Vehicle Routing Optimization System with Smart Geopositioning Updates
:1. Introduction
2. Problem Description and Related Works
3. Materials and Methods
- pointId—unique identifier of the point.
- pointName—point name.
- pointLatitude—the latitude of the point.
- pointLongitude—the longitude of the point.
- Greedy only
- Greedy + Simple RandSwap and,
- Greedy + Wise RandSwap
4. Results
4.1. Getting the DestPos and DistMx
4.2. Temporary DistMx Calculation
4.3. Infuence of Distance Matrix Upload on Optimizer Cost Reduction
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Algorithms: | DistEuclCorr | Mixed-Matrix (50% from Lowest) | Mixed-Matrix (50% from Highest) | DistOSRM |
Greedy Only | −1.38% | 1.31% | −2.90% | 0.29% |
Simple RS | 2.62% | 5.43% | 2.64% | 6.00% |
Wise RS | 7.96% | 11.03% | 7.54% | 11.10% |
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Belka, R.; Godlewski, M. Vehicle Routing Optimization System with Smart Geopositioning Updates. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 10933.
Belka R, Godlewski M. Vehicle Routing Optimization System with Smart Geopositioning Updates. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(22):10933.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBelka, Radosław, and Mateusz Godlewski. 2021. "Vehicle Routing Optimization System with Smart Geopositioning Updates" Applied Sciences 11, no. 22: 10933.
APA StyleBelka, R., & Godlewski, M. (2021). Vehicle Routing Optimization System with Smart Geopositioning Updates. Applied Sciences, 11(22), 10933.