state
, on an anisotropic classical background. This comparison yields a set of relations between parameters of the Bianchi I geometry,
, and those of the isotropic quantum geometry,
, as
Note that
. Equation (36a–c) provide an underdetermined system of five equations with eight unknowns
. Thus, to be able to solve this system, we need to impose some arbitrary conditions on these parameters to reduce the number of unknowns to five. Different classes of solutions by imposing various conditions on the variables and their physical consequences were discussed in [
24]. As an example, we will present two classes of such solutions; one is produced by a massless test field,
, and the other is provided by the
dressed massive modes,
For a massless test field,
, we will immediately obtain
. In this case, we will have four equations for the seven unknown parameters
. Therefore, we will still need three more conditions to be able to solve the system in Equation (36a,b). The simplest choice is
(for each
i) so that
. Then, we obtain
, we will have different ranges of solutions (cf. [
24]). However, for our purpose in this paper, we will consider only a specific solution by imposing the condition
). This yields
is a constant. Note that, as a special subcase, when
), the wave vector becomes undressed,
, and an isotropic dressed scale factor,
, identical to Equation (
37a), is obtained. However, here, different from the isotropic case above for
, a nonzero dressed mass is obtained as
This solution represents an isotropic dressed spacetime with the scale factor , over which a massive mode with the mass and an undressed wave-vector propagate.
4. Gravitational Particle Production
Our aim in this section is to study the gravitational particle production in the herein quantum gravity regime due to quantum field on the anisotropic dressed background.
Once a vacuum state,
, is specified due to the positive frequency solutions,
, of Equation (
48), a Fock space,
, for the quantum field
is generated. Let
be two sets of WKB solutions given by Equation (
55) in the herein adiabatic regime. These mode functions form two
normalized bases
3 for
, so they can be related to each other through the time-independent Bogolyubov coefficients,
, as
The Bogolyubov coefficients satisfy the relation
via the condition in Equation (
49). Comparing Equations (
69) and (
52), it follows that the creation and annihilation operators associated with two families of mode functions (i.e, those with and without ‘underline’) are related as
Working in the Heisenberg picture, an initial vacuum state of the system, say
connected to the ‘underlined’ modes,
, is the vacuum state of the system for all times. Then, the number operator,
, associated to the particles in
mode, gives the average number of particles in the
vacuum. Thus, the
-mode-related vacuum state contains
particles in the
-mode vacuum.
Let us rewrite the mode solution,
, in the WKB approximation from Equation (
55), as
Taking the time (
) derivative of
, we obtain
Inverting Equations (
72) and (
74) yields a relation for
Since the initial condition in LQC is fixed at the quantum bounce,
, by setting
, we assume that no particle is created at the bounce. This yields the following conditions on
. Then, for any time
, the number of particles produced becomes
Here, for convenience, we have dropped the ‘underline’ for the mode functions after the bounce (), i.e., we assume and for .
Having the number of particles produced per mode,
, at a given time
, we can compute the total number density of production,
, as the limit of
in a box of volume
, divided by the volume of the universe,
, as
The energy density of the created particles reads
for each mode. Thus, the total energy density is obtained by summing the overall modes as
At the bounce, , the energy density of production is zero, , as expected. However, for , particles will be produced as the universe expands. In the following, we will analyze the energy density of production in the assumed adiabatic regime.
Following the (adiabatic) regularization scheme, the energy density of created particles is obtained as
It turns out that
does not fall off faster than
. The zeroth adiabatic order term in Equation (
82) is zero,
, and the divergences are included in the second and fourth-order terms (for massive modes). For the massless modes, the divergences are included only in the fourth-order term. Therefore, the renormalized energy density of created particles, Equation (
81), can be obtained by subtracting the adiabatic vacuum energy of the particle productions up to the fourth order. When considering the higher order terms (more than the fourth order) in the adiabatic mode functions,
, associated to the vacuum state
, particles are produced and the total energy density of the created particles is proportional to
. For an isotropic case (either massive or massless), where
, we get
, which scales as radiation. This is a similar situation derived in [
22]. Therefore, unlike the classical FLRW cosmology, even massless modes contain nonzero particle production due to quantum gravity effects.
In the standard classical cosmology, the WKB ansatz yields a divergent asymptotic series in the adiabatic parameter so that the particle production phenomenon is associated with the violation of the WKB approximation or the region where the WKB approximation is not fulfilled very well [
34]. However, in the present setting, since the spacetime region transitions between the super-Planckian and sub-Planckian regimes, where the nature of the background geometry differs from the original classical isotropic spacetime to an anisotropic dressed geometry due to quantum gravity effects, the changes in the vacuum and creation of particles are inevitable.
In the pre-inflationary scenario considered in [
22], by assuming a massless field in an isotropic quantum cosmological background,
, an integration range was chosen in Equation (
79) by the window of observable modes of the CMB. Therein, it has been argued that when taking a UV cutoff at the characteristic momentum
and an
infra-red (IR) cutoff at
for all
, being the physical energy of particles after they reenter the effective horizon, the energy density of created particles becomes
This gives the energy density of particles produced in the region . Thus, the main contribution to the production of particles is the modes whose wavelengths, , hold the range , i.e., the modes that reenter after the bounce during the pre-inflationary phase and will only reexit again in the slow-roll inflationary phase.
This implies that the energy density of particles produced in the quantum gravity regime, which scales as relativistic matter, is significant comparing to the background energy density. The background energy density during the slow-roll inflation is dominant over the backreaction of particle productions. However, it should be guaranteed that the production density is still dominant in the pre-inflationary phase before beginning the slow-roll phase. By assuming that the elapsed e-foldings between the bounce and the onset of inflation is about 4–5 e-folds, the energy density of the backreaction is smaller than the background energy density as
. However, the analysis in [
22] indicates that the energy density (Equation (
83)) is two orders of magnitude larger than the required upper bound,
, as estimated for the density of particle creation during the pre-inflationary phase. It turns out that the backreaction of produced particles cannot be neglected so that a more careful analysis of the backreacted wave function for the background quantum geometry is needed.
The above argument indicates that when starting from Equation (
27), the backreaction of the field modes on the quantum background is not negligible; therefore, the total wave function,
, cannot be decomposed as
. It may even make a further constraint on expanding the right-hand-side of Equation (
27) to derive the evolution Equation (
28). Nevertheless, if we suppose that the approximation in Equation (
28) is valid, the presence of the backreaction would lead to a modification of the total state as
(cf. [
20]). Taking into account such modification, the dispersion relation of the field, propagating on the emergent effective geometry, will be modified such that the local Lorentz symmetry becomes violated. In such a scenario, each mode feels a distinctive background geometry, which depends on that mode; a rainbow dressed background emerges. On such backgrounds, the standard approach for studying the infinite number of field modes fails, and an alternative procedure should be employed (e.g., see [
35]). For other approaches in canonical quantum gravity, where the quantum theory of cosmological perturbations and their backreactions are implemented, see, e.g., [
5. Conclusions and Discussion
In this paper, the quantum theory of an (inhomogeneous) massive test field, , propagating on a quantized FLRW geometry is addressed. The background geometry constitutes of a homogeneous massless scalar field, , as matter source, which plays the role of internal time in quantum theory. From an effective point of view, due to quantum gravity effects on the background geometry, quantum modes of the field can experience a dressed spacetime whose geometry differs from the original FLRW metric. If the backreaction of the field modes, , on the background is discarded, within a test field approximation, the full quantum state of the system can be decomposed as ; and are the quantum states of the (unperturbed) background and the field modes, respectively.
In the interaction picture, an evolution equation emerges for
, which resembles the Schrödinger equation for the same field modes propagating on a time-dependent dressed spacetime, whose metric components are functions of the quantum fluctuations of the FLRW geometry. For massive and massless modes, there exists a wide class of solutions for the effective dressed background metric. The
massless modes can only experience an isotropic and homogeneous dressed background with a dressed scale factor,
(cf. see [
13]). The
massive modes, however, yield a general class of solutions for the emergent dressed geometries that resembles the anisotropic Biachi I spacetimes. Likewise, the scale factors
of the consequent dressed Bianchi-I metric are functions of fluctuations of the isotropic quantum geometry.
Given a dressed anisotropic spacetime, as a solution discussed above, we reviewed the standard quantum field theory on such a background. More precisely, we investigated the issue of gravitational particle production associated with the field modes on the dressed Bianchi I geometry in a suitably chosen adiabatic regime. This led to some backreaction issues in the super-Planckian regime, which may affect the dynamics of the early universe. To have a regularized energy-momentum operator of the test field, the adiabatic vacuum state was chosen up to fourth-order terms. We computed the energy density of the particle production within this adiabatic limit. The divergences in the energy density of the produced particles were regularized within the fourth-order adiabatic terms and the remaining terms change as
. Some phenomenological issues related to such particle production were discussed. It was demonstrated that the backreaction due to the particle production in the super-Planckina regime may have significant effects on the evolution of the universe and may subsequently modify the existing pre-inflationary scenario of LQC [
16] (cf. [