Frequency Selective Surfaces: A Review
:1. Introduction
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- Through a careful study of the existing surveys on the FSSs, we identify the survey gap in the existing reports, as briefed in Table 1, which accentuates the requirement to report most up-to-date FSS types, especially in the microwave regime.
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- Next, we present a classification of the FSSs, focus on the importance of their functionalities, and categorize FSS on the basis of nature of array element used, structure design, and applications.
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- This paper targets to link among their crucial theoretical, structure geometry, and significant performance parameters.
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- For every functionality, the polarization state of the array elements and the physical mechanism of their functions must be related to the frequency responses provided by FSSs. By knowing the polarization characteristics of FSS periodic elements for a specific function, the implementation of required FSS response in certain frequency band becomes straightforward and therefore, we elaborate all types of FSS from this perspective.
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- We illustrate an extensive survey of most recent researches on FSSs and also include their fabrication techniques, experimental verifications of FSSs design. Prospects and challenges, particularly in the microwave regime, are discussed focusing on how the innovation in this field could smooth the progress in advanced electromagnetics. The article is organized, as described below. In Section 2, we overview the concept of periodic surfaces with some of their types. In Section 3, we introduce FSSs in detail and its theoretical background, along with some history and significant advances in recent years. In Section 4, we review different types of FSSs, their related properties, implementation, and fabrication techniques. Section 5 presents future challenges, trends, and potential applications of FSSs. In the last section, we provide concluding remarks and a point of view about future research directions.
2. Periodic Structures
3. Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSSs)
3.1. Operating Theory of FSS
3.2. Principle of Periodic Structures (e.g., FSS)
3.3. History and Significant Advances of FSS in Recent Years
4. Types of FSSs
4.1. FSS Based on Array Elements
4.1.1. Basic Element Type FSSs
4.1.2. Convoluted or Meandered FSSs
4.1.3. Fractal Based FSSs
4.2. FSSs Based on Structure
4.2.1. Single Layer FSSs
4.2.2. Multilayer FSSs
4.2.3. Antenna-Filter-Antenna (AFA) FSSs
4.2.4. Three-Dimensional FSSs (3D FSSs)
4.3. FSSs Based on Applications
4.3.1. Microwave Absorbing FSSs
4.3.2. Active FSSs (AFSS)
4.3.3. Wearable FSSs
4.3.4. Meta-Skin FSSs
4.3.5. Optical FSSs Based on Nano-Particle Arrays (NPAs)
4.3.6. Textile FSSs
4.4. Selection of FSSs Based on Its Classification and Performance
5. Future Challenges and Potential Applications of FSSs
Applications | Applications |
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Focused Topics | Description |
Theoretical Analysis |
Evolution of FSS |
FSS based EM structures |
Individual type of FSSs |
FSS Ref. | Layers | Patch/Aperture | Filter Type |
[51] | 2 | Interconnected non-complementary planes | Dual Band |
[52] | 2 | Offset-circular ring patches | Single band |
[53] | 1 | Centered square patch and connected L-shaped arms | Dual Band |
[54] | 1 | Three capacitive and several inductive loops | Multi Band |
[55] | 1 | Hexagonal-form with circular arrangement of triangular loops | Single band |
[56] | 1 | Four sides loading aperture element into the inner side of the square loop. | Single band |
[57] | 2 | Interconnected ring resonator element with two splits arranged orthogonally in two layers | Single band |
[58] | 1 | Circular ring elements consisting of meander-slots with multi turns | Dual Band |
[59] | 1 | Neighboring Y-hole elements rotated by 90° | Single band |
[60] | 1 | Unit cell of single ring slot pair with similar three pairs concentrically used | Single band |
[61] | 1 | Two circular loops of the nested structure with Recesses | Dual Band |
FSS Ref. | Layers | fr (GHz) | Array Element Size | Total Thickness | FBW % | Iteration | Patch and Aperture Element |
[29] | 1 | 15 | 0.377λ | 0.075λ | 37 | 1 | Minkowski fractal patch |
[64] | 1 | 4 | 0.058λ | 0.013λ | 101 | -- | Meandered spiral lines nested with neighborhood |
[85] | 1 | 0.96 | 0.11λ | 0.005λ | 14 | 1 | Double square loop (first iteration) with folded strips at the four corners |
[86] | 1 | 2.73 | 0.293λ | --- | 23.8 | 1 | Circular and cross dipole conductive fractal patches |
[87] | 1 | 11.95 (stop Band) | 0.2λ | 0.002λ | 4.2 | 1 | Concentric double Minkowski fractal |
[88] | 1 | 2.02 | 0.012λ | 0.162λ | 31 | SFD = 1.8617 | Teragon fractals |
FSS Ref. | Conductive Layers | fr (GHz) | Array Element Size | Total Thickness | FBW % | Order | Patch and Aperture Elements |
[93] | 3 | 10 | 0.15λ | 0.033λ | 20 | 2 | Inter-digital capacitance patch with wire grid |
[94] | 5 | 16.5 | 0.104λ | 0.22λ | 10 | 2 | Capacitive patch and inductive wire grid |
[96] | 3 | 3.8 | 0.076λ | 0.038λ | 10 | 2 | Patches of outer square ring with four inner stepped-impedance transmission lines and wire grid |
[12] | 2 | 2.4 | 0.104 | 0.013 | 29.2 | -- | Meandered lines (printed patterned wires) and 4 symmetric square metal patches |
[99] | 3 | 10.4 | 0.225λ | 0.035λ | 23 | 3 | Capacitive patches & hybrid resonator (wire grid & balanced spiral resonators) |
[17] | 3 | 10.8 | 0.144λ × 0.125λ | 0.075λ | 75 | 2 | Connected Capacitive patches and slots of modified triples |
[100] | 2 | 1.42 | 0.0378λ | 0.0013λ | 37 | -- | Four-fold symmetric meander lines and convoluted dipole |
[95] | 4 | 21 | 0.21λ | 0.273λ | 5 | 2 | All wire grid layers |
[101] | 3 | 10 | 0.1λ | 0.067λ | 21 | 2 | Double concentric square loops patch with wire grid |
[102] | 3 | 8.5 | 0.2λ | 0.257λ | 15 | 3 | Wire grid and Hybrid (I-shaped) resonator |
[103] | 2 | 15 | 0.3λ | 0.545λ | 13 | 2 | Gridded square loop and cross-loop aperture embedded in five dielectric substrate layers |
[104] | 2 | 7.95 | 0.12λ | 0.042λ | 23 | -- | Crossed slot element convoluted three circles with vertical vias |
[105] | 2 | 12.24 | 0.245λ | 0.03λ | 96 | -- | Patch of four square loops at four corners and non-resonant inductive layer with a square loop |
[97] | 2 | 45.91 | 0.53λ | 0.055λ | 28.4 | -- | Fractal Koch elements cascaded with air gap in between |
FSS Ref. | Conducting Layers | f0 (GHz) | Array Element Size | Total Thickness | FBW % | Order | Patch and Aperture Elements |
[75] | 5 | 10 | 0.25λ | 0.267λ | 37 | 3 | Minkowski fractal patch with slot ground |
[74] | 3 | 5.1 | 0.2λ | 0.07λ | 19.6 | 2 | Minkowski fractal patch with slot ground |
[107] | 3 | 36 | 0.632λ | 0.116λ | 8.2 (1 dB) | -- | Hexagonal patch and CPW quarter wave resonator (U slot) |
[98] | 3 | 10 | 0.25λ | 0.23λ | 60 | 3 | Fractal patch with slotted ground |
FSS Ref. | 3D FSS | Element Type | 3 dB BW Range (GHz) |
[112] | Wide passband FSS | Two microstrip lines split by a horizontally laid long and thin metallic rectangular bar | 5–10 |
[111] | Passband FSS with rapid roll-off based on surface wave tunneling | Subwavelength staggered vertical and horizontal metallic rectangular frames | 11.8–13.2 |
[127] | Miniaturized, thinner FSS with steep quasi-elliptical band-stop filtering | Lumped capacitor on microstrip stepped-impedance resonator | 4.3–4.8 |
[128] | Flat passband and sharp rejection response FSS | A symmetric unit cell in three dimensions | 12.4–16.3 |
[129] | Wide and flat passband FSS | Periodic array of square waveguides | 12–24.7 |
[22] | Wide passband with four transmission poles | Two parallel U-shaped suspended strip lines, double printed on a thin substrate and located inside a square waveguide | 8.4–16.2 |
[130] | Novel miniaturized 3D FSS independent of polarizations & incident angles | Square metallic waveguide with modified dumbbell slots in all waveguide walls | 3.7–4 |
[131] | Dual-polarized FSS with wide out-of-band rejection | Two arrays of vertically and horizontally placed double sided parallel strip lines connected together by a centered via and a number of inserted metallic plates | 7–8.3 |
FSS Ref. | Type of Microwave Absorber | Element Type |
[140] | Wide Incidence angle insensitive dual polarized two layers MM absorber | Symmetric geometry of eight-circular sectors and Bottom ground plane |
[141] | Miniaturized FSS absorber | Minkowski fractal loops |
[142] | Resistive FSS with Ferromagnetic nan-ofilms based on high-impedance surfaces | A square patch of capacitive impedance. |
[143] | Lightweight, ultra-broadband, wide incidence angle resistive FSS absorber based on topology optimization | Resistive patches on top, middle Polyurethane foam substrate & metal ground on bottom |
[144] | Ultra-thin absorber with cascaded high impedance & FSS | Pixelized metallic surface placed above the high impedance surface |
[145] | Polarization dependent FSS absorber with multiple absorption peaks | C shaped slot in a circular patch, ground bottom and polyimide film as dielectric substrate |
[146] | FSS absorber with low profile | Capacitive patches and inductive mesh |
[147] | Compact broadband FSS absorber | Resistively loaded quadruple hexagonal loops |
[148] | Ultra compact partly transmissible absorptive FSS at 5-GHz Wi-Fi band, to solve EMI/RFI problems in mixed-signal systems. | Via-based structure with staggered patterns on front and back metal layer while back metal layer has air vents in the ground plane |
[149] | Thin broadband FSS embedded absorber | Double layer composite coating of higher iteration of Sierpinski gasket patches |
[150] | High absorptive FSS embedded absorber | Fractal FSS with top metal and bottom Aluminum metal plate |
FSS Ref. | AFSS | Element Type and Configuration | Frequency (Range) | Applications |
[169] | Reconfigurable FSS with two states (stopband) | Cross-dipole element (Reconfigurable cross dipole & hash simply by changing the state of PIN diode) (1 layer) | 12.61 (12–13) GHz | Adaptive & RFID antennas |
[23] | Single-layer single polarized AFSS (Pass band) | Circular aperture with four PIN diodes placed orthogonally (1 layer) | 2.63 (2–3) GHz | Intelligent spectrum selective island |
[168] | Reconfigurable by orthogonal rotation, all-dielectric MM AFSS (stopband) | Cross-shaped high-permittivity ceramic resonators (No metal layer) | (3.55–4.60) & (4.54–4.94) GHz | RCS reduction, reconfigurable antenna systems, high temperature & high power environment. |
[139] | Tunable broadband polarization insensitive absorber | Four quarter circles and plates create the gaps, series PIN diodes as variable resistor and inductors place between two metallic plates for isolation (2 layers) | (1.6–8) GHz | Stealth technology & EM shielding |
[162] | Tunable MM based AFSS (Passband) | An array of metallic square loops, a wire grid and lumped, variable capacitors inserted in the gap between the loops (2 layers) | 8.49–11.48 GHz | X band |
[159] | 3D tunable FSS (Stopband) | 2D array of vertical graphene micro-ribbons, tunable by change of chemical potential | 21.787–24.088 THz (BW = 1.2) | Terahertz band |
[164] | Tunable AFSS absorber | Pattern with gradational edges and PIN diode as variable resistor, Varactor diode as a variable capacitor (2 layers) | (1–5) GHz | Smart stealth systems |
[170] | Frequency tunable Metamaterial Absorber with high absorption ratio. | Metallic patterns, a liquid metalalloy Eutectic Gallium-Indium (EGaIn) injected in a micro-fluidic channel, engraved on Polymethyl Methacrylate | 10.96–10.61 GHz | Large area sensor applications with micro-pumps |
FSS Ref. | Type of AFSS | Switching/Tuning Element Used | FBW% | Tuning Range % | Polarization Insensitivity |
[169] | Switchable | PIN diode | 2 (−20 dB), (fr = 12.6 GHz) | -- | Yes |
[151] | Switchable | PIN diode | 40 (−5 dB) | -- | No |
[156] | Switchable Absorber/Reflector | PIN diode | 79.5 (−10 dB) | -- | Yes |
[154] | Switchable | PIN diode | 39.1 (−3 dB) | -- | No |
[155] | Switchable | PIN diode | 7.3 (−15 dB) | -- | Yes |
[157] | Switchable Absorber | PIN diode | 65 (−10 dB) | -- | No |
[23] | Switchable (Passband) | PIN diodes | 17 (−5 dB), (fr = 2.63 GHz) | -- | N0 |
[171] | Tunable (Stopband) | Varactor diode | 12.5 (−10 dB) | 32 | No |
[177] | Tunable Absorber (Passband) | Varactor diode | 4 (−5 dB) | 5 | No |
[176] | Tunable (Stopband) | Varactor diode | 81.4 (−10 dB) | 69.5 | No |
[172] | Tunable | Varactor diode | 152.4 (−20 dB) | 129 | Yes |
[168] | Tunable (Stopband) | High-permittivity ceramics | 25.8 (First state), 8.4 (Second State (−10 dB) | 22.9 (1st Resonance) | No |
[139] | Tunable Absorber | PIN diode | 91 (−10 dB) | 31.6 | Yes |
[162] | Tunable (Passband) | Chip capacitor | 5.9 (−5 dB), (fr = 8.5 GHz) | 30 | No |
[159] | 3D Tunable AFSS (Stopband) | Graphene micro-ribbons | 5.5 (0.5 S21max) | 10 | No |
[164] | Tunable Absorber | PIN, Varactor diode | 113 (−10 dB) | 47.3 | No |
[175] | Tunable 3D AFSS (Passband) | Varactor diode | 14 (−3 dB) (fr = 2.75 GHz) | 65 | No |
[163] | Tunable (Passband) | Varactor diode | 11.5 (0.5 S21max) | 24.6 | No |
Category | Factor | Impact/Outcomes |
Type of array element | Slot element | Passband |
Patch element | Stopband | |
Large Loop element | High BW | |
Hexagonal Loop | Wide band | |
Loaded 3 or 4 Legged element | Narrow band | |
Meandered/Convoluted element | Unit cell size reduction but manufacturing limitation may occur | |
Fractals patch | Reduces the electrical length, Inter-element spacing (IES) & so resonant frequency | |
Self similar feature of fractal | Multiband response but drawback of early appearance of grating lobes | |
Dissimilar fractal geometric patterns in single FSS | Double/Multiband response | |
Tunable FSS (Active element based) | Tunability in polarization and resonant frequency | |
Active element in AFSS | Deviation in operating frequency, power management issues, high insertion losses and erroneous response | |
Array profile | Reduce the IES of gangbuster | Large BW and delay in onset of grating lobes |
Reduce the Unit cell (small electrical dimensions) | High angular stability | |
Increase in periodicity | BW and resonant frequency reduces, higher distortion and early onset of grating lobes | |
Electrically subwavelength array separation at resonant frequency | Elimination of unwanted interference Nulls | |
Decrease of IES | Stable resonant frequency, delayed onset of grating lobes | |
IES variation | BW change | |
Circumference of element change | Effect on electrical length & so resonant frequency | |
Structure profile | Cascaded surfaces | Faster roll-off |
Multilayer FSS (stacking structure) | Increase in BW | |
AFA configuration | Higher selectivity and BW | |
3D FSS | Complex structures but faster roll-off, stable response (In- and out-band) | |
Air gap separation | BW variation | |
Dielectric profile | No dielectric substrate | Unstable BW of transmission curves |
Dielectric Profile & IES | Defines the ripples (Flatness of response) | |
Low dielectric constant | Constant BW with AOI | |
High dielectric constant | More angular stability |
FSS Ref. | Application | FSS Ref. | Application |
[162,168,194] | MMs FSS | [117,119,154,195] | FSS for mobile communication |
[10,196,197] | MM/MSs Lens | [50,162,177] | X band |
[191,192,193] | Textile FSS | [74,198] | C band |
[188,189,190] | Optical FSS/MSs | [11] | 5G EMI reduction |
[186] | Near Infrared | [168] | RCS reduction |
[184,185] | Infrared | [61,88,155] | Secure wireless network |
[187] | Multi spectral filter/Mirrors/Anti-reflecting coating | [25,123,199,200,201] | RF interference and harmonic suppression |
[179,180,181,182] | Wearable FSS | [11,91,151,172] | EMI shielding |
[139,140,145,150] | FSS absorber | [202] | Radio Astronomy |
[28,126] | Sensors | [8] | Dichroic sub-reflector |
[9,116,178] | RFID | [159,160] | Terahertz band |
[77,118,124,169,174] | FSS antenna | [75,103,121,139,164] | Stealth radome |
[154] | Electrically reconfigurable mechanisms | [122] | Wireless charging of portable devices |
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Anwar, R.S.; Mao, L.; Ning, H. Frequency Selective Surfaces: A Review. Appl. Sci. 2018, 8, 1689.
Anwar RS, Mao L, Ning H. Frequency Selective Surfaces: A Review. Applied Sciences. 2018; 8(9):1689.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAnwar, Rana Sadaf, Lingfeng Mao, and Huansheng Ning. 2018. "Frequency Selective Surfaces: A Review" Applied Sciences 8, no. 9: 1689.
APA StyleAnwar, R. S., Mao, L., & Ning, H. (2018). Frequency Selective Surfaces: A Review. Applied Sciences, 8(9), 1689.