Influence of Cosmic Repulsion and Magnetic Fields on Accretion Disks Rotating around Kerr Black Holes
1. Introduction
2. Role of Cosmic Repulsion
2.1. Kerr–de Sitter Black Holes and the Keplerian Disks
2.1.1. Kerr–de Sitter Spacetimes
2.1.2. Equatorial Motion in Kerr–de Sitter Spacetimes Effective Potential
2.1.3. Equatorial Circular Orbits and Keplerian Disks Orientation of the Circular Orbits Stability of the Circular Geodesics
- . No stable circular orbits exist for any value of the spin parameter a.
- . The function () has a local maximum (a local minimum ) at the same radius . For , determines two marginally stable plus-family circular geodesics (an inner, and an outer one). For and , no stable circular geodesics exist.
- . Two zero points of the function correspond to its local minima, its local maximum occurs at , where the maximum of the function is also located. For , no stable circular geodesics exist. For , two marginally stable plus-family circular geodesics exist. For , four marginally stable geodesics exist—the innermost and the outermost geodesics belong to the plus-family, the two orbits located in between belong to the minus-family; clearly, this last case corresponds to the black holes relevant in realistic astrophysical situations in the recent state of the Universe.
2.2. Toroidal Fluid Configurations and Collimation of Jets
2.2.1. Pressure Equations and Effective Potential Governing Orbiting Perfect Fluid
2.2.2. Limits on Extension of Toroidal Structures and Galaxy Extension
3. Role of Magnetic Fields
3.1. Magnetized Kerr Black Holes
3.2. Asymptotically Uniform Magnetic Field as Basic Approximation
3.3. Motion of Charged Test Particles
3.3.1. Hamiltonian Formalism and Effective Potential of the Motion
3.3.2. Circular Orbits of Charged Test Particles
3.4. Ionized Keplerian Discs around Magnetized Black Holes
3.4.1. Possible Fates of Ionized Keplerian Disks
3.4.2. Regular Epicyclic Motion and Explanation of HF QPOs in Microquasars by Magnetically Modified Geodesic Models
3.4.3. Chaotic Scattering
3.4.4. Modeling of Ionized Keplerian Disks around Magnetized Kerr Black Holes
3.5. Magnetic Penrose Process and Creation of Jets
3.5.1. Efficiency of the Magnetic Penrose Process and Its Three Regimes
3.5.2. Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays as Products of MPP in the Extreme Regime
3.5.3. Synchrotron Radiation of Accelerated Charged Particles
3.5.4. Proton and Electron Energy after Leaving the Vicinity of Magnetized Black Holes
3.6. Charged Fluid Structures Circling around Magnetized Compact Objects
3.6.1. Model of Non-Conducting Charged Fluid Tori
3.6.2. Balance Equations of the Fluid
3.6.3. Rotation Regime and Charge Distribution
3.6.4. Integral Analytical Solution of the Pressure Balance Equations
3.6.5. Non-Conducting Charged Fluid Structures Double and Levitating Tori
- For and , we get the potential W embodying two minima and two saddle points in the equatorial plane (corresponding to the positions of two equatorial centers, cusp and pseudo-cusp), allowing construction of either one equatorial torus, two coupled equatorial tori, or the construction of two coupled equatorial tori joint throw the pseudo-cusp and accreting onto the central compact object through the cusp (see Figure 21).
- For and , we get the potential W embodying two minima and saddle points out of the equatorial plane, and one saddle point in the equatorial plane (corresponding to the positions of two off-equatorial centers and cusp, and to the equatorial pseudo-cusp), allowing construction of either two off-equatorial tori—the levitating tori, two levitating tori joint throw the pseudo-cusp, one double off-equatorial torus, or one double off-equatorial torus accreting onto the central compact object through the off-equatorial cusps (see Figure 22 and Figure 23).
- For and , we get the potential W embodying two minima and saddle points out of the equatorial plane, and one saddle point in the equatorial plane (corresponding to the positions of two off-equatorial centers and cusp, and to equatorial pseudo-cusp), allowing construction of either two levitating tori, or two levitating tori accreting onto the central compact object through the off-equatorial cusps (see Figure 24). Polar Clouds
- For , we get the potential embodying two minima and saddle points on the polar axis, and two saddle points in the equatorial plane (corresponding to the positions of two polar centers and cusps, and equatorial pseudo-cusps), allowing construction of either two circling structures centered on the polar axis—the polar clouds, two polar clouds joint throw the pseudo-cusps, one closed encircling structure—the shell, or the accreting shell accreting onto the central black hole through the polar cusps (see Figure 25 and Figure 26). Note that the potential embodies also two equatorial maxima.
- For , we get the potential embodying two minima and saddle points out on the polar axis, and two saddle points in the equatorial plane (corresponding to the positions of two polar centers and cusps, and equatorial pseudo-cusps), allowing construction of either two polar clouds, or two polar clouds accreting onto the central black hole through the polar cusps (see Figure 27). Note that the potential embodies also two equatorial maxima.
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1. | The character of the geodesic motion in the complete Kerr–de Sitter spacetime and the relevance of the effective potential , governing particles in the negative-root states at the stationary region between the black-hole and cosmological horizons, is qualitatively the same as discussed in [62]. |
2. | For analogical estimates for primordial black holes and an effective cosmological constant related to vacuum energy density connected with the electroweak symmetry breaking or the quark confinement, see [16]. |
3. | Location of the “static radius” out of the equatorial plane is roughly given by its location in the SdS spacetime having the same cosmological parameter (relation (18)), as far away from the rotating black hole these two backgrounds almost coincide for y. |
4. | |
5. | For the case of inclined magnetic field see [91]. |
6. | |
7. | For detailed information on the so-called geodesic models of HF QPOs that could be related to binary systems containing both black holes or neutron stars, see [104]. |
8. | For exceptions related to Kerr naked singularities, see [105]. |
9. | |
10. | We can consider the MPP as a general process relevant in any magnetic field around a rotating black hole, but, for the Blanford–Znajek process, a threshold magnetic field of high magnitude is necessary [38]. |
11. | |
12. | Note that the double or multi-toroidal structures can be constructed also in the model of uncharged hydrodynamical tori, in the framework of the so-called ringed accretion disks mixing relatively counter-rotating tori that could be created during evolution of accretion structures in active galactic nuclei [6,7,8,149,150]. |
13. | Of course, it would be instructive to consider both the terms in the right hand side of the Ohm law and combine the both limiting approaches. We plan such studies in future research. |