1. Introduction
Maize (
Zea mays L.) grain yield contributes to global food security [
2]. In recent years, with continuous improvement in residents’ living standards and changes in dietary consumption structure, maize is no longer used as the primary food crop. Still, it is used more as feedstuff and raw material for deeply processed products [
4]. This requires researchers to continuously improve the yield of maize to ensure food security in China on the one hand and to improve the nutritional quality of maize grains in different ways for other uses on the other hand. Therefore, improving the grain–feed conversion rate of maize and the utilization efficiency of the deep processing of kernels has become a vital issue for the benign development of the maize industry that has increasingly caught people’s attention [
With social development advances in China, adjustment of the agricultural structure is off to a good start. For example, the structural adjustment of the planting industry focusing on maize is advancing steadily, and the planting area of maize in non-advantageous regions such as “Sickle Bend” continues to decrease [
6]. Due to the decrease in the planting area, the change in planting mode and the increase in planting density have become necessary measures to promote the development of the maize industry, and both domestic and foreign scholars believe that the effective measure to improve yield is to increase planting density [
8]. In a specific range, maize yield per unit area is positively correlated with planting density, and, when the density is too high, maize yield will decrease [
9]. Increasing planting density can make the maize population intercept and utilize solar radiation more effectively [
11]. Previous studies on the effect of planting density on the photosynthetic characteristics of maize showed that maize dry matter production characteristics result from plant photosynthetic product accumulation and allocation among different organs [
12]. The increase in planting density will also harm yield formation, such as mutual shading among plants, resource competition within the population, intensified leaf senescence, and decreased photosynthesis [
15]. Testa et al. [
16] found that high-density planting reduced cob length, ear weight, 1000-grain weight, and leaf area of maize by 10.8%, 18%, 6%, and 20%, respectively. Therefore, appropriate planting density is needed to optimize maize population structure and increase yield per unit area.
Increasing the photosynthetic area of the population through appropriate dense planting can improve the yield of maize but can also significantly affect the nutritional quality of maize grains [
18]. Similar to most cereal crops, the nutritional quality of maize grains is mainly determined by starch, crude protein, and crude fat. At physiological maturity, the storage component content of maize grains includes 60–72% starch, 8–11% crude protein, and 4–6% crude fat [
19]. It is the source of nutrients (micro- and macronutrients) and phytochemical compounds such as phenolic compounds that protect humans from chronic diseases [
20]. The kernel is the edible and nutritional part for human consumption that contains fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals. At the same time, the composition is dependent upon plant variety, environmental factors, geographic distribution, and genetic background variety [
21]. Duvick [
22] compared 36 American commercial hybrids widely planted in different periods and found, that under adverse conditions, the percentage of starch content of new varieties was higher than that of old varieties. In comparison, the portion of grain protein content was lower. Chen et al. [
23] found that 1000-grain weight and bulk density were relatively fast-improving traits of Chinese maize varieties in the process of variety replacement, and the increase in 1000-grain weight and bulk density mainly depended on the rapid expansion of crude starch content.
The relationship between planting density and nutrient components such as crude protein, starch, and fat is still complicated. Tian et al. [
24] reported that with the increase in planting density, the crude protein content of grains decreased significantly, while the increasing and decreasing trend in fat and starch contents was not evident. Amanullah et al. [
25] found in their study that the crude protein content of maize grains increased with the increase in nitrogen application rates and the decrease in planting density, but, sometimes, the planting density had no significant influence on the crude protein content of maize grains. Rafiq et al. [
26] also found that the increase in density led to the extension of days from anthesis to the silking stage of maize, which increased grain yield but reduced grain protein content. Center et al. [
27] showed that the protein content of grains was significantly affected by population size, geographical location, and nitrogen application level, and the variation of the crude fat content of grains was more affected by factors of a hybrid than by cultivation factors. Lang et al. [
28] reported that protein and fat contents in maize grains decreased with the increase in density and the decrease in nitrogen application levels, and the performances of different hybrids were inconsistent. The above-limited research results are sufficient to indicate that planting density has a significant effect on grain nutritional quality. However, there still needs to be a consensus on this aspect of research in China and abroad.
Previous studies on the effect of planting density on the nutritional quality of maize grain have mainly focused on the physiological maturity stage. At the same time, less attention has been paid to the changes in various grain nutrient quality components during the filling stage of maize grain. The foremost objectives of this study are (1) to clarify the pattern of change in grain nutrient quality components in maize varieties from different eras at physiological maturity; (2) to analyze the effect of planting density on grain nutrient quality components of maize varieties from different eras at physiological maturity; (3) to clarify the effect of planting density on the nutrient quality components of kernels of maize varieties from different eras during the kernel filling period and the mechanism of its action.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Description of Research Location
Field experiments were conducted at the Tumoteyou Qi Experimental Station of the Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (40°33′ N, 110°31′ E) between 2018 and 2019. The soil properties in the 0–30 cm soil layer were as follows: pH 7.23 (suspension of 1 g of soil in 5 cm
3 of water), organic matter 22.27 g kg
−1, available nitrogen 103.75 mg kg
−1, available phosphorus 15.76 mg kg
−1, and available potassium 219.60 mg kg
−1. The main meteorological factors during the maize growth period are given in
Figure 1.
2.2. Experiment Design
A two-factor randomized block design (planting density and variety) was used. The planting density was 45,000 plants hm−2 (D1, low density) and 105,000 plants hm−2 (D2, high density), and varieties were divided into 5 treatments: ZD2 (1970s), DY13 (1980s), YD13 (1990s), XY335 (2000s), and DH618 (2010s), with 10 combinations and 3 replicates for each combination. These varieties are sold in Chinese markets and were bought as test materials. The plot area was 6 × 6 m. The dosages of pure N (ammonium phosphate dibasic, 18%; urea, 46%), P (ammonium phosphate dibasic, 46%), and K (potassium sulfate, 50%) were 225 kg ha−1, 210 kg ha−1, and 202.5 kg ha−1. Ammonium phosphate dibasic and potassium sulfate were applied as basal fertilizer before sowing. The proportion of nitrogen (urea, 46%) top-dressing was 30% at V6 (sixth leaf), 60% at V12 (twelfth leaf), and 10% at R2 (blister), respectively. The trial area was irrigated with drip irrigation four times during the growing period at V6, V12, R1 (silking), and R2. Each irrigation was 750 m3 ha−1. Other general management took place in the field.
2.3. Measurement
Grain nutritional quality: 23 days after anthesis, 47 days after anthesis, and 75 days after anthesis (physiological maturity), the central grains of the representative cobs were selected and dried in the oven (Plant drying equipment., Model 3, Shandong, China) for 30 min at 105 °C, dried at 60 °C to constant weight, and then weighed. The dried grains were crushed and used to determine the nutritional quality of the grains. The total nitrogen content of the grains was determined by the semi-micro Kjeldahl nitrogen determination method (crude protein content = total nitrogen content of the grains × 6.25). The crude fat content was determined by Soxhlet extraction and the residual method. The total starch and soluble sugar content was determined by anthrone-sulfuric acid colorimetry [
Yield: The measured yield area was 6 m2 in each district, and the number of effective panicles in each measured producing area was counted. After manual threshing, fresh grain weight and water content were measured (Electronic balance, EXBZ-900YA/22002, Guangdong, China and Grain moisture meter, DRCS-AE, Wuhan, China), and the grain yield with a water content of 14% was converted.
2.4. Statistical Analysis
All the data were collected using Microsoft Excel, version 2019, (Microsoft, Inc., Redmond, WA, USA). Data were analyzed for variance analysis, path analysis, stepwise regression, and correlation using the SAS, version 9.4, (SAS Institute Inc., Raleigh, CA, USA). LSD (least significant difference) and Duncan’s method were used for the significance test. The V was used for comparative analysis between different planting densities. All data from the two years were applied to the various data analysis methods. Sigmaplot, version 12.5, (Systat Software Inc., San Jose, CA, USA) was used for mapping.
4. Discussion
Maize yield per unit area depends on planting density and grain yield per plant [
32]. The number of panicle rows and 100-kernel weight rose significantly with the number of release years, and 100-kernel weight contributed to the genetic risk of maize production in China’s three main maize-producing areas [
33]. The increase in maize grain yield is mainly attributed to the increase in tolerance to density [
35]. Planting density can boost grain yield per unit area by increasing dry matter buildup [
36]. The results showed that the yield of the 2010s’ variety (DH618) was significantly higher than other varieties (ZD2, DY13, YD13, and XY335) (
p < 0.05). After densification, the yield of various varieties from the 1970–2010s (ZD2, DY13, YD13, and XY335) changed by different degrees, respectively, by −17.70%, −7.71%, −3.21%, 9.38%, and 17.26%, among which the 2010s’ variety was more favorable to maximizing the benefits of densification and yield growth.
The accumulation and distribution of photosynthetic products and the conversion of assimilates into various material forms determine maize’s yield and nutritional quality. Sun et al. [
37] analyzed the grain quality traits of the main maize varieties in China after 1950. They found a very significant negative correlation between grain protein content and yield. Eugene et al. [
38] found that increasing grain output decreased the protein-to-starch ratio and grain oil content. For example, with the increase in yield potential of maize varieties approved after 1967, grain protein content decreased while grain starch content increased [
39]. Grain yield was significantly negatively correlated with crude protein content (
p < 0.01), significantly positively correlated with total starch content (
p < 0.05), and uncorrelated with crude fat and soluble sugar content. As for the negative correlation between grain protein content and grain yield, Wang et al. [
40] speculated that protein synthesis required more glucose than carbohydrates. However, Ertiro et al. [
41] did not observe a strong correlation between yield and grain quality traits in their research results. Zhang et al. [
42] also believed that ordinary maize could achieve high quality and yield by selecting breeding materials and appropriate cultivation measures. At the same time, we also found that, compared with the 1970–2000s’ variety, at D1 density, the grain crude protein content of the 2010s’ variety (DH618) at physiological maturity decreased by 1.42–8.22%, the total starch content increased by 0.02–2.04%, the crude fat content changed by −14.12–3.47%, and the total soluble sugar content changed by −0.71–7.04%. These studies differed slightly from Chen et al. [
23]’s, which may have been caused by the inconsistent selection of years and varieties studied.
The relationship between planting density and grain nutritional content is intricate, involving how planting density impacts individual plant nutrient absorption, photosynthetic product synthesis, transport, and distribution. Thus, it is susceptible to the effects of production levels and cultivation measures. Due to differences in experimental materials and settings, local and foreign researchers’ conclusions on maize grain nutritional quality (a complex quantitative feature regulated by micro-influences and numerous genes) must be more consistent. Cusicanqui et al. [
43] pointed out in their study that the crude protein content of grains decreased with the increase in density. Lang et al. [
28] reported that maize protein and fat content declined with density and nitrogen application levels and hybrid performance varied. Ahmadi et al. [
44] showed that grains’ crude protein content increased linearly with the increase in planting density. After densification, the contents of crude protein and crude fat in grains of various varieties from the 1970–2010s during physiological maturity were reduced by 4.15–8.50% and 3.0–11.18%; the contents of total starch and total soluble sugar increased by 0.65–1.65% and 39.44–69.01%, respectively.
Further investigation showed that, after increasing density, the rise in total starch content in grains of all varieties from the 1970–2010s was mainly related to a 7.72–9.19% increase in starch accumulation in grains 23–47 days after anthesis. The higher crude fat and soluble sugar accumulation 0–23 days after anthesis were beneficial to the increase in total starch accumulation 23–47 days after anthesis, but the effects of these two nutrient quality components on total starch accumulation 23–47 days after anthesis were different, among which soluble sugar played a more direct role. However, crude fat positively connected with total starch accumulation in grains 23–47 days after anthesis, primarily due to an indirect influence.
5. Conclusions
Under low-density conditions, there was a significant increase in yield of the 2010s’ variety (DH618) compared with the 1970s’–2000s’ varieties, as well as a different degree of alteration in grain nutrient quality components 75 days after anthesis. After densification, the total starch content of the grains 75 days after anthesis increased to different degrees in all varieties from the 1970s to 2010s, and the increase in the total starch content of the grains was mainly due to a more substantial increase in the accumulation of starch in the grains 23–47 days after anthesis, with an increase of 7.72% to 9.19%. Higher grain crude fat and total soluble sugar accumulation 0–23 days after anthesis favored increased grain total starch accumulation 23–47 days after anthesis. In particular, the accumulation of grain crude fat 0–23 days after anthesis was positively correlated with the accumulation of total starch in the grain 23–47 days after anthesis mainly through indirect effects, and the accumulation of total soluble sugar in the grain 0–23 days after anthesis was through direct effects. Ultimately, densification conditions also contributed to a significant increase in yield across all eras of the varieties based on changes in grain nutrient quality, with a more significant increase in yield due to densification and a smaller decrease in grain crude fat content due to densification 75 days after anthesis in the 2010s’ variety (DH618). Therefore, in cultivation and production processes that do not require special requirements for the nutritional quality components of maize grains, we suggest that the use of a representative high-yielding maize variety from the 2010s (DH618), together with appropriate planting at close planting levels, can significantly increase maize yields based on an increase in the total starch content of the grains at physiological maturity.