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Journal: J. Clin. Med., 2023
Volume: 12
Number: 4779

Article: Spontaneous Abdominal Wall Hematoma Treated with Percutaneous Transarterial Embolization: Diagnostic Findings, Procedural Outcome, and Efficacy—A Multicenter Study
Authors: by Francesco Tiralongo, Francesco Giurazza, Stefano Di Pietro, Pierleone Lucatelli, Cristina Mosconi, Andrea Contegiacomo, Francesco Vacirca, Simone Ciaglia, Maria Adriana Cocozza, Davide Giuseppe Castiglione, Daniele Falsaperla, Corrado Ini’, Guido Nicola Zanghì, Antonio Granata, Massimo Venturini and Antonio Basile

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