Ultrashort Free-Electron Laser X-ray Pulses
:1. Introduction—Laser-Assisted Time-Domain Characterization at Free-Electron Lasers
2. Sideband Method for X-ray Pulse Characterization
3. Linear Streaking Measurements at Free-Electron Lasers
3.1. Streaking Measurements of Soft X-ray Pulses
3.1.1. Infrared Streaking Experiments at Free-Electron Lasers
3.1.2. Laser-Driven Terahertz Streaking for Complete Temporal Characterization
3.2. Terahertz Streaking with Hard X-rays
4. Outlook
4.1 Angular Streaking—Full Time–Energy SASE Pulse Retrieval
4.2. Tandem Phase-Shifted Geometry for Infrared Streaking and Attosecond Resolution
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Helml, W.; Grguraš, I.; Juranić, P.N.; Düsterer, S.; Mazza, T.; Maier, A.R.; Hartmann, N.; Ilchen, M.; Hartmann, G.; Patthey, L.; et al. Ultrashort Free-Electron Laser X-ray Pulses. Appl. Sci. 2017, 7, 915. https://doi.org/10.3390/app7090915
Helml W, Grguraš I, Juranić PN, Düsterer S, Mazza T, Maier AR, Hartmann N, Ilchen M, Hartmann G, Patthey L, et al. Ultrashort Free-Electron Laser X-ray Pulses. Applied Sciences. 2017; 7(9):915. https://doi.org/10.3390/app7090915
Chicago/Turabian StyleHelml, Wolfram, Ivanka Grguraš, Pavle N. Juranić, Stefan Düsterer, Tommaso Mazza, Andreas R. Maier, Nick Hartmann, Markus Ilchen, Gregor Hartmann, Luc Patthey, and et al. 2017. "Ultrashort Free-Electron Laser X-ray Pulses" Applied Sciences 7, no. 9: 915. https://doi.org/10.3390/app7090915