Reducing Duration of Antibiotic Use for Presumed Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis in Greek NICUs. A “Low-Hanging Fruit” Approach
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. Impact on Length of Therapy and on Discontinuation in 5 Days or Less
2.2. Prescribing Patterns, Length of Stay and Mortality
3. Discussion
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Study Design and Population
4.2. Intervention
4.3. Evaluation of Impact
4.4. Statistical Analysis
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Number of Neonates & | Pre-Intervention | Post-Intervention | p-Value |
507 | 518 | ||
Sex | N (%) | N (%) | |
Male | 311 (61.3) | 329 (63.5) | 0.473 |
Female | 196 (38.7) | 189 (36.5) | |
Delivery | |||
Vaginal | 145 (28.7) | 144 (27.9) | 0.790 |
Caesarean | 361 (71.3) | 372 (72.1) | |
Group B Streptococcus status | |||
Negative | 151 (29.8) | 132 (25.6) | 0.803 * |
Positive | 20 (4.0) | 16 (3.1) | |
Unknown | 335 (66.2) | 367 (71.3) | |
Chorioamnionitis | |||
No | 476 (94.1) | 413 (80.3) | 0.849 * |
Yes | 4 (0.8) | 3 (0.6) | |
Unknown | 26 (5.1) | 98 (19.1) | |
Rupture of Membranes (>18 h) | |||
No | 461 (91.1) | 393 (97.3) | 0.194 * |
Yes | 21 (4.2) | 11 (2.7) | |
Unknown | 24 (4.7) | 0 (0.0) | |
Median (IQR) | Median (IQR) | ||
Gestational Age (weeks) | 38 (37–39) | 38 (37–39) | 0.413 |
Birth Weight (grams) | 3100 (2755–3420) | 3140 (2800–3420) | 0.275 |
Unit | N1 | Mean1 (SD) | Median (IQR) | N2 | Mean2 (SD) | Median (IQR) | Difference of Mean AB Duration before and after the Intervention | Calculated total Difference of Antibiotic Administration Days * |
NICU 1 | 21 | 5.7 (4) | 5 (3–6) | 12 | 4.6 (1.7) | 5 (3–5) | −1.1 | −13.2 |
NICU 2 | 51 | 5.5 (3.4) | 4 (3–7) | 88 | 4.2 (1.5) | 4 (3–5) | −1.3 | −114.4 |
NICU 3 | 20 | 5.9 (2.3) | 5 (4–7) | 22 | 5.5 (2.4) | 5 (4–6) | −0.4 | −8.4 |
NICU 4 | 30 | 7.8 (6.9) | 7 (5–9) | 17 | 6.4 (1.8) | 8 (5–9) | −1.4 | −23.8 |
NICU 5 | 18 | 10.5 (8.4) | 7 (5–10) | 21 | 7.6 (3.6) | 6 (5–11) | −2.9 | −60.9 |
NICU 6 | 10 | 2.6 (1) | 2 (2–3) | 12 | 3.6 (1.3) | 3 (3–4.5) | 1 | 12 |
NICU 7 | 38 | 5 (2.4) | 4 (3–6) | 65 | 5.1 (2.6) | 5 (3–7) | 0.1 | 6.5 |
NICU 8 | 32 | 4.4 (1.8) | 4 (3–5.5) | 30 | 5.1 (3.6) | 4 (3–7) | 0.7 | 21 |
NICU 9 | 70 | 4.4 (3.1) | 4 (3–5) | 37 | 3.4 (1.7) | 3 (2–4) | −1 | −37 |
NICU 10 ^ | 55 | 5 (1.8) | 5 (3–6) | − | − | − | − | − |
NICU 11 | 84 | 7.7 (5.6) | 7 (4–10) | 73 | 8.7 (6.8) | 7 (5–10) | 1 | 73 |
NICU 12 | 16 | 7.8 (2.2) | 7.5 (7–9.5) | 11 | 8 (3.3) | 6 (5–9) | 0.2 | 2.2 |
NICU 13 | 67 | 6.4 (2.7) | 6 (5–7) | 77 | 5.1 (2.3) | 4 (3–6) | −1.3 | −100.1 |
NICU 14 ^ | 43 | 4.7 (2.6) | 4 (3–5) | − | − | − | − | − |
NICU 15 | 50 | 8.7 (4.2) | 7.5 (6–10) | 54 | 7.3 (3.9) | 6 (5–7) | −1.4 | −75.6 |
Total | 605 | 6.2 (4.2) | 5 (4–7) | 518 | 5.8 (3.9) | 5 (3–7) | −318.7 |
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Kopsidas, I.; Tsopela, G.-C.; Molocha, N.-M.; Bouza, E.; Chorafa, E.; Chorianopoulou, E.; Giapros, V.; Gkentzi, D.; Gkouvas, T.; Kapetanaki, A.; et al. Reducing Duration of Antibiotic Use for Presumed Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis in Greek NICUs. A “Low-Hanging Fruit” Approach. Antibiotics 2021, 10, 275.
Kopsidas I, Tsopela G-C, Molocha N-M, Bouza E, Chorafa E, Chorianopoulou E, Giapros V, Gkentzi D, Gkouvas T, Kapetanaki A, et al. Reducing Duration of Antibiotic Use for Presumed Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis in Greek NICUs. A “Low-Hanging Fruit” Approach. Antibiotics. 2021; 10(3):275.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKopsidas, Ioannis, Grammatiki-Christina Tsopela, Nafsika-Maria Molocha, Eleni Bouza, Elisavet Chorafa, Evangelia Chorianopoulou, Vasileios Giapros, Despoina Gkentzi, Theodoros Gkouvas, Anastasia Kapetanaki, and et al. 2021. "Reducing Duration of Antibiotic Use for Presumed Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis in Greek NICUs. A “Low-Hanging Fruit” Approach" Antibiotics 10, no. 3: 275.
APA StyleKopsidas, I., Tsopela, G.-C., Molocha, N.-M., Bouza, E., Chorafa, E., Chorianopoulou, E., Giapros, V., Gkentzi, D., Gkouvas, T., Kapetanaki, A., Karachristou, K., Karavana, G., Kourkouni, E., Kourlaba, G., Lithoxopoulou, M., Papaevangelou, V., Polychronaki, M., Roilides, E., Siahanidou, T., ... Preventing Hospital-Acquired Infections in Greece (PHiG) Investigators. (2021). Reducing Duration of Antibiotic Use for Presumed Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis in Greek NICUs. A “Low-Hanging Fruit” Approach. Antibiotics, 10(3), 275.