Vulnerability, Vulnerance and Resilience—Spiritual Abuse and Sexual Violence in New Spiritual Communities
:1. Introduction
2. The Underestimated Power of Vulnerability and the Vulnerability Paradox
2.1. The Cover-up as Self-Protection: How Vulnerability Turns into Vulnerance
2.2. Self-Protection through Cover-Up leaves the Church in Ruins: The Vulnerability Paradox
3. Vulnerance in Spiritual Communities: The Destructive Power of the Sacred
3.1. A Church in Crisis, Especially Susceptible to the Abuse of Power, Sexual Violence, and Their Cover-Ups
3.2. The Dangerous Power of the Sacred: Human Sacrifice
4. Vulnerability as Agency in the Resilience of Survivors: The Creative Power of the Sacred
4.1. Breaking the Silence—Reconstituting Faith—Overcoming Victimization
4.2. The Expenditure Paradox: As Survivors Use the Agency Potential of Vulnerability
4.2.1. Resilience through Increasing Vulnerability: The Expenditure Paradox
4.2.2. The Sacred as the Driving Force: The Precarious Triad of Vulnerability, Vulnerance, and Resilience
4.2.3. From a Christian Point of View: Where the Other-Power out of Vulnerability Becomes Effective
5. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | The pastoral theologian Ute Leimgruber correctly states: “Das Institut der Beichte ist mit einer erhöhten Vulneranz behaftet“ (Leimgruber 2022b, p. 194)—“The institution of confession is fraught with increased vulnerability”. |
2 | This is also revealed by the titles of German-language publications that express the euphemism towards the “spiritual communities” (see, for example, Hegge 2005; Poblotzki 2019; Thull 2017). Abuse and cover-up are not an issue here. |
3 | This seems to be a global problem, as the the following statement of Braz de Aviz shows: “Sono circa 70 le nuove famiglie religiose sulle quali abbiamo messo la nostra attenzione. Abbiamo fatto delle visite e alcuni stanno rivelando dei casi davvero preoccupanti, con gravi problemi di personalità nei fondatori e fenomeni di plagio, di forte condizionamento dei membri psicologici. Ci sono fondatori che si sono rivelati dei veri padroni delle coscienze.” (de Aviz 2017) |
4 | Marie-Dominique Philippe (1912–2006), a major figure in Hoyeau’s study because of years of abuse of women, was a Professor of Philosophy and Dogmatics for almost twenty years at Le Saulchoir, a college of “Nouvelle Theology.” This theology was considered the most innovative of its time in Europe. What this abuse means for this theology is not yet clear, but it is imperative that it be researched. |
5 | When child abuse occurs in spiritual communities, parents who believe in the sacredness of that community tend not to believe their own children but the perpetrators and the institution covering it up. Instead of questioning what was previously sacred to them, they abandon their own children to the vulnerance of the perpetrator and the community. |
6 | The July 2018 “Pennsylvania Report” provides numerous examples of this: “Another priest, grooming his middle school students for oral sex, taught them how Mary had to ‘bite off the cord’ and ‘lick’ Jesus clean after he was born. It took another 15 years, and numerous additional reports of abuse, before the diocese finally removed the priest from ministry” (Grand Jury 2018, p. 5). |
7 | Despite the greatest concerns from many sides, also because of unresolved spiritual and sexual abuse, the German Bishops’ Conference (DBK) recognized the KPE on December 9, 2021, as a private canonical association; this happened clandestinely without any press release by the DBK and first had to be made known by other media. The driving force was the bishop of the diocese of Augsburg, who believes in KPE’s promise of salvation and, after its recognition, was able to firmly locate the movement in his diocese (Bistum Augsburg 2022). |
8 | is a platform for women and (since 2019) men who have experienced sexual violence and use the resources of the Christian faith for living with continuing trauma. |
9 | “And I have observed again and again that, in general, one victim who speaks is joined by at least one other victim speaking about the abuse, that speaking about it can be contagious, that the snowball principle applies here as well. The more victims find the courage to speak the more we can achieve together” |
10 | Sarah Coakley speaks of “power in vulnerability” but does not use the term to refer to challenges such as abuse (cf. Coakley 2002, p. 5). She advocates making oneself vulnerable in spirituality before God. She does not see that it can also be liberating to make oneself vulnerable before other people, as happens when we act in solidarity. |
11 | The reason for this is provided by the theology of the incarnation: God herself takes the risk of vulnerability when God becomes human. In Jesus, God comes into the world as a highly vulnerable child and thus exposes herself to physical, social, cultural, and religious vulnerability as well as human vulnerance (Keul 2017). The church ascribes salvific significance to this act of voluntary vulnerability. |
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Keul, H. Vulnerability, Vulnerance and Resilience—Spiritual Abuse and Sexual Violence in New Spiritual Communities. Religions 2022, 13, 425.
Keul H. Vulnerability, Vulnerance and Resilience—Spiritual Abuse and Sexual Violence in New Spiritual Communities. Religions. 2022; 13(5):425.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKeul, Hildegund. 2022. "Vulnerability, Vulnerance and Resilience—Spiritual Abuse and Sexual Violence in New Spiritual Communities" Religions 13, no. 5: 425.
APA StyleKeul, H. (2022). Vulnerability, Vulnerance and Resilience—Spiritual Abuse and Sexual Violence in New Spiritual Communities. Religions, 13(5), 425.