The Theological Sense of the Polish Antiphons: The Song and the Hymn from the Mass of the Lord’s Supper
:1. Introduction
2. Analysis
3. The Entrance Antiphon
Chlubimy się krzyżem naszego Pana Jezusa Chrystusa;w nim jest nasze zbawienie, życie i zmartwychwstanie,przez niego jesteśmy zbawieni i oswobodzeni (Cf. Galatians 6:14).16
3.1. Historical-Critical Analysis
3.2. Syntactic-Semantic Analysis
3.3. Pragmatic Analysis
4. The Antiphons for the Washing of Feet
5. The First Antiphon
5.1. Historical-Critical Analysis
5.2. Syntactic-Semantic Analysis
5.3. Pragmatic Analysis
6. The Second Antiphon
Jezus podszedł do Szymona Piotra, a on rzekł do Niego: Panie, Ty chcesz mi umyć nogi? Jezus mu odpowiedział: Jeśli Cię nie umyję, nie będziesz miał udziału ze Mną. Tego, co Ja czynię, ty teraz nie rozumiesz, ale później będziesz to wiedział. Panie, Ty chcesz mi umyć nogi (Cf. John 13:6, 7, 8).43
6.1. Historical-Critical Analysis
6.2. Syntactic-Semantic Analysis
ANTIPHON: Jezus podszedł do Szymona Piotra, a on rzekł do Niego: Panie, Ty chcesz mi umyć nogi? Jezus mu odpowiedział: Jeśli Cię nie umyję, nie będziesz miał udziału ze Mną. Tego, co Ja czynię, ty teraz nie rozumiesz, ale później będziesz to wiedział. aPanie, Ty chcesz mi umyć nogi (Cf. John 13:6, 7, 8).47
THE MILLENNIUM BIBLE: Podszedł więc do Szymona Piotra, a on rzekłA do Niego: Panie, Ty chcesz mi umyć nogi? Jezus mu odpowiedział: Tego, co Ja czynię, ty teraz nie rozumiesz, ale później będziesz to wiedziałB. Rzekł do Niego Piotr: aNie, nigdyC mi nie będziesz nóg umywał. Odpowiedział mu Jezus: Jeśli cię nie umyję, nie będziesz miałD udziału ze Mną.48
THE LITERAL TRANSLATION: Podchodzi też do Szymona Piotra, a ten Mu rzeczeA: Panie, Ty mi chcesz myć nogi? Jezus mu odpowiedział: Co Ja czynię – ty teraz nie rozumiesz, ale potem pojmieszB. Piotr na to: Nie będziesz mył moich nóg. Na wiek!C A Jezus: Jeśli cię nie umyję, nie maszD ze Mną działu.49
6.3. Pragmatic Analysis
7. The Third Antiphon
Jeżeli Ja, wasz Pan i Nauczyciel, umyłem wam nogi, to i wyście powinni sobie nawzajem umywać nogi (Cf. John 13:14).52
7.1. Historical-Critical Analysis
7.2. Syntactic-Semantic Analysis
ANTIPHON: Jeżeli Ja, wasz Pan i Nauczyciel, umyłem wam nogi, to i wyście powinni sobie nawzajem umywać nogi (Cf. John 13:14).55
THE MILLENNIUM BIBLE: Jeżeli więc Ja, Pan i Nauczyciel, umyłem wam nogiA, to i wyście powinni sobie nawzajem umywać nogiB.56
THE LITERAL TRANSLATION: Jeśli więc Ja umyłem Wam stopyA, Pan i Nauczyciel, i wy powinniście myć sobie stopyB.57
7.3. Pragmatic Analysis
8. The Fourth Antiphon
Po tym wszyscy poznają, że jesteście moimi uczniami, jeśli będziecie się wzajemnie miłowali (Cf. John 13:35).63
8.1. Historical-Critical Analysis
8.2. Syntactic-Semantic Analysis
ANTIPHON: Po tym wszyscy poznają, że jesteście moimi uczniami, jeśli będziecie się wzajemnie miłowali (Cf. John 13:35).67
THE MILLENNIUM BIBLE: Po tym wszyscy poznają, żeście uczniami moimiA, jeśli będziecieB się wzajemnie miłowali.68
THE LITERAL TRANSLATION: Po tym wszyscy poznają, że jesteście moi uczniowieA, jeśli miłość mielibyścieB między sobą nawzajem.69
8.3. Pragmatic Analysis
9. The Fifth Antiphon
Daję wam przykazanie nowe, abyście się wzajemnie miłowali, tak jak Ja was umiłowałem (Cf. J 13:34).73
9.1. Historical-Critical Analysis
9.2. Syntactic-Semantic Analysis
ANTIPHON: Daję wam przykazanie nowe, abyście się wzajemnie miłowali, tak jak Ja was umiłowałem (Cf. John 13:34).75
THE MILLENNIUM BIBLE: Przykazanie nowe daję wam, abyście się wzajemnie miłowaliA tak, jak Ja was umiłowałem; żebyście i wy tak się miłowaliB wzajemnie.76
THE LITERAL TRANSLATION: Przykazanie nowe daję wam, aby miłowalibyścieA siebie tak, jak umiłowałem was, aby i wy miłowalibyścieB jedni drugich.77
9.3. Pragmatic Analysis
10. The Sixth Antiphon
Niechaj trwają w was wiara, nadzieja i miłość. Z nich największa jest miłość. Teraz trwają wiara, nadzieja i miłość. Z nich największa jest miłość (Cf. 1 Corinthians 13:13).80
10.1. Historical-Critical Analysis
10.2. Syntactic-Semantic Analysis
ANTIPHON: aNiechaj trwają w was wiara, nadzieja i miłość. Z nich największa jest miłość. Teraz trwają wiara, nadzieja i miłość. Z nich największa jest miłość (Cf. 1 Corinthians 13:13).85
THE MILLENNIUM BIBLE: aTakA więc trwają wiara, nadzieja, miłość–te trzy; z nich zaś największa jest miłość.86
THE LITERAL TRANSLATION: TerazA zatem pozostają wiara, nadzieja, miłość–te trzy; a z nich największa jest miłość.87
10.3. Pragmatic Analysis
11. The Offertory Antiphon
Ref.: Gdzie miłość prawdziwa i dobroć, tam znajdziesz Boga żywego.90Zgromadziła nas tu razem miłość Chrystusa, *weselmy się w Nim i radujmy.Z pokorą szczerą kochajmy Boga *i czystym sercem miłujmy się nawzajem.91Skoro się wszyscy tu gromadzimy, *strzeżmy się tego, co nas rozdziela.Niech ustaną wszystkie gniewy i spory, *a pośrodku nas niech będzie Chrystus.92Obyśmy oglądali Twoje oblicze, Chryste Boże, *razem ze świętymi w chwale Twego Królestwa.To będzie naszą radością czystą i bez granic *przez nieskończone wieki wieków. Amen.93
11.1. Historical-Critical Analysis
11.2. Syntactic-Semantic Analysis
11.3. Pragmatic Analysis
12. The Communion Antiphon
To jest Ciało moje za was wydane; ten kielich jest Nowym Przymierzem we Krwi mojej. Czyńcie to, ile razy spożywać będziecie, na moją pamiątkę (Cf. 1 Corinthians 11:24-25).101
12.1. Historical-Critical Analysis
- The Eucharistic feasts were initiated by Christ himself during the Last Supper, after which he was captured; in this way, Paul shows the close association between the Eucharist and Jesus’ death;
- With time, the expression “breaking of bread” became a technical term used by the early Christians with reference to the Eucharistic feasts;
- The Eucharistic feasts are supposed to imitate the Last Supper together with its association with Jesus’s death103.
12.2. Syntactic-Semantic Analysis
ANTIPHON: To jest Ciało moje za was wydane; ten kielich jest Nowym Przymierzem we Krwi mojej. Czyńcie to, ile razy aspożywać będziecie, na moją pamiątkę (Cf. 1 Corinthians 11:24–25).107
THE MILLENNIUM BIBLE: To jest Ciało moje za was [wydaneA]. Czyńcie to na moją pamiątkę! Podobnie, skończywszy wieczerzę, wziął kielich, mówiąc: Ten kielich jest Nowym Przymierzem we Krwi mojej. Czyńcie to, ile razy apić będziecie, na moją pamiątkę!108
THE LITERAL TRANSLATION: To jest moje Ciało, które za was [jest łamaneA]. To czyńcie na moją pamiątkę. Podobnie i kielich po wieczerzy, mówiąc: Ten kielich to Nowe Przymierze we Krwi mojej; to czyńcie, ilekroć pijecie na moją pamiątkę.109
12.3. Pragmatic Analysis
13. The Pange lingua Hymn—For the Transfer of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Sław, języku, tajemnicęCiała i najdroższej Krwi,Którą, jako łask krynicę,Wylał w czasie ziemskich dniTen, co Matkę miał Dziewicę,Król narodów, godzien czci.113Z Panny czystej narodzony,Posłan zbawić ludzki ród,Gdy po świecie, na wsze strony,Ziarno słowa rzucił w lud,Wtedy cudem niezgłębionymZamknął swej pielgrzymki trud.114W noc ostatnią przy wieczerzy,Z tymi, których braćmi zwał,Pełniąc wszystko, jak należy,Czego przepis prawny chciał,Sam Dwunastu się powierzyłI za pokarm z rąk swych dał.115Słowem więc, Wcielone Słowo,Chleb zamienia w Ciało swe.Wino Krwią jest Chrystusową,Darmo wzrok to widzieć chce.Tylko wiara Bożą mowąPewność o tym w serca śle.116Przed tak wielkim SakramentemUpadajmy wszyscy wraz,Niech przed Nowym TestamentemStarych praw ustąpi czas.Co dla zmysłów niepojęte,Niech dopełni wiara w nas.117Bogu Ojcu i SynowiHołd po wszystkie nieśmy dni,Niech podaje wiek wiekowiHymn triumfu, dzięki, czci,A równemu im Duchowi
13.1. Historical and Linguistic Analysis
- Due to Christ’s passion and the fact that his Body and Blood were separated during his passion, for consecration we use the bread and wine. Thus, in the Eucharist understood as a sacrifice, the Body and Blood are separated just like the bread and wine.
- Due to the consequences of the Eucharist, we use the bread, which is something that nourishes the human body, and similarly, the Eucharistic Bread constitutes nourishment that gives people salvation. St. Thomas adds that while the Bread gives salvation to the body, the Wine we drink saves the soul. Since, according to the Old Testament, the living soul resides in the human blood, the blood is a symbol of the soul. That is another reason why the wine is used in the Mass separately. Thus, consuming the Body of Christ heals and saves our body. Drinking the Blood of Christ heals and saves our soul.
- The bread ought to be consecrated because of the Church, since while the bread is composed of grains, the Church is made of all the faithful who love Christ. The bread perfectly represents the structure of the Church. We consume the Body and Blood of Christ as the bread and wine in order to be united with the Church and with Christ. The Eucharist builds that unity of the Church and leads us deeper into Christ121.
13.2. Pragmatic Analysis
14. Conclusions
- John 13:4–8, 14, 15, 34, 35,1 Corinthians 11:24, 25,1 Corinthians 13:13,1 John 2; 3; 4 (this source of Ubi caritas is provided in the Missal of Pius V).The non-biblical sources include:
- St. Thomas Aquinas’ hymn Pange lingua,St. Paulinus of Aquileia’s text of Ubi caritas, based on 1 John 2; 3; 4.
- -
- The Entrance Antiphon–“chlubimy się” (we boast)—the plural number is unjustified;
- -
- The first antiphon–the expression “złożył szaty” (he folded his robes) is missing;
- -
- The second antiphon–Peter’s answer is too gentle; the exclamation “Nie, nigdy!” (Never, ever!) was changed to a polite question “Ty chcesz mi umyć nogi?” (You want to wash my legs?);
- -
- The third antiphon–the word “stopy” (feet) was changed to “nogi” (legs), which modified and simplified the sense of the text;
“In fact, Christian life is expressed in the fulfilling of the greatest commandment, that is to say, in the love of God and neighbor, and this love finds its source in the blessed Sacrament, which is commonly called the sacrament of love. (…) The authentic sense of the Eucharist becomes of itself the school of active love for neighbor. We know that this is the true and full order of love that the Lord has taught us: «By this love you have for one another, everyone will know that you are my disciples» (John 13:15)”123.
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | |
2 | Cf. John Paul II (2004), Apostolic letter Mane nobiscum Domine (7.10), 17, in: (accessed on 15 December 2020). |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | Ibid., p. 89. |
9 | |
10 | Comparing the texts of the antiphons with their original Greek version from the Bible complies with the instruction of Sacraments (2001) Liturgiam authenticam of 28 March 2001, where in point 24 we read that the liturgical texts ought to be translated directly from the original versions, that is from Latin when it comes to the texts of ecclesiastical composition, and from Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek in the case of biblical texts. |
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13 | |
14 | Bible source can be listed as Primary soucer without using Author Names when cited. Biblia Tysiąclecia, Poznań 2015. |
15 | Cf. Popowski and Wojciechowski (1994) Grecko-polski Nowy Testament, trans. R. Popowski, M. Wojciechowski, Warszawa 1994. |
16 | We boast of the Cross of our Lord, Jesus Christ; in it there is our salvation, life and resurrection, through it we are saved and set free (my own literal translation). In the present paper, I use my own literal translations of the antiphons and quotations from the Bible rather than their English versions available from the English translation of the Roman Missal or the Bible. In this way, I aim to help the readers identify the similarities and differences present in the Polish versions of the texts, in line with the assumption of this study. |
17 | |
18 | |
19 | Cf. Lech Stachowiak (1999), Komentarz praktyczny do Nowego Testamentu, vol. 2, ed. L. Stachowiak, Poznań–Kraków, p. 245. |
20 | Cf. ibid. |
21 | |
22 | For the literal translation see footnote 9. |
23 | When it comes to me, God, do not allow me to boast of anything else than the Cross of our Lord, Jesus Christ, thanks to which the world has become crucified for me, and I–for the world (my own literal translation). |
24 | When it comes to me, in no case shall I boast of anything, except the Cross of our Lord, Jesus the Anointed One, through which the world is crucified for me, and I–for the world (my own literal translation). |
25 | When the Lord stood up after the supper, he poured water into a basin and started to wash his disciples’ legs; such an example he left them (my own literal translation). |
26 | Knowing that the Father has put everything in his hands and that he came from God and is going back to God, Jesus stands up after the super… (my own literal translation). |
27 | Cf. Lech Stachowiak (1975), Ewangelia według św. Jana. Wstęp–przekład z oryginału–komentarz, ed. L. Stachowiak, Poznań–Warszawa, pp. 300–1. |
28 | Lech Stachowiak (1998), Komentarz praktyczny do Nowego Testamentu, vol. 1, ed. L. Stachowiak, Poznań–Kraków, p. 523. |
29 | |
30 | The sacramental dimension means that the material dimension (e.g., water) is used for communication referring to the invisible reality. In the same way we can characterize the three sacramental dimensions: Jesus Christ in his mystery of incarnation, the Church as a whole, and the Christian sacramental rites. In all those three moments the material dimension constitutes a carrier of the content which exceeds the visible aspect perceived by senses. That means that we can talk about changing the ordinary material element and about its real transsignificatio, which can be observed in the case of the Christian sacramental rites, where for instance water used in baptism communicates grace. Cf. A. Dańczak (2019), Locutio mundi–znaczenie i zakres określenia “sakramentalność świata”, Studia Gdańskie, vol. XXV, p. 15. |
31 | Cf. Lech Stachowiak (1975), Ewangelia według św. Jana. Wstęp–przekład z oryginału–komentarz, p. 301. |
32 | I have given you an example so that you can do what I have done to you (my own literal translation). |
33 | If I as the Lord and Teacher, have washed your legs, then also you should wash each other’s legs (my own translation). |
34 | Cf. ibid. |
35 | Cf. Lech Stachowiak (1975), Ewangelia Według św. Jana. Wstęp–Przekład z Oryginału–Komentarz, p. 301. |
36 | For the literal translation, see footnote 18. |
37 | He stood up after the supper and folded his robes. And he took a sheet and girded himself with it. Then he poured water to the basin. And he started washing the disciples’ legs and mopping them with the sheet he was girded with. For I have given you an example so that you can do what I have done to you (my own literal translation). |
38 | He stands up after the supper, folded his robes, took a linen towel and girded himself (with it). Then he pours water to the basin and started washing the disciples’ legs and mopping them with the towel he was girded with. For I have given you an example so that you can do what I have done to you (my own literal translation). |
39 | Greek hymin (pp 2 Dat Pl)–personal pronoun, second person, dative case, plural number. |
40 | Greek egeiretai (vi Pres Pas 3 Sg)–verb, indicative mood, present tense, passive voice, third person, singular number. |
41 | Greek ballei (vi Pres Act 3 Sg)–verb, indicative mood, present tense, active voice, third person, singular number. |
42 | |
43 | Jesus approached Simon Peter, who said to him: Lord, do you want to wash my legs? Jesus answered him: If I do not wash you, you will not have part with me. What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know it later. Lord, you want to wash my legs (my own literal translation). |
44 | Cf. Lech Stachowiak (1975), Ewangelia według św. Jana. Wstęp–przekład z oryginału–komentarz, pp. 302–3. |
45 | |
46 | |
47 | For the literal translation see footnote 35. |
48 | Thus, he approached Simon Peter, who said to him: Lord, do you want to wash my legs? Jesus answered him: What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know it later. Peter told him: No, you will never wash my legs. Jesus answered him: If I do not wash you, you will not have part with me (my own literal translation). |
49 | He also approaches Simon Peter, who says to him: Lord, do you want to wash my legs? Jesus answered him: What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will understand later. Peter replied: You will not wash my legs. Never ever! And Jesus: If I do not wash you, you do not have part with me (my own literal translation). |
50 | Greek legei (vi Pres Act 3 Sg)–verb, indicative mood, present tense, active voice, third person, singular number. |
51 | Greek echeis (vi Pres Act 2 Sg)–verb, indicative mood, present tense, active voice, second person, singular number. |
52 | If I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your legs, then also you should wash each other’s legs (my own literal translation). |
53 | |
54 | |
55 | For the literal translation see footnote 44. |
56 | Thus, if I, Lord and Teacher, have washed your legs, then you also should wash each other’s legs (my own literal translation). |
57 | Thus, if I have washed your feet, Lord and Teacher, also you should wash each other’s feet (my own literal translation). |
58 | The original Greek text contains only the article (ho kyrios and ho didaskalos) ho (t_ Nom Sg m)–article, nominative case, singular number, masculine gender. |
59 | Greek podas (n_ Acc Pl m)–noun, accusative case, plural number, masculine gender. |
60 | Sacramentorum (2016), Dekret “In missa in cena Domini”, in: (accessed on 8 October 2020). |
61 | |
62 | |
63 | By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love each other (my own literal translation). |
64 | Cf. Lech Stachowiak (1975), Ewangelia według św. Jana. Wstęp–przekład z oryginału–komentarz, p. 309. |
65 | |
66 | Cf. Lech Stachowiak (1975), Ewangelia według św. Jana. Wstęp–przekład z oryginału–komentarz, p. 309. |
67 | For the literal translation see footnote 53. |
68 | By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love each other (my own literal translation). |
69 | By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you would have love for each other (my own literal translation). |
70 | Greek emoi mathētai (n_Nom Pl m)–noun, nominative case, plural number, masculine gender. |
71 | Greek echēte (vs. Pres Act 2 Pl)–verb, conditional mood, present tense, active voice, second person, plural number. |
72 | Greek pantes (a_Nom Pl m)–adjective, nominative case, plural number, masculine gender. |
73 | I give you a new commandment to love each other like I have loved you (my own literal translation). |
74 | Cf. Ewangelia według św. Jana. Wstęp–przekład z oryginału–komentarz, p. 308. |
75 | For the literal translation see footnote 63. |
76 | I give you a new commandment to love each other like I have loved you, so that you love each other in the same way (my own literal translation). |
77 | I give you a new commandment so that you would love each other like I have loved you, so that you would love each other (my own literal translation). |
78 | Greek didōmi (vi Pres Act 1 Sg)–verb, indicative mood, present tense, active voice, first person, singular number. |
79 | Greek agapate (vs Pres Act 2 Pl)–verb, conditional mood, present tense, active voice, second person, plural number. |
80 | Let faith, hope, and love abide in you. The greatest of these is love. Now, faith, hope, and love abide. The greatest of these is love (my own literal translation). |
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82 | Cf. ibid. |
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85 | For the literal translation see footnote 70. |
86 | Thus, faith, hope, and love abide–those three; whereas the greatest from these is love (my own literal translation). |
87 | Now, faith, hope, and love remain–these three; and the greatest from these is love (my own literal translation). |
88 | Greek nyni (Adv)–adverb. |
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90 | Where true love and charity are, you will find living God there (my own literal translation). |
91 | We have been gathered together here by the love of Christ, let us rejoice in him and be joyful. Let us love God with true humility and let us love each other with pure hearts (my own literal translation). |
92 | Since we are all gathered together here, let us beware of what is dividing us. Let all resentments and arguments cease, and let Christ be in the center among us (my own literal translation). |
93 | Let us see your face, Christ God, together with the saints, in the glory of your Kingdom. That will be our joy, pure and boundless, for ages with no end. Amen (my own literal translation). |
94 | Cf. S. Nowak (2019), Ubi caritas et amor, in: (accessed on 20 May 2019). |
95 | Cf. P. Wiśniewski (2008), Śpiewy mandatum w polskich drukach muzyczno-liturgicznych XVIII wieku, Warszawa 2008, p. 76. |
96 | Cf. MR, p. 128. |
97 | Cf. P. Wiśniewski (2008), Śpiewy mandatum w polskich drukach muzyczno-liturgicznych XVIII wieku, Warszawa 2008, p. 77. |
98 | All the English quotations from the Bible used in this paper come from the New Revised Standard Version (1989). |
99 | Cf. S. Nowak (2019), Ubi caritas et amor, in: (accessed on 20 May 2019). |
100 | Cf. ibid. |
101 | This is my Body, given up for you; this chalice is the New Covenant in my Blood. Do this whenever you eat, in remembrance of me (my own literal translation). |
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104 | Greek diathēkē (n_ Nom Sg f)–noun, nominative case, singular number, feminine gender. |
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107 | For the literal translation see footnote 91. |
108 | This is my Body, given up for you. Do this in remembrance of me! Similarly, having finished the supper, he took the chalice, saying: This chalice is the New Covenant in my Blood. Do this, whenever you drink, in remembrance of me! (my own literal translation). |
109 | This is my Body, which is being broken for you. Do this in remembrance of me. Similarly, also the chalice after the supper, saying: This chalice is the New Covenant in my Blood; do this, whenever you drink in remembrance of me (my own literal translation). |
110 | Greek meta to deipnēsai; Greek meta (Prep)–preposition. |
111 | Greek kainē (a_ Nom Sg f)–adjective, nominative case, singular number, feminine gender. |
112 | In his description, St. Paul separates the consecration of the bread from the consecration of the wine, which takes place after the supper. Cf. B. Nadolski, Liturgika, vol. 4, p. 7. |
113 | Praise, the tongue, the mystery of the Body and the dearest Blood, which was spilled as the fount of graces, by the One whose Mother was the Virgin, the King of the Nations, worthy of praise (my own literal translation). |
114 | He was born of the pure Virgin, sent to save the human race; when he has cast the seed of the Word into people of all sides of the world, then he closed the effort of his pilgrimage with an unfathomable miracle (my own literal translation). |
115 | During the last night, at the supper with those he called his brothers, doing everything as it should be, fulfilling the requirements of the old law, he confided himself to the Twelve and gave them himself as food (my own literal translation). |
116 | Thus, the Incarnate Word changes the bread into his Body with his word. The wine is Christ’s Blood, but the eyesight wants to see it in vain. Only faith, through God’s speech, sends assurance of that into the hearts (my own literal translation). |
117 | Let us fall down before such a great Sacrament; let the times of the old laws yield before the New Testament. Let faith complete in us what is incomprehensible to our senses (my own literal translation). |
118 | Let us pay tribute to God the Father and the Son day by day; let each age pass to the next age the hymn of triumph, gratitude, and praise, and let eternal praise be heard to the Spirit, who is equal with both (my own literal translation). |
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Zygmunt, B. The Theological Sense of the Polish Antiphons: The Song and the Hymn from the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. Religions 2021, 12, 169.
Zygmunt B. The Theological Sense of the Polish Antiphons: The Song and the Hymn from the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. Religions. 2021; 12(3):169.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZygmunt, Bartosz. 2021. "The Theological Sense of the Polish Antiphons: The Song and the Hymn from the Mass of the Lord’s Supper" Religions 12, no. 3: 169.
APA StyleZygmunt, B. (2021). The Theological Sense of the Polish Antiphons: The Song and the Hymn from the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. Religions, 12(3), 169.