Kadaster Knowledge Graph: Beyond the Fifth Star of Open Data
:1. Introduction
2. Kadaster: Context and Data
3. Open Data in Graphs
3.1. Five Stars of Open Data
3.2. Linked Data
3.3. Knowledge Graphs
- It is a graph composed of statements about the real world.
- It has both instances and schema.
- It covers more than one knowledge domain.
4. Building the Graph
4.1. Moving from the Third Star
4.2. Five-Star Data: Linking
5. Kadaster Knowledge Graph
5.1. Data Sources
5.2. The Graph
6. Use Cases
6.1. Case 1. Data Browsing: Follow Your Nose
6.2. Case 2. Urban Planning: Candidate Areas for Urban Development
6.3. Case 3. Loki: Chatbot for Spatial Questions
- What is the real-estate value of a house?
- What is the year of construction of a house?
- What is the average area of the houses in a street?
- Where is my plot?
- What are the houses in Oranje that were built after 2000?
- What is the oldest house in Haarlem?
- Give me all of the churches built before 1500 in Dordrecht.
7. Discussion
7.1. Construction and Maintanace: Automation
7.2. From UML to OWL
7.3. Sources of Links: Space and Case
7.4. Access to Governmental Object-Based Intelligence
8. Conclusions and Future Research
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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English Name (Dutch Name) | Number of Statements | Web Link | Data Owner (Dutch Name) | |
1 | Base register of addresses and buildings (Basisregistratie adressen en gebouwen (BAG)) | ~1,000,000,000 | bag.basisregistraties.overheid.nl | Kadaster |
2 | Base register of topography (Basisregistratie topografie (BRT)) | ~300,000,000 | brt.basisregistraties.overheid.nl | Kadaster |
3 | Base land register (Basisregistratie Kadaster (BRK)) | ~400,000,000 | brk.basisregistraties.overheid.nl | Kadaster |
4 | Key figures districts and neighborhoods (Kerncijfers wijken en buurten (KWB)) | ~10,000,000 | betalinkeddata.cbs.nl1 | Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)) |
5 | Government Web Metadata Standard (Overheid Web Metadata Standaard (OWMS)) | ~10,000 | standaarden.overheid.nl/owms/terms | Centre for Official Publications (Kennis - en Exploitatiecentrum voor Officiële Overheidspublicaties (KOOP)) |
6 | Basic geo-information model (Basismodel geo-informatie (NEN3610)) | ~1000 | geonovum.github.io/NEN3610-Linkeddata/ | Geonovum |
English Name (Dutch Name) | Number of Statements | Web Link | Data Owner (Dutch Name) | |
7 | Spatial planning (Ruimtelijke ordening) | ~1,000,000 | under construction 1 | Spatial Information Warehouse (Informatiehuis Ruimte) |
8 | Cultural heritage (Cultureel erfgoed) | ~65,000,000 | linkeddata.cultureelerfgoed.nl | Cultural Heritage Agency (Rijksdienst voor Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE)) |
English Name (Dutch Name) | Number of Statements | Web Link | Data Owner (Dutch Name) | |
9 | Energy labels of buildings in Dordrecht (Dordrecht woning energielabels) | ~500,000 | data.labs.kadaster.nl/kadaster/energielabels | The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)) |
10 | Base-register of real estate values (Waardering Onroerende Zaken (WOZ)) | ~160,000,000 | data.labs.kadaster.nl/kadaster/woz | Council for Real Estate Assessment (Waarderingskamer) |
English Name (Dutch Name) | Number of Statements | Web Link | Data Owner (Dutch Name) | |
11 | Linkset BAG–BRK | ~11,000,000 | data.labs.kadaster.nl/kadaster/bag-brk | Kadaster |
12 | Linkset BAG–BRT | ~10,000,000 | under construction 1 | Kadaster |
Relation Name | RDF Term | Relation Type | |
1 | is a | rdf:type | thematic relation |
2 | is same as | owl:sameAs | thematic relation |
3 | is primary topic of | foaf:primaryTopic | thematic relation |
4 | has area | bbi:heeftGebeid | thematic relation |
5 | is within | ogc:sfWithin | spatial relation |
6 | contains | ogc:sfContains | spatial relation |
7 | overlaps | ogc:sfOverlaps | spatial relation |
8 | touches | ogc:sfTouches | spatial relation |
9 | intersects | ogc:sfIntersects | spatial relation |
10 | is equal to | ogc:sfEquals | spatial relation |
Criteria | Threshold | Data Provider |
Average tax value of a house | <150,000 € | Council for Real Estate Assessment (Waarderingskamer) |
Year of construction | Before 1970 | Kadaster |
Energy efficiency | D (or lower) | The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)) |
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Ronzhin, S.; Folmer, E.; Maria, P.; Brattinga, M.; Beek, W.; Lemmens, R.; van’t Veer, R. Kadaster Knowledge Graph: Beyond the Fifth Star of Open Data. Information 2019, 10, 310. https://doi.org/10.3390/info10100310
Ronzhin S, Folmer E, Maria P, Brattinga M, Beek W, Lemmens R, van’t Veer R. Kadaster Knowledge Graph: Beyond the Fifth Star of Open Data. Information. 2019; 10(10):310. https://doi.org/10.3390/info10100310
Chicago/Turabian StyleRonzhin, Stanislav, Erwin Folmer, Pano Maria, Marco Brattinga, Wouter Beek, Rob Lemmens, and Rein van’t Veer. 2019. "Kadaster Knowledge Graph: Beyond the Fifth Star of Open Data" Information 10, no. 10: 310. https://doi.org/10.3390/info10100310
APA StyleRonzhin, S., Folmer, E., Maria, P., Brattinga, M., Beek, W., Lemmens, R., & van’t Veer, R. (2019). Kadaster Knowledge Graph: Beyond the Fifth Star of Open Data. Information, 10(10), 310. https://doi.org/10.3390/info10100310