Coronavirus-Driven Digitalization of In-Person Communities. Analysis of the Catholic Church Online Response in Spain during the Pandemic
:1. Introduction
2. The State of the Art
3. Methodology
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions
- Respond to believers’ religious needs;
- Be there for everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs;
- Attend to the needs of the media;
- Promote internal communication;
- Support transversal diocesan projects.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Questionnaire Implemented
- 1. Does your diocese have a Crisis Committee or similar?
- Yes, but Communications is not part of it.Yes, and the Communication department is represented in it.No, there is no Crisis Committee.
- 2. Has your diocese readjusted its communication activity since the beginning of the state of alarm in Spain caused by the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Yes, it has.No, it has not.
- 3. If yes, have you adapted initiatives and/or tools that were already in use or have new ones been implemented?
- We have readapted initiatives and/or tools that we already used.We have implemented new initiatives and/or tools.Both the previous two: we have readapted some and implemented new ones.
- 4. Although not all communication services will have been incorporated at the same time, in general terms, how long did it take to adapt the communication strategy to the digital space?
- Less than a week.More than a week.Less than a month.More than a month.
- 5. What difficulties did you encounter in articulating your communicative response? (You can check several options)
- Lack of human resources.Lack of equipment or technical resources.Lack of training.Lack of follow-up by parishioners.Other.None.
- 6. What platforms have you used? (You can check several options)
- Institutional website.Facebook.Twitter.Instagram.YouTube.Skype or other video calling systems.Other.
- 6.1 If you have answered “Others”, could you indicate which ones?
- 7. On what platforms do you usually operate?
- Institutional website.Facebook.Twitter.Instagram.YouTube.Skype or other video calling systems.Other.
- 7.1 If you answered “Other”, could you indicate which ones?
- 8. Could you summarize what the communicative response of your diocese has been to this crisis? You can highlight new projects or services, others that have been interrupted or suppressed, the intensification of activity on specific platforms … Please give an open response to what you consider of interest.
- 9. Have you seen your audience increase?
- Yes, we have.No, we have not.
- 10. If you have answered “yes” to the previous question, could you estimate how much it has increased compared to the three months prior to the onset of the crisis? (You can answer by offering an approximate percentage).
- 11. Where has there been the greatest increase? (You can check several options)
- Institutional website.Facebook.Twitter.Instagram.YouTube.Skype or other video calling systems.Other.
- 11.1 If you have answered “Others”, could you indicate which ones?
- 12. About the audience profile during this crisis …
- They have always been the same readers/users.They have remained the same readers/users and we have reached new ones.We have lost regular readers/users, but we have gained new ones.
- 13. If you have reached new users, could you briefly outline the profile/characteristics of those new readers/users?
- 14. Do you think that, after this crisis, any communicative practices of those implemented will remain in your diocese?
- Yes, this crisis will improve diocesan communication.No, it will not.
- 15. Do you think that this crisis has made your diocese, especially the governance team, recognise the importance of having a well-defined communication strategy (solvent and responsive)?
- Yes, I do.No, I do not.
- 16. Beyond your diocese, do you think this crisis could help complete the adaptation of the Catholic Church to the contemporary media context?
- Yes, I do.No, I do not.
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Sabaté Gauxachs, A.; Albalad Aiguabella, J.M.; Diez Bosch, M. Coronavirus-Driven Digitalization of In-Person Communities. Analysis of the Catholic Church Online Response in Spain during the Pandemic. Religions 2021, 12, 311.
Sabaté Gauxachs A, Albalad Aiguabella JM, Diez Bosch M. Coronavirus-Driven Digitalization of In-Person Communities. Analysis of the Catholic Church Online Response in Spain during the Pandemic. Religions. 2021; 12(5):311.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSabaté Gauxachs, Alba, José María Albalad Aiguabella, and Miriam Diez Bosch. 2021. "Coronavirus-Driven Digitalization of In-Person Communities. Analysis of the Catholic Church Online Response in Spain during the Pandemic" Religions 12, no. 5: 311.
APA StyleSabaté Gauxachs, A., Albalad Aiguabella, J. M., & Diez Bosch, M. (2021). Coronavirus-Driven Digitalization of In-Person Communities. Analysis of the Catholic Church Online Response in Spain during the Pandemic. Religions, 12(5), 311.