Teaching Catholic Religion in Croatian Public Schools: Legal Frame and Challenges
:1. Introduction
1.1. Context and Background
1.2. Research Questions, Objectives, and Significance of the Study
1.3. Methodology and Sources
2. Legal Framework of Catholic Religious Education
3. Challenges in the Model of Cooperation
3.1. Enrollment Issues
- (1)
- They warn that it is not necessary to enroll the child every year, but it is necessary when they start an educational cycle, that is, in the first year of primary and in the first year of secondary.
- (2)
- To do this, parents must request and fill in the corresponding form at the school, which is obliged to have them and provide them.
3.2. Religion or “The World and Me” in Primary Schools: End of the “Empty Hour” Dispute
3.3. Secondary: Either Religious Education or Ethics and Reduced Hours in Practice
3.4. Bilateral Norms about Teaching Materials
3.5. Extracurricular Activities
4. Status of Religion Teachers in Public Schools
4.1. Missio Canonica
4.2. Professional Qualification
4.3. Teachers’ Employment Status
5. Judicial and Administrative Perspectives on Religious Education
5.1. Former “Empty Hour” in Primary School
5.2. Claims of Discrimination or Intromission
- (a)
- A first significant case is the complaint that an association filed against a Catholic religion teacher for the alleged homophobic content of one of the classes she taught. The Croatian Supreme Court confirmed the judgment of the first instance declaring the claim unfounded (Vrhovni sud Republike Hrvatske 2015). In line with the legal provisions already described, the court starts from the recognition of the religion class as a manifestation of the teacher’s religious freedom. It continues to exclude possible discriminatory treatment because a certain doctrine—on homosexuality—is being imparted to children whose parents have chosen to do so. The most innovative element about the ruling is, however, that the magistrates go beyond what is required, considering whether this teaching activity could represent a “nuisance”, as a milder form of discrimination, included in Article 3 § 1 of the same law on the prevention of discrimination.22 In this way, the Supreme Court identifies the purpose of this teaching activity as that of “teaching a didactic unit during the hour of religion”, which in no way harms dignity. It concludes the argument by recalling that the plaintiff has not referred to any specific affected person either but instead seeks indirect and abstract protection with a collective complaint.
- (b)
- In another case, a religion teacher was accused of having taught content specific to civic education. An inspector from the corresponding ministerial agency ordered, at the request of the accusing citizen group, an investigation into the case, with the intervention of teaching materials in the possession of the teacher and with interviews with students, concluding that the accusations were unfounded (Petrović Štefanac 2016). Despite the reality of the facts, the divulgation of the accusations had already caused, in any case, damage both to the school and to the subject itself and to the teacher. It should be noted that nevertheless, some overlapping, with a sense of transversality, is allowed by the ministry. For example, the subject of Catholic religious education for secondary school contains some units where the Catholic values are paired with those governing the European Union (Prović 2020).
5.3. Teachers: Legitimate Discrimination Out of a Qualified Duty of Loyalty
6. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia (NN, Nos 25/20 and 34/21). |
2 | The most qualified interpreter of the Agreement, the Vatican diplomat from Croatia who negotiated the redaction with the Croatian government, recommends interpreting the term odgoj in the Croatian text (Eterović 2004, p. 203) in a broad sense, which includes the other terms used in the AEC, such as education (obrazovanje) or upbringing (odgoj). |
3 | Cfr. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Islamic Community in the Republic of Croatia on Issues of Common Interest (Ugovor Između Vlade Republike Hrvatske i Islamske Zajednice u Republici Hrvatskoj o Pitanjima Od Zajedničkog Interesa, 20/12/2002 2003); Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Serbian Orthodox Church in the Republic of Croatia on Issues of Common Interest (Ugovor Između Vlade Republike Hrvatske i Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve u Republici Hrvatskoj o Pitanjima Od Zajedničkog Interesa, 20/12/2002 2003). |
4 | ISCED 2011—the International Standard Classification of Education. |
5 | Available online: https://mzom.gov.hr (accessed on 1 July 2024). |
6 | Available online: https://www.azoo.hr (accessed on 1 July 2024). |
7 | Available online. https://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2003_05_88_1135.html (accessed on 1 July 2024). |
8 | Available online: https://nku.hbk.hr (accessed on 1 July 2024). |
9 | Except in the regions of Alsace and Lorraine, where survives today the extinct French Concordat of 1801 (Martín de Agar y Valverde 2000, p. 36). |
10 | Judgment of the High Court of Justice of Asturias (Contentious-Administrative Chamber, Section 1), n. 730/2015, of 19 October (RJCA 2015/836). |
11 | It should be mentioned that this agreement, the AER, was challenged by a constitutional claim, but the Croatian Constitutional Court declared itself incompetent to rule because it was an agreement between a body of the executive power and a natural or legal person (Ustavni sud Republike Hrvatske 2004, sct. 4). |
12 | Some educational centers with a canteen service also offer the possibility of choosing a menu for religious reasons, as is also the practice, i.e., in some Italian municipalities (Fiorita 2012, pp. 145–54). |
13 | Letter from the Bishops of the Zagreb Ecclesiastical Province to the parents of religious students. |
14 | Particular canon law is law for a specific Catholic jurisdiction (place or group of people): a diocese, a province, or even a nation (frequently the range of a Bishops’ Conference). |
15 | Cfr. Available online: https://www.isusovci-opatija.hr/vjeronauk_zupa/vjeronauk-94/ (accessed on 1 July 2024). |
16 | Usually, the teaching programs, published each year by the office and published by Glas Koncila for the whole country, already contain these guidelines and the corresponding updates. |
17 | The HBK, in successive plans and programs of parish catechesis, the only one that existed during the communist era, also demands the missio canonica for parish animators and catechists (Hoblaj et al. 2005, pp. 307–8). |
18 | See note 7 above. |
19 | Art. 12, Act on Amendments to the Act on Education in Primary and Secondary School, NN 90/11. |
20 | European Court of Human Rights, Travaš v. Croatia, n. 75581/13, 4/10/16, cit., § 79. |
21 | Ethics in Secondary School, according to the current Regulations on Professional Preparation and Pedagogical-Psychological Training of Teachers in Secondary Education (Pravilnik o stručnoj spremi i pedagoško-psihološkom obrazovanju nastavnika u srednjem školstvu, NN 1/96 and 80/99). |
22 | In this Article 3 § 1 of the same law on the prevention of discrimination, nuisance is qualified as “unwanted behavior, which has as its purpose—Or really represents—A violation of personal dignity, causing fear, enmity or a degrading or offensive environment” (Zakon o Suzbijanju Diskriminacije 2008). |
23 | The text can be consulted in the bulletin of the Croatian National Catechetical Office, in Croatian originally (Ministarstvo Prosvjete i Športa 2000). |
24 | Zakon o radu, NN 38/1995, 54/1995, 65/1995, 102/1998, 17/2001, 82/2001. 114/2003, 123/2003, 142/2003, 30/2004 y 68/2005. |
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Quirós-Fons, A. Teaching Catholic Religion in Croatian Public Schools: Legal Frame and Challenges. Religions 2024, 15, 1069. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15091069
Quirós-Fons A. Teaching Catholic Religion in Croatian Public Schools: Legal Frame and Challenges. Religions. 2024; 15(9):1069. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15091069
Chicago/Turabian StyleQuirós-Fons, Antonio. 2024. "Teaching Catholic Religion in Croatian Public Schools: Legal Frame and Challenges" Religions 15, no. 9: 1069. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15091069
APA StyleQuirós-Fons, A. (2024). Teaching Catholic Religion in Croatian Public Schools: Legal Frame and Challenges. Religions, 15(9), 1069. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15091069