Research on Wargame Decision-Making Method Based on Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient
:1. Introduction
- The MADDPG was optimized to adapt the wargame environment. The POMDP, the joint action-value function, and the Gumbel-Softmax estimator were introduced to model the decision process, train centralized critics, and fit the discrete policies of wargames, respectively.
- The supervised learning was incorporated before the reinforcement learning to improve training efficiency and reduce the action space. The wargame decision-making method was structured by dividing it into a supervised learning phase and a reinforcement learning phase. In the supervised learning phase, the state-action information pair data were separated to obtain the training and testing sets, and the model was trained with the supervised learning algorithm to obtain the primary agent.
- In the reinforcement learning phase of the wargame decision-making method, the policy gradient estimator was adopted to achieve the reduction of action space and to obtain the global optimal solution, while the additional reward function was designed to solve the sparse reward problem.
2. Related Work
2.1. Labeled and Real Combat Data Shortage
2.2. Markov Decision Process
2.3. DDPG
3. Improved MADDPG for Wargame Decision-Making
3.1. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
3.2. Improved MAPDDPG
3.2.1. Partially Observable Markov Decision Process
3.2.2. Joint Action-Value Function
3.2.3. Gumbel-Softmax Estimator for Discrete Policy
4. Wargame Decision-Making Method
4.1. Supervised Learning Phase
4.2. Reinforcement Learning Phase
4.2.1. Policy Gradient Estimator
4.2.2. Additional Reward Function
5. Experiments
5.1. Experiments Platform
5.2. Experimental Settings
5.3. Experimental Results and Analysis
6. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Contributors | Contributed Content |
A.A. MapkoB | Created Markov processes |
Cogburn, R [30] | Gave formulas for Markov chains in stochastic environments |
Chung, K.L [31] | Presented various limit theorem theories in the general context |
Orey, S [32] | Compiled the limit theorems concerning the transfer probability of Markov chains |
Cogburn, R [33] | Analyzed the dependence between environmental factors and controlled Markov chains |
Cogburn, R [34] | Established the central limit theorem of the function of Markov chains in a stochastic environment |
Our Side’s Agent | Icon | Action Speed (s/Grid) | Initial Position |
Tank | 20 | 5947 | |
Chariot | 20 | 6048 | |
Infantry Squad | 144 | 6048 |
Enemy’s Agents | Icon | Action Speed (s/Grid) | Initial Position |
Heavy Tank | 15 | 3427 | |
Heavy Chariot | 15 | 3526 | |
Infantry Squad | 144 | 3526 |
Number of Actions | Action of Agents |
0 | Move to the left |
1 | Move to the right |
2 | Move to the upper left |
3 | Move to the upper right |
4 | Move to the lower left |
5 | Move to the lower right |
6 | Attack enemy’s heavy tank |
7 | Attack enemy’s heavy chariot |
8 | Attack enemy’s infantry squad |
9 | Convert to covert status |
Parameters | Values |
action_selector | “gumbel” |
epsilon_start | 0.5 |
epsilon_finish | 0.05 |
epsilon_anneal_time | 50,000 |
obs_last_action | True |
batch_size_run | 1 |
batch_size | 32 |
buffer_size | 5000 |
act_noise | 0.1 |
gamma | 0.9 |
target_update_interval | 200 |
target_update_mode | ‘hard’ |
target_update_tau: | 0.001 |
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Share and Cite
Yu, S.; Zhu, W.; Wang, Y. Research on Wargame Decision-Making Method Based on Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 4569.
Yu S, Zhu W, Wang Y. Research on Wargame Decision-Making Method Based on Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(7):4569.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYu, Sheng, Wei Zhu, and Yong Wang. 2023. "Research on Wargame Decision-Making Method Based on Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient" Applied Sciences 13, no. 7: 4569.
APA StyleYu, S., Zhu, W., & Wang, Y. (2023). Research on Wargame Decision-Making Method Based on Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient. Applied Sciences, 13(7), 4569.