“Like Armageddon”: Kōfuku no Kagaku and the COVID-19 Pandemic
:1. Introduction
2. Engaging the Virus
2.1. Prayer (Kigan 祈願)
“O novel coronavirus, which has originated in China, and is spreading all over the world. I am a devout believer of El Cantare. I am an opponent of the barren political system that the God of the Earth does not want. From now on there shall be no malignant coronavirus that infects my body. The light of El Cantare that radiates from me will not allow the spread of evil. O El Cantare, under your name, save those who believe in You. Just urge China to self-reflect. Thank You very much for Your guidance.”8
2.2. Music (Ongaku 音楽)
“We have released many CDs at Kōfuku no Kagaku, and since everything I am involved in writing and composing is received by the heavenly realm, the tunes include the ‘vibrations of the heavenly realm.’ Therefore, just by playing these your spiritual body will be attuned to the vibrations of the heavenly realm, so it is good to spend time listening to them. […] This is enough to prevent you from spiritual disturbances or infections. […] Viruses clearly dislike them and will flee, so you will less likely become infected”
2.3. Movies (Eiga 映画)
2.4. Books (Shoseki 書籍) and Lectures (Kōgi 講義)
2.5. Meditation (Meisō 瞑想) and Training (Kenshū 研修)
2.6. Lifestyle (Seikatsu Shūkan 生活習慣) and Nutrition (Eiyō 栄養)
3. Doctrinal Underpinnings
3.1. Origins
3.2. The Spiritual Dimension
4. Concluding Remarks
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1. | An English response by the group to the article was released within a few days. See Happy Science International Headquarters (2020). For the YouTube video, see Happy Science New York (2020). |
2. | This happens upon completion of the sanki seigan shiki 三帰誓願式 (Three Refuges Vow Ceremony), the formal act of “conversion,” where one takes refuge to El Cantare, Ōkawa’s teachings, and Kōfuku no Kagaku. |
3. | The others include the Kiganmon 祈願文 1 and 2 (Prayerbook 1 and 2) and the Eru Kantāre e no inori エル・カンターレへの祈り (Prayer to El Cantare). Especially designed to be handed out “on the go” qua missionary tool, is a condensed edition of the Bussetsu: shōshin hōgo, namely, the Nyūkai-ban: shōshin hōgo 入会版・正心法語 (Enrolment Edition: The Dharma of the Right Mind). Another notable prayer compilation for beginners is the Shibu hatten no tame no inori 支部発展のための祈り (Prayer for the Development of Our Temples). |
4. | Further, Jesus is presented as a “disciple of El Cantare” who has been effectively disconnected from the Pope and the Vatican (Ōkawa 2020h, pp. 137–38). |
5. | Ōkawa elucidates that fear and other negative thought share the same wavelength with the coronavirus, which is why the latter can then easily infiltrate the body. |
6. | The exact wording of the prayer is not publicly disclosed. |
7. | The reason why Kōfuku no Kagaku “requests donations” for healing prayers is explicated (by “Jesus” in a channelled interview) as a matter of sustaining viability. That is to say, in order to keep up its professional service, the movement needs to be economically self-sufficient (Ōkawa 2020f, pp. 69–70). Elsewhere, Ōkawa is more blunt, stating that, without donations (hōnō 奉納), Kōfuku no Kagaku would go bankrupt (Ōkawa 2020g, p. 85). |
8. | 『中国発・新型コロナウィルス感染撃退祈願』 中国より発生し、全世界に広がりつつある、新型コロナウイルスよ。私は、エル・カンターレの熱心な信者である。地球神の望まない、不毛な政治体制に反対する者である。これより後、わが身体をおかす、悪性コロナウィルスはあるべからず。私より発する、エル・カンターレの光が、悪のスプレッドは許さない。エル・カンターレよ、その御名のもと、信ずる者を救いたまえ。中国の反省のみを促したまえ。ご指導、まことに有難うございました。 |
9. | Expected donations for these two new prayers are in line with those for the original coronavirus prayer. Internationally, the costs vary. For example, at the Paris branch centre (shibu 支部), it is EUR 40 each (including the Prayer for Defeating the Infection of Novel Coronavirus Originated in China), while other prayers are offered for EUR 20. At the Vienna shibu, the three prayers are EUR 70 (EUR 21 for students) each, which corresponds to the Japanese price. |
10. | 幸福の科学でも、CD等をだいぶ出していますが、私が作詞・作曲等にかかわっているものはすべて天上界から受けたものなので、その旋律のなかには「天上界の波動」が入っています。したがって、これらをかけているだけでも、そうとう、自分の霊体が天上界波動につながるものがあるので、こういうものを聴いたりして過ごすとよいでしょう。[…] 十分に「霊障」、あるいは「感染」の予防ぐらいにはなります。[...] はっきりと嫌がって逃げていくので、うつりにくくなると思います。 |
11. | Pre-release started a month earlier. |
12. | For a promotion video, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjpVm1CSuiw (accessed on 15 November 2021). |
13. | 中国発・新型コロナを打ち祓う「電撃一閃」サウンド! 天上界から降ろされた壮大なスピリチュアル・ミュージック―. |
14. | Technically speaking, Ōkawa is held to have transcribed the “spiritual vibration” (reiteki baiburēshon, 霊的バイブレーション). This transcription was subsequently arranged into earthly music by the composer Mizusawa Yūichi 水澤有一 (b. 1960). |
15. | These divide into (1) anime: Herumesu—ai wa kaze no gotoku ヘルメス―愛は風の如く (Hermes. Love is Like the Wind, 1997), Taiyō no hō: Eru Kantāre e no michi 太陽の法 エル・カンターレへの道 (The Laws of the Sun: The Way to El Cantare, 2000), Ōgon no hō: Eru Kantāre no rekishi-kan 黄金の法 エル・カンターレの歴史観 (The Golden Laws: El Cantare’s View of History, 2003), Eien no hō: Eru Kantāre no sekai-kan 永遠の法 エル・カンターレの世界観 (The Laws of Eternity: El Cantare’s Worldview, 2006), Budda saitan 仏陀再誕 (The Rebirth of Buddha, 2009), Shinpi no hō 神秘の法 (The Mystical Laws, 2012), UFO gakuen no himitsu UFO学園の秘密 (The Secrets of the UFO School, 2015; international title: The Laws of the Universe—Part 0), Uchū no hō—reimei-hen—宇宙の法―黎明編—(The Laws of the Universe: Dawn, 2018), Uchū no hō—Erōhimu-hen 宇宙の法―エローヒム編 (The Laws of the Universe: Elohim, 2021); (2) live action movies—Nosutoradamusu senritsu no keiji ノストラダムス戦慄の啓示 (The Terrifying Revelations of Nostradamus, 1994), Tenshi ni “aimu fain” 天使に“アイム・ファイン” (I’m Fine, My Angel, 2016), Boku no kanojo wa mahōtsukai 僕の彼女は魔法使い (My Girlfriend is a Witch, 2019; international title: The Last White Witch), Sekai kara kibō ga kietanara 世界から希望が消えたなら。 (If Hope Has Disappeared from the World, 2019; international title: Immortal Hero), Shinrei kissa ‘ekusutora’ no himitsu—The Real Exorcist—心霊喫茶「エクストラ」の秘密―The Real Exorcist—(The Secret of ‘Extra’, the Café of Soul: The Real Exorcist, 2020), Yoake o shinjite. 夜明けを信じて。 (Believe in the Dawn, 2020; international title: Twiceborn), Utsuku shiki yūwaku—gendai no ‘gahi’—美しき誘惑―現代の「画皮」—(Beautiful Lure: Modern [Tale of] ‘Painted Skin’, 2021), Yume handan, soshite kyōfu taiken e 夢判断、そして恐怖体験へ (Dream Interpretation, and then the Horror Experience, 2021), Aikoku joshi―kurenai bushidō 愛国女子―紅武士道 (Patriotic Girls: Red Bushidō, 2022); and (3) documentaries: Kokoro ni yorisou. 心に寄り添う。 (Heart to Heart, 2018), Hikari au seimei: Kokoro ni yorisou. 2 光り合う生命。―心に寄り添う。2—(Lives Shine Together: Heart to Heart 2, 2019), Kiseki to no deai: Kokoro ni yorisou. 3 奇跡との出会い。―心に寄り添う。3—(Encounters with Miracles: Heart to Heart 3, 2020). |
16. | 去年も、映画「世界から希望が消えたなら。」 […] で数多くの難病・奇病も治っておりますように、ウィルス撃退ぐらいのカは当然あるので。 |
17. | To this end, early on, Ōkawa introduced prayers to raise individual business prosperity. During the pandemic, prayers with supposedly larger-scale effects were particularly promoted, such as the Escaping the Recession Prayer (Fukyō dasshutsu kigan 不況脱出祈願) and the Recession Repelling Prayer (Fukyō gekitai kigan 不況撃退祈願). |
18. | For instance, Ōkawa warns Japanese politicians to follow suit with epidemiological recommendations to counter the pandemic, for this would certainly entail a human rights and economic catastrophe. |
19. | The other two chief categories are hōwa kenshū 法話研修, or dharma talk training, and kōan kenshū 公案研修, or kōan training, which are rather similar in that both explore particular topics on the basis of Ōkawa’s teachings. |
20. | Frequently, Ōkawa gets into the very mundane. For example, he recommends to regularly check the weather forecast so to avoid going out during bad weather, which might make one susceptible to catching illnesses. |
21. | For example, Ōkawa reports that teams at the Happy Science University (Happī Saiensu Yunibāshiti ハッピー・サイエンス・ユニバーシティ) and the Kōfuku no Kagaku Academy (Kōfuku no Kagaku Gakuen 幸福の科学学園), that is, a boarding school comprising a junior and senior high school, have cultivated yacón for many years. For Kōfuku no Kagaku’s take on education, see Baffelli (2017, pp. 139–45). |
22. | As a recent example, Ōkawa maintains that the fact that Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide 菅義偉 (b. 1948), did not visit Ise Grand Shrine 伊勢神宮 in 2021 might cause an earthquake to occur, since former Prime Minister Murayama Tomiichi’s 村山富市 (b. 1924) decision to not visit the shrine in 1995 was followed closely by the Great Hanshin Earthquake (Ōkawa 2021g, p. 36). |
23. | Moreover, Ōkawa singles out individual groups, such as Sinch’ŏnji 新天地, a Protestant-derived South Korean new religious movement, reasoning that their heretical nature led them to saliently contribute to the spread of the pandemic (Ōkawa 2021b, p. 239). |
24. | Notably, early into the pandemic, Ōkawa indicated that the North Korean regime might also be involved in China’s malicious scheme. |
25. | The Third World War, which would have been fought with nuclear weapons instead, is understood to have been “skipped.” |
26. | According to Ōkawa, materialism and atheism are interrelated, because the former would promote the notion that religion is not necessary or appropriate for the present civilisation. |
27. | 病院が“神社”となり、医者が“神”となっている現状ですよね。 |
28. | In addition to this, the Japanese royal family withdrawing from the public eye in consideration of lockdown regulations may cause the economically stricken public to question its very raison d’être (Ōkawa 2020a, pp. 58–60). |
29. | The same term is used in Kōfuku no Kagaku to depict Chinese influence overall. |
30. | Furthermore, it is argued that Japan should not make itself dependent on China for its finances, for example, by relying on tourism from China or moving production there to save costs. Ōkawa (2020a, p. 95). Japan could act as a key agent in effecting the decline of China by fully adopting the (American and European) values of the G7 countries and putting aside the Kuril Islands dispute with Russia in favour of joining forces to encircle China (Ōkawa 2021e, pp. 61–62). |
31. | 救世主の言葉をあざ笑う者には、未来の光は決して射してこないのだ。 |
32. | 無神論者や神への信仰を持たない人々を一掃し、二〇二〇年から二〇三〇年にかけて、そうした大きな力が滅んでいくということです。それは例えば、神を信じない一党独裁、共産主義独裁の巨大な国家が、神の力によって倒されるということですとお答えになりました。 |
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Pokorny, L.K.; Mayer, P.S. “Like Armageddon”: Kōfuku no Kagaku and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Religions 2022, 13, 428. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13050428
Pokorny LK, Mayer PS. “Like Armageddon”: Kōfuku no Kagaku and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Religions. 2022; 13(5):428. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13050428
Chicago/Turabian StylePokorny, Lukas K., and Patricia Sophie Mayer. 2022. "“Like Armageddon”: Kōfuku no Kagaku and the COVID-19 Pandemic" Religions 13, no. 5: 428. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13050428
APA StylePokorny, L. K., & Mayer, P. S. (2022). “Like Armageddon”: Kōfuku no Kagaku and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Religions, 13(5), 428. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13050428