Documentary Photography from the German Democratic Republic as a Substitute Public
:1. Introduction
2. Öffentlichkeit Versus Ersatzöffentlichkeit in the GDR
“organise the debates among its members about the policies of the state bureaucracy, but also the debates among the citizens at large about their political interests as well as their social and economic needs. This public sphere of the Party had two typical features: first, it was hierarchically structured in accordance with the hierarchy of the party organization; second, it left no room for competing public spheres. The Party was expected to lead and by extension to control the public space; by that I do not mean only the administration of the state but also the public communication among the citizens.”
3. GDR Documentary Photography as a Substitute Public Sphere
4. Summary and Outlook
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | Quoted from Karl Gernot Kuehn (Kuehn 1997, p. 50). |
2 | Wulf Herzogenrath for example stresses a pre-eminence of social documentary photography as it stands in solidarity with the people. (Herzogenrath 1992, p. 30) Cf. (Domröse 2012, p. 21). |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | Juliana Raupp, ‘Kunstöffentlichkeit in der DDR als Gegenöffentlichkeit’, in (Rittersporn et al. 2003, p. 235). Cf. (Raupp 2001). |
6 | Axel Goodbody, Dennis Tate, Ian Wallace, ‘The Failed Socialist Experiment: Culture in the GDR’ (Burns et al. 1995, p. 180). |
7 | „Wenn man von der festen Position des Sozialismus ausgeht, kann es meines Erachtens auf dem Gebiet von Kunst und Literatur keine Tabus geben. Das betrifft sowohl die Fragen der inhaltlichen Gestaltung als auch des Stils–kurz gesagt, die Fragen dessen, was man die künstlerische Meisterschaft nennt.“ Erich Honecker at the fourth meeting of the central committee of the SED, December 1971. (Schiermeyer 2015, p. 238) |
8 | Cf. (Schmid 2014, pp. 201–9). |
9 | Harald Hauswald in email correspondence with the author, 9 June 2018. |
10 | Cf. Christoph Diekmann, Preface, in (Hauswald 2013) |
11 | Interview with Harald Hauswald, 29 December 2017. |
12 | I follow the accruement and transformation of public sphere in Germany, as I view Jürgen Habermas’ The structural transformation of the public sphere as the starting point of an analysis of public sphere, which does include European semantics of the word ‘public’, but is specifically rooted in the German language area. |
13 | The church assumed the role of an alternative public sphere in the GDR. It undermined the monopoly on truth of the SED state by inviting ideologically non-conform artists and writers as well as discussing controversial topics. Cf. e.g. (Wolle 1998, pp. 247–55). |
14 | Schröder, Jürgen, ‘Literatur als Ersatzöffentlichkeit? Gesellschaftliche Probleme im Spiegel der Literatur’, in (Meyer and Schröder 1988, p. 111). |
15 | Quoted in (Gripsrud 2011). Cf. (Forst 2001). |
16 | Simone Barck, Christoph Classen and Thomas Heimann, ‘The Fettered Media. Controlling Public Debate’, in (Jarausch 1999, p. 224). |
17 | Robert Weimann, ‘Kunst und Öffentlichkeit in der Sozialistischen Gesellschaft. Zum Stand der Vergesellschaftung künstlerischer Verkehrsformen’, in (Deutsche Akademie der Künste 1979, p. 221). |
18 | |
19 | „Die Konzentration der öffentlichen Debatte auf die Stasi darf nicht den Blick dafür verstellen, daß sie lediglich einen Teil der perfektionierten Sicherheits-, Disziplinierungs- und Überwachungsstruktur bildete. […] Die gezielte Denunziation von Kollegen, Nachbarn, Mitschülern und Kommilitonen prägte ebenso den Alltag wie das ständige Verfassen breit angelegter Berichte.“ (Wolle 1998, p. 153) |
20 | The Stasi, short for Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (Ministry for State Security) was the GDR’s secret police founded in the 1950s. Its main objective was the Socialist Unity Party’s preservation of power by means of spying and intimidation of GDR citizens. Cf. (7 June 2018). |
21 | Interview with Werner Mahler, 11 October 2017. |
22 | Interview with Harald Hauswald, 29 December 2017. |
23 | Öffentlichkeit, die; 1. Die Bevölkerung außerhalb ihrer persönlichen, privaten Sphäre […]. (Kempcke 1984, p. 839). Cf. (Müller-Römer 1968) |
24 | Boris Groys, The Total Art of Stalinism: Avant-Garde, Aesthetic Dictatorship, and beyond/by Boris Groys; Translated by Charles Rougle., [New] ed. (London: Verso, 2014), 9. Cf. (Groys 2008). |
25 | The term was originally coined by art historian Klaus Honnef but is a widely known concept in German photo theory. (Honnef et al. 1979, pp. 8–32)//Cf. (Barron et al. 2009, p. 198; Domröse 2012, p. 174). |
26 | Muschter quoted in (Schmid 2014, p. 241). |
27 | Interview with Harald Hauswald, 29 December 2017. |
28 | Literary critic Roland Barthes coined the term photographic message, which is composed of a denoted and a connoted message. The former is described as “pure and simple denotation of reality” whilst the latter refers to social and cultural manners. Cf. (Barthes 1984, p. 28). |
29 | Stuart Hall, ‘Encoding, Decoding’, in (During 1999, pp. 507–17). |
30 | ‘Sämtl.’ (abbreviation for ‘sämtliche’ in German, having a strong connotation of ‘comprehensively’ or ‘each and every’ does not translate well into English in this case). |
31 | Quoted after Alf Lüdtke, ‘Kein Entkommen? Bilder-Codes und eigen-sinniges Fotografieren; eine Nachlese.‘ in (Hartewig and Lüdtke 2004, p. 235). |
32 | I investigate this question in depth in my ongoing doctoral thesis ‘Ostkreuz–Agency of Photographers. Tracing the Influence of GDR Social Documentary Photography in Contemporary Practice’. |
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Pfautsch, A. Documentary Photography from the German Democratic Republic as a Substitute Public. Humanities 2018, 7, 88.
Pfautsch A. Documentary Photography from the German Democratic Republic as a Substitute Public. Humanities. 2018; 7(3):88.
Chicago/Turabian StylePfautsch, Anne. 2018. "Documentary Photography from the German Democratic Republic as a Substitute Public" Humanities 7, no. 3: 88.
APA StylePfautsch, A. (2018). Documentary Photography from the German Democratic Republic as a Substitute Public. Humanities, 7(3), 88.