1. Introduction
The rate of domestic waste discharges has recently grown dramatically as a result of an uncontrolled increase in the human population [
1]. Sewage wastewater is amongst the top contributor of domestic wastes, which has become a difficult to manage problem globally [
2]. It is estimated that nearly 359 billion cubic meters of wastewater are generated globally, with only 52% being sufficiently or partially treated while the remaining is disposed of without any treatment [
3]. Sewage sludge (SS) is a solid or semi-solid substance generated from the different steps of sewage treatment plants (STPs). SS could create several environmental issues if not properly disposed of [
5]. Generally, the management of SS occurs at different stages such as production (minimization), collection, treatment, and reuse [
6]. Being rich in various organic and nutrient substances, SS is widely utilized for secondary purposes such as biogas, biochar, syngas, biofertilizer production, composting, building materials, among many others [
During the recent decades, the increasing use of SS in agriculture has appeared as one of the most effective methods of its management due to the presence of abundant nutrients [
9]. Predominantly, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other microelements are the major constituents of SS that are useful for soil amendment [
10]. Markowicz et al. [
11] reported that SS mixing up to 15 t/ha was the most efficient composition for the reclamation of nutrient-deficient soil. SS application on lands helps in the mixing of various organic and inorganic nutrients, which further leads to improved crop yields [
13]. However, the excessive mixing of SS, having a high nutrient load, may also damage soil health; thereby, affecting plant growth and reducing crop yields [
14]. Moreover, the nutrients may contain metal elements that have relatively high density, which has been regarded as one of the major problems regarding SS utilization due to their toxicity at higher levels [
15]. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the migration of such elements from SS-treated soils to plant parts for human health benefits.
Ridge gourd (
Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.) or Luffa is a multi-harvest vegetable crop grown in the South Asian region. It is commonly called “
Torai” in rural areas of India. Non-ripened fruits of Ridge gourd having tender dark green color are cooked and eaten due to their high nutritional values [
16]. The ripened fruits of Ridge gourd are widely used for various purposes, such as cleaning sponges and mattresses [
17]. Being a multi-harvest crop, the biggest problem associated with Ridge gourd cultivation is the excessive required quantity of fertilizers, which makes it less profitable for the farmers [
18]. Consequently, the yield and nutritional quality of Ridge gourd start decreasing if the required dose of fertilizers is not supplied timely and adequately [
19]. Also, the repeated use of chemical fertilizers makes the soil unhealthy and harmful for microbial communities [
20]. Therefore, SS application for Ridge gourd cultivation could be a potential technique to minimize chemical fertilizer input and improve soil health.
Plant growth-promoting rhizobia (PGPR) is a group of microorganisms that have distinct capabilities to assist the plant root systems in terms of efficient survival and nutrient deliverability [
21]. Commercial-scale PGPRs commonly known as biofertilizers have shown substantial improvements in plant growth and crop yields, making agriculture more profitable [
23]. A study has found that supplementation of PGPR was helpful for increased nutrient extraction by mustard green (
Brassica juncea). Konkolewska et al. found that supplementation of PGPR was helpful for increased nutrient extraction by mustard green (
Brassica juncea) [
24]. Ke et al. also showed improved nutrient uptake by perennial ryegrass [
25]. Moreover, Ipek et al. reported an increased yield and nutritional profile of strawberries under PGPR treatments [
26]. Considering the role of PGPR in plant-nutrient delivery, it can be potentially used for Ridge gourd cultivation along with SS application for improved nutrient utilization. However, some of the toxic metal elements may also accumulate in edible parts of Ridge gourd, which might not be suitable for human consumption due to health concerns. Hence, biomonitoring of these metal elements needs proper attention, along with their potential health hazard.
Thus, this study aimed to assess the impacts of varying doses of SS and PGPR inoculation on germination, biochemical response, and productivity of Ridge gourd (L. acutangula) crop under multiple harvests. Further, the potential health risk of metal elements transferred into the Ridge gourd plant was studied using bioaccumulation and health risk assessment studies.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Materials
In the present study, the quality F1 hybrid seeds of Ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.) (ES-KRITIKA) were procured from the Nufield Genetics Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India. This variety is widely grown in the Northern Indian plains to produce higher crop yields in the loamy soils. The plant growth-promoting rhizobia (PGPR) biofertilizer of 8 × 107 cfu/g microbial count each of Bacillus subtilis (MTCC 441) and Pseudomonas fluorescence (MTCC 103T) was procured from the National Centre of Organic Farming (NCOF), Ghaziabad, India. Besides this, post-digested SS was obtained from 27 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) of Jagjeetpur, Haridwar, India (29°54′02.5″ N 78°08′26.6″ E), which is operated under the Clean Ganga Mission of Namami Gange Project, Government of India.
2.2. Experimental Design for Ridge Gourd Cultivation
2.2.1. Pre-Field Treatment Stage
The Ridge gourd cultivation experiments were conducted in arable land with no history of SS application, located in Kulheri Village of Saharanpur district, Uttar Pradesh, India (29°52′54.4″ N 77°16′18.0″ E). The field was priorly plowed on 20 March 2021 and thereafter left for 10 days. For the land preparation, the soil was dug (20 × 20 × 20 cm) to make pits for the planting sites of Ridge gourd and appropriate doses of SS were mixed. A liquid consortium was prepared by dissolving 10 g of PGPR biofertilizer in 100 mL of deionized water. Afterwards, a total of five different treatments, such as T1 (arable soil as control), T2 (5% SS w/w soil), T3 (5% SS w/w soil + 10 mL PGPR), T4 (10% SS w/w soil), and T5 (10% SS w/w soil + 10 mL PGPR) were applied to the pits. Given the soil volume and area, the percent ratio of SS sludge was calculated accordingly.
2.2.2. Pretreatment and Germination Stage
Before the sowing, the healthy seeds of Ridge gourd were placed on Whatman filter paper (No. 41) moistened with deionized water in a Petri plate for 24 h under room conditions. Then, one moistened seed was transplanted in the sterile polyethylene bags (250 g capacity) having 200 g soil obtained from the previously prepared pits. The bags were placed inside a room at a mean temperature of 25 °C for 7 days (16/8 h light/dark period). The bags were watered twice a day using a hand sprayer. The seedling growth was monitored in each of the five treatments (n = 5 × 12) and finally, healthy seedlings were moved to their respective treatment pits (7 May 2021) prepared in the open fields. No additional fertilizer was buried on the surface of pits prepared for Ridge gourd cultivation.
2.2.3. Field Cultivation Stage
The seedlings were raised for 20 days, and bamboo plant logs were used as creeping stems. The creeping stems were supported thoroughly using a trellis prepared by steel wire (1.5 mm) (Uttam Fencing, Vagmine Enterprise, India) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic wire (1.2 mm) (Source India Industries, Jaipur, India). The vines were allowed to creep until the full net was covered. The vines were sprayed using a high-pressure sprayer machine to avoid dust and pests, periodically. The experiments lasted for 90 days under field conditions where average temperature and humidity were noted as 29 °C and 55% using a digital thermo-hygrometer (ApTechDeals HTC-1, Delhi, India). The plants were watered periodically after three days using the normal borewell water supply. In this, the defected vine parts (yellowed leaves, flowers, fruits, etc.) were carefully removed from time to time.
2.3. Chemical and Analytical Assessment
The arable soil and SS used in this study were analyzed for selected physicochemical and metal element properties (
Figure 1). The pH and electrical conductivity (dS/m) were estimated using ESICO 1611 (India) digital multimeter. The contents of organic matter (OM: %), nitrate-nitrogen (NO
3-N; g/kg), and phosphate phosphorus (PO
43−-P: g/kg) were estimated as per standard protocols [
23]. OC was determined by digesting the 0.5 g samples in 1 N K
7 and H
4 for 1 h followed by the addition of H
4, NaF, diphenylamine indicator, and finally titrated against Fe(NH
2 solution. Similarly, NO
3-N was estimated by the pheno-di-sulphonic acid method while using CuSO
4 as an extraction reagent. The contents of PO
43−-P were estimated by treating the samples against 0.002 N H
4. Moreover, six metal elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) were also determined by using an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES: 7300 DV, Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA) instrument. The contents of metal elements in AS, SS, and Ridge gourd fruits were analyzed after oven drying at 105 °C for 1 h, followed by the di-acid digestion (2:1; HNO
4) method. All reagents were of analytical grade and procured from Merck Ltd. (India).
2.4. Seedling Emergence, Biochemical Assay, and Productivity Assessment
The seedlings of Ridge gourd grown in germination bags were evaluated for selected morphological parameters such as seedling emergence (%), fresh biomass (g), growth rate (g/day), seedling length (cm), and root length (cm). Seedling emergence was calculated based on the percent germination out of total planted seeds. Fresh biomass was weighted using a digital scale (Samson HI-600K, Edapally, India) following official standardizing international nomenclature (SI: kg and g). The growth rate was expressed as a rate of biomass increase per day, while seedling and root lengths were measured using a calibrated scale (15 cm). Apart from the physical parameters, the Ridge gourd seedlings were also assessed for selected biochemical parameters such as superoxide dismutase (SOD: µg/g; Enzyme Commission Number (EC), catalase (CAT: µg/g; EC, and total chlorophyll content (mg/g fresh weight basis: fwt.) as affected by the application of PGPR and SS. For the extraction, 1 g of biomass was mixed with 9 mL of deionized water followed by the addition of extraction solution and centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 15 min. The supernatant was further used for biochemical assay. SOD was estimated by using K-phosphate buffer solution as extraction reagent while taking the absorbance at 430 nm (UV-vis, Cary 60, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA). CAT activity was estimated by using Na-hypochlorite solution and taking the absorbance at 240 nm [
27]. Chlorophyll pigments in the seedling were estimated using 80% acetone extraction method and absorbance was taken at 645 and 663 nm. The chlorophyll contents (mg/g fwt.) were computed by using the given formula [
The yield and productivity of Ridge gourd were monitored up to the first five harvests at an interval of each three days. The marketable Ridge gourd fruits of 2.5 cm diameter and tender dark green color were collected up to five harvests at an interval of 3 days and represented as effective crop yield.
2.5. Metal Element’s Bioaccumulation and Health Risk Studies
The harvested Ridge gourd fruits under different PGPR and SS treatments were analyzed using the ICP-OES instrument to study the bioaccumulation of selected metal elements and their potential fate regarding the consumer’s health. The bioaccumulation factor (BAF) index is widely used to study the migration of metal elements from the soil to the plant’s aerial parts [
28]. BAF of Ridge gourd cultivated on PGPR and SS treated soils was calculated using the following formula:
Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) is a predictive tool that is used for the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) of hazardous elements in edible materials [
29]. In the current study, the transfer of selected metal elements from SS-treated arable soils to Ridge gourd fruits was studied using the THQ tool to ensure the consumability of the crop [
30]. The formula of THQ is given below:
where EE is the exposure efficiency (365 days/year), EA is the exposure age (70 years), CF is the consumption frequency (2.2 g/day), C is the concentration of metal element (mg/kg) in Ridge gourd fruit (fresh weight basis), BW is the average body weight of the vegetable consumer (70 kg for adult and 16 kg for child), and ACP is the average consumption period in days (25,550 days). In this, HRD is the metal elements reference doses of Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, and Zn, viz., 5.0 × 10
−4, 4.2 × 10
−2, 3.0 × 10
−3, 7.0 × 10
−1, 1.4 × 10
−2, and 3.0 × 10
−1 mg/kg/day, respectively [
31]. Finally, HRI of metal elements intake through consumption of contaminated Ridge gourd fruit was simulated by using the following equation [
2.6. Software and Statistical Analysis
The data obtained in this study were analyzed using various software tools such as Microsoft Office Excel 2019, OriginPro (version 2021b), and SPSS (version 23). The data were subjected to various statistical tests such as one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), coefficient of variance (CV), principal component analysis (PCA), and cluster analysis tests. The heatmaps were prepared using the “Clustered Heatmaps” addon of OriginPro (2021b) software package. The level of statistical significance for all tests was adjusted to Probability (p) < 0.05 (95% confidence interval).
4. Conclusions
The combined use of SS and PGPR was helpful to increase the seedling success, biochemical response, and crop yield of Ridge gourd. The most efficient growth and productivity of Ridge gourd were obtained using 10% SS and PGPR inoculation. The bioaccumulation and health risk studies also confirmed that the contents of selected metal elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) were within the acceptable limits i.e., BAF and HRI < 1, signifying the safe consumption of the harvested Ridge gourd. Therefore, the present study suggests the combined use of SS and PGPR for improved vegetable production and efficient nutrient recycling, along with the generation of imperative agro-economy. Further studies on soil-microbe-plant interactions under combined SS and PGPR application along with the monitoring of other toxic metal elements are strongly recommended.