An Integrated Approach of Video Game Therapy®: A Case Study
:1. Introduction
1.1. Video Game Therapy®
1.2. Video Game Therapy® and Social Isolation (Not in Education, Employment, or Training “NEET”)
1.3. Aims
2. Material and Method
2.1. Participants
2.2. Assessment Instruments
2.3. Procedure
3. Statistical Methods and Results
3.1. Alexithymia
3.2. Metacognition
3.3. Investigation of Psychological and Psychopathological States
3.4. Self-Efficacy
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Participant | Normative | ||
Mean | Mean | SD | |
TAS_0 | 52.00 | 52.36 | 11.37 |
TAS_T2 | 46.00 | ||
MCQ_Total T0 | 80.00 | 60.34 | 12.37 |
MCQ_Total T1 | 71.00 | ||
MCQ_Total T2 | 74.00 | ||
MCQ_CC T0 | 22.00 | 9.55 | 4.11 |
MCQ_CC T1 | 20.00 | ||
MCQ_CC T2 | 19.00 | ||
MCQ_CS T0 | 17.00 | 16.79 | 3.42 |
MCQ_CS T1 | 13.00 | ||
MCQ_CS T2 | 14.00 | ||
MCQ_NB T0 | 15.00 | 11.04 | 3.65 |
MCQ_NB T1 | 12.00 | ||
MCQ_NB T2 | 11.00 | ||
Self-efficacy emotion_T0 | 20.00 | 29.12 | 4.16 |
Self-efficacy emotion_T1 | 21.00 | ||
Self-efficacy emotion_T2 | 21.00 |
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Crepaldi, M.; Bocci, F.; Sarini, M.; Greco, A. An Integrated Approach of Video Game Therapy®: A Case Study. Information 2025, 16, 68.
Crepaldi M, Bocci F, Sarini M, Greco A. An Integrated Approach of Video Game Therapy®: A Case Study. Information. 2025; 16(1):68.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCrepaldi, Maura, Francesco Bocci, Marcello Sarini, and Andrea Greco. 2025. "An Integrated Approach of Video Game Therapy®: A Case Study" Information 16, no. 1: 68.
APA StyleCrepaldi, M., Bocci, F., Sarini, M., & Greco, A. (2025). An Integrated Approach of Video Game Therapy®: A Case Study. Information, 16(1), 68.