Sleep Disturbance, Sleep Disorders and Co-Morbidities in the Care of the Older Person
:1. Introduction
2. What Disturbs Sleep in the Older Patient
3. Sleep Disorders and the Older Patient
3.1. Insomnia
3.2. Sleep Disordered Breathing
3.3. Restless Leg Syndrome
3.4. REM Sleep Behavioural Disorder
4. Common Co-Morbidities and Their Relationship with Sleep
4.1. Depression
4.2. Heart Failure
4.3. Chronic Respiratory Disorders
4.4. Pain and Disorders Associated with Pain
4.5. Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease
4.6. Nocturia
4.7. Parkinson’s Disease
4.8. Dementia
4.9. Medications and Polypharmacy
4.10. Falls
4.11. Other Co-Morbidities
5. General Approach and Management of Older Persons with Sleep Complaints
- Snoring or apnoeic episodes at night;
- Abnormal movement during sleep;
- Restless leg symptoms;
- Nocturia;
- Medications and comorbidities;
- Pain;
- Psychological symptoms;
- Social circumstances;
- Sleep hygiene issues i.e., caffeine consumption, routine, light exposure, etc.
6. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Intrinsic Factors | Extrinsic Factors |
Changes in the ageing brain | Life events |
Changes in hormone secretion | Physical activity |
Changes to the lens and retina | Social engagement |
Cumulative co-morbidity | Medications |
Tool: | Purpose: | Studied in Older Populations: | Comments/Limitations: |
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) [276] | Investigates sleep quality and disturbance. | Yes, with reasonable validity [276,277,278]. | Can take ≥30 min to complete and requires recollections from the previous month, so it may not be appropriate for a geriatric clinic where sleep is one of many issues being addressed, or where patients suffer short-term memory problems [279]. |
Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) [280] | A tool to profile excessive daytime sleepiness. High scores of >10 are less common in insomnia and should trigger further interrogation for another sleep disorder [279]. | Yes, with reasonable validity [278]. | Some geriatric populations may find the scale difficult to complete [281]. |
Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) [282] | Instrument to assess insomnia severity. | Some evidence to suggest validity in the older population [283,284]. | Applies to insomnia only and does not assess sleep generally or symptoms that may be relevant to other sleep disorders [285]. |
Patient-Reported Outcomes Information System (PROMIS) Sleep Disturbance Scale [286] | The six-item scale assesses perceptions of sleep quality, restfulness, sleep problems and difficulty falling asleep. | Some evidence to suggest validity of the six-item scale in the older population [285]. | Requires recollections from the past 7 days and does not assess symptoms of specific sleep disorders, but the overall severity of sleep problems. |
The Essener Questionnaire on Age and Sleepiness (EQAS) [287] | Assessment of observed daytime sleepiness. | Some evidence to suggest validity, with low participant numbers [287]. | Can be filled out by carers following patient observation, and may be an option in patients with cognitive impairment or communication difficulties, although it does not assess for multiple sleep disorders. |
Berlin Questionnaire (BQ) [288] | Identify patients at risk of OSA. | Studied in an exclusively older population, and was found to have reduced accuracy to discriminate between those with and without OSA [289]. | May have limited discriminative utility in older patients, and screens for OSA alone. |
STOP-BANG questionnaire [290] | Identify patients at risk of OSA. | Recently studied in an exclusively older population found to be of limited utility [291]. A very high proportion met OSA criteria, and an argument against screening in this population was made, with further research needed. | May have limited discriminative utility in older patients, and screens for OSA alone. |
Sleep Apnoea Clinical Score (SACS) [292] | Identify patients at risk of OSA. | Studied in a cohort of COPD patients where mean age was >65, with reasonable predictive ability in comparison to ESS and BQ [293]. | May be an option in older patients with COPD, although further studies are needed. |
Sleep Disorder | Diagnosis | Non-Pharmacological Options | Pharmacological Options |
Insomnia |
Sleep Disordered Breathing |
Restless Leg Syndrome |
REM sleep behaviour disorder |
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Mc Carthy, C.E. Sleep Disturbance, Sleep Disorders and Co-Morbidities in the Care of the Older Person. Med. Sci. 2021, 9, 31.
Mc Carthy CE. Sleep Disturbance, Sleep Disorders and Co-Morbidities in the Care of the Older Person. Medical Sciences. 2021; 9(2):31.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMc Carthy, Christine E. 2021. "Sleep Disturbance, Sleep Disorders and Co-Morbidities in the Care of the Older Person" Medical Sciences 9, no. 2: 31.
APA StyleMc Carthy, C. E. (2021). Sleep Disturbance, Sleep Disorders and Co-Morbidities in the Care of the Older Person. Medical Sciences, 9(2), 31.