A Study of the Accretion–Jet Coupling of Black Hole Objects at Different Scales
:1. Introduction
2. Sample
3. Results
3.1. Sample of Radiatively Efficient Black Hole Sources
3.2. Sample of Radiatively Inefficient Black Hole Sources
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Name | () | (erg ) | (erg ) | Refs. | (erg ) | (erg ) | |
1H 0419-577 | 8.58 | 44.33 | 39.83 | [30,31] | 43.54 | 44.49 | −0.60 |
Ark 120 | 8.27 | 43.95 | 38.56 | [30,31] | 43.45 | 44.36 | −0.99 |
Ark 374 | 7.86 | 43.46 | 38.67 | [30] | 42.93 | 43.68 | - |
Ark 564 | 6.27 | 43.50 | 38.79 | [30,31] | 43.16 | 43.99 | 0.07 |
ESO 323-G77 | 7.12 | 42.88 | 38.50 | [30,32,33] | 42.29 | 42.84 | - |
Fairall 9 | 7.91 | 43.97 | 39.11 | [30,31] | 43.36 | 44.25 | −1.72 |
HE 1029-1401 | 9.08 | 44.31 | 39.63 | [30,31] | 43.77 | 44.79 | −0.88 |
HE 1143-1810 | 7.01 | 43.82 | 38.61 | [30,31] | 43.25 | 44.10 | - |
IC 4329A | 6.77 | 43.96 | 38.84 | [30,31] | 43.38 | 44.27 | -0.83 |
IRAS 1334+2438 | 8.62 | 43.81 | 40.01 | [30,31] | 43.32 | 44.19 | −0.58 |
LZw 1 | 7.26 | 43.85 | 39.09 | [30,31] | 43.45 | 44.37 | 0.12 |
MC-5-23-16 | 7.85 | 43.02 | 37.68 | [30,31] | 42.48 | 43.08 | - |
MCG-6-30-15 | 6.19 | 42.90 | 36.82 | [30,31] | 42.37 | 42.95 | −0.81 |
MR2251-178 | 9.03 | 44.30 | 39.17 | [30,34] | 43.63 | 44.60 | - |
Mrk 110 | 6.82 | 43.92 | 38.16 | [30,31] | 43.34 | 44.22 | −0.36 |
Mrk 205 | 8.68 | 43.76 | 38.78 | [30] | 43.16 | 43.98 | −0.57 |
Mrk 279 | 7.62 | 43.50 | 38.93 | [30,31] | 42.94 | 43.70 | −0.81 |
Mrk 290 | 7.65 | 43.25 | 38.34 | [30,31] | 42.59 | 43.24 | - |
Mrk 335 | 7.15 | 43.27 | 38.36 | [30,31] | 42.86 | 43.58 | 0.05 |
Mrk 359 | 6.24 | 42.50 | 37.69 | [30,31] | 41.95 | 42.39 | −0.60 |
Mrk 493 | 6.17 | 43.22 | 38.05 | [30,31] | 42.79 | 43.50 | 0.21 |
Mrk 509 | 7.86 | 44.68 | 38.83 | [30,31] | 44.04 | 45.15 | −1.10 |
Mrk 586 | 7.55 | 44.05 | 39.81 | [30,31] | 43.67 | 44.66 | 0.53 |
Mrk 590 | 7.20 | 42.86 | 38.50 | [30,31] | 42.23 | 42.76 | −0.16 |
Mrk 766 | 6.28 | 43.16 | 38.05 | [30,31] | 42.72 | 43.41 | −0.26 |
Mrk 841 | 7.88 | 43.89 | 38.18 | [30,31] | 43.36 | 44.25 | −0.36 |
Mrk 876 | 7.55 | 44.36 | 39.81 | [30,35] | 43.80 | 44.82 | −1.25 |
Mrk 1044 | 6.50 | 42.55 | 37.52 | [30,31] | 42.11 | 42.60 | 0.02 |
Mrk 1383 | 8.63 | 44.10 | 38.89 | [30,31] | 43.59 | 44.55 | −1.07 |
Mrk 1513 | 7.58 | 43.51 | 39.00 | [30,31] | 42.86 | 43.59 | - |
NGC 2992 | 7.72 | 42.97 | 38.52 | [30,31,36] | 42.29 | 42.84 | - |
NGC 3516 | 7.36 | 42.83 | 37.72 | [27,30,37] | 42.25 | 42.79 | −1.89 |
NGC 3783 | 6.94 | 43.03 | 38.22 | [30,31] | 42.38 | 42.95 | −1.36 |
NGC 4051 | 6.11 | 41.39 | 34.95 | [5,31,38] | 40.89 | 40.99 | −1.50 |
NGC 4151 | 7.17 | 42.87 | 38.09 | [5,39,40] | 42.23 | 42.76 | −1.39 |
NGC 4593 | 6.91 | 43.07 | 37.26 | [30,31] | 42.45 | 43.05 | −0.79 |
NGC 5506 | 7.46 | 42.83 | 38.21 | [30,31,32] | 42.32 | 42.88 | −0.38 |
NGC 5548 | 8.03 | 43.39 | 38.70 | [30,31] | 42.77 | 43.46 | −1.63 |
NGC 7314 | 6.70 | 42.28 | 36.71 | [30,31] | 41.84 | 42.24 | - |
NGC 7469 | 6.84 | 43.17 | 39.26 | [30,31] | 42.57 | 43.21 | −0.49 |
PDS 456 | 8.91 | 44.77 | 40.57 | [30,31] | 44.38 | 45.59 | −0.11 |
PG 0052+251 | 8.41 | 44.61 | 39.50 | [30,31] | 44.04 | 45.14 | −0.83 |
PG 0804+761 | 8.24 | 44.46 | 39.40 | [30,31] | 43.94 | 45.01 | −1.07 |
PG 0844+349 | 8.68 | 43.74 | 38.17 | [30,31] | 43.29 | 44.15 | −0.77 |
PG 0947+396 | 8.68 | 44.37 | 39.25 | [30,31] | 43.84 | 44.88 | −0.93 |
PG 0953+414 | 8.24 | 44.73 | 40.17 | [30,31] | 44.26 | 45.44 | −0.05 |
PG 1048+342 | 8.37 | 44.00 | 37.57 | [30,35] | 43.46 | 44.38 | −0.85 |
PG 1114+445 | 8.59 | 44.11 | 38.73 | [30,41] | 43.40 | 44.29 | −0.86 |
PG 1115+407 | 7.67 | 43.93 | 38.98 | [30,31] | 43.57 | 44.52 | - |
PG 1202+281 | 8.61 | 44.43 | 38.56 | [30,31] | 43.83 | 44.87 | −0.45 |
PG 1211+143 | 7.49 | 43.70 | 38.90 | [30,31] | 43.12 | 43.93 | −0.56 |
PG 1216+069 | 9.20 | 44.72 | 40.84 | [30,31] | 44.09 | 45.21 | −1.50 |
PG 1244+026 | 6.52 | 43.15 | 38.43 | [30,31] | 42.84 | 43.56 | 0.12 |
PG 1307+085 | 7.90 | 44.51 | 39.10 | [5,30] | 43.82 | 44.86 | −1.18 |
PG 1322+659 | 8.28 | 44.02 | 38.88 | [30,31] | 43.59 | 44.55 | −0.24 |
PG 1352+183 | 8.42 | 44.13 | 38.96 | [30,31] | 43.58 | 44.54 | −0.30 |
PG 1402+261 | 7.94 | 44.15 | 39.56 | [30,31] | 43.76 | 44.77 | 0.26 |
PG 1415+451 | 8.01 | 43.60 | 38.82 | [30,31] | 43.10 | 43.90 | −0.77 |
PG 1416-129 | 9.05 | 43.88 | 39.93 | [30,31] | 43.20 | 44.04 | −1.45 |
PG 1427+480 | 8.09 | 44.20 | 38.14 | [30,31] | 43.67 | 44.65 | −0.41 |
PG 1440+356 | 7.47 | 43.76 | 38.88 | [30,31] | 43.42 | 44.32 | 0.09 |
PG 1448+273 | 6.97 | 43.29 | 38.70 | [30,31] | 42.91 | 43.65 | 0.43 |
PG 1626+554 | 8.54 | 44.16 | 38.66 | [30,31] | 43.67 | 44.65 | −0.66 |
RE J1034+396 | 6.18 | 42.59 | 39.29 | [30,31,42] | 42.27 | 42.82 | 0.16 |
Name | () | (erg ) | (erg ) | Refs. | (erg ) | (erg ) | |
NGC 266 | 8.37 | 40.88 | 37.95 | [43] | 40.30 | 40.15 | −5.60 |
NGC 315 | 9.10 | 41.60 | 40.26 | [5,36,44] | 41.02 | 41.25 | −5.61 |
NGC 404 | 5.16 | 37.02 | 33.50 | [43] | 36.44 | 34.23 | −6.25 |
NGC 474 | 7.73 | 38.46 | 35.55 | [45] | 37.88 | 36.44 | −7.38 |
NGC 524 | 8.94 | 38.86 | 37.03 | [39,44,45] | 38.28 | 37.05 | −8.19 |
NGC 1167 | 7.88 | 39.07 | 37.59 | [38,39,46] | 38.49 | 37.38 | −6.91 |
NGC 1275 | 8.64 | 43.32 | 41.03 | [5,47,48] | 42.74 | 43.90 | −3.42 |
NGC 2273 | 7.30 | 40.87 | 37.00 | [38,39,46] | 40.29 | 40.14 | −4.53 |
NGC 2768 | 7.94 | 39.46 | 37.39 | [43] | 38.88 | 37.97 | −6.59 |
NGC 2787 | 8.14 | 38.79 | 37.01 | [43] | 38.21 | 36.95 | −7.46 |
NGC 2841 | 8.31 | 38.26 | 36.00 | [43] | 37.68 | 36.13 | −8.16 |
NGC 3031 | 7.73 | 39.38 | 36.03 | [43] | 38.80 | 37.85 | −6.46 |
NGC 3079 | 7.65 | 39.98 | 38.17 | [5] | 39.40 | 38.77 | −5.78 |
NGC 3147 | 8.29 | 41.87 | 37.91 | [43] | 41.29 | 41.67 | −4.53 |
NGC 3169 | 8.01 | 41.05 | 37.19 | [43] | 40.47 | 40.41 | −5.07 |
NGC 3226 | 8.06 | 40.57 | 37.01 | [39,44,45] | 39.99 | 39.67 | −5.60 |
NGC 3227 | 7.59 | 41.78 | 37.73 | [5] | 41.20 | 41.53 | −3.92 |
NGC 3245 | 8.21 | 39.29 | 36.98 | [43] | 38.71 | 37.71 | −7.03 |
NGC 3379 | 8.18 | 37.53 | 35.73 | [43] | 36.95 | 35.01 | −8.76 |
NGC 3414 | 8.67 | 39.92 | 36.65 | [45] | 39.34 | 38.68 | −6.86 |
NGC 3607 | 8.40 | 38.63 | 37.01 | [43] | 38.05 | 36.70 | −7.88 |
NGC 3608 | 8.67 | 38.20 | 35.90 | [45] | 37.62 | 36.04 | −8.58 |
NGC 3627 | 7.24 | 37.60 | 36.11 | [43] | 37.02 | 35.12 | −7.75 |
NGC 3628 | 7.24 | 38.24 | 36.13 | [43] | 37.66 | 36.10 | −7.11 |
NGC 3675 | 7.11 | 37.86 | 35.86 | [5] | 37.28 | 35.52 | −7.36 |
NGC 3718 | 8.14 | 40.62 | 36.91 | [49,50,51] | 40.04 | 39.76 | −5.62 |
NGC 3941 | 7.37 | 39.27 | 35.61 | [43] | 38.69 | 37.68 | −6.21 |
NGC 3998 | 8.93 | 41.44 | 37.85 | [36,44,49] | 40.86 | 41.01 | −5.59 |
NGC 4138 | 7.19 | 40.11 | 36.13 | [43] | 39.53 | 38.97 | −5.19 |
NGC 4143 | 8.16 | 39.83 | 36.98 | [39,45,50] | 39.26 | 38.55 | −6.43 |
NGC 4168 | 8.13 | 38.89 | 37.20 | [39,45,46] | 38.31 | 37.09 | −7.35 |
NGC 4203 | 7.79 | 40.60 | 37.11 | [39,45,50] | 40.02 | 39.72 | −5.30 |
NGC 4216 | 8.09 | 38.91 | 36.58 | [43] | 38.33 | 37.13 | −7.29 |
NGC 4258 | 7.57 | 40.89 | 35.78 | [43] | 40.31 | 40.17 | −4.79 |
NGC 4261 | 8.72 | 41.09 | 39.22 | [36,45,52] | 40.51 | 40.48 | −5.73 |
NGC 4278 | 8.61 | 39.25 | 38.17 | [36,44,45] | 38.67 | 37.65 | −7.47 |
NGC 4321 | 6.80 | 38.84 | 36.42 | [5] | 38.26 | 37.03 | −6.06 |
NGC 4374 | 8.96 | 39.32 | 38.33 | [44,51,53] | 38.74 | 37.75 | −7.75 |
NGC 4395 | 5.04 | 39.71 | 35.77 | [5] | 39.13 | 38.36 | −3.43 |
NGC 4450 | 7.40 | 40.02 | 36.78 | [43] | 39.44 | 38.83 | −5.49 |
NGC 4457 | 6.86 | 39.69 | 35.42 | [5] | 39.11 | 38.33 | −5.28 |
NGC 4459 | 7.82 | 38.87 | 36.09 | [43] | 38.29 | 37.07 | −7.06 |
NGC 4472 | 9.40 | 39.70 | 36.43 | [39,45,46] | 39.12 | 38.35 | −7.80 |
NGC 4477 | 7.89 | 39.60 | 35.64 | [43] | 39.02 | 38.35 | −6.40 |
NGC 4486 | 9.48 | 40.67 | 39.90 | [5] | 40.09 | 39.82 | −6.92 |
NGC 4494 | 7.65 | 39.45 | 36.24 | [5] | 38.87 | 37.96 | −6.30 |
NGC 4501 | 7.79 | 38.89 | 36.28 | [43] | 38.31 | 37.10 | −7.01 |
NGC 4548 | 7.08 | 39.74 | 36.55 | [43] | 39.16 | 38.40 | −5.45 |
NGC 4552 | 8.92 | 38.24 | 37.26 | [44,45,51] | 37.66 | 36.10 | −8.79 |
NGC 4565 | 7.41 | 39.92 | 36.81 | [39,45,46] | 39.34 | 38.68 | −5.59 |
NGC 4579 | 7.78 | 41.40 | 37.78 | [38,39,44] | 40.82 | 40.94 | −4.49 |
NGC 4589 | 8.54 | 38.90 | 37.36 | [39,44,54] | 38.32 | 37.12 | −7.75 |
NGC 4636 | 8.14 | 39.38 | 36.76 | [43] | 38.80 | 37.85 | −6.87 |
NGC 4639 | 6.77 | 40.18 | 35.40 | [43] | 39.60 | 39.08 | −4.70 |
NGC 4698 | 7.57 | 38.69 | 35.59 | [43] | 38.11 | 36.79 | −6.99 |
NGC 4725 | 7.49 | 39.45 | 36.19 | [5] | 38.87 | 37.96 | −6.15 |
NGC 4736 | 7.05 | 38.49 | 35.67 | [36,44,45] | 37.91 | 36.48 | −6.67 |
NGC 4762 | 7.63 | 38.26 | 36.58 | [43] | 37.68 | 36.13 | −7.48 |
NGC 4772 | 7.57 | 39.75 | 36.38 | [39,45,50] | 39.17 | 38.42 | −5.92 |
NGC 5033 | 7.60 | 40.70 | 36.94 | [43] | 40.12 | 39.87 | −5.01 |
NGC 5194 | 6.95 | 38.95 | 36.59 | [36,38] | 38.37 | 37.19 | −6.11 |
NGC 5363 | 8.57 | 39.78 | 37.68 | [39,44,54] | 39.20 | 38.46 | −6.90 |
NGC 5813 | 8.75 | 38.79 | 37.49 | [45] | 38.21 | 36.95 | −8.07 |
NGC 5838 | 9.06 | 38.97 | 36.50 | [45] | 38.39 | 37.22 | −8.20 |
NGC 5846 | 8.43 | 40.83 | 36.60 | [39,44,45] | 40.26 | 40.08 | −5.70 |
NGC 5866 | 7.81 | 37.99 | 36.77 | [39,44,45] | 37.41 | 35.72 | −7.93 |
NGC 6500 | 8.28 | 40.18 | 38.97 | [5] | 39.60 | 39.07 | −6.21 |
NGC 7626 | 8.71 | 40.97 | 38.48 | [43] | 40.39 | 40.29 | −5.85 |
NGC 7743 | 6.47 | 39.71 | 36.99 | [5] | 39.13 | 38.35 | −4.87 |
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Yang, Z.; Long, Q.-C.; Yang, W.-J.; Dong, A.-J. A Study of the Accretion–Jet Coupling of Black Hole Objects at Different Scales. Universe 2024, 10, 335. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe10080335
Yang Z, Long Q-C, Yang W-J, Dong A-J. A Study of the Accretion–Jet Coupling of Black Hole Objects at Different Scales. Universe. 2024; 10(8):335. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe10080335
Chicago/Turabian StyleYang, Zhou, Qing-Chen Long, Wei-Jia Yang, and Ai-Jun Dong. 2024. "A Study of the Accretion–Jet Coupling of Black Hole Objects at Different Scales" Universe 10, no. 8: 335. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe10080335
APA StyleYang, Z., Long, Q.-C., Yang, W.-J., & Dong, A.-J. (2024). A Study of the Accretion–Jet Coupling of Black Hole Objects at Different Scales. Universe, 10(8), 335. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe10080335