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Journal: Vaccines, 2023
Volume: 11
Number: 1708

Article: Systematic Review on the Efficacy, Effectiveness, Safety, and Immunogenicity of Monkeypox Vaccine
Authors: by Ramy Mohamed Ghazy, Ehab Elrewany, Assem Gebreal, Rony ElMakhzangy, Noha Fadl, Eman Hassan Elbanna, Mahmoud M. Tolba, Elsayed Mohamed Hammad, Naglaa Youssef, Hazem Abosheaishaa, Elsayed Eldeeb Mehana Hamouda, Zeyad Elsayed Eldeeb Mehana, Ahmed Saad Al Zomia, Raad Ahmed A Alnami, Emad Ali Saeed Salma, Abdulaziz Saleh Alqahtani, Abdulaziz Fayez Alshehri and Mai Hussein

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