The Use of Religious Signs in Schools in Germany, France, England and Spain: The Islamic Veil
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Identification of the Problem
2.2. Delimitation of the Research
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- What are the political, historical, socio-cultural and educational events from the end of the 20th century to the present that have influenced the regulatory framework of the use of the veil in Germany, France, England and Spain?
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- What are the differences in the regulatory framework concerning the wearing of the veil in public and private spaces in Germany, France, England and Spain?
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- What are the similarities and differences in the regulatory framework of the wearing of the veil in public and private schools in Germany, France, England and Spain?
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- Explaining the historical, political, social, and cultural events, from the end of the 20th century to the present, that have had an impact on the policies which regulate the use of the veil in Germany, France, England, and Spain.
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- Identifying differences in the regulatory frameworks concerning the wearing of the Islamic headscarf in the countries under study.
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- Comparing the policies controlling the wearing of the Islamic headscarf in public and private schools in Germany, France, England and Spain.
2.3. Descriptive Study
2.4. Comparative Study
3. Results of the Study
3.1. Descriptive Study (Analytic Stage)
3.1.1. Germany
3.1.2. France
3.1.3. England
3.1.4. Spain
3.2. Comparative Study (Synthetic Stage)
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Germany | France | England | Spain | |
Political system | Parliamentary Federal Republic | Semi-presidential Republic | Constitutional monarchy | Constitutional monarchy |
Type of status | Non-denominational | Lay | Denominational Official: Church of England | Non-denominational |
Regulatory framework | Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany (1949) | Law on Secularism (2004) | Education Act (1944 and 1988) | Constitution of 1978 Religious Freedom Act (1980) |
Key concept | Religious neutrality | Principle of laicism | Religious pluralism | Ideological, religious and worship freedom |
Notable historical cases | Fereshta Ludin School Osnabrück | Gabriel Havez School | Leicester School “Altrincham Grammar School Shabina Begum | Fatima Elidrisi Pluralism and Harmonious Coexistence Foundation |
Germany | France | England | Spain | |
Public spaces | Ban on full-face veils for civil servants, judges and military personnel during working hours | Wearing of full-face veils: “niqab” and “burqa” is prohibited. | No law prohibiting wearing the Islamic veil | No law prohibiting wearing the Islamic veil. Exception: between 2010 and 2013 some Catalonian towns banned the full-face veil. |
Public schools | Prohibited for female teachers and civil servants. Allowed for Muslim female students | The wearing of ostentatious religious signs of any belief is forbidden for both teachers and pupils. | Each school is given the autonomy to draw up its own school uniform regulations. | It is the responsibility of each autonomous community. Each school decides in accordance with the regulations of its Department of Education. |
Islam for Muslim students | Varies in each “Land”. E.g., in Bremen it is not included, in Berlin, Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia it is included. | Religious instruction is excluded from public schools. Islam is taught in Muslim state-subsidised schools | Religious education in public schools can be based on Islam in Muslim-majority neighbourhoods, not excluding other religions. | Varies in each Autonomous Community. Yes in: Andalusia, Aragon, La Rioja, Castile and Leon, Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, Basque Country and Madrid. |
Private schools | Each school has its own rules of procedure | Each school has its own rules of procedure Proliferation of Muslim state-subsidised schools. | Each school has its own rules of procedure. | Each school has its own rules of procedure. |
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Llorent-Bedmar, V.; Torres-Zaragoza, L.; Sánchez-Lissen, E. The Use of Religious Signs in Schools in Germany, France, England and Spain: The Islamic Veil. Religions 2023, 14, 101.
Llorent-Bedmar V, Torres-Zaragoza L, Sánchez-Lissen E. The Use of Religious Signs in Schools in Germany, France, England and Spain: The Islamic Veil. Religions. 2023; 14(1):101.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLlorent-Bedmar, Vicente, Lucía Torres-Zaragoza, and Encarnación Sánchez-Lissen. 2023. "The Use of Religious Signs in Schools in Germany, France, England and Spain: The Islamic Veil" Religions 14, no. 1: 101.
APA StyleLlorent-Bedmar, V., Torres-Zaragoza, L., & Sánchez-Lissen, E. (2023). The Use of Religious Signs in Schools in Germany, France, England and Spain: The Islamic Veil. Religions, 14(1), 101.