Periodic Behavior of Selected Solar, Geomagnetic and Cosmic Activity Indices during Solar Cycle 24
:1. Introduction
2. Data and Methods
2.1. The Data
- Flare index (FI): Introduced in 1952 by Kleczek as a rough indicator of the overall energy released by a flare. We used FI as a main index since, and solar flares are one of the most energetic solar active events and FI is a measure of the amount of released energy during a flare activity. During a solar flare, protons, electrons and heavy nuclei—all extremely energetic particles—as well as massive amounts of energy, up to erg, are released and generated. These may affect the geomagnetic activity and cosmic ray intensities (CRIs, see further item 6) measured on Earth and in the near space environment. Therefore, this index was chosen as one of the solar activity indices to be used in the study. This index is described by the equation , in which represents the combination of intensity and area, “called scale of importance”, and is the duration of the flare in minutes. The value of varies between 0.5 and 4.0 from a very weak flare to a very strong flare, respectively. The flare index data used in this study are taken from
- Coronal index (CI): CI was first presented by [26] as a solar activity indicator. CI represents the average daily irradiance radiating one steradian from the green coronal line towards the Earth and it is calculated from the Fe XIV 530.3 nm coronal emission line ground-based measurements on the global control stations [27]. The data are downloaded from the web page of Slovak Central Observatory in Hurbanovo
- The disturbance storm time (Dst) index: [16] proposed the Dst index as a way to measure the amount of magnetospheric currents that result in an axially symmetric disturbance field. This index tracks changes in the magnetic field brought on by ring currents that form during geomagnetic storms in the magnetosphere. The Dst index is derived using information from four sufficiently distant observatories chosen to be away from the equatorial and auroral electrojet zones due to the need for high-quality data.
- The planetary equivalent range (Ap) index: Changes in the magnetic field’s horizontal component are quantified using the K index. However, the Kp index was developed because the K index does not directly correlate with geomagnetic activity. It is derived from the mean standardized K index of thirteen geomagnetic observatories, spread across latitudes from ±44 to ±60. The purpose of this planetary index is to quantify the magnetic impact of radiation from solar particles. The 24 h average of the 3 hourly Ap index, “called the Ap index”, is employed in this study [15].
- The average interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)/scalar B: It contains solar magnetic fields that the solar wind brought into planetary space. While the Sun’s open magnetic-field regions known as coronal holes are assumed to be the origin of the fast solar wind, the slow solar wind can come from the boundary of polar coronal holes, low-latitude small coronal holes and active region boundaries [28]. Understanding space weather requires an understanding of the structure and dynamics of the IMF (scalar B) [29]. Note that the Ap, Dst and Scalar B datasets are downloaded from
- Cosmic ray intensities (CRIs): High-energy particles from space called cosmic rays enter our solar system. Cosmic ray collisions with Earth’s atmosphere can occur at different intensities. Because the flux is influenced by the Earth’s magnetic field, it also varies with latitude. Four times less cosmic rays are produced at the equator than at the poles. The corrected cosmic ray intensity data used in this study are taken from Oulu/Finland neutron monitor station ( Note that accessed to all these data sources on 11 September 2023.
- Number of coronal mass ejections (CMEs): CMEs are known as large-scale plasma and magnetic field expulsions from the solar corona. The frequencies of CMEs varies with the 11-year sunspot cycle (Schwabe Cycle) and they can occur associated with solar flares or completely independently. The CME number data used in this study are downloaded from Accessed to the data source on 7 February 2024.
2.2. Methods
3. Analysis and Results
3.1. Morlet Wavelet and MTM Analyses
3.2. Cross-Wavelet and Wavelet Coherence Analyses
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- The 25–33-day solar rotation periodicity exists in all datasets without any exception in the MTM power spectra. This periodicity is seen in wavelet scalograms of all datasets, especially during the maximum phase of the cycle (Cycle 24).
- Except for the solar rotation periodicity, all periods show data preference, and they appear around the investigated cycle’s maximum phase; the 683-day periodicity is only seen in the Dst index MTM spectrum and in the wavelet scalogram of FI, Ap and CRI. The 512-day periodicity is only detected in the CME number MTM spectrum and in the wavelet scalogram of the CME number, FI, Ap index, Dst index and scalar B wavelet analysis results. The 370–455-day periodicities are seen in the MTM spectrum of Ap and Scalar B, and the wavelet scalograms of FI, Ap, Dst, Scalar B and CME number. The 292–293-day periods are only seen in the MTM spectra and wavelet scalograms of FI and Scalar B. The 178–240-day periodicities are seen in all geomagnetic activity indices and the CME number MTM spectra. It does not appear as a significant periodicity in the wavelet scalogram of CRI dataset. The 151-day Rieger periodicity only appears in the MTM spectrum of the CME number and is seen in the wavelet scalograms of the CME number, FI, Ap index and Dst index as a meaningful periodicity. The 120.5-day periodicity is only seen in the MTM spectrum of Scalar B. The 52–61-day periodicities are detected in FI and CRI as significant periodicities. The 44–45-day periodicities are seen as a meaningful periodicity in the MTM spectra of the CI, Dst, CRI and CME number datasets, and these appear in the wavelet scalograms of the FI, CI, Ap, Dst and CRI.
- When comparing the phase relations between periodicities in the used datasets, they exhibit a gradual transition from small to large periods. For short-term periodicities, there are no phase relations but a mixed phase, whereas for high periodicities, there is a complete phase/anti-phase transition.
- All identified flare index periodicities are common to all other datasets examined in this investigation.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dataset/ Period [Day]/ | FI | CI | Ap Index [nT] | Dst Index [nT] | Scalar B [nT] | CRI | CME Number |
683 | – | – | – | +>99% | – | – | – |
512 | – | – | – | – | – | – | +>99% |
372–455 | – | – | +>95% | – | +>99% | – | – |
292–293 | – | +>95% | – | – | +>95% | – | – |
178–240 | – | +>95% | +>95% | +>95% | – | – | +>99% |
151.7 | – | – | – | – | – | – | +>99% |
120.5 | – | – | – | – | +>95% | – | – |
52–61 | +>95% | – | – | – | – | +>95% | – |
44–45 | – | +>95% | – | +>95% | – | +>95% | +>95% |
25–33 | +>99% | +>99% | +>99% | +>99% | +>99% | +>99% | +>95% |
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Kilcik, A.; Rozelot, J.-P.; Ozguc, A. Periodic Behavior of Selected Solar, Geomagnetic and Cosmic Activity Indices during Solar Cycle 24. Universe 2024, 10, 107.
Kilcik A, Rozelot J-P, Ozguc A. Periodic Behavior of Selected Solar, Geomagnetic and Cosmic Activity Indices during Solar Cycle 24. Universe. 2024; 10(3):107.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKilcik, Ali, Jean-Pierre Rozelot, and Atila Ozguc. 2024. "Periodic Behavior of Selected Solar, Geomagnetic and Cosmic Activity Indices during Solar Cycle 24" Universe 10, no. 3: 107.
APA StyleKilcik, A., Rozelot, J.-P., & Ozguc, A. (2024). Periodic Behavior of Selected Solar, Geomagnetic and Cosmic Activity Indices during Solar Cycle 24. Universe, 10(3), 107.