1. Introduction
Eelgrass (
Zostera marina) is a meadow-forming, flowering marine plant that grows in relatively sheltered embayments, where it provides myriad benefits, including enhancing biodiversity, attenuating wave energy, stabilizing and oxygenating sediments, sequestering carbon and nutrients, and filtering the water column [
2]. Meadows and patches provide shelter and foraging habitat for many commercially important marine fish and shellfish species such as bay scallops, lobsters, winter flounder, tomcod, hake, and cod [
4]. Eelgrass is acutely sensitive to anthropogenic and environmental stressors and is thus considered a sentinel of estuarine condition [
2]. As a result, the mapped extent of eelgrass is often used as an aquatic health indicator in regulatory waterbody assessments [
5]. While broadly distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, eelgrass meadow location and extent are strongly constrained by light penetration (and thus depth), energy dynamics, sediment type, and water quality conditions [
Declines in seagrasses are occurring globally [
7], and rates of decline have accelerated over recent decades [
9]. In Massachusetts, even though eelgrass is afforded some protections by state and federal regulation, declines in eelgrass were observed in 30 out of 33 embayments over a period of 12 years [
6]. Across its range, eelgrass losses are often attributed to anthropogenic stressors that reduce available light needed for plant photosynthesis, such as nutrient runoff and sedimentation from coastal development [
10]. Other causes can include physical displacement related to marine dredging, dumping, boat anchoring, aquaculture [
2], disease [
11], weather-related impacts, and rising sea temperatures [
Local, state, and federal regulators rely on eelgrass maps derived from remote sensing for natural resource management. Drones, side-scan sonar, airplanes, and satellites are common platforms used to collect imagery for eelgrass mapping across its range in the United States. In Massachusetts, the most heavily used eelgrass maps are generated by the state’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) through its fixed-wing, manned airplane photography surveys. These flights cover a subset of the Massachusetts coast each year, providing nearly coast-wide maps approximately every five years [
6]. The DEP mapping program, initiated in the early 1990s, has the greatest coverage and longest time series of any effort to track eelgrass extent in Massachusetts and is therefore the primary source of data for eelgrass mapping and management. However, the temporal resolution of the DEP program is not well suited for tracking detailed seasonal or inter-annual patterns within eelgrass meadows, especially in patchy dynamic meadows or in estuaries undergoing rapid changes. This makes it difficult to swiftly measure changes in eelgrass extent or address possible causes in a timely manner.
To supplement data from DEP’s program, various entities in Massachusetts carry out ad hoc mapping efforts for their own purposes, including the use of side-scan sonar, diver surveys, satellite imagery, and drones. The state fisheries agency conducts side-scan sonar and SCUBA surveys, and various researchers are using high- and low-resolution satellite imagery, drones, and other experimental methods. Several nonprofit watershed groups use underwater cameras, snorkelers, and GPS to map and track changing conditions in local meadows. Even with these supplemental data sources in hand, managers have a difficult time ensuring the resource is adequately mapped due to unknown detection capabilities and limitations of each method. Of particular interest to resource managers is gaining confidence in the mapping of eelgrass edge areas to allow for appropriate siting of coastal structures such as moorings, docks, and piers, and utilities such as cables and pipelines. Knowing a meadow’s edges allows managers and marine contractors to utilize appropriate buffers to ensure that the selected construction methods do not impair eelgrass meadow structure or functions. To fill this knowledge gap for Massachusetts and help inform the greater eelgrass mapping community, the four most common mapping platforms used in Massachusetts were selected for comparison in this study: a DJI Phantom drone, a fixed-wing airplane flown to DEP specifications, PlanetScope satellites, and a Humminbird side-scan sonar. These platforms were used to conduct semi-synchronous remote sensing surveys at five Massachusetts eelgrass meadows. Eelgrass maps were derived for each method using a Heads-Up photointerpretation technique. To ground-truth the maps, SCUBA divers surveyed each meadow along transects perpendicular to shore to locate the last shoot (i.e., meadow’s edge) and sampled quadrat locations along the transect for percent cover, canopy height, and meadow patchiness to assess effects of meadow characteristics on mapping performance. In addition, drop frame underwater camera surveys were conducted to assess the accuracy of each remote sensing survey. Eelgrass maps derived from each remote sensing survey method were compared to diver and photo ground-truthing data to address the following study objectives: (1) determine if and how much eelgrass was missed in the photointerpretation of imagery from each remote sensing method, (2) assess accuracy and the effects of eelgrass percent cover, canopy height, and meadow patchiness on mapping performance, and (3) make management recommendations regarding the use of remote sensing data for eelgrass mapping.
Regarding objective (1), the null hypothesis was no difference in eelgrass meadow edge location mapped using the four remote sensing methods (drone, sonar, airplane, satellite) as compared to edges detected by divers, and that this would hold true regardless of depth. Alternatively, it was hypothesized that there would be differences in eelgrass meadow edge location and that the magnitude of the deviation from the diver-delineated edge would be related to the resolution of data derived from each method (e.g., satellite > airplane > sonar > drone). Further, it was hypothesized that deviations between remote sensing and diver-detected edges would be greater at the meadow’s deep edge, where feature visibility may become compromised as light is attenuated in the water column, as compared to the shallow edge. Regarding objective (2), the null hypothesis was no difference in accuracy among the eelgrass maps derived from the four remote sensing methods and no effect of meadow morphological characteristics (e.g., percent cover, canopy height, patchiness). Alternatively, it was hypothesized that the resolution of data derived from each method would affect accuracy, with the lowest resolution data (satellite) having the lowest accuracy and the highest resolution data (drone) having the highest accuracy, with the other two methods falling somewhere in between. Additionally, it was hypothesized that eelgrass meadow morphological characteristics would influence the ability to accurately delineate eelgrass meadows, with lower percent cover, lower canopy height, and increased patchiness resulting in reduced detection capability in eelgrass meadow delineations across all remote sensing methods.
2. Materials and Methods
The five sites selected for this study (
Figure 1) were constrained by DEP’s planned aerial survey area for 2022 (from Marshfield, MA, to Rockport, MA), the presence of known persistent eelgrass meadows, and accessibility (e.g., nearby boat launch for boat-based survey, nearby public lands from which to operate drones). Eelgrass meadows known to be very sparse, patchy, or ephemeral were avoided. All sites contained eelgrass with a shallow edge at approximately 0–2 feet (ft) mean lower low water (MLLW) and a deep edge at approximately 6–15 ft MLLW, based on the most recent DEP eelgrass maps and National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) nautical charts. The most recent DEP maps were from 2016 for all sites except for Curlew Beach, Nahant, which was last mapped by DEP in 2012. More detailed site information, including coordinates, is available in
Supplementary Materials (Table S1).
2.1. Data Acquisition
A total of 25 data acquisition missions took place over a six-week period from 5 June 2022 to 13 July 2022, with the majority of those (86%) taking place within the same three-week period (
Supplement Table S2). A three-week window was targeted to minimize the effects of meadow expansion over time during peak growing season. Eelgrass meadow density and extent can expand and contract seasonally, with a near-dormant period in the winter and accelerated expansion and growth in the spring and summer [
13]. While some studies have documented clonal growth expanding the meadow laterally at a rate of 16–26 cm/yr [
15], others have found clonal and seed-based expansion on the order of tens of meters or more annually [
2.1.1. Imagery
Satellite imagery was obtained free of charge via the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program [
17]. Imagery from Planet’s Super Dove platforms (instrument ID “PSB.SD”) was 3 m in spatial resolution. The PSB.SD platform includes hundreds of small satellites orbiting in a constellation at roughly 400 km altitude that provide near-daily overpasses of every location across the globe, collecting spectral imagery with eight bands. The platform produces imagery tiles approximately 32.5 × 19.6 km
2 in size. Tide charts were consulted to identify days and times when low tides co-occurred with satellite image capture. Low tide was targeted to increase the probability of observing eelgrass meadows and other benthic features. The Planet Explorer data viewer tool [
18] was used to further filter results for those with <20% cloud cover over the image area and slightly off-nadir (5–30%) to avoid sun glint [
19]. Returned imagery results were assessed within the tool for completeness (e.g., no dropped tiles over the study sites) and usability (e.g., no radiometric abnormalities, no cloud cover over the study sites, and no wave chop at study sites). Usable images were downloaded in red-green-blue (RGB) natural color. While the target was to obtain imagery acquired on the same day across all sites, spotty cloud cover and glare reflecting off waves at two of the sites made it necessary to use imagery from different overpass days (
Table S2).
A fixed-wing, manned aerial survey was coordinated with DEP as part of their existing program. This survey generally follows NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Program protocols that target image acquisition two hours on either side of low tide, with a sun angle of 30–50° and little to no wind, waves, cloud cover, or turbidity [
21]. Weather forecasts, aviation reports, tide charts, and solar position calculators were also used in flight planning [
24]. Imagery was collected at a scale of 1:20,000 with 3 m ground position accuracy and 0.25 m pixel resolution in four bands: Red, Green, Blue, and Infrared. The survey acquired 144 image tiles over a 433 square mile area. RGB imagery was mosaicked and georeferenced using a Geographic Information System (GIS), and the resulting 16-bit mosaics were used in photointerpretation analysis.
Drone missions were planned, managed, and carried out by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) licensed pilots using DroneDeploy proprietary software (v4.86.0) on an Apple iPad 9.7-in 6
th generation (Apple, China) to operate a consumer-grade DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2 drone with RGB sensors (sensor model FC6310S) (DJI, Shenzhen, China). Flight planning included checking airspace restrictions, securing access to launch areas, and ensuring suitable environmental conditions. Missions targeted a one-hour window on either side of low tide, with a sun angle of 15–30°, cloud cover < 10%, wind < 10 km/h, wave height < 0.5 m, low turbidity, and recent calm weather [
27]. Flight missions were flown at 80 m altitude, with ≥50% side and front image overlap. Image tiles were orthomosaicked in DroneDeploy software with 2.5 cm pixel resolution. Ground control points were not incorporated into this project given the challenging nature of deployment and retrieval in the subtidal environment. Instead, horizontal accuracy was visually checked for agreement by comparing the location of the coastline, built infrastructure, and emergent features in the water visible in the drone imagery against 2021 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Color Orthoimagery of known positional accuracy (15 cm).
A consumer-grade Humminbird HELIX9 side-scan sonar system (software v2.280, model no. 410090-1) (Johnson Outdoors Marine Electronics, Inc., Eufaula, AL, USA) was used to generate benthic imagery at all sites. Missions were performed in a “mow the lawn” pattern, either parallel or perpendicular to shore, depending on the shape of the coastline and any safety hazards (e.g., mooring fields, piers). Imagery swaths were set to 160 ft in width (i.e., 80 ft to the left and right of the sonar unit), and swaths were evenly spaced such that ≥50% coverage was achieved over the footprint of the study site. The three diver transect locations at each site were surveyed at a higher coverage, with each transect area surveyed via side-scan sonar both parallel and perpendicular to shore, and each swath overlapping the adjacent swath by ≥25%, totaling ≥ 200% imagery coverage. The use of two opposing patterns improves eelgrass visibility in the event it is lying down in the current or casting shadows in the imagery. GPS position of each image tile was collected internally in the Humminbird unit using its built-in geolocation functionality. Individual side-scan imagery tiles were processed, slant-corrected, and mosaicked together using proprietary SonarTRX software (v20.1). The resulting mosaics had approximately 30 cm pixel resolution. The horizontal accuracy of sonar imagery was not assessed as part of this project; rather, the equipment was checked by the contractor by imaging an underwater target of known dimensions from different angles and approaches. The equipment used for this study was within the accuracy tolerance defined by the contractor, which was a 95% confidence radius ≤ 5 m [
2.1.2. Ground-Truthing
Using a SplashCam Deep Blue Pro underwater camera (Ocean Systems, Inc., Everett, WA, USA) mounted to a 0.25 m2 quadrat drop frame, eelgrass presence, percent cover, sediment type, and algae presence were field verified in the vicinity of each diver transect. At least 30 stations were randomly sampled within 25 m of either side of each transect. At each of the stations, without anchoring the boat, the drop frame was lowered to the seafloor, imagery was assessed in real-time, and an underwater photo was captured for additional quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) in the lab. Eelgrass percent cover was determined visually on-screen using bins of size 10 (e.g., 0%, 1–10%, 11–20%, etc.). A total of 515 drop frame stations were sampled across all sites.
Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) divers conducted transect surveys at pre-selected near-edge locations, beginning in the dense part of the meadow and extending perpendicular to shore (or away from shore for deep transects) until divers located the last shoot along the transect. At each site, two transects were placed along the meadow’s shallow edge and one along the deep edge, for a total of 15 transects surveyed across all sites. Transect starting locations were determined by viewing 2021 USGS Color Orthoimagery and the most recent DEP eelgrass maps for each site in ArcGIS Pro (v2.7.7) to identify the dense and continuous meadow edge. A draft starting point was selected in this edge area, and a transect was drawn using the ArcGIS Pro Draw tool with a perpendicular constraint to draw the transect perpendicular to the CZM Coastline layer [
29]. All GIS work was performed in projection NAD1983 (2011) State Plane Massachusetts Mainland FIPS 2001 (Meters). The starting point was then fine-tuned prior to the start of dive work by deploying the SplashCam underwater camera with a live video feed to the surface and towing it along the approximate transect location to ensure proper siting, with the goal of having the transect traverse a gradient from dense to sparse eelgrass. Ideally, transects were targeted to be completed within one 60- to 75-min-long dive, which was estimated to be able to cover a 100–150 m transect. Transect distance and bearing were calculated using the ArcGIS Pro Measure tool. To account for magnetic declination, the true bearing from the GIS output was converted to magnetic bearing for use by divers by subtracting the approximate declination for Massachusetts (14.3°) from the true bearing [
30]. In the field, the final starting point was moved closer to or farther from shore along the transect to meet the targets above. After finalizing the transect starting point, a drop buoy connected to a small anchor was deployed at the starting point, and two divers used a transect reel to lay the transect tape along the pre-defined bearing perpendicular to shore until locating the last eelgrass shoot observed along the transect within a swath 2 m to either side of the transect tape. Divers confirmed the last shoot location by swimming an additional 20 m beyond it in search of additional shoots. A drop buoy was placed at the last shoot location, and coordinates were collected at both buoys using a marine GPS aboard the boat with <3 m accuracy. The subsurface buoy line was kept taut during coordinate collection to reduce the effect of current on buoy location. With the transect laid, divers then sampled thirteen 0.25 m
2 quadrats evenly spaced along the transect. One quadrat per transect was sampled by both divers to provide a QA/QC evaluation of diver observations. Within each quadrat, divers recorded eelgrass percent cover using bins of size 10 (e.g., 0%, 1–10%), canopy height (cm), eelgrass distribution type, and algae species present, and collected an underwater photograph of the quadrat. Eelgrass distribution type was a novel metric developed for this project to indicate the degree of meadow contiguity or patchiness. Options were <1 m, 1–5 m, and >5 m, where the distances represent how far apart individual patches or shoots were in the vicinity of each quadrat. A total of 194 quadrats were sampled across all sites and transects.
2.2. Imagery Interpretation
Imagery and field data underwent a thorough QA/QC process to ensure the targets in the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) [
31] were met and that all datasets were usable. Corrective actions were taken as needed (e.g., resampling a diver transect that was placed incorrectly the first time). When a complete and quality-assured dataset was ready for each site, photointerpretation and geospatial analysis were carried out as detailed below.
A Heads-Up digitizing approach was applied to draw polygons around eelgrass meadows using a set of rules regarding map scale, minimum mapping unit, polygon smoothing, and spectral manipulations (
Table S3). The NOAA depth chart map service layer and a shapefile of each study area to be interpreted were used, but no other secondary datasets or ground-truthing information were used to avoid interpreter bias. Due to a lack of experts available for hire, the lead study author performed the interpretations, minimizing bias to the greatest extent possible by (1) drawing polygons only where eelgrass was visible in the imagery (e.g., even if having knowledge of additional eelgrass areas); (2) working through imagery in order from low to high resolution (i.e., satellite, airplane, sonar, drone); and (3) interpreting imagery from one survey method every other week to force a lag time between interpretations at the same site.
The start and end locations of each diver transect were imported into ArcGIS Pro and converted to a point layer. A line representing the diver transect was drawn between the start and endpoints of each transect using the Points to Line tool. Approximate quadrat locations were placed on the line using the Generate Points Along Line tool, placing 13 quadrats evenly spaced, with the first occurring at the start of the transect (0 m) and the remaining 12 quadrat locations distributed evenly over the remainder of the transect using the Point Placement by Percentage setting in the tool. Each quadrat location was then manually adjusted along the transect, as needed, to reflect the actual transect meter marking recorded by SCUBA divers for each quadrat.
2.3. Edge Detection Error and Accuracy Assessment
The distance between the interpreted eelgrass polygons for each survey type and the diver-measured last shoot is considered the edge detection error, or the length of eelgrass meadow missed by the survey method (as compared to the diver assessment “gold standard”) along each transect. This distance was calculated using the ArcGIS Pro Erase tool by removing the portion of the diver transect lines that fell within the interpreted polygons and calculating the length of the remaining fragments. Edge detection error was compared by site, depth category (e.g., shallow vs. deep), and survey method using pivot tables and graphic visualizations in Excel (Microsoft 365).
Data from drop frame ground-truthing and diver surveys were used as reference points to assess the accuracy of the photointerpreted eelgrass polygons at each site and for each survey method. The analysis workflow involved using ArcGIS Pro tools to spatially join and assess the ground-truthing points against the interpreted polygons. Eelgrass presence or absence at each diver and ground-truthing point (n = 701) was assessed relative to the point’s location inside or outside the interpreted eelgrass polygons. The proportion of points with eelgrass cover > 0% that fell within the eelgrass polygons for a given survey type is the measure of accuracy for that survey, where the number of correctly interpreted reference points in a percent cover bin was divided by the total number of reference points for that percent cover bin and multiplied by 100. Accuracy was further assessed by site and percent cover bin using pivot tables in Excel.
2.4. Effects of Patchiness and Canopy Height
The SCUBA diver-collected data on canopy height and distribution type (i.e., patchiness) were assessed at quadrat locations inside and outside of the interpreted polygons. The Join tool was used to spatially combine the diver quadrat location data with the interpreted polygons. Then, quadrat data were analyzed based on what measured characteristics tended to fall inside or outside of the interpreted polygon for each survey type. Canopy height was analyzed to determine what height values tended to be mapped or missed, and distribution type was analyzed to determine what levels of patchiness tended to be mapped or missed. These analyses were performed in ArcGIS Pro and Excel.
4. Discussion
4.1. Edge Detection Error
The length of “missed” eelgrass meadow, or mean edge detection error, ranged from 11 to 38 m at the shallow edge and 72 to 106 m at the deep edge across all sites (
Figure 3). Mean edge detection error at the deep edge was substantially greater (120–620%) than at the shallow edge across all remote sensing methods, thus rejecting the null hypothesis. However, there was a high degree of edge detection error variability across the five study sites due to differing geomorphology, eelgrass meadow characteristics, and presence of algae (
Figure 4 and
Figure 7). This resulted in some methods having similar error results (
Figure 3), and thus the hypothesis of no difference between remote sensing methods could not be rejected. A larger sample size would have allowed for tests of significance and a more rigorous statistical analysis of these differences. That said, this is the first study to quantify edge detection errors in eelgrass mapping across common remote sensing methods, and the fact that the mean deep edge detection error across several commonly used methods ranges from roughly 70 m to over 100 m is an important finding for eelgrass protection. For example, if eelgrass maps derived from only remote sensing are used to site coastal infrastructure, a minimum buffer of 100 m would help to protect meadows from infrastructure construction and operations. This result also reinforces the need for resource managers to use some form of ground-truthing, via divers or drop cameras, to verify meadow edges in the field.
As expected, mean edge detection error at the shallow edge tracked inversely with image resolution, due to the greater level of spatial detail afforded in higher resolution imagery. At the deep edge, meadow delineations from side-scan sonar imagery had the lowest edge detection error of all remote sensing methods but still missed an average of 72.6 m of eelgrass across the five study sites—which was unexpected given that sonar provides benthic imagery that is less affected by water clarity compared to aerial imagery. This suggests that meadow characteristics (e.g., patchiness, canopy height) may be just as important as water column characteristics in remote sensing eelgrass mapping, if not more so. Further, it is important to note that most dive transects had to end between 100 and 140 m in length due to air and swimming limitations. At several sites (BBB, GNB, NCB), divers continued to find single shoots every 15–20 m toward the end of the deep edge transect, a pattern presumed to continue until some change occurred (e.g., depth that could no longer support eelgrass of any density; a change to unfavorable sediment). The study did not have the resources to extend each transect farther with additional dives, but the true distance to the last shoot and thus edge detection error at these sites may be underestimated.
4.2. Map Accuracy Assessment
The accuracy of eelgrass delineations was greater at the shallow edge than at the deep edge across all survey types with the exception of satellite imagery, where surprisingly, depth did not affect accuracy (
Table 1). Combining shallow and deep areas, the overall eelgrass map accuracy ranged from 76 to 89% and corresponded with image resolution, with maps derived from drone imagery performing best, followed by sonar, airplane, and satellite (
Table 1). The null hypothesis can be rejected, as there are differences between the accuracies of the four studied remote sensing methods. However, the alternative hypothesis that accuracy will be inversely related to spatial resolution cannot wholly be accepted because this does not hold true in all cases. For example, at the shallow edge, sonar slightly outperformed drone imagery, and at the deep edge, satellites outperformed both sonar and airplane imagery. Differences in accuracy across the five study sites reveal that certain methods performed better at some sites than at others; for example, satellite imagery performed just as well at GNB as drones performed at COH and GNB. This is again likely due to site-specific meadow characteristics.
This study also found that percent cover, canopy height, and patchiness all influenced the likelihood of eelgrass being mapped accurately, and the null hypothesis is rejected. The accuracy of eelgrass delineations was lowest where percent cover was 1–10%, though delineations derived from drone imagery had the highest accuracy at this coverage, followed by sonar, airplane, and satellite imagery. Still, all methods had reduced accuracy where eelgrass was <40% cover (
Table 2). Canopy height also limited eelgrass detectability, especially when mean height was <22 cm, where most methods failed to detect it (
Figure 9). All remote methods performed very well where eelgrass was continuous, moderately where it was transitional, and poorly where eelgrass distribution was patchy (
Figure 8). Overall, drones performed best in patchy eelgrass. The alternative hypothesis was accepted: lower percent cover, lower canopy height, and increased patchiness resulted in reduced detection capability in eelgrass meadow delineations across all remote sensing methods. It should be noted that canopy height, percent cover, and distribution type likely interact to influence detectability, and this interaction warrants further study.
4.3. Study Limitations and Future Research
While weather and environmental conditions were standardized to the greatest extent possible across surveys, environmental variables may have influenced eelgrass detectability. For example, sunny, cloudless days were targeted for imagery collection, though it is possible that atmospheric interference was present as haze but not detectable as clouds. Water clarity and chemistry sampling during each remote sensing mission were outside the scope of the project but would have helped ensure that differences in mapping performance were influenced only by survey method and meadow characteristics and not by optical qualities of the water column. Future work should evaluate the effects of varying atmospheric and water quality conditions on method performance.
This study evaluated the four most commonly used remote sensing platforms for mapping eelgrass in Massachusetts and was not an exhaustive evaluation of what is used more broadly across the growing range for eelgrass. The Humminbird side-scan sonar, for example, is a consumer-grade device primarily advertised for its fish-finding capabilities. There are far more sophisticated sonar devices being used by eelgrass mapping practitioners that have not been evaluated here, and those with finer spatial resolution likely outperform the Humminbird device. In the same vein, non-RGB sensors (e.g., infrared, coastal blue bands) that can be deployed on aerial systems may be more useful than RGB in some cases and deserve further study.
It is important to reiterate that ground-truthing data were not used during photointerpretation to avoid interpreter bias when working between imagery datasets of varying spatial resolutions. The goal of this work was not to create perfect eelgrass maps but to better understand the limits in edge-detection capability across remote sensing methods. Future work could compare edge detection error and accuracy results for interpretations performed with varying amounts of ground-truthing data to better inform sampling design.
4.4. Management Recommendations
The results of this study support the modification and augmentation of existing mapping programs, as well as a new management approach when using eelgrass maps derived from remote sensing data. The authors offer the following management recommendations:
If map accuracy is a program’s priority, high-resolution imagery sources such as drones and side-scan sonar are the most accurate and eelgrass-inclusive mapping tools and can be significantly enhanced with diver ground-truthing of the edge. However, these methods present implementation challenges at the coast-wide scale and may be more appropriate for site- or embayment-level mapping;
If high spatial coverage is a program’s priority, imagery acquired from airplanes or high-resolution satellites will be more logistically efficient but will miss more eelgrass. In this case, more resources should be allocated toward enhanced ground-truthing of the meadow edge;
Regardless of remote sensing survey method used,
we recommend a management buffer be applied if precise diver-measured edge surveys are not conducted. The least protective buffers are the mean edge detection errors for each survey method at each depth (e.g., 11.2 m buffer at the shallow edge and 80.5 m buffer at the deep edge when using drone imagery) (
Figure 6). The most protective buffers are the maximum edge detection errors observed: 112.4 m for drone, 121.4 m for sonar, 121.7 m for airplane, and 106.7 m for satellite data;
Mapping programs should collect canopy height and distribution data during ground-truthing efforts as a useful tool in tracking meadow change and detectability over time. Along the meadow’s edge, eelgrass tends to grow shorter and sparser as bathymetry and wave dynamics change. Eelgrass < 22 cm in canopy height and eelgrass with patchy distribution (shoots or patches > 5 m apart) were often missed by the remote sensing methods studied. Monitoring these additional parameters would be especially useful in light of eelgrass meadow losses, which can often be observed as a gradual decline in eelgrass density, contiguity, and/or leaf area;
High-resolution satellite imagery, such as commercially available sub-meter imagery, should be explored for eelgrass mapping. Some platforms provide nearly daily coverage, and others can be tasked to target specific times and conditions. This study evaluated the use of 3 m resolution satellite imagery, which performed the poorest of all the survey types in terms of overall accuracy but resulted in interpretations very similar to airplane imagery across other metrics;
Drop frame photo ground-truthing is not reliable in detecting low-density eelgrass. While divers were able to detect the lowest percent cover bins (e.g., 1–10%, 11–20%), drop frame photo ground-truthing in the near vicinity of diver transects detected no eelgrass (
Figures S6–S10). This is attributed to the likelihood of the drop frame being placed in “just the right spot” in bare areas where eelgrass is very sparse, whereas divers have a broader context underwater and can record observations over a larger viewing area. Video surveys along a transect may perform better than drop camera surveys, especially if multiple views are incorporated (e.g., a 360° camera). This is deserving of more study.
5. Conclusions
This is the first study to comparatively assess edge detection error across common eelgrass remote sensing methods and to investigate the effects of percent cover, canopy height, and patchiness on edge detectability. The authors demonstrated that drone, side-scan sonar, airplane, and satellite imagery were all associated with an underestimation of meadow extent. At the shallow edge, edge detection error ranged from 11.2 to 38.5 m and was related to image resolution, with drones having the least error, followed by sonar, airplanes, and satellites. At the deep edge, edge detection error ranged from 72 to 106 m without a clear relationship with image resolution. The overall accuracy of eelgrass delineations across the survey methods ranged from 76 to 89% and corresponded with image resolution. Accuracy was influenced by meadow characteristics, where low eelgrass density (i.e., 1–10% cover), patchy eelgrass (i.e., shoots or patches spaced > 5 m), and shorter canopy height (i.e., <22 cm) were associated with reduced accuracy across all methods; however, drones performed best across all scenarios.
Throughout much of the range of eelgrass across the U.S. East Coast, government-run programs use remote sensing imagery to produce eelgrass maps. Such maps are used in the planning of coastal development projects, assessing water quality conditions, and estimating carbon storage. This study finds that such maps can miss a great deal of the meadow, especially patchy edge areas. It is in these areas where year-to-year variability in eelgrass coverage can be expected due to patch and edge dynamics [
32] and, presumably, where new growth (or losses) can occur in response to sea level rise or other stressors that might influence a shift into shallower or deeper water. Thus, the protection of these difficult-to-detect edge areas is paramount to retaining the function and resilience of eelgrass meadows. Management recommendations resulting from this study include the adoption of regulatory buffers when siting construction or other human disturbances near eelgrass, the prioritization of SCUBA and high-resolution platforms like drones and sonar for eelgrass mapping, and for existing mapping programs to allocate more resources to ground-truthing along meadow edges. By adopting these strategies, maps can be more accurate and more inclusive of the entire meadow, thus increasing eelgrass conservation.