Reduction Model Checking for Multi-Agent Systems of Group Social Commitments
:1. Introduction
1.1. Paper Contributions
1.2. Paper Organization
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Commitments in Multi-Agent Systems (MASs)
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- Wozna-Szczesniak and Szczesniak [27] did not address the RTCTLC model-checking problem.
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- Sultan [60] did not address group-to-one commitments and only investigated one-to-group commitments in the presence of uncertainty.
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- Our work in [8] classified a group of agents into divisible and indivisible, addressed one-to-group and group-to-one commitments, and proved the soundness and completeness of the CTLGC logic. However, model-checking CTLGC was not investigated.
2.2. Modeling MASs by Using Interpreted Systems
- “Set of n agents; A = {1, …, n}, such that every single agent i is defined by:
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- Non-empty set of local states, Li. Local state of the agent i is described by li ∈ Li. Every local state of the agent holds complete information about the system which this agent has at a specified moment.
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- Set of local actions (Acti) in order to demonstrate the evolution of the system with time, i.e., the temporal evolution.
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- Function for local protocol (Pi: Li → 2Acti) in order to define the set of enabled actions which can be implemented in a certain local state.
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- Function for local evolution, τi, that specifies transitions for agent i between its local states. This function is defined as τi: Li × Acti → Li.
- Set of the entire global states in the system G ⊆ L1 ×⋯× Ln is a sub-set of the Cartesian product of the whole local states of the n agents such that:
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- Global state g ∈ G is tuple; g = (l1, …, ln), that corresponds to a snapshot of the system.
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- Local state of the agent i in global state g is denoted as li (g).
- I ⊆ G is the set of the initial global states for the system.
- Global transition function. This function can be defined as τ: G × ACT → G, where ACT = Act1 ×⋯× Actn and every constituent, a ∈ ACT, is a joint action; that is, a tuple of actions, one only for every single agent.
- Set of atomic presumptions, Φp, and valuation function, V, for these presumptions, V: G → 2Φp”.
2.3. Symbolic Model-Checking
3. The CTLGC Logic
- The formulae of social commitmentC are formulae for special state in the CTLGC that grab social characteristics by employing theCi→jφ,Ci→Ω, andCΩ→j modal connectives, which stand for ‘commitment’, ‘commitment to divisible group’, and ‘commitment from divisible group’, respectively.
- (M,w) |= Ci→jφ iff the condition of(M,w′) |= φ is satisfied for all the global statesw′∈W such thatw∼i→jw′;
- (M,w) |= Ci→Ωφ iff the condition of(M,w′) |= φ is satisfied for all the global statesw′∈W such thatw∼i→Ω w′;
- (M,w) |= CΩ→jφ iff the condition of(M,w′) |= φ is satisfied for all the global statesw′∈W such thatw∼Ω→jw′;
- (M,w) |= Fu(Ci→jφ) iff there isw′∈W such thatw′∼i→jw and(M,w′) |= Ci→jφ;
- (M,w) |= Fu(Ci→Ωφ) iff there isw′∈W such thatw′∼i→Ω w and(M,w′) |= Ci→Ωφ;
- (M,w) |= Fu(CΩ→jφ) iff there isw′∈W such thatw′∼Ω→jw and(M,w′) |= CΩ→jφ.
4. Symbolic Model-Checking Algorithm for CTLGC
4.1. Transforming the CTLGC into ARCTL
- “φ ::= p |¬φ | φ∨φ | EαXφ | Eα(φ U φ) | EαGφ
- α ::= b |¬α | α∨α”
- a |= b iff b ∈ VAAR(a);
- a |= ¬α iff not (a |= α) and;
- a |= α ∨ α′ iff a |= α or a |= α′.
- (MαAR,s) |= EαXφ iff there is path π ∈ Πα(s) and π(1) |= φ;
- (MαAR,s) |= Eα(φ U ψ) iff there is path π ∈ Πα(s) such that for certain k ≥ 0,π(k) |= ψ and π(j) |= φ for all 0 ≤ j < k;
- (MαAR,s) |= EαGφ iff there is path π ∈ Πα(s) such that π(k) |= φ for all k ≥ 0.
- SAR = S;
- IAR = I;
- VSAR = V.
- The set of propositions of the atomic action Φa is then defined as follows:
- The VAAR function is defined according to the following equations:
- If αo∈ACAR, thenVAAR(αo) = {ϵ};
- VAAR(αij) = {αi→j} for1 ≤ i ≤ n and1 ≤ j ≤ n;
- VAAR(αiΩ) = {αi→Ω} for1 ≤ i ≤ n andΩ = {1...n};
- VAAR(αΩj) = {αΩ→j} forΩ = {1...n} and1 ≤ j ≤ n;
- VAAR(βij) = {βi→j} for1 ≤ i ≤ n and1 ≤ j ≤ n;
- VAAR(βiΩ) = {βi→Ω} for1 ≤ i ≤ n andΩ = {1...n};
- VAAR(βΩj) = {βΩ→j} forΩ = {1...n} and1 ≤ j ≤ n.
- The labeled relationship of transition joins the temporal labeled transition Rt, accessibility relationships ∼i→j and ∼i→Ω, ∼Ω→i, and the symmetric closure of the relationships of social accessibility ∼i→j, ∼i→Ω, and ∼Ω→i under the sequent conditions for the states s and s′ ∈ S
- (s, αo, s′) ∈ TARϵ if (s, s′) ∈ Rt;
- (s, αij, s′) ∈ T AR αi→j if s ∼i→j s’;
- (s, αiΩ, s′) ∈ T AR Ω i→ Ω if s ∼i→ Ω s’;
- (s, αΩj, s′) ∈ T AR αΩ→j if s ∼ Ω → j s’;
- (s, βij, s′) ∈ TARβi→j if (s′, αij, s) ∈ TARαi→j;
- (s, βiΩ, s′) ∈ TARβi→Ω if (s′, αiΩ, s) ∈ TARαi→Ω;
- (s, βΩj, s′) ∈ TARβ Ω →j if (s′, αΩj, s) ∈ TARα Ω →j.
Henceforth, we define T (φ) by an induction on the form of formula φ of the CTLGC:- T (p) = p, if p is atomic proposition;
- T (¬φ) = ¬T (φ);
- T (φ ∨ ψ) = T (φ) ∨ T (ψ);
- T (EXφ) = Eϵ(XT (φ));
- T (E(φ U ψ)) = Eϵ(T (φ) U T (ψ));
- T (EGφ) = Eϵ(GT (φ));
- T (Ci→jφ) = Aαi→jXT (φ);
- T (Ci→Ωφ) = Aαi→ΩXT (φ);
- T (CΩ→jφ) = AαΩ→jXT (φ);
- T (Fu(Ci→jφ)) = Eβi→j(XT (Ci→jφ));
- T (Fu(Ci→Ωφ)) = Eβi→Ω(XT (Ci→Ωφ));
- T (Fu(CΩ→jφ)) = EβΩ→j(XT (CΩ→jφ)).
- φ = Ci→jψ. We have (M, s) |= Ci→jψ iff (M, s′) |= ψ for each s′∈ S such that s∼i→j s′. Accordingly, (M, s) |= Ci→jψ iff (T (M), s′) |= T (ψ) for each s′∈ SAR such that (s, αij, s′)∈.TARαi→j. By using semantics of A and X, we get (T (M), s) |= Aαi→j(XT (ψ).
- φ = Ci→Ωψ. We have (M, s) |= Ci→Ωψ iff (M, s′) |= ψ for each s′∈ S such that s∼i→Ω s′. Thereupon, (M, s) |= Ci→Ωψ iff (T (M), s′) |= T (ψ) for each s′∈ SAR such that (s, αiΩ, s′)∈ TARαi→Ω. By using semantics of A and X, we end up with (T (M), s) |= Aαi→Ω(XT (ψ).
- φ = CΩ→jψ. We have (M, s) |= CΩ→jψ iff (M, s′) |= ψ for each s′∈ S such that s∼Ω→j s′. Thus, (M, s) |= CΩ→jψ iff (T (M), s′) |= T (ψ) for each s′∈ SAR such that(s, αΩj, s’)∈TARα Ω →j. By use of semantics of A and X, we get (T (M), s) |= AαΩ→j(XT (ψ).
- φ = Fu(Ci→jψ). We have (M, s) |= Fu(Ci→jψ) iff (M, s1) |= Ci→jψ for the state s1∈ S such that s1∼i→j s. Hence, (M, s) |= Fu(Ci→jψ) iff (T (M), s1) |= T (Ci→jψ) for s1∈ SAR such that (s, βij, s1)∈ TARαi→j. By using semantics of E and X, we end up with (T (M), s) |= Eβi→j(XT (Ci→jψ)).
- φ = Fu(Ci→Ωψ). We have (M, s) |= Fu(Ci→Ωψ) iff (M, s1) |= Ci→Ωψ for the state s1∈ S such that s1∼i→Ω s. So, (M, s) |= Fu(Ci→Ωψ) iff (T (M), s1) |= T (Ci→Ωψ) for s1∈ SAR such that(s, βiΩ, s′)∈TARβi→Ω. By use of the semantics of E and X, we get (M), s) |= Eβi→Ω(XT (Ci→Ωψ)).
- φ = Fu(CΩ→jψ). We have (M, s) |= Fu(CΩ→jψ) iff (M, s1) |= CΩ→jψ for the state s1∈ S such that s1∼Ω→j s. In consequence, (M, s) |= Fu(CΩ→jψ) iff (T (M), s1) |= T (CΩ→jψ) for s1∈ SAR such that(s, βΩj, s′)∈TARβΩ →j. Through use of the semantics of E and X, we get (M), s) |= EβΩ→j(XT (CΩ→jψ)).
5. Case Study
Encoding the NetBill Protocol
6. Conclusions and Future Work
- Safety
- Liveness
- Reachability
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Agents | States | Time (s) | Memory (MB) |
2 | 12 | < 0.001 | 4.87 |
3 | 221 | < 0.01 | 5.32 |
4 | 542 | 0.1 | 5.66 |
5 | 1154 | 0.5 | 5.92 |
6 | 3234 | 1 | 6.22 |
7 | 17544 | 1.4 | 6.68 |
8 | 45337 | 3.2 | 6.97 |
9 | 125743 | 5.6 | 7.12 |
10 | 1.41321 × 106 | 22.1 | 8.84 |
12 | 3.21301 × 106 | 76.3 | 10.64 |
14 | 2.17233 × 107 | 97.2 | 12.65 |
16 | 3.32414 × 108 | 321.4 | 15.43 |
18 | 4.28516 × 109 | 769.6 | 18.82 |
20 | 4.32614 × 1010 | 1240 | 24.41 |
22 | 2.43462 × 1014 | 4328 | 44.64 |
Property | Verification Result | Verification Time (s) |
φ1 | Satisfied | 0.01 |
φ2 | Satisfied | 0.15 |
φ3 | Satisfied | 0.03 |
φ4 | Satisfied | 0.12 |
φ5 | Satisfied | 0.19 |
φ6 | Satisfied | 0.21 |
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AlFawwaz, B.M.; Al-Saqqar, F.; AL-Shatnawi, A. Reduction Model Checking for Multi-Agent Systems of Group Social Commitments. Computation 2022, 10, 84.
AlFawwaz BM, Al-Saqqar F, AL-Shatnawi A. Reduction Model Checking for Multi-Agent Systems of Group Social Commitments. Computation. 2022; 10(6):84.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlFawwaz, Bader M., Faisal Al-Saqqar, and Atallah AL-Shatnawi. 2022. "Reduction Model Checking for Multi-Agent Systems of Group Social Commitments" Computation 10, no. 6: 84.
APA StyleAlFawwaz, B. M., Al-Saqqar, F., & AL-Shatnawi, A. (2022). Reduction Model Checking for Multi-Agent Systems of Group Social Commitments. Computation, 10(6), 84.