Chinggis Khan, Women, and the West: Literary and Cinematic Remakes of the Secret History of the Mongols
:1. Introduction
2. Early Remakes
I am called a barbarian. […] We are animals, without civilization […]. But […] a new civilization shall come out of the barrens, […] fiercer […] than was ever begotten by the weak loins of the cities in the bed of decadence;
Depuis des siècles, la Chine nous achète comme mercenaires, […] nous repousse comme barbares […]. Que devient le barbare? Il périt de faim dans ses glaces, de soif dans ses déserts;
il concevait un grand mépris pour ces seigneurs […] qui payaient, pour être défendus, des gens souvent d’une autre race. […] Pourquoi alors […] ne pas réunir sous la même bannière tous les nomades de la steppe […]?.
above liberty, men loved a whip, […] above an elected leader, […] a tyrant, who discounted their ability to think;
Pour faire triompher l’empire […] de l’affamé, le devoir du Mongol est de […] tuer qui j’indique. Et moi, je serai votre maître;
[Il] appuyait sa dictature sur une assemblée consultative mais dirigée […]. Il s’assurait ainsi l’accord de la nation.
Thou didst murder thy brother […]! Thou art a foul beast!;
dans sa famille, c’est la vieille Oloune qui commande. Délie Kassar, je te l’ordonne;
Kassar n’hésita pas, lors d’un violent conflit, à abattre Bektar […]. Oélun Ekée se déchaîna en imprécations contre ses fils, qu’elle assimila à des loups […] dont la division les rendrait plus tard incapables de vaincre.
that intrepid woman […] had pursued the deserting tribesmen, and […] had harangued […] some of them into […] renewing their allegiance to her son;
plusieurs vassales taïchoutes reprenaient leur indépendance, […] ne voulant pas […] dépendre d’une femme […], Oléun Ekée allant de groupe en groupe ne put les retenir.
3. Later Remakes
Les accents de cent tribus s’entremêlaient […]. Une nation naissait!;
Per la prima volta […] un guerriero le cui imprese avevano cavalcato il vento […] era riuscito a radunare sotto il Cielo Eterno tutte le genie della stirpe Manghol;
there are no tribes under the sky father. There is only one Mongol nation and it begins this night;
Il avait surtout un rêve: unifier son peuple.
They looked into her face in awe, seeing only fierce determination. It was strong enough to banish some of their own despair;
c’était une femme d’exception. […] La louve est beaucoup plus courageuse que le loup. La louve n’abandonne jamais ses petits.
Guardò Börte negli occhi e quello che vide bastò a fargli prendere una decisione. “[…] Da me e dal mio cuore sarai accettato come un figlio del mio sangue”;
Whatever happened, he knew he could not let her be hurt again;
I shall greet the babe as my own;
Il la prit par les épaules, qu’il serra doucement de ses doigts en lui murmurant qu’elle ne devait pas avoir peur de lui dire la vérité.
Borte è la sola sposa reale, e mai nessuna potrà prendere il suo posto;
Avec son épouse principale, ce n’était pas la même chose qu’avec les autres femmes… […] il retrouvait ses marques comme le soldat lorsqu’il revient au bercail à l’issue d’une éprouvante campagne.
My ruined body had brought this upon me, proclaiming my uselessness to the world. […] I touched my scarred lip, thinking of all I’d endured for this man. […] “You are the only wife of my heart”. […] “Keep your wives, […] But you’ll swear now […] that only the children of my womb shall be your heirs. I am your khatun, not some old crone to be pushed aside by these Tatar princesses”. […] And then my husband bowed to me, a gesture of such reverence and respect that tears sprang to my eyes.
non era facile opporsi alle strategie del padre. […] l’affrontò con tanta veemenza che Dai Sescen per un attimo ne ebbe timore;
One day was enough to become tired of sewing and cooking […]. She did not want big cow bosoms that would hang down for a man to milk her. She wanted to be fast like a deer and skinny like a wild dog.
“[…] Sono pronta a prendere marito. […] E voglio te”. Lui scoppiò a ridere. “Credevo di dover essere io a rapirti”;
Le donne non erano ammesse al kurultai, ma a lui sarebbe piaciuto avere al suo fianco Borte […]. “Non è detto che le regole non possano essere cambiate” aveva affermato […] Gengis;
women had advised Genghis […] and […] he had listened.
“[…] adesso conoscerai qualcosa che non potevi immaginare neppure nei tuoi sogni più arditi”. Le due sorelle trascinarono Temugin a terra e si mossero su di lui come se fossero una persona sola. Sommerso dalla marea ardente del piacere, Temugin […] si abbandonò all’incantesimo;
Il consommait le sexe faible comme d’autres buvaient du thé ou croquaient dans une datte.
I […] had been content to spend my life in the shadows cast by those around me. Until now. My entire world had been consumed with pulling my sons up to the height of great men. I was the daughter, wife, and mother […], my buree […] kept me from going mad all these years, watching my husband drink himself to death while first Ogodei, and now Güyük, corroded the majesty […] of the Mongol Empire.
4. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | From now on, this text is referred to under the shortened title Secret History. |
2 | The colophon of the Secret History states that «at the moment when the great quriltai was assembling, in the Roebuck Moon of the Year of the Mouse, and the hordes had been pitched at the Seven Hills of Köde’e Isle on the Kherlen, […] the writing was finished (Atwood 2023, p. 161). Scholars have debated whether this Year of the Mouse corresponds to 1228, 1240 (the most credited hypothesis), 1252, or 1264, and whether there were any textual additions made after these dates (for an overview, cf. Even and Pop 1994, pp. 21–4; Atwood 2023, pp. LV–LVIII). Various suppositions have also been made on the identity of the author(s) of the Secret History. Among the most suggestive are those attributing the work to Śiki Qutuġu, Ö’elun’s adopted Tatar son, or to a woman close to a widowed lady of Qasar, Chinggis Khan’s brother (for an overview, cf. Even and Pop 1994, p. 23; Atwood 2023, pp. LIX–LXIV). |
3 | Ye Dehui’s work was used not only by European mongolists such as Haenisch and Pelliot to present their romanisations of the Chinese transcription of the original Mongolian text, but also by Mongolian scholars who aimed to recreate the original text of the Secret History in Uyghur–Mongolian script (cf. Damdinsüren 1947). |
4 | An important role in the transmission of the text was also played by the Hungarian (Ligeti 1962), Japanese (Naka 1907; Kobayashi 1940; Murakami 1970–1976), Spanish (Ramírez Bellerín 2000), and Turkish (Temir 1948) editions of the Secret History. |
5 | Chinggis Khan had already aroused a degree of admiration even from some 17th- and 18th-century French orientalists (cf. Chochoy 2021). |
6 | This article considers all adaptations of the Secret History in English, French, and Italian, except those related to children’s literature (on this subject, cf. De Bonis 2023). |
7 | Said himself (Said 1993) has attempted to overcome his Manichaean view of the East/West relationship by introducing the notion of ‘resistance’. |
8 | Cf. the English poster in The Movie Database: (accessed on 9 June 2024). |
9 | Cf. the English poster in the Internet Movie Database: (accessed on 9 June 2024). |
10 | Cf. the illustrations of Voltaire’s L’Orphelin de la Chine by M. Geffroy (Voltaire 1874, p. 275). |
11 | The writer’s library is now located at the University of Louvain, Belgium: (accessed on 9 June 2024). |
12 | «L’Arbre de Gengis Khan […] est introduit par […] un poème de Mao Zedong […]. Citation qui indique bien mon ambivalence à l’égard du Mongol» (Bauchau 1988, p. 11). |
13 | «Ce n’est pas dans les pages d’un livre ou sur la pierre des tombeaux que j’ai rencontré Gengis Khan, mais là où, quittant l’histoire pour le mythe, certaines grandes figures pénètrent dans nos rêves […]. L’homme présent […] porte une ombre très forte […]. Les guerres, les camps de la mort, la bombe atomique m’avaient forcé à en prendre conscience dans le monde extérieur, mais je n’avais pas appris à la reconnaître en moi» (Bauchau 2001, p. 67: preface to Gengis Khan). |
14 | «L’énorme potentiel humain dont cet homme dispose, […] son fanatisme intransigeant qu’une souplesse de race et de calcul […] feront de lui […] le Chef écouté des peuples de couleur travaillés par ses propagandistes. Ce personnage qui va bientôt poser au monde blanc un angoissant problème est […] Mao […]. Peut-on le comparer à Gengis Khan? […] OUI» (Lugné 1963, p. 255: postface to Le Faucon rouge). |
15 | «Any resemblance between the characters of this novel and personages living today is indignantly denied by the author! Ghost of Genghis Khan should notify author if such libelous rumor begins to circulate» (Caldwell 2018, p. 6). |
16 | Cf. the English poster in The Movie Database: (accessed on 9 June 2024). |
17 | Cf. the Mongolian posters of Mönkh tengeriin khüchin dor and Ükhej ül bolno, Chingis Khaan, as well as the Russian poster of Mongol:өнx%20тэнгэpийн%20xүчин%20дop;; (accessed on 9 June 2024). |
18 | Cf. the English poster of Mongol: (accessed on 9 June 2024). |
19 | Cf. «Most Western knowledge of ancient Mongolia focuses on Genghis’ brutal conquest of Asia and Europe […], but few people have heard about the women who safeguarded Genghis’ empire. This novel, of course, is their story» (Thornton 2014, p. 459: author’s note). |
20 | Precisely, this word means ‘relatives by marriage’, ‘foetus’. Cf. the entries uruġ in Kuribayashi’s project and urag in Bolor Dictionary:;уpаг&direction=1 (accessed on 9 June 2024). |
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De Bonis, B. Chinggis Khan, Women, and the West: Literary and Cinematic Remakes of the Secret History of the Mongols. Humanities 2024, 13, 96.
De Bonis B. Chinggis Khan, Women, and the West: Literary and Cinematic Remakes of the Secret History of the Mongols. Humanities. 2024; 13(4):96.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDe Bonis, Benedetta. 2024. "Chinggis Khan, Women, and the West: Literary and Cinematic Remakes of the Secret History of the Mongols" Humanities 13, no. 4: 96.
APA StyleDe Bonis, B. (2024). Chinggis Khan, Women, and the West: Literary and Cinematic Remakes of the Secret History of the Mongols. Humanities, 13(4), 96.