The Mandorla Symbol in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Iconography of the Dormition: Function and Meaning
:1. Introduction
2. The Iconography of the Dormition
3. The Symbol of Mandorla in Byzantine Iconography of the Dormition
3.1. Early Examples without Mandorla
“But the apostles carrying Mary came into the place of the valley of Iosaphat which the Lord have showed them, and laid her in a new tomb and shut the sepulchre. But they sat down at the door of the tomb as the Lord had charged them: and lo, suddenly the Lord Jesus Christ came with a great multitude of angels, and light flashing with great brightness, and said to the apostles: Peace be with you”.(Pseudo-Melito. De Transitu Virginis Mariæ Liber., XVI. In: (James 1924, p. 215).)
“’Then the apostles laid the body in the tomb with great honour, weeping and singing for pure love and sweetness. And suddenly a light from heaven shone round about them, and as they fell to the earth, the holy body was taken up by angels into heaven’ (the apostles not knowing it)”.(Pseudo-Joseph of Arimathea. De Transitu Virginis Mariæ Liber., 16. In: (James 1924, p. 217).)
“…The Holy Scripture inspired by God does not tell what happened in the death of the Holy Theotókos Mary, but we rely on an ancient tradition and very true that at the time of her glorious Dormition, all the holy apostles, which roamed the earth for the salvation of the nations, were assembled in an instant through the air in Jerusalem. When they were close to her, angels appeared to them in a vision, and a divine concert of the higher power was heard. And so, in a divine and heavenly glory, the Virgin gave her holy soul in the God’s hands in an ineffable way…”.(Saint Jean Damascène, Deuxième discours sur l’illustre Dormition de la Toute Sainte et toujours Vierge Marie, 18. In: (Saint Jean Damascène 1961, p. 173).)
3.2. Appearance of Mandorla without Inscribed Angelic Powers
3.3. Addition of Star-Shaped Geometric Forms to the Mandorla
3.4. The Model from the Dormition Mosaic in the Chora Monastery
“Fixed, almost incapable of changing for the worst, they encircle God, the first cause, in their dance. … He makes them shine with purest brilliance or each with a different brilliance to match his nature’s rank. So strongly do they bear the shape and imprint of God’s beauty, that they become in their turn lights, able to give light to others by transmitting the stream which flows from the primal light of God. As ministers of the divine will, powerful with inborn and acquired strength, they range over the universe. They are quickly at hand to all in any place…”.(St. Gregory Nazianzus. Orationes theologicae. 28.31. On the doctrine of God. In: (Norris et al. 1991, p. 244).)
3.5. Spread of the Model from the Chora Monastery
4. The Symbol of Mandorla in Post-Byzantine Iconography of the Dormition on the Balkans
4.1. Following the Palaiologan Model from the Chora Monastery with the Inscription of Monochrome Angelic Powers into the Mandorla
4.2. Following the Earlier Iconographic Scheme without Angelic Powers into the Mandorla
4.3. Using a Complicated Scheme That Combines Scenes of the Dormition and the Assumption of the Virgin into Heaven
4.4. Examples with Unique Shapes and Color Schemes of the Mandorla
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Dormition of the Virgin (Koimesis), XI (XII?) century. Princeton Work Number 87. Available at: (accessed on 2 February 2023). |
2 | See the image in the digital collection of the The J. Paul Getty Museum: (accessed on 2 February 2023). More info here: (Marinis 2004). |
3 | Some researchers believe that there were three painters whose names were Astrapas, Michael, and Euthychius. See: (Talbot Rice 1966, pp. 205–6). |
4 | See more about the St. Petka Church in Selnik here: (accessed on 2 February 2023). |
5 | See the image here: (accessed on 2 February 2023). |
6 | The use of numbering (II) was adopted by Tsámpouras in his dissertation to distinguish between painters by the same name. The same goes for the painters Nikolaos (III) and (IV) mentioned further down. |
7 | See the image here and some more information about the iconographic program of the church here: (accessed on 2 February 2023). |
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Todorova, R.G. The Mandorla Symbol in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Iconography of the Dormition: Function and Meaning. Religions 2023, 14, 473.
Todorova RG. The Mandorla Symbol in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Iconography of the Dormition: Function and Meaning. Religions. 2023; 14(4):473.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTodorova, Rostislava Georgieva. 2023. "The Mandorla Symbol in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Iconography of the Dormition: Function and Meaning" Religions 14, no. 4: 473.
APA StyleTodorova, R. G. (2023). The Mandorla Symbol in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Iconography of the Dormition: Function and Meaning. Religions, 14(4), 473.