The Use of Devotional Objects in Catalan Homes during the Late Middle Ages
:1. Introduction1
When it dawned on Evast that his son excelled at science, was well brought up and good-mannered, his heart filled with joy. He entered their home chapel, where Aloma and he secretly prayed to God and listened to mass every day. After getting up from the table, they went there to offer thanks to God. The altarpiece was of Saint Andrew, whom Evast and Aloma deeply trusted to grant them God’s grace and blessings. Inside the prayer room, Evast knelt down before the altar and made the sign of the cross as he usually did, saying the following words...”.(Llull 1981–1982, p. 39)
2. Post-Mortem Inventories as a Documentary Source for Art History
3. Observations Regarding the Term Domestic Devotion
4. Pious Practices of Laypeople in the Domestic Environment in the Late Middle Ages
“Teach us our reverent Saviour that not only the church is a place to pray, but also the home itself. Hidden corners and obscures places are suitable as places to pray (...). And this prayer, at home, anyone can do it when they please, no one can be excused”.(Eiximenis 1981, vol. 2, p. 508)
“These wise men say that the most appropriate time for this is at night during the first wake, and even better during the second one, which is the dawn. However, sometimes someone can be in a place where contemplation is possible at another time. The place should be in the room, in the secret oratory or in the church, but in general, royal people have a chapel where they can pray secretly”.(Eiximenis 1985, p. 9)
“And how? First, when Sunday comes, they go to Mass, they fast, and go to confession. They do not talk to anyone and do not leave Mass until the priest gives blessings. Every morning and evening they pray devoutly, etc.; Then, when Lent comes, at the beginning they go to confession, and then they go often every month, and commune ten or twelve times a year; then they often do penance, they do not wear shirts, but serge and cilices, etc.”.(Ferrer 1932–1998, vol. 2, p. 81)
“The devotee Petrus Damiani advised every Christian to, at least in the morning, upon rising, and in the evening, before going to bed, kneel down in a familiar and secret manner in his room, and say to our Lord God with all his heart: “I stand before You, God and Lord. I am the worst creature you have created, begging you God Most High that, through the merits of the precious death of your Glorious Son, please forgive me my sins and point out my bad life. Guide me and show me the right path”.(Eiximenis 1981, vol. 2, p. 514)
“And do you want to put it into practice? Tell me, you, man or woman: have you done any good deed today? You will answer: “Yes, sir, this morning, before leaving home. I prayed kneeling on the floor; joining my hands and elevating my thoughts to God. I prayed the Creed, the Paternoster, the Ave Maria, and I said the prayer to my Guardian Angel, as well as the Salve Regina. I prayed the Paternoster and the Ave Maria for the dead, thinking that I saw Jesus Christ and that He looked at me with an angry face because of my sins”.(Ferrer 1932–1998, vol. 1, p. 60)
“The second danger is from the soul, that is: when you want contrition for the sins committed and cannot have it, what should you do? I will tell you: stand in front of the crucifix, kneel down and, looking at it intently, devoutly make the sign of the cross on your heart and say: “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!” many times; If you do so, you will feel you will receive what you ask for. And this is significant in the Passion of Jesus Christ, when he says that stones will break: your heart, hardened like a stone by sins, will break when you utter the name of Jesus; Then the monuments will open: you will see your monument will open to confession, regardless of how serious your sins are”.(Ferrer 1932–1998, vol. 2, p. 63)
“And when you go to church, or elsewhere, outside the church, and you see an image of our Lord God, or of the Virgin Mary, or of the saints, which is made of gold, then you will love the image for the love of the one who is represented. Even if it is silver, or iron, or lead, or stone, or painted with a brush, or white, or black, you will bow. This, and even better, is what you will have to do”.(Ferrer 1932–1998, vol. 1, p. 245)
“I have searched if Jesus had other ways of praying, and I found that indeed other ways of praying exist. There are four. The first one consists in lifting one’s eyes, the second one in joining one’s hands, the third one in kneeling on both knees, the fourth one in lying stretched out on the ground”.(Ferrer 1932–1998, vol. 1, p. 21)
“And here, kneeling, he first glorified and testified to his Father. Secondly, he begged him to forgive us our sins. To obtain abundant mercy, grace of the kingdom of God, he rose from the ground praying, and then he kneeled and threw himself flat on the ground humiliating himself to the Father, bending over, lifting his eyes and hands to heaven. He screamed loudly, so that everything poured out of him, and with all his effort and power and thought, emptied of his essence, he fell to the ground. He showed his humanity, giving us an example of how we must worship all our will, knowledge and effort, so that our prayer, thus reinforced, reaches God Almighty”.(Eiximenis 1981, vol. 2, p. 503)
“The second point is that when the Queen is in this place at the right time, she has to withdraw and thus get away from other people, kneel and lift her hands and eyes and worship our Lord as follows”.(Eiximenis 1985, p. 9)
5. Urban Houses
6. Religious Objects in Late Medieval Catalan Households
6.1. Devotional or Decorative Objects That Include Religious Iconography
6.1.1. Retables and Oratories
6.1.2. Images
6.1.3. The Child Jesus
6.1.4. Painted Cloths
6.1.5. Iconography of Devotional Objects
6.2. Objects with a Devotional Function
6.2.1. Paternosters
6.2.2. Agni Dei
6.2.3. Reliquaries
7. Devotional Objects and Social Estates: A Brief Approach to Its Study
8. Conclusions
- Saint Catherine praying before an image of Our Lady (second half of the 14th century). Robert Lehman collection. Metropolitan Museum of Art (1975.1.62)
- Veronica of Our Lady. © Museu Episcopal de Vic (MEV 1885). Photo: Joan M. Díaz.
- Nativity scene of the Pedralbes monastery in Barcelona. Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Pedralbes (MMT 148–207). Foto: Jordi Puig
- Altarpiece of Saint Maria Magdalena de Perella. © Museu Episcopal de Vic (MEV 47). Photo: Gabriel Salvans
- Agnus Dei with Epiphany. © Museu Episcopal de Vic (MEV 17262). Photo: Joan M. Díaz.
- Plaque with Agnus Dei. Made in Catalonia. 14th century. Metropolitan Museum of Art (17.190.970).
Conflicts of Interest
References and Notes
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1 | Text revised by Ann Swinnen. |
2 | For the analysis of post-mortem inventories as a primary source for the study of material culture, see the recent and complete study by Almenar about Valencia including the state of the question (Almenar Fernández 2017). See also: (Lencina Pérez 1998; Sobrado Correa 2003; Bolós and Sànchez-Boira 2015). |
3 | Groundbreaking work that includes the transcription of dozens of inventories. It gathered only “artistic” objects, leaving out reliquaries, books, etc. |
4 | These inventories have been published by: (Martorell and Valls i Taverner 1911–1912; Moliné 1912, 1922a, 1922b; Soler i Palet 1916a, 1916b; Roca 1923, 1927–1928a, 1927–1928b, 1930a, 1930b; Casas Homs 1970; Duran i Sanpere 1972–1975; Vinyoles 1976; Conde y Delgado de Molina 1977; Batlle i Prats 1978; Costa 1983; García Panardes 1983; Batlle Gallart 1981a, 1986, 1988, 1993, 1993–1994, 1994, 1998; Broida 1986–1987; Batlle Gallart et al. 1989; Plana i Borràs 1989; López Pizcueta 1992; Ortí i Gost 1994; Batlle Gallart and Cuadrada 1993; Cifuentes i Comamala 2000; Busqueta 2001; Fité 2001; Bolós and Sànchez-Boira 2014). |
5 | Regarding the inventories of the clergy, see: (Sànchez-Boira 2007, 2014). For Italy, see: (Cossar 2017). |
6 | For domestic devotion in the Middle Ages, see: (Webb 1990, pp. 159–73; Rigon 2001; Spicer and Hamilton 2005; Webb 2005, pp. 27–42; Goldberg and Kowaleski 2009, pp. 1–13; Kolpacoff Deane 2013, pp. 65–75; Smith 2014; Laugerud et al. 2016). Regarding the fifteenth century, see: (Corry et al. 2017, 2019). |
7 | |
8 | (Vauchez 1993, pp. 104–105; Webb 2005, p. 28; Tanner and Watson 2006). The prescriptions of the fourth Lateran Council involve strengthening the role of parishes in the Middle Ages. Canon 21 therefore specifies that laypeople had to confess to proper priests, thus stressing the function of cura animarum of the parish rectors (Vauchez 2003, p. 184). The same author points out that it was not common for laypeople to confess in the fourteenth century, except once a year (Vauchez 1993, p. 104). Attending mass on Sunday was also supposed to be common practice. However, daily communion was only for elites and the royal family. Ramon Llull, however, explains Evast and Aloma practised daily communion. In addition to Confession and the Eucharist, the laity also had access to Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and Anointing of the sick, sacraments that accompanied people in the Middle Ages throughout their existence from birth to death. They helped them sanctify important times of life such as marriage, illness and death. The places where they received those sacraments were usually in the church but homes were also an appropriate space in cases of illness or when death was near. |
9 | The religious texts explain it clearly. Francesc Eiximenis specifies: “According to the saints, the church is a suitable and recommended place to pray” (Eiximenis 1981, vol. 2, p. 505). |
10 | The significance of the civic and social dimension of faith during the late medieval period, expressed by means of processions, festive celebrations of important events in the liturgical calendar, and religious actions practised collectively by members of guilds and brotherhoods, may not be overlooked. |
11 | Saint Joan Damascè justifies the lawfulness of images because the veneration attributed to them results in their prototypes (Ringbom 1995; 1997, p. 10). Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Bonaventura support this idea (Cristologia 3, qu. 25 art 3, Saint Bonaventura Sent. lh, III, 9, I, qu 2 conl 2 (quoted in Ringbom 1997, p. 10). |
12 | Regarding the visual culture of Saint Vincent Ferrer: (Español 2019). |
13 | It is worth noting the studies conducted by (Batlle Gallart 1983, 1985, 1993, 1998; Batlle Gallart and Vinyoles 2002, pp. 107–36; Vinyoles 1976, 2015; Bolós and Sànchez-Boira 2014, 2015). See also: (Broida 1986–1987; Ortí i Gost 1994; Bolós 2000, 2002; Fité 2001; Vercher Lletí 2005; Benito i Monclús 2008). Regarding medieval houses in the Iberian Peninsula, see: (Díez Jorge and Palazón 2015). |
14 | Bolós points out that some houses in Lleida had up to four floors ranging from a subterraneous floor including a cellar, to two more floors above ground, an attic and terraces (Bolós and Sànchez-Boira 2015, p. 19). Furthermore, many houses had courtyards or vegetable gardens. |
15 | Regarding the renowned physician and theologian Arnau de Vilanova († 1311), see (Chabás 1903, pp. 189–203; Regarding Pere Beçet, see (Martorell and Valls i Taverner 1911–1912, pp. 577–656); Regarding Pere de Queralt, see (Costa 1983, pp. 115–45). |
16 | The existence of these spaces for devotion in homes has been acknowledged since early Christianity (Kitzinger 1954, pp. 98–99; Ringbom 1997, pp. 11–13; Webb 2005, p. 27; Herrin 2005, pp. 82–87; Kolpacoff Deane 2013, pp. 67–71; Smith 2014, p. 31; Bacci 2018, pp. 272–76). Anglo-Saxon historiography talks about the “icon corner or prayer corner” to allude to the spaces of the Byzantine houses where the laity placed icons, support for their personal and family devotion (Herrin 2005, pp. 71–90; Bacci 2018, pp. 72–276). Those icons, which were considered prestigious because of their oriental origin, became frequent in Italian homes from the thirteenth century up to the Early Modern Period (Voulgaropoulou 2019). More recently, Smith has drawn attention to the role played by relics as devotional objects in the framework of domestic life in Western Europe in the early centuries of Christianity (Smith 2014, pp. 23–46; Blick 2019). |
17 | Regarding Catalan libraries, see: (Madurell i Marimon 1974; Batlle Gallart 1981b; Hernando 1994, 1995; Iglesias 1996; Alcoy 2005). For Majorcan libraries: (Hillgarth 1991). |
18 | The only devotional object is a prayer book that belonged to Bernat Durfort and was inventoried in 1290 (Batlle Gallart 1988, p. 42). |
19 | See especially (Goldthwaite 1993). Regarding the number of objects present in Italian houses, see: (Morse 2007; Schmidt 2001, 2005; Campbell et al. 2013; Corry et al. 2017, 2019. For Italian houses, see as well: Ajmar-Wollheim and Dennis 2006; Brundin et al. 2018). |
20 | Regarding the devotional function of small-sized retables, see: (Van Os 1994; Wilkins 2002; Schmidt 2001, 2005; Le Pogam and Vivet-Peclet 2009). |
21 | |
22 | First, a small retable of two panels on which the Crucifix of Jesus Christ is painted and the image of Saint Mary, in its painted wooden case, which hangs on the wall (Roca 1927–1928b, p. 385). |
23 | Curtains depicting religious figures were inventoried on four occasions: Curtains of black fabric on which the lamb of Saint John is painted. There are six pieces. (Soler i Palet 1916a, p. 291). Regarding the senses in the Middle Ages, see: (Nichols et al. 2008; Palazzo 2014, 2016; Jørgensen et al. 2015). |
24 | The current Catalan meaning of this word has not been found, so it could not be translated into English. |
25 | Regarding the origins and spreading of nativity scenes, see, amongst others: (Frugoni and Siddi 2012; Sarnecka 2019). See as well: (Van Os 1994, pp. 98–104). |
26 | (Siddi 2012, pp. 33–41). It features the previous biography about the origins and development of the Italian figures of the Infant Jesus of the Trecento and early Quattrocento. |
27 | His inventory also includes ten retables depicting paintings of the Virgin, three of Saint Barbara, two showing stories of the Mother of God, five large retables of the Virgin Mary with her son in her arms and eighty-six painted cloths that measured 1.25 palms the iconography of which was not specified. Two hundred unidentified sculptures, forty sheets of paper containing the name of Jesus were also mentioned (Duran i Sanpere 1972–1975, vol. 2, pp. 298–300). |
28 | (Gudiol i Cunill 1902, pp. 399, 495–96). Recently, painted cloths have been referred to: (Terés 1998, pp. 299–317; Molina 1999, pp. 41–43; García Marsilla 2001, pp. 187–89; Sastre Moll 2003, pp. 54–56). |
29 | The Barcelona cana, a measurement used to measure numerous inventoried painted cloths, corresponds to 1.55 m. Another measurement used is the palm, which is the equivalent of 20.8 cm. |
30 | Regarding the profane iconography of tapestries and painted cloths, see (Terés 1998). |
31 | For devotion to the Virgin in Catalonia, see: (Crispí 2001, pp. 39–150). |
32 | A very old painted cloth depicting the seven joys of the Virgin Mary (Soler i Palet 1916a, p. 302). |
33 | An extensive bibliography on the spreading of the joys of Mary in Catalonia, both with regard to religious texts and iconography. See two recent studies: (de Courcelles 1992; Vicens 2003, pp. 25–50). |
34 | Painted cloth portraying the story of the Virgin (Soler i Palet 1916a, p. 297). |
35 | Rigaux has stressed the representation of the saint on the exterior façades of churches in the north of Italy and the south of Germany with regard to the saint’s protection to travellers and pilgrims (Rigaux 1996, pp. 246–48). |
36 | A painted cloth depicting the story of Job, which measures approximately two canes and a half (Soler i Palet 1916a, p. 303). |
37 | A retable portraying the Queen of Sheba (Soler i Palet 1916a, pp. 304–5). |
38 | A small painted cloth showing the story of Solomon (Soler i Palet 1916a, p. 298). |
39 | An old smoke grey painted cloth of the Old and New Testament (Soler i Palet 1916a, p. 298) |
40 | A large painted cloth showing the Antichrist (Soler i Palet 1916a, p. 301) |
41 | Another panel painting of the Commandments (Costa 1983, p. 126). |
42 | Another painted cloth regarding this theme was inventoried at the home of Arnau Guillem Samuntada, beneficiary of Santa Maria del Mar (1493): Another painted cloth of approximately two and a half canes on which the destruction of Jerusalem is painted (Soler i Palet 1916a, p. 299). Regarding the manuscripts that include the destruction of Jerusalem, see: (Hernando 1989, pp. 1–116). |
43 | The only two studies on paternosters in Catalonia are: (Gudiol i Cunill 1923a, 1923b; Serra i Boldú 1925). See references to said objects in: (Winston-Allen 1998, pp. 111–16; Falkenburg 2017, pp. 106–10). |
44 | Regarding the origin and spreading of the rosary, see the recent work by (Winston-Allen 1998). |
45 | (Winston-Allen 1998, pp. 14–15) (citing Thurston 1 …). Actually, the origin of the rosary lies in the replacement of the text of the psalm for the Ave Maria as well as the addendum of the contemplation of episodes of the life of Christ. |
46 | (Winston-Allen 1998, p. 12) Étienne Boileau: Livre des métiers mentions the artisans that manufactured paternosters in accordance with the materials they worked with. |
47 | Serra i Boldú publishes the first ones (Serra i Boldú 1925, pp. 8 bis, 16 bis). |
48 | Nowadays kept at the Episcopal Museum in Vic (MEV 14). Only the main panel of the retable from the early fifteenth century See the museum record: (consulted on 5 August 2019). |
49 | Kept in the Francisco Godia collection. See: (Saura 2008, pp. 100–1). |
50 | MNAC 64029-CJT. From the collection of Matías Muntadas. |
51 | A crystal paternoster hangs on the wall of the bedroom of Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife in the painting by Jan van Eyck couple (1434). See also: (Hackenbroch 1989). |
52 | |
53 | Quoted in (Herradón Figueroa 1999, p. 207). |
54 | Quoted in (Cooper 2019, p. 227). |
55 | Inventory of Gaspar Sanç, sacristan of the Seu Vella cathedral in Lleida (Bolós and Sànchez-Boira 2014, vol. 2, p. 1281). |
56 | I thank Sofia Mata, curator of the diocesan Museum in Tarragona, for the information provided on these pieces. The objects are MDT 1669 (Agnus Dei depicting the shield of Pope Urban VIII) and MDT 2366. A third Agnus Dei disc made of wax is registered in a bag containing gospels (MDT 0823). |
57 | See examples of this kind of reliquaries in: (Treasures of Heaven 2010, cat. 72 to 76, pp. 131–33). |
58 | Regarding this kind of reliquary referring to the talisman of Charlemagne: (Robinson 2011, pp. 110–16). Owning reliquaries was already a phenomenon observed during the first centuries of Christianity and which reaches all the social strata in the Middle ages, see: (Klein 2010, pp. 153–75; Smith 2014, pp. 23–46; Blick 2014, pp. 110–15). |
59 | This is the case of Pere Girgós (1389); Guillem Ferrer (1398); Joan Berenguer de Junyent (at the end of the fifteenth century). |
60 | Abundant literature exists on the “materiality” and tangibility of Christianity and the relevance of understanding through the senses at the end of the Middle Ages. See among others: Bynum (2007, 2011), Rubin (2009) and Jørgensen et al. (2015) and Laugerud et al. (2016). |
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Crispí, M. The Use of Devotional Objects in Catalan Homes during the Late Middle Ages. Religions 2020, 11, 12.
Crispí M. The Use of Devotional Objects in Catalan Homes during the Late Middle Ages. Religions. 2020; 11(1):12.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCrispí, Marta. 2020. "The Use of Devotional Objects in Catalan Homes during the Late Middle Ages" Religions 11, no. 1: 12.