1. Introduction
The year 2015 marks the centenary of the advent of Albert Einstein’s theory of General Relativity (GR), which constitutes the current description of gravitation in modern physics. It is undoubtedly one of the towering theoretical achievements of 20th-century physics, which is recognized as an intellectual achievement par excellence.
Einstein first revolutionized, in 1905, the concepts of absolute space and absolute time by superseding them with a single four-dimensional spacetime fabric, which only had an absolute meaning. He discovered this in his theory of Special Relativity (SR), which he formulated by postulating that the laws of physics are the same in all non-accelerating reference frames and the speed of light in vacuum never changes. He then made a great leap from SR to GR through his penetrating insight that the gravitational field in a small neighborhood of spacetime is indistinguishable from an appropriate acceleration of the reference frame (principle of equivalence), and hence gravitation can be added to SR (which is valid only in the absence of gravitation) by generalizing it for the accelerating observers. This leads to a curved spacetime.
This dramatically revolutionized the Newtonian notion of gravitation as a force by heralding that gravitation is a manifestation of the dynamically curved spacetime created by the presence of matter. The principle of general covariance (the laws of physics should be the same in all coordinate systems, including the accelerating ones) then suggests that the theory must be formulated by using the language of tensors. This leads to the famous Einstein equation:
which represents how geometry, encoded in the left-hand side (which is a function of the spacetime curvature), behaves in response to matter encoded in the energy-momentum-stress tensor
. [Here, as usual,
is the contravariant form of the metric tensor
representing the spacetime geometry, which is defined by
is the Ricci tensor defined by
in terms of the Riemann tensor
is the Ricci scalar and
the Einstein tensor.
is the energy-stress tensor of matter (which can very well absorb the cosmological constant or any other candidate of dark energy).
G is the Newtonian constant of gravitation and
c the speed of light in vacuum. The Latin indices range and sum over the values 0, 1, 2, 3 unless stated otherwise.] This, in a sense, completes the identification of gravitation with geometry. It turns out that the spacetime geometry is no longer a fixed inert background, rather it is a key player in physics, which acts on matter and can be acted upon. This constitutes a profound paradigm shift.
The theory has made remarkable progress on both theoretical and observational fronts [
5]. It is remarkable that, born a century ago out of almost pure thought, the theory has managed to survive extensive experimental/observational scrutiny and describes accurately all gravitational phenomena ranging from the solar system to the largest scale—the Universe itself. Nevertheless, a number of questions remain open. On the one hand, the theory requires the dark matter and dark energy—two of the largest contributions to
—which have entirely mysterious physical origins and do not have any non-gravitational or laboratory evidence. On the other hand, the theory suffers from profound theoretical difficulties, some of which are reviewed in the following. Nonetheless, if a theory requires more than 95% of “dark entities” in order to describe the observations, it is an alarming signal for us to turn back to the very foundations of the theory, rather than just keep adding epicycles to it.
Although Einstein, and then others, were mesmerized by the “inner consistency” and elegance of the theory, many theoretical issues were discovered even during the lifetime of Einstein which were not consistent with the founding principles of GR. In the following, we provide a critical review of the historical development of GR and some ensuing problems, most of which are generally ignored or not given the proper attention they deserve. This review will differ from the conventional reviews in the sense that, unlike most of the traditional reviews, it will not recount a well-documented story of the discovery of GR, rather it will focus on some key problems which insinuate an underlying new insight on a geometric theory of gravitation, thereby providing a possible way out in the framework of GR itself.
2. Issues Warranting Attention: Mysteries of the Present with Roots in the Past
Mach’s Principle: Mach’s principle, akin to the equivalence principle, was the primary motivation and guiding principle for Einstein in the formulation of GR. (The name “Mach’s principle” was coined by Einstein for the general inspiration that he found in Mach’s works on mechanics [
6], even though the principle itself was never formulated succinctly by Mach himself.) Though in the absence of a clear statement from Ernst Mach, there exist a number of formulations of Mach’s principle, in essence the principle advocates to shun all vestiges of the unobservable absolute space and time of Newton in favor of the directly observable background matter in the Universe, which determines its geometry and the inertia of an object.
As the principle of general covariance (non-existence of a privileged reference frame) emerges as a consequence of Mach’s denial of absolute space, Einstein expected that his theory would automatically obey Mach’s principle. However, it turned out not to be so, as there appear several anti-Machian features in GR. According to Mach’s principle, the presence of a material background is essential for defining motion and a meaningful spacetime geometry. This means that an isolated object in an otherwise empty Universe should not possess any inertial properties. However, this is clearly violated by the Minkowski solution, which possesses timelike geodesics and a well-defined notion of inertia in the total absence of
. Similarly, the cosmological constant also violates Mach’s principle (if it does not represent the vacuum energy, but just a constant of nature—as is believed by some authors) in the sense in which the geometry should be determined completely by the mass distribution. In the same vein, there exists a class of singularity-free curved solutions, which admit Einstein’s equations in the absence of
. Furthermore, a global rotation, which is not allowed by Mach’s principle (in the absence of an absolute frame of reference), is revealed in the G
del solution [
7], which describes a Universe with a uniform rotation in the whole spacetime.
After failing to formulate GR in a fully Machian sense, Einstein himself moved away from Mach’s principle in his later years. Nevertheless, the principle continued to attract a lot of sympathy due to its aesthetic appeal and enormous impact, and it is widely believed that a viable theory of gravitation must be Machian. Moreover, the consistency of GR with SR, which abolishes the absolute space akin to Mach’s principle, also persuades us that GR must be Machian. This characterization has however remained just wishful thinking.
Equivalence Principle: The equivalence principle—the physical foundation of any metric theory of gravitation—first expressed by Galileo and later reformulated by Newton, was assumed by Einstein as one of the defining principles of GR. According to the principle, one can choose a locally inertial coordinate system (LICS) (
i.e., a freely-falling one) at any spacetime point in an arbitrary gravitational field such that within a sufficiently small region of the point in question, the laws of nature take the same form as in unaccelerated Cartesian coordinate systems in the absence of gravitation [
8]. As has been mentioned earlier, this equivalence of gravitation and accelerated reference frames paved the way for the formulation of GR. Since the principle rests on the conviction that the equality of the gravitational and inertial mass is exact [
9], one expects the same to hold in GR solutions. However, the inertial and the (active) gravitational mass have remained unequal in general. For instance, for the case of
representing a perfect fluid:
various solutions of Equation (
1) indicate that the inertial mass density (=passive gravitational mass density)
, while the active gravitational mass density
, where
ρ is the energy density of the fluid (which includes all the sources of energy of the fluid except the gravitational field energy) and
p is its pressure. The binding energy of the gravitational field is believed to be responsible for this discrepancy. However, why the contributions from the gravitational energy to the different masses are not equal, has remained a mystery.
and Gravitational Energy: Appearing as the source term in Equation (
is expected to include all the inertial and gravitational aspects of matter,
i.e., all the possible sources of gravitation. However, this requirement does not seem to be met on at least two counts. Firstly,
fails to support, in a general spacetime with no symmetries, an unambiguous definition of angular momentum, which is a fundamental and unavoidable characteristic of matter, as is witnessed from the subatomic to the galactic scales. While a meaningful notion of the angular momentum in GR always needs the introduction of some additional structure in the form of symmetries, quasi-symmetries, or some other background structure, it can be unambiguously defined only for isolated systems [
fails to include the energy of the gravitational field, which also gravitates. Einstein and Grossmann emphasized that,
akin to all other fields, the gravitational field must also have an energy-momentum tensor which should be included in the “source term” [
9]. However, after failing to find a tensor representation of the gravitational field, Einstein then commented that
“there may very well be gravitational fields without stress and energy density" [
12] and finally admitted that
“the energy tensor can be regarded only as a provisional means of representing matter” [
13]. Alas, a century-long dedicated effort to discover a unanimous formulation of the energy- stress tensor of the gravitational field, has failed concluding that a proper energy-stress tensor of the gravitational field does not exist. [It can be safely said that despite the century-long dedicated efforts of many luminaries, like Einstein, Tolman, Papapetrou, Landau-Lifshitz, M
ller and Weinberg, the attempts to discover a unanimous formulation of the gravitational field energy has failed due to the following three reasons: (i) the non-tensorial character of the energy-stress ‘complexes’ (pseudo tensors) of the gravitational field; (ii) the lack of a unique agreed-upon formula for the gravitational field pseudo tensor in view of various formulations thereof, which may lead to different distributions even in the same spacetime background. Moreover, a pseudo tensor, unlike a true tensor, can be made to vanish at any pre-assigned point by an appropriate transformation of coordinates, rendering its status rather nebulous; (iii) according to the equivalence principle, the gravitational energy cannot be localized.] Since then, neither Einstein nor anyone else has been able to discover the true form of
, although it is at the heart of the current efforts to reconcile GR with quantum mechanics.
It is an undeniable fact that the standards of
, in terms of elegance, consistency and mathematical completeness, do not match the vibrant geometrical side of Equation (
1), which is determined almost uniquely by pure mathematical requirements. Einstein himself conceded this fact when he famously remarked: “
GR is similar to a building, one wing of which is made of fine marble, but the other wing of which is built of low grade wood”. It was his obsession that attempts should be directed to convert the “wood” into “marble”.
The doubt envisioned by Einstein about representing matter by
, is further strengthened by a recent study which discovers some surprising inconsistencies and paradoxes in the formulation of the energy-stress tensor of the matter fields, concluding that the formulation of
does not seem consistent with the geometric description of gravitation [
14]. This is reminiscent of the view expressed about four decades ago by J. L. Synge, one of the most distinguished mathematical physicists of the 20th Century:
“the concept of energy-momentum (tensor)
is simply incompatible with general relativity" [
15] (which may seem radical from today’s mainstream perspective).
Unphysical Solutions: Since its very inception, GR started having observational support which substantiated the theory. Its predictions have been well-tested in the limit of the weak gravitational field in the solar system, and in the stronger fields present in the systems of binary pulsars. This has been done through two solutions—the Schwarzschild and Kerr solutions.
However, there exist many other ‘vacuum’ solutions of Equation (
1) which are considered
unphysical, since they represent curvature in the absence of any conventional source. The solutions falling in this category are the de Sitter solution, Taub-NUT Solution, Ozsv
cking solution and two newly discovered [
17] solutions (given by Equations (
6) and (
7) in the following). (Another solution, which falls in this category, is the G
del solution which admits closed timelike-curves and hence permits a possibility to travel in the past, violating the concepts of causality and creating paradoxes: “what happens if you go back in the past and kill your father when he was a baby!”) Hence the theory has been supplemented by additional “physical grounds” that are used to exclude otherwise exact solutions of Einstein’s equation.
This situation is very reminiscent of what Kinnersley wrote about the GR solutions,
“most of the known exact solutions describe situations which are frankly unphysical" [
This is however misleading because not only does it reject
a priori the majority of the exact solutions claiming “unphysical” and “extraneous”, but also mars the general validity of the theory and introduces an element of subjectivity in it. Perhaps we fail to interpret a solution correctly and pronounce it unphysical because the interpretation is done in the framework of the conventional wisdom, which may not be correct [
Interior Solutions: As mentioned earlier, GR successfully describes the gravitational field outside the Sun in terms of the Schwarzschild (exterior) and Kerr solutions. Nevertheless, the theory has not been that successful in describing the interior of a massive body.
Soon after discovering his famous and successful (exterior) solution (with
), Schwarzschild discovered another solution of Equation (
1) (with a non-zero
) representing the interior of a static, spherically symmetric non-rotating massive body, generally called the Schwarzschild interior solution. SInce then, many other, similar interior solutions have been discovered with different matter distributions. It appears, however, that the picture the conventional interiors provide is not conceptually satisfying. For example, the Schwarzschild-interior solution assumes a static sphere of matter consisting of an incompressible perfect fluid of constant density (in order to obtain a mathematically simple solution). Hence, the solution turns out to be unphysical, since the speed of sound
becomes infinite in the fluid with a constant density
ρ and a variable pressure
The Kerr solution, representing the exterior of a rotating mass, has remained unmatched to any known non-vacuum solution that could represent the interior of a rotating mass. It seems that we have been searching for the interior solutions in the wrong place [
Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Soon after formulating GR, Einstein applied his theory to model the Universe. At that time, Einstein believed in a static Universe, perhaps guided by his religious conviction that the Universe must be eternal and unchanging. As Equation (
1) in its original form does not permit a static Universe, he inserted a term—the famous ‘cosmological constant Λ’ to force the equation to predict a static Universe. However, it was realized later that this gave an unstable Universe. It was then realized that a naive prediction of Equation (
1) was an expanding Universe, which was subsequently found consistent with the observations. Realizing this, Einstein retracted the introduction of Λ terming it his
“biggest blunder”.
The cosmological constant has however reentered the theory in the guise of dark energy. As has been mentioned earlier, in order to explain various observations, the theory requires two mysterious, invisible, and as yet unidentified ingredients—dark matter and dark energy—and Λ is the principal candidate of dark energy.
One the one hand, the theory predicts that about of the total content of the Universe is made of non-baryonic dark matter particles, which should certainly be predicted by some extension of the Standard Model of particles physics. However, there is no indication of any new physics beyond the Standard Model which has been successfully verified at the Large Hadron Collider. Curious discrepancies also appear to exist between the predicted clustering properties of dark matter on small scales and observations. Obviously, the dark matter has eluded our every effort to bring it out of the shadows.
On the other hand, the dark energy is believed to constitute about of the total content of the Universe. The biggest mystery is not that the majority of the content of cannot be seen, but that it cannot be comprehended. Moreover, the most favored candidate of dark energy—the cosmological constant Λ—poses serious conceptual issues, including the cosmological constant problem—“why does Λ appear to take such an unnatural value?" That is, “why is the observed value of the energy associated with Λ so small (by a factor of ≈!) compared to its value (Planck mass) predicted by the quantum field theory?” and the coincidence problem—“why is this observed value so close to the present matter density?”.
The cosmological constant problem in fact arises from a structural defect of the field Equation (
1). While in all non-gravitational physics, the dynamical equations describing a system do not change if we shift the “zero point” of energy, this symmetry is not respected by Equation (
1) wherein all sources of energy and stress appear through
and hence gravitate (
i.e., affect the curvature). As the Λ-term can very well be assimilated in
, adding this constant to Equation (
1) changes the solution. It may be noted that no dynamical solution of the cosmological constant problem is possible within the existing framework of GR [
Horizon Problem: Why does the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation look the same in all directions despite being emitted from regions of space failing to be causally connected? The size of the largest coherent region on the last scattering surface, in which the homogenizing signals passed at sound speed, can be measured in terms of the sound horizon. In the standard cosmology, this implies, however, that the CMB ought to exhibit large anisotropies (
not isotropy) for angular scales of theorder of
or larger—a result contrary to what is observed [
8]. Hence, it seems that the isotropy of the CMB cannot be explained in terms of some physical process operating under the principle of causality in the standard paradigm.
Inflation comes to the rescue. It is generally believed that inflation made the Universe smooth and left the seeds of structures, on the surface of the last scatter, of the order of the Hubble distance at that time. However, inflation has its own problems either unsolved or fundamentally unresolvable. There is no consensus on which (if any) the inflation model is correct, given that there are many different inflation models. A physical mechanism that could cause inflation is not known, though there are many speculations. There are also difficulties on how to turn off the inflation once it starts—the “graceful exit” problem.
Flatness Problem: In the standard cosmology, the total energy density ρ in the early Universe appears to be extremely fine-tuned to its critical value ), which corresponds to a flat spatial geometry of the Universe, where H is the Hubble parameter. Since ρ departs rapidly from over cosmic time, even a small deviation from this value would have had massive effects on the nature of the present Universe. For instance, the theory requires ρ at the Planck time to be within one part in of in order to meet the observed uncertainties in ρ at present! That is, the Universe was almost flat just after the Big Bang—but how?
If a theory predicts a fine-tuned value for some parameter, there should be some underlying physical symmetry in the theory. In the present case however, this appears just an unnatural and ad hoc assumption in order to reproduce observation. Inflation comes to the rescue again. Irregularities in the geometry were evened out by inflation’s rapid accelerated expansion causing space to become flatter and hence forcing ρ toward its critical value, no matter what its initial value was.
However, it should also be mentioned that flatness and horizon problems are not problems of GR. Rather, they are problems concerned with the cosmologist’s conception of the Universe, very much in the same vein as was Einstein’s conception of a static Universe.
Scale Invariance: It is well-known that GR, unlike the rest of physics, is not scale invariant in the field Equation (
1) [
21]. As scale invariance is one of the most fundamental symmetries of physics, any physical theory, including GR, is desired to be scale invariant.
6. Summary and Conclusions: What Next?
GR is undoubtedly a theory of unrivaled elegance. The theory indoctrinates that gravitation is a manifestation of the spacetime geometry—one of the most precious insights in the history of science. It has emerged as a highly successful theory of gravitation and cosmology, predicting several new phenomena, most of them have already been confirmed by observations. The theory has passed every observational test ranging from the solar system to the largest scale, the Universe itself.
Nevertheless, GR ceases to be the ultimate description of gravitation, an epitome of a perfect theory, despite all these feathers in its cap. Besides its much-talked-about incompatibility with quantum mechanics, the theory suffers from many other conceptual problems, most of which are generally ignored. If in a Universe where, according to the standard paradigm, some 95% of the total content is still missing, it is an alarming signal for us to turn back to the very foundations of the theory. In view of these problems (discussed in the paper), we are led to believe that the historical development of GR was indeed on the wrong track, and the theory requires modification or at least reformulation.
By a critical analysis of Mach’s principle and the equivalence principle, a new insight with a deeper vision of a geometric theory of gravitation emerges: matter, in its entirety of gravitational, inertial and electromagnetic properties, can be fashioned out of spacetime itself. This revolutionizes our views on the representation of the source of curvature/gravitation by dismissing the conventional source representation through and establishing spacetime itself as the source.
This appears as the missing link of the theory and posits that spacetime does not exist without matter, the former is just an offshoot of the latter. The conventional assumption that matter only fills the already existing spacetime, does not seem correct. This establishes the canonical equation as the field equation of gravitation plus inertia in the very presence of matter, giving rise to a new paradigm in the framework of GR. Though there seems to exist some emotional resistance in the community to tinkering with the elegance of GR, the new paradigm dramatically enhances the beauty of the theory in terms of the deceptively simple new field equation . Remarkably, the new paradigm explains the observations at all scales without requiring the epicycle of dark energy.
This review provides an increasingly clear picture that the new paradigm is a viable possibility in the framework of GR, which is valid at all scales, avoids the fallacies, dilemmas and paradoxes, and answers the questions that the old framework could not address.
Though we have witnessed numerous evidences of the presence of fields in the solutions of the field Equation (
3), however, the challenge to discover, from more fundamental considerations, a concrete mathematical formulation of the fields in purely geometric terms is still to be met. This formulation is expected to use the gravito-electromagnetic features of GR in the new paradigm and is expected to achieve the following: