Music and Religion in the Spiritual World of the Hungarian Aristocracy: The Case of Count Anton Erdődy (1714–1769)
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. The Construction and the Reconstruction of the Organ
2.2. The Fate of the Organ after the Death of Its Commissioner
3. Discussion
4. Materials and Methods
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | From 1751 to his death, he was the governor of Orava County (Biografický lexikón Slovenska 2004, p. 441). |
2 | Bratislava, Slovak National Archive (hereafter referred to as SNA), Rod Erdődy—Ústredný archív [Erdődy Family—Central Archive], Korešpondencia [Correspondence], Georg Leopold Erdődy—Anton Erdődy, fols. 7–32. |
3 | A report on the reconsecration of the chapel was published in the Nyitramegyei szemle (1905) newspaper. |
4 | Churches were mostly oriented along the west (where the main entrance and the main organ on the gallery above the main entrance)—east (high altar) axis. |
5 | The list of documented pulpit organs consists of instruments in the following places: Munich, Saint Peter’s Church (after 1500); Zwettl, Cistercian Abbey (J. Dejobe, 1726–1727); Ljubljana, Cathedral of Saint Nicholas (A. S. Wallenstein 1709/J. Janeček, 1734); Wilhering, Cistercian Abbey (N. Rumel, 1746); Lilienfeld, Cistercian Abbey (G. Sonnholtz, 1747); Meßkirch, Church of Saint Martin (J. N. Holzhey, 1773). The youngest organ of this type was built in Oberdischingen, in the Church of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, as late as 1911 when the church was renovated (1897–1911). See (Fischer 1991, pp. 29–60; Škulj and Dobravec 2018, pp. 284–87). |
6 | Johann Hencke (born 1697, Geseke, North Rhine-Westphalia, died 1766, Vienna) was one of the most renowned Austrian organ builders of the eighteenth century. He built several organs in Vienna, Herzogenburg, Eger, Timișoara, and elsewhere. See (Hopfner and Fastl 2019; Szórádová 2019, pp. 88–89). |
7 | The demonstrably oldest organ with a freestanding console was the positive of Valentin Arnold in Trnava of 1783, which survived in its original condition. |
8 | Intus chori duo, unus in forma oratorii constructus, idemque pensilis vitris undique clausus. Alter pro musicis ex parte epistolae intra sanctuarium, in quo organum cum pedali, nobile […]. Bratislava, SNA, Rod Erdődy—Ústredný archív [Erdődy Family—Central Archive], Lad. 47, Fasc. 7, No. 31, fols. 73r–76r: Kópia protokolu z kanonickej vizitácie zo 7. augusta 1766, datovaná 7. apríla 1769 [Copy of the Protocol of the Canonical Visitation of 7 August 1766, Dated 7 April 1769]. |
9 | Organ builder Johann Carl Janetschek (documented 1759—possibly died in 1783), listed in sources from the year 1759 onwards. See (Szórádová 2019, pp. 94–95). |
10 | Janetschek’s receipt of six guilders for travel expenses to Bohuslavice survived from 1763. Although it does not specify the purpose of the travel, it was presumably related to the proposal to build an organ there. Bratislava, SNA, Sekretariát J. N. a J. Erdődyho [Secretariat of J. N. and J. Erdődy], Kar. 13, Fasc. 1, Fols. 91r. |
11 | Bratislava, SNA, Rod Erdődy—Ústredný archív [Erdődy Family—Central Archive], Lad. 47, Fasc. 7, No. 30, fols. 71r–71v, 72v. |
12 | Bratislava, SNA, Sekretariát J. N. a J. Erdődyho [Secretariat of J. N. and J. Erdődy], Kar. 1, Fasc. 3: Taffel Wein Herschaffts Protokoll Pro 1767. Berechnung über die zu Bohuslavitz hie weggegebene Herschaffts Taffel wein pro 1767 d. 1 January, fol. 267r; Officir Taffel Wein Protokoll pro 1768. Berechnung über die zu Bohuslavitz hie weggegebene Officir Taffel wein pro 1768 d. 1 January, fols. 316r–317r. |
13 | Bratislava, SNA, Sekretariát J. N. a J. Erdődyho [Secretariat of J. N. and J. Erdődy], Kar. 1, Fasc. 3: Officir Taffel Wein Protokoll pro 1768. Berechnung über die zu Bohuslavitz hie weggegebene Officir Taffel wein pro 1768 d. 1 January, fols. 314r–320r. |
14 | Bratislava, SNA, Rod Erdődy—Ústredný archív [Erdődy Family—Central Archive], Lad. 47, Fasc. 7, No. 30, Fols. 72r. |
15 | That is how János Simor, Archbishop of Esztergom and Primate of Hungary, referred to it when he stopped by in the Bohuslavice chapel. According to a letter of Pavol Rábek, the priest of Bošáce Parish, under which the Bohuslavice chapel belonged at the time. Nitra, Štátny archív [State Archive], Panstvo Želiezovce—Považské majetky [Želiezovce Demesne—Váh Region Estates], Fasc. 140, Letter of 20 August 1876. |
16 | In 1917–1921, the organ was repaired by the organ builder Karel Neusser. In 1920, the organ was cleaned and tuned by Otakar Važanský. Its overhaul was carried out in 1973 by Pavol Baxa senior. In one of these repairs, Janetschek’s positive was removed and the manual and pedal keyboards were replaced. |
17 | Personal testimony of a local, Ing. Ján Mihala, organist in the chapel for many years, of 7 September 2023. |
18 | To raise sufficient funds, they have set up a transparent account and organized concerts. A recording of a charity event for the restoration of the organ is accessible online at: (accessed on 25 March 2024). The project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic through its support schemes. |
19 | Esztergomi Főszékesegyházi Könyvtár, Matrica gymnasii Posoniensis ab anno 1650 usque ad annum 1725, 386r; Album studiosae juventutis Gymnasii Posoniensis, 1725–1765, 5r, 9r, 13r, 16v. Online access: (accessed on 31 January 2024). |
20 | She was a renowned figure in the history of the musical culture of the town, who promoted church music in the choir of the church and music education in the convent of the Ursulines. Several musicians of Pressburg dedicated their compositions to her (Antalová 2011, p. 19). |
21 | In his Bohuslavice residence, he read newspapers from Vienna, Regensburg, Utrecht, Haag, and Schaffhausen (Bubryák 2007, p. 49). |
22 | Bratislava, SNA, Sekretariát J. N. a J. Erdődyho [Secretariat of J. N. and J. Erdődy], Kar. 5, Fasc. 4, fol. 76 (in the case of Francis de Sales, it was probably his popular Introduction to the Devout Life alias Philothea); Kar. 2, Fasc. 3, fol. 28. |
23 | As a member of the order, he received the name Francis Seraph. Bratislava, SNA, Rod Erdődy—Ústredný archív [Erdődy Family—Central Archive], Lad. 47, Fasc. 7, No. 5. |
24 | Bratislava, SNA, Sekretariát J. N. a J. Erdődyho [Secretariat of J. N. and J. Erdődy], Kar. 1: Taffel Wein Herschaffts Protokoll and Officir Taffel Wein Protokoll of 1764–1768. |
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Kalinayová-Bartová, J.; Szórádová, E. Music and Religion in the Spiritual World of the Hungarian Aristocracy: The Case of Count Anton Erdődy (1714–1769). Religions 2024, 15, 584.
Kalinayová-Bartová J, Szórádová E. Music and Religion in the Spiritual World of the Hungarian Aristocracy: The Case of Count Anton Erdődy (1714–1769). Religions. 2024; 15(5):584.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKalinayová-Bartová, Jana, and Eva Szórádová. 2024. "Music and Religion in the Spiritual World of the Hungarian Aristocracy: The Case of Count Anton Erdődy (1714–1769)" Religions 15, no. 5: 584.
APA StyleKalinayová-Bartová, J., & Szórádová, E. (2024). Music and Religion in the Spiritual World of the Hungarian Aristocracy: The Case of Count Anton Erdődy (1714–1769). Religions, 15(5), 584.