Extending the OSLC Standard for ECA-Based Automation
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Event-Condition-Action Automation Tools for DevOps
2.2. Automation with OSLC Standard
3. The Proposed OSLC Extension for ECA-Based Automation
3.1. Design Methodology
3.2. Mappings from External Ontologies in OSLC-ECA
- OSLC Core v3.0 [21]: Following this specification, the data are semantically represented with Resource Description Framework (RDF) and are retrieved via an HTTP API. Therefore, each service must provide a catalog of its oslc:ServiceProviders, which must be understood as “organizing concepts that partition the overall space of artifacts in the tool into smaller containers.” [45]. This definition makes the concept of oslc:ServiceProvider different depending on the type of service that we were handling based on its domain. Potential clients can discover all those providers by discovering all resources and capabilities based on its root resource, the oslc:ServiceProviderCatalog. This resource allows clients to obtain its list of oslc:ServiceProviders responsible for providing the information needed to send any well-formed request to the oslc:Service, allowing clients to interact appropriately. These endpoints can be discovered through the oslc:CreationFactory and oslc:QueryCapabilities services. They may also provide an oslc:ResourceShape that describes the properties a resource from that service is expected to have.
- OSLC Automation v2.1 [23]: Regarding the process automation field, OSLC defines a specific domain called OSLC Automation. This domain aims to model an interface so that an automation provider can interact with other oslc:Services. It defines three different crucial resources that a oslc:ServiceProvider exposes. The first of these resources is the oslc_auto:AutomationPlan which defines a unit of automation available for execution. Next, the oslc_auto:Automation Request resource provides the information required to execute an oslc_auto:AutomationPlan. Finally, the standard defines an oslc_auto:AutomationResult resource to track an oslc_auto:AutomationRequest status.
- LDP [48]: The W3C Linked Data Platform (LDP) supports HTTP operations on web RDF resources to provide a web-based read–write Linked Data architecture. In this case, the concept ldp:Container is used in the same way as that in OSLC Core Specification [21] adapted to the ECA domain: a ldp:Container provides a URL where it can be used to interact with actions of a specific service.
- OWL [49]: In this case, the Web Ontology Language (OWL) ontology allows flexibility in defining the source of events and how the proposed OSLC-ECA model can recover them.
- DC [50]: Dublin Core is used for most of the properties of every class, defined according to DCMI Metadata Terms metadata elements. This is similar to the way it is used in the OSLC Core Specification.
3.3. OSLC-ECA Elements
3.3.1. Event Modelling
3.3.2. Action Modelling
3.3.3. Rule Modelling
3.4. Example of Use of OSLC-ECA
Listing 1. An OSLC Resource oslc_cm: ChangeRequest representing the bug created in Bugzilla. |
1 <http://example.com/ServiceProvider/sp1/bugs/b1> a oslc_cm:ChangeRequest; 2 oslc_cm:severity “enhancement”^^xsd:string; 3 oslc_cm:status “CONFIRMED”^^xsd:string; 4 oslc:serviceProvider <http://example.com/ServiceProvider/sp1>; 5 dcterms:contributor “admin”^^xsd:string; 6 dcterms:created “2022-12-10T07:07:33+00:00”^^xsd:dateTime; 7 dcterms:identifier “1”^^xsd:integer; 8 dcterms:modified “2022-12-10T07:07:33+00:00”^^xsd:dateTime; 9 dcterms:title “Testing bug to issue automation”^^xsd:string; 10 bgz:component “TestComponent”^^xsd:string; 11 bgz:operatingSystem “Linux”^^xsd:string; 12 bgz:platform “PC”^^xsd:string; 13 bgz:priority “---”^^xsd:string; 14 bgz:version “unspecified”^^xsd:string. |
Listing 2. Example of use for oslc_eca:Event and oslc_eca:EventListener. |
1 example:BugzillaEventListener a owl:Class; 2 rdfs:subClassOf oslc_eca:EventListener; 3 oslc_eca:binding [ 4 a kafka:Broker; 5 kafka:topic “new_bugs_bugzilla”^^rdf:XMLLiteral 6 ]. 7 8 example:BugCreationEvent a owl:Class; 9 rdfs:subClassOf oslc_eca:Event; 10 oslc_eca:generatedBy example:BugzillaEventListener. 11 12 <http://example.com/EventListener/el1> a example:BugzillaEventListener; 13 oslc:serviceProvider <http://example.com/ServiceProvider/sp2>; 14 oslc_eca:source <bugzilla.example.com>; 15 dcterms:description “Listener detecting events from Bugzilla”^^rdf:XMLLiteral; 16 oslc_eca:binding [ 17 a kafka:Broker; 18 kafka:providerURL <http://broker.example.com/provider>; 19 kafka:topic “new_bugs_from_bugzilla”^^rdf:XMLLiteral 20 ]. 21 22 <http://example.com/Event/ev1> a example:BugCreationEvent; 23 oslc_eca:generatedBy <http://example.com/EventListener/el1>; 24 oslc_eca:causedBy <http://example.com/ServiceProvider/sp1/bugs/b1>; 25 dcterms:created “2022-07-14T07:07:33+00:00”^^xsd:dateTime; 26 dcterms:title “Event generated by the creation of a bug”^^xsd:string. |
Listing 3. Example of use for oslc_eca:Action and oslc_eca:ActionDispatcher. |
1 example:CreateIssueGitHubActionDispatcher a owl:Class; 2 rdfs:subClassOf oslc_eca:ActionDispatcher; 3 oslc_eca:queryActions [ 4 a ldp:Container, example:GitHubActionQueryContainer. 5 ]; 6 oslc_eca:execution [ 7 a ldp:Container, example:GitHubActionExecutionerContainer. 8 ]. 9 10 example:CreateIssueGitHubAction a owl:Class; 11 rdfs:subClassOf oslc_eca:Action; 12 oslc_eca:executedBy example:CreateIssueGitHubActionDispatcher. 13 14 <http://example.com/ActionDispatcher/ad1> a example:CreateIssueGitHubActionDispatcher; 15 dcterms:description “Action dispatcher that creates issues on GitHub”^^rdf:XMLLiteral; 16 oslc_eca:execution [ 17 a ldp:Container, example:GitHubActionExecutionerContainer; 18 dcterms:description “REST API endpoint to create an issue”; 19 github:executionURL <https://api.github.com/repos/example-repo/action-request-api>. 20 ]. 21 22 <http://example.com/Action/ac1> a example:CreateIssueGitHubAction; 23 dcterms:title “Action to be executed on GitHub”^^xsd:string; 24 oslc:serviceProvider <http://example.com/ServiceProvider/sp3>; 25 oslc_actions:executedBy <http://example.com/ActionDispatcher/ad1>; 26 oslc_auto:status oslc_auto:completed; 27 oslc_auto:veredict oslc_auto:passed; 28 example:originalChangeRequest <http://example.com/ServiceProvider/sp1/bugs/b1>; 29 dcterms:created “2023-04-14T07:07:33+00:00”^^xsd:dateTime. |
Listing 4. Example of use for oslc_eca:Rule and oslc_eca:AssertedContidion. |
1 2 example:BugsReplication a owl:Class; 3 rdfs:subClassOf oslc_eca:Rule; 4 rdfs:subClassOf spin:Rule; 5 oslc_eca:executes example:CreateIssueAction; 6 oslc_eca:triggeredBy example:BugCreationEvent; 7 dcterms:description “Create an issue in GitHub when an issue is created in BugZilla.”^^rdf:XMLLiteral. 8 9 example:NewBugCondition a owl:Class; 10 rdfs:subClassOf oslc_eca:AssertedCondition; 11 rdfs:subClassOf spin:Ask; 12 dcterms:description “Assert if there is any new bug created in BugZilla.”rdf:XMLLiteral. 13 14 <http://example.com/Rule/r1> a example:BugsReplication; 15 oslc_eca:triggeredBy <http://example.com/Event/ev1>; 16 oslc_eca:executes <http://example.com/Action/ac1>; 17 oslc:serviceProvider <http://example.com/ServiceProvider/sp4> 18 dcterms:created “2023-04-14T07:07:33+00:00”^^xsd:dateTime. 19 20 <http://example.com/AssertedCondition/ac1> a example:NewBugCondition; 21 oslc_eca:asserts <http://example.com/Rule/ev1>; 22 oslc_eca:produces <http://example.com/Action/ac1>; 23 oslc_eca:asserted “true”^^xsd:boolean; 24 dcterms:created “2023-04-14T07:07:33+00:00”^^xsd:dateTime. |
3.5. Prototype Architecture
4. Results
4.1. Completeness and Conciseness
Algorithm 1: Feature extraction process. |
4.2. Competency Questions
4.3. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Concept | StackStorm | Clarive | GitHub Actions | GitLab CI/CD |
Event | Trigger | Event | Event | Trigger |
Action | Action | Ops | Action | Job |
Rule | Rule | Rule | Workflow | Pipeline |
Feature | Stack Storm | Clarive | GitHub Actions | GitLab CI/CD |
Rules with more than one condition | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Rules with more than one action | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Rule sharing | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Custom actions | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Events generated outside own platform | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Rules API | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Rule chaining | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Feature | Type |
∃ Rule | Concept |
hasProperty(Rule, name) | Property |
hasProperty(Rule, description) | Property |
hasProperty(Rule, enabled) | Property |
hasRelation(Rule, pack) | Relation |
restriction(Rule, pack, range(Pack)) | Restriction |
hasRelation(Rule, trigger) | Relation |
restriction(Rule, trigger, range(Trigger)) | Restriction |
restriction(Rule, trigger, maxCardinality(1)) | Restriction |
hasRelation(Rule, criteria) | Relation |
restriction(Rule, criteria, range(TriggerParameter)) | Restriction |
hasRelation(Rule, action) | Relation |
restriction(Rule, action, range(Action)) | Restriction |
Feature | StackStorm | Clarive | GitHub Actions | GitLab CI/CD |
Concepts | 7 | 8 | 7 | 6 |
Relations | 8 | 8 | 6 | 5 |
Properties | 7 | 20 | 16 | 18 |
Restrictions | 15 | 28 | 21 | 23 |
Tool | OSLC ECA | OSLC Automation | ||
Coverage | Similarity | Coverage | Similarity | |
StackStorm | 0.86 | 0.74 | 0.4 | 0.27 |
Clarive | 0.79 | 0.78 | 0.54 | 0.46 |
GitHub Actions | 0.74 | 0.6 | 0.52 | 0.43 |
GitLab CI/CD | 0.65 | 0.53 | 0.46 | 0.38 |
Competency Questions | SPARQL Query | Result |
Which rules are defined in the OSLC Automation Server? | SELECT ?description WHERE { ?rule rdf:type oslc_eca:Rule; ?rule dcterms:description ?description. } | “If a bug is created in Bugzilla, create an issue in GitHub.”; “If a bug is modified in Bugzilla, update the corresponding issue in GitHub.” |
Which actions are available for execution on GitHub? | BASE <http://example.com/ServiceProvider/> SELECT ?description WHERE { ?ad rdf:type oslc_eca:ActionDispatcher; ?ad oslc:serviceProvider <sp3>; ?ad dcterms:description ?description. } | “Create issue.”; “Edit issue.”; “Delete issue.” |
What event triggered a rule, and what was its result? | BASE <http://example.com/Rule/> SELECT ?description ?result WHERE { <r1> oslc_eca:triggeredBy ?event; ?event dcterms:description ?description; ?ac oslc_eca:asserts <r1>; ?ac rdf:type oslc_eca:AssertedCondition; ?ac oslc_eca:asserted ?result. } | “Bug created in Bugzilla.”, true |
What was the source of a specific event? | BASE <http://example.com/Event/> SELECT ?source WHERE { <ev1> oslc_eca:generatedBy ?el; ?el rdf:type oslc_eca:EventListener; ?el oslc_eca:source ?source. } | <bugzilla.example.com> |
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García-Grao, G.; Carrera, Á. Extending the OSLC Standard for ECA-Based Automation. Electronics 2023, 12, 3043. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12143043
García-Grao G, Carrera Á. Extending the OSLC Standard for ECA-Based Automation. Electronics. 2023; 12(14):3043. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12143043
Chicago/Turabian StyleGarcía-Grao, Guillermo, and Álvaro Carrera. 2023. "Extending the OSLC Standard for ECA-Based Automation" Electronics 12, no. 14: 3043. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12143043