Strategic Management in Finnish and Norwegian Government Agencies
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review: Strategic Management in Central Government
2.1. Strategic Management in the Public Sector
2.2. Administrative Traditions
2.3. Research on Strategic Planning and Management in Central Government and Agencies
2.4. Research Propositions
3. Research Design and Data
4. Comparing Strategic Planning and Performance Management in Finnish and Norwegian Agencies
4.1. Finland
4.2. Norway
4.3. Comparison
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | The description of the strategic planning system in the New Zeland government after 1997 is based on information from personal communication with Iain Rennie August 7th 2019 based on his experience as head of the State Services Commissioner of the New Zealand public service, 2008–2016. |
Finland | Norway | |
Governmental structure | ||
The central governmental structure (as of 2018) | 20 cabinet ministers 12 ministries 61 central agencies (+28 regional, and 68 local agencies) 73,132 full-time equivalents (FTE) | 19 cabinet ministers 14 ministries 61 agencies 292,121 full-time equivalents (FTE) |
Reform efforts 1 | Reform of the government’s regional and local authorities, municipal reforms, central, regional, and social and health care reform efforts | Transfer of specialised care to government, NAV-reform (employment services, social security, and pensions), municipal reform, regional reform, and police reform |
Ease of establishing and terminating agencies 1 | Can be done only by issuing law if the task of the agency relates to the use of public authority | Can be done according to government decision |
Structure of the central government 1 | Central, regional, and local agencies | Agencies, net budgeted agencies, and government-owned corporations |
Levels of administration 1 | Regional and local agencies | Some 18 of the 61 agencies have regional functions |
Government steering 1 | Budget control, performance management, right to appoint top management | A tendency to broader independence of agencies |
Right to issue norms 1 | Agencies can have right to issue norms according to law | According to law, ministerial delegation decisions |
Funding 1 | Mainly budget funding. Funding through fees and charges is possible | Mainly budget funding |
Strategic planning | ||
Nation-wide strategic vision | Yes, the government programme and budgeting frame orient government in a top-down fashion | No, but the coalition governments have policy documents (political platforms) |
The strategic planning system | A discrepancy between organic top-down government program and bottom-up planning tradition. Mandated performance management mostly aligned with budgeting | Mandated and integrated in the performance management and budgeting system. Few regular, national strategies. Foresight every fourth year |
Strategic plan mandated/regulated | No | Yes |
Format of strategy documents | The format of strategy document varies from a web-based visual formulation to a comprehensive strategy document | Unstandardised format with variety in use of visions, values, SWOT, aims, and objectives |
Central agency formal strategic planning | 2/3 of the central agencies (ca. 70%) had a formal publicly availeble strategic plan. Mandated operational and financial planning, variety in the strategy formulation | 41 of 61 agencies (67%) had formal strategic plans in 2017 |
Agencies’ strategy content | Predominantly defender | Predominantly defender |
Strategic management tools | Performance prism, Strato model, CAF Framework | Some use of strategic visions, values, and external scanning and internal resources audit (SWOT) |
Performance management | ||
The performance management system | Annual performance agreements and extension to government cycle, annual reporting, and ministerial statements to the reports, explicit strategy documents in regional agencies, annual budgets, performance audits, integrating of performance data in open government ICT platform | Cash-based accounting with modified accrual accounting at the agency level; agency governance with letters of allocation, annual budgets, steering dialogues, annual reporting, and governmental audit emphasising performance audits |
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Johanson, J.-E.; Johnsen, Å.; Pekkola, E.; Reid, S.A. Strategic Management in Finnish and Norwegian Government Agencies. Adm. Sci. 2019, 9, 80.
Johanson J-E, Johnsen Å, Pekkola E, Reid SA. Strategic Management in Finnish and Norwegian Government Agencies. Administrative Sciences. 2019; 9(4):80.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJohanson, Jan-Erik, Åge Johnsen, Elias Pekkola, and Stephen Affleck Reid. 2019. "Strategic Management in Finnish and Norwegian Government Agencies" Administrative Sciences 9, no. 4: 80.
APA StyleJohanson, J. -E., Johnsen, Å., Pekkola, E., & Reid, S. A. (2019). Strategic Management in Finnish and Norwegian Government Agencies. Administrative Sciences, 9(4), 80.