Approach of Agile Methodologies in the Development of Web-Based Software
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Web-Oriented Software Development Methodologies
- Domain Model: Also known as a conceptual model, it describes the content of the application to be designed.
- Navigation Model: This model defines the navigation between the different pages that will make up the system.
- Presentation model: It specifies the content of the presentation of the pages towards the users, focuses on the user interface to be presented.
2.2. Approach to Development Methodologies
2.2.1. Development Approach based on Hypermedia
- Content-driven Approach
- Task-driven Approach
2.2.2. Agile Approach to Development Methodologies
- Individuals and interactions above processes and tools.
- Software running above documentation.
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
- Responding to change over following a plan.
2.3. Sytematic Literature Review
2.3.1. Research Questions
- RQ1.1: Which characteristics are considered by agile web development methodologies?
- RQ1.2: What features do hypermedia-based approaches (task-based approach, and content-based approach) contemplate for web application development?
- RQ1.3: What are the indicators that link to end-user-oriented approaches within web development methodologies?
2.3.2. Review Protocol
- The first stage consists of searching and collecting relevant literature from the specified digital libraries. The search strings defined in Section are used for this search.
- The second phase consists of the selection of primary studies. This is achieved by the inclusion and exclusion criteria defined in Section
- The third is the assessment and gathering of data from the selected primary studies. The evaluation is based on the quality metrics assigned in Section 2.3.6. Conducting the Research Conditions for the Selection of Primary Studies
- The research is focused on the use of web development methodologies.
- Research is considered as a research article, review article, or conference article.
- The research is within the domain of selected libraries.
- The range of publications of research is between 2000 and 2019.
- The research has nothing to do with the development of web applications.
- The abstract does not provide sufficient evidence to indicate that the research is linked to web applications.
- The year of publication is not within the established range.
- The language of the publication is different from English or Spanish. Quality Metrics of Primary Studies
- Studies with “Selected” classification: This includes studies that meet the criteria for inclusion and high reliability in metadata. The metadata considered are the abstract, title, author(s), keywords, and research questions.
- “Doubtfulz” studies: This classification considers studies that have little reliability in terms of the metadata provided or the results from the research are not relevant.
- Studies with “Invalid” classification: Include papers that provide metadata without any relation to the subject matter. These are not considered for SLR.
2.3.3. Validation of Review Protocol
- Arbitrarily select studies for RQ2 (4) and RQ1 (6).
- Extract data from the articles, dividing the work between the authors and the external collaborator.
- The indicators of the extraction form are validated. If the form must be modified, return to step 1 again. Otherwise, the validation process ends.
2.3.4. Identification of Relevant Research
- Search strings are applied in digital libraries.
- A validation of the articles likely to be included in the research is carried out.
- Relevant and similar literature is identified within the references of previously proposed research.
- New literature is assessed against the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
- The preceding is performed within each RQ.
2.3.5. Selection of Primary Studies
2.3.6. Data Extraction from Primary Studies
- Agile development characteristics.
- Examples of methodologies used by each approach.
- Conditions of use.
- The advantages or strategies within the stages of the approach development process.
- End-user activities within web development.
- Common problems regarding customer satisfaction with web software.
- Usability features.
2.3.7. Data Synthesi
2.3.8. Threat of Validity
3. Results
- RQ1.2: What features do hypermedia-based approaches (task-based approach, and content-based approach) contemplate for web application development?
- RQ1.3: What are the indicators that link to end-user-oriented approaches within web development methodologies?
3.1. Quantitative Analysis of Studies
3.2. Common Characteristics of Agile Methodologies
- Flexibility before changes of requirements at any stage of the life cycle. Without affecting the development process and planning.
- Constant communication between the development team, despite distributed environments. Including meetings, communication of functionalities and modifications made to the project.
- Inclusion of the end-user throughout the software life cycle. As a result, developers will know the right modifications at the right time.
- Necessary and accurate documentation. Without having to maintain extensive paperwork, these methodologies perform specific documentation of the functionalities of the application.
- Implementation of UML artifacts for the elaboration of documentation and design models.
4. Disscussion of the Results
- Flexibility before changes of requirements in any stage of the life cycle. Without affecting the development process and planning.
- Constant communication between the development team, despite distributed environments. Including meetings, communication of functionalities, and modifications made to the project.
- Inclusion of the end-user throughout the software life cycle. As a result, developers will know the right modifications at the right time.
- Necessary and accurate documentation. Without having to maintain extensive paperwork, these methodologies perform specific documentation of the functionalities of the application.
- Implement UML artifacts for the elaboration of documentation and design models.
5. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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RQ | Key Terms |
RQ1 | Agile approach, task-driven approach, content-driven approach, web-centred approach to end user, web applications. |
RQ2 | Web development methodology, OOHDM, WebML, SOHDM, NDT, UWE, WSDM, W2000 |
N | Library |
1 | Science Direct |
2 | Springer Link |
3 | IEEE Xplore Digital Library |
4 | ACM Digital Library |
5 | Google Scholar |
Research Questions | Search Strings | |
RQ 1.1 | “web development” AND “agile approach” AND (“web applications” OR “software web”) | |
RQ1 | RQ 1.2 | hypermedia approach AND ("task-driven approach" OR content-driven approach) AND web development AND (web applications OR software web OR hypermedia software) |
RQ 1.3 | “web-centred approach” AND “end-user” AND “software development methodology” AND “web applications” AND “web software” | |
“end-user” AND “usability” AND “ISO 9241-11” AND “ISO 9241-210” AND “software development methodology” AND “web applications” AND “web software” | ||
RQ2 | ||
“web development methodology” AND “approaches” AND “features” AND “OOHDM” OR “WebML” OR “SOHDM” OR “NDT” OR “UWE” OR “WSDM” OR “W2000” |
Author | Title | |
DOC1 | Madjid Sadallah, Olivier Aubert Yannick Prié | CHM: an annotation- and component-based hyper video model for the Web. [22] |
DOC2 | Wei Wang, Wenjie Zhang | Guest editorial: web applications and techniques. [23] |
DOC3 | Cristina Cachero Castro, Santiago Meliá, Marcela Genero, Geert Poels, Coral | Towards improving the navigability of Web applications: a model-driven approach. [24] |
DOC4 | V. V. Lipaev | Problems of the development and quality control of large software systems. [25] |
DOC5 | M.J Taylor, J McWilliam, H Forsyth, S Wade | Methodologies and website development: a survey of practice. [26] |
DOC6 | Dimitris Stavrinoudis, Michalis Xenos, Pavlos Peppas, Dimitris Christodoulakis | Early Estimation of Users’ Perception of Software Quality. [27] |
DOC7 | Davide Bolchini, Paolo Paolini | Goal-driven requirements analysis for hypermedia-intensive Web applications. [10] |
DOC8 | Mahdi Fahmideh, Gholami Mohsen Sharifi, Pooyan Jamshidi | Enhancing the OPEN Process Framework with service-oriented method. [28] |
DOC9 | Fernando Lyardet, Gustavo Rossi, Daniel Schwabe | Discovering and Using Design Patterns in the WWW. [29] |
DOC10 | T. Madhusudan, Young-Jun Son | A simulation-based approach for dynamic process management at web service platforms. [30] |
RQ | Subdivision | Selected studies |
[31] Agile characteristics are presented that are considered when developing hypertext applications focused on the elicitation of requirements and stages of analysis of the life cycle of the development of web applications. | ||
RQ1 | Agile approach | [16] Describes a short review of the agile principles and values that are put into practice by software industries and how it has contributed to the development of applications. |
[32] Based on proposals such as XP, they examine how the approach applied to develop an application in an unpredictable environment influences its changes and describe other benefits of the agile approach. | ||
[33] In web application development he refers to how he employs the prototyping and incremental process approach and how it relates to hypermedia. | ||
Hypermedia approach | [34] Describes the characteristics of the hypermedia approach and how it contributes to the educational web application development environment. | |
[35] Presents the characteristics of task-based models, as well as the benefits and results of integrating annotations into the life cycle of development methodologies. | ||
[36] Describes how the end-user approach influences the use of techniques to achieve its objectives and the importance of coupling it into the life cycle of web application software. | ||
End-user oriented approach | [37] Presents the features of a new methodology that emphasizes efforts to guide software designers and end users through the software development process. | |
[38] Establishes the characteristics of model-based methodologies to improve participation and the constant requirements implied by end users. | ||
[39] Establishes a perspective of how to carry out the modeling of the project that allows the comprehension and reuse to other existing models, focusing on the adaptability of the modeling of the web systems. | ||
RQ2 | WebML | |
[40] The approach used is characterized by its versatility to work with back-end and front-end without restricting user interaction in the graphical interface. | ||
[41] Analyzes design patterns used in web applications based on the OOHDM approach to design recycling and standardizing a web application model. | ||
OOHDM | ||
[42] Examines the OOHDM approach to the modeling of complex web applications that are hypermedia-supported and represented through object modeling. | ||
[11] Characterizes the UWE methodology by its structure focused on content modeling, navigation, presentation and processes; and its relationship with UML to stage the objects that compose it. | ||
UWE | ||
[12] The UWE methodology relates it to model-driven development and emphasizes the collection of functional requirements, however, it is not able to categorize them. | ||
[43] As for web development, this methodology focuses mostly on users, giving way to new diagrams that prioritize the user and their interests. | ||
WSDM | ||
[44] Through a case study, he explains how the WSDM approach focuses on user comfort, separating application structure and workflow. | ||
[45] Evaluates the processes of the methodology with respect to the international standard ISO/IEC 12207 that normalizes the processes of the software life cycle; and describes the approach on the design of the system. | ||
NDT | ||
[13] Describes NDT’s approach as being more related to requirements engineering, however, in the implementation and testing phases it suffers from an unevenness as it is not contemplated in web development. | ||
[46] They elaborate a new design framework taking the approach of the W2000 methodology which is based on the agile development of prototypes, and the framework with which it works. | ||
W2000 | ||
[47] Presents the methodology and approach to system functional requirements by extending UML notation, similar to HDM. |
[31] | [16] | [32] | |
Agile development features. |
Agile principles. |
Conditions of environments. |
Problems to be solved. |
Content-Driven Approach Methodologies | Task-Driven Approach Methodologies | |
Interaction with the user. | Interaction with the user is minimal. | Has greater interaction with the customer. |
Conceptual model design phase. | It depends on the conceptual data model to achieve a hierarchical analysis of the content. | Analyzes and processes content data separately, according to the task at hand. |
Elicitation of requirements. | The specification of requirements is complex, and brainstorming is necessary. | Requirements collection is simple, and pre-established models are used. |
Methodologies. | - RMM - OHDM - VHDM | - SOHDM - EORM - WHDM |
[33] | [34] | [35] | |
Kind of approach. | Prototyping. | Agile. | Hypermedia. |
Conditions established for its use. | Short-term projects, multimedia content management. | Organization by teams. Improvement of the final product. | Special focus on requirements and users. |
Examples of methodologies. | - Scrum - EssUP (Essencial Unified Process) - W2000 | - Extreme Programming (XP) - KanBan - Scrumban | - NDT - WSDM - OOHDM |
Strategies in stages of the development process. | - Employ User Stories. - Task board. - Use meta-models for information, navigation, etc. | - Perform unit tests. - Whiteboard with sticky notes for process management. | - Generation of models for system analysis. - Capture of requirements through UML notation. |
[36] | [37] | [38] | |
End-user activities within web development. | - Requirements specifications. - End users formulate a narrative description of the solution. - Verify that the provisional designs output work properly. | They perform two fundamental roles: 1.Perform assigned tasks. 2.Participate as an interested party in the domain. | Puts the user in front and gives him the ability to create his own applications on the fly that satisfy a situational need. |
Common Problems. | - They do not define the requirements correctly from the beginning. - They do not perform a proper test for error detection. | The end user pretends to be a consumer and designer. | The main problems are presented at the design stage, for the use of interfaces, organization and coordination of resources. |
Usability features. | The study has not specify features of usability. | - The environments that employ the end user approach must meet usability requirements. - It is evaluated by workshops. | - Visibility. - Feedback. - Consistency. - Non-destructive operations. - Discoverability. - Scalability. - Reliability. |
Activities | WebML | OOHDM | UWE | WSDM | NDT | W2000 |
Agile features | Iterative development. Correction of errors. | Small development group. Adaptation to changes. | Correction of errors. Simplicity in the code. | User Orientation. Few documentation. | Unit tests. Function. Prioritization. | Flexibility to change. User Orientation. |
Application in distributed areas | Does not apply | Applies | Does not apply | Applies | Does not apply | Applies |
Kind of Hypermedia Approach | Content-driven | Model-driven | Content-driven | Model-driven | Task- driven | Task- driven |
End–User Intervention | Throughout the development process. | Throughout the development process. | Throughout the development process. | Throughout the development process. | Throughout the development process. | Throughout the development process. |
End-User based approach | Applies | Applies | Applies | Applies | Applies | Applies |
Requirements | Hypermedia-Based Approach | Agile Approach | End-User Based Approach | |
Content-Driven | Task-Driven | |||
Allows reuse. | High | Medium | High | No apply |
Allows integration of types of software artifacts. | High | Low | High | Medium |
Ensures constant maintenance. | High | Low | High | High |
Allows flexibility. | High | High | High | Medium |
Ensures communication with the development team. | Low | Medium | High | High |
Enables end user collaboration | Low | Medium | High | High |
It is accessible to constant modifications | High | High | High | High |
Requirements | Categories | |
Allows reuse. | High | The interface design is specified in detail. Provides documentation of each of its functionalities and activities during the life cycle. |
Medium | Certain functionalities and components can be used in other projects. Documentation is poor. | |
Low | It does not provide the necessary resources to use the modules in other projects. | |
Allows integration of types of software artifacts. | High | The life cycle process integrates in its entirety various artefacts, such as UML, object-oriented, among others. |
Medium | Allows the integration of artefacts in certain stages of the life cycle. | |
Low | Includes the use of artifact only in the main stages. | |
Ensures constant maintenance. | High | Provides the proper guidance for hassle-free maintenance. |
Medium | Maintenance is performed correctly but can have setbacks. | |
Low | Constant maintenance of the project is complex, and time consuming. | |
Allows flexibility. | High | Allows requirements to be updated and aggregated without any problem. |
Medium | The implementation of requirements implies difficulties for the working group and the development process. | |
Low | It is not possible to implement new requirements or modifications at any stage, only at the beginning. | |
Ensures communication with the development team. | High | Communication and interaction among team members occurs at each stage of development. |
Medium | There is constant communication but it does not include all the members of the working group. | |
Low | Communication is mild and only occurs at certain stages. | |
Enables end user collaboration. | High | The end user interacts throughout the process and is a constant part of the software design and modification. |
Medium | The user only intervenes in the necessary stages (requirements and evaluation). Minor changes are discussed. | |
Low | The end user only intervenes in specific stages and tasks. There is no follow-up during the development process. | |
It is accessible to constant modifications | High | Changes can be made at any stage of the life cycle. |
Medium | Changes can be made at specific stages of the life cycle without seriously affecting the process. | |
Low | Changes can simply be made in the initial stage. |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Molina Ríos, J.; Pedreira-Souto, N. Approach of Agile Methodologies in the Development of Web-Based Software. Information 2019, 10, 314.
Molina Ríos J, Pedreira-Souto N. Approach of Agile Methodologies in the Development of Web-Based Software. Information. 2019; 10(10):314.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMolina Ríos, Jimmy, and Nieves Pedreira-Souto. 2019. "Approach of Agile Methodologies in the Development of Web-Based Software" Information 10, no. 10: 314.
APA StyleMolina Ríos, J., & Pedreira-Souto, N. (2019). Approach of Agile Methodologies in the Development of Web-Based Software. Information, 10(10), 314.