Tears in Heaven: Tracing the Contours of a Pan-European Transconfessional Genre
:1. Introduction
“How deserted lies the city,
once so full of people!
How like a widow is she,
who once was great among the nations!”1
2. Tansillo and the Lagrime Genre in Italy
Io ho da rendere infinite grazie a V.S. delle Lagrime di San Pietro, le quali non ho potuto contenermi di leggere in 30 ore… Me han cavato le lagrime da gli occhi in tanta abbondanza che è una maraviglia
I must give infinite thanks to your grace for the Tears of Saint Peter, which I could not stop reading for 30 h… The abundance of tears they have drawn out from my eyes is a marvel.11
3. Weeping Poetry as a Pan-European Genre: 1550–1650
4. Weeping Poetry in England: A Case Study
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Date | Last Name | First Name | Title | Publisher | Place | Language | USTC/ STC | Format |
1560 | Tansillo | Luigi | Lagrime di S. Pietro del Reverendiss. Cardinale de’ Pucci. | Francesco Rampazzetto | Venice | Italian | 862807 | 8o |
1571 | Tansillo | Luigi | Lagrime di S. Pietro del S. Luigi Tansillo. | Bernardo Giunta | Venice | Italian | 829007 | 16o |
1585 | Tansillo | Luigi | Lagrime di S. Pietro del S. Luigi Tansillo da Nola mandate in luce da Giovan Battista Attendolo da Capua | Gio. Battista Cappello et Giuseppe Cacchii | Vico Equense | Italian | 858051 | 8o |
1586 | Tansillo | Luigi | Lagrime di S. Pietro del Sig. Luigi Tansillo, gentil’huomo napolitano. | Vittorio Baldini | Ferrara | Italian | 858052 | 12o |
1587 | Malherbe | François de | Les Larmes de Sainct Pierre imitées du Tansille, au roy | ? | Paris? | French | ? | ? |
1587 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le Lagrime di S. Pietro del Sig. Luigi Tansillo di nuovo ristampate con nuova gionta delle lagrime della Maddalena del Signor Erasmo Valvassone, et al.tre rime spirituali, del molto R. D. Angelo Grillo… | Girolamo Bartoli | Genova | Italian | 858053 | 8o |
1587 | Gálvez de Montalvo | Luis | Lágrimas de San Pedro (in Primera parte del thesoro de divina poesia) | Juan Rodríguez | Toledo | Spanish | 338790 | 8o |
1588 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le Lagrime di S. Pietro del Sig. Luigi Tansillo di nuovo ristampate con nuova gionta delle lagrime della Maddalena del Signor Erasmo Valvassone, et al.tre rime spirituali, del molto R. D. Angelo Grillo, di nuovo ristampate | Marcantonio Bellone | Carmagnola | Italian | 858054 | 8o |
1589 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le lacrime di S. Pietro del signor Luigi Tansillo gentilhuomo napolitano. Di nuovo corretto et ristampato. | Leonardo Pontio | Milan | Italian | 858055 | 4o |
1589 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le lagrime di S. Pietro del Signor Luigi Tansillo; con le Lagrime della Maddalena del Signor Erasmo da Valvasone, di nuovo ristampate, et aggiuntovi l’eccellenze della Gloriosa Vergine Maria del S. Horatio Guarguante da Soncino | G. Vincenti | Venice | Italian | 858056 | 8o |
1591 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le lagrime di S. Pietro del S. Luigi Tansillo, mandate in luce da Gio. Battista Attendolo da Capoa con gli argomenti di Giulio Cesare Capaccio, e figure ad ogni pianto. Aggiuntovie le lagrime della Maddalena del S. Erasmo da Valvasone | Gio. Battista Capelli | Naples | Italian | Found in Flamini and repeated in Boccia but not in USTC or Edit16 | 16o |
1592 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le Lagrime di San Pietro del Signor Luigi Tansillo; con le Lagrime della Maddalena del Signor Erasmo di Valvasone, di nuovo ristampate, et aggiuntovi l’eccellenze della Gloriosa Vergine Maria, del Signor Horatio Guarguante da Soncino | Simon Cornetti et fratelli | Venice | Italian | 858057 | 8o |
1595 | Breton | Nicholas | Marie Magdalens love and A Solemne Passion of the Soules Love | John Danter | London | English | 3665 | 8o |
1595 | Southwell | Robert | Saint Peters complaint, with other poems | John Wolfe | London | English | 22955.7 | 4o |
1595 | Southwell | Robert | Saint Peters complaynt With other poems | James Roberts for Gabriel Cawood | London | English | 22956 | 4o |
1595 | Southwell | Robert | Saint Peters complaint with other poemes | John Windet for John Wolfe | London | English | 22957 | 4o |
1595 | Malherbe | François de | Les Larmes de Sainct Pierre, et autres vers chrestiens sur la Passion par Rob.Estienne | Mamert Patisson | Paris | French | 53084 | 8o |
1595 | Tansillo | Luigi | Lagrime di S. Pietro descritte dal Signor Luigi Tansillo e nuovamente poste in usica da Orlando Lasso, maestro di cappella del serenissimo Signor Duca di Baviera, et con un mottetto nel fine a sette voci | Adam Berg | Munich | Italian | 553117 | 2o |
1595 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le Lagrime di San Pietro del Signor Luigi Tansillo con le lagrime della Maddalena del Signor Erasmo da Valvasone… aggiuntovi l’eccellenze della Gloriosa Vergine Maria del Signor Orazio Guarguante da Soncino. | [Giovan Battista Porta] | Venice | Italian | 858059 | 8o |
1596 | Sabie | Francis | Adams complaint. The olde worldes tragedie. David and Bathsheba. | Richard Johnes | London | English | 21534 | 4o |
1596 | Malherbe | François de | Les Larmes de Sainct Pierre imitées du Tansille au roy | Lucas Breyer | Paris | French | 21133 | 8o |
1597 | Southwell | Robert | Saint Peters complaynt With other poems | James Roberts for Gabriel Cawood | London | English | 22958 | 4o |
1597 | Anonymous | Saint Peters Ten Teares | William Jones | London | English | 19797 | 4o | |
1597 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le pietose lagrime che fece s. Pietro doppo d’haver negato il suo Signore | Giovanni Battista Maringo | Palermo | Italian | 858060 | 12o |
1598 | Broxup | William | Saint Peters path to the joyes of heaven | Felix Kingston | London | English | 3921 | 4o |
1598 | Rowlands | Samuel | The betraying of Christ | Adam Istip | London | English | 21365 | 4o |
1598 | Malherbe | François de | Les Larmes de S. Pierre, Imitees Dv Tansille. Av Roy. Plus y avons adiousté l’Hymne de la Conscience. | Raphaël du Petit Val | Paris | French | 73737 | 8o |
1598 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le Lagrime di San Pietro del Signor Luigi Tansillo con le lagrime della Maddalena del Signor Erasmo da Valvasone, di nuovo ristampate et aggiuntovi l’eccellenze della Gloriosa Vergine Maria del Signor Horatio Guarguante da Soncio | Gio. Battista Bonfadino | Venice | Italian | 858061 | 8o |
1598 | Malherbe | François de | Les Larmes de Sainct Pierre: Dv Seignevr Loys Tansille, Italien. Avec L’Imitation de Malerbe. Av Roy. | ? | Paris | Italian and French | 16868 | 12o |
1598 | Gálvez de Montalvo | Luis | Lágrimas de San Pedro (in Primera parte del thesoro de divina poesia donde se contienen varias obras de devoción de diversos autores) | Jorge Rodrígues a costa de Pedro Flores | Lisbon | Spanish | 340675 | 8o |
1599 | Southwell | Robert | Saint Peters complaint With other poems | James Roberts for Gabriel Cawood | London | English | 22959 | 4o |
1599 | Malherbe | François de | Les Larmes de S. Pierre, Imitées Dv Tansille. Av Roy. Plus y avons adiousté l’Hymne de la Conscience. | Raphaël du Petit Val | Paris | French | 21922 | 8o |
1599 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le Lagrime di San Pietro del Signor Luigi Tansillo con le lagrime della Maddalena del Signor Erasmo da Valvasone, di nuovo ristampate et aggiuntovi l’eccellenze della Gloriosa Vergine Maria del Signor Horatio Guarguante da Soncio | Agostino Spineda | Venice | Italian | 858062 | 8o |
1600 | Markham | Gervase | The teares of the beloved: or, The lamentation of Saint John | Simon Stafford | London | English | 17395 | 4o |
1600 | Southwell | Robert | Saint Peters complaint With other poems | Robert Waldegrave | Edinburgh | English | 22960 | 4o |
1600 | Nervèze | Antoine de | Les larmes et martyre de s. Pierre avec ses meditations tres devotes | Maurice Malicieux [=Benoît Rigaud] | Chambéry [=Lyon] | French | 80267 | 16o |
1601 | Anonymous | The Song of Mary the Mother of Christ and The teares of Christ in the garden | William Ferbrand | London | English | 17547 | 4o | |
1601 | Breton | Nicholas | A divine poeme divided into two partes: the ravisht soule, and the blessed weeper | John Browne | London | English | 3648 | 4o |
1601 | Markham | Gervase | Marie Magdalens Lamentations | Adam Islip for Edward White | London | English | 17569 | 4o |
1601 | Verstegan | Richard | Odes in imitation of the seaven penitential psalmes | A. Conincx | Antwerp | English | 21359 | 4o |
1602 | Evans | William | Pietatis lachrymae. Teares of devotion | Edward Allde | London | English | 10597.5 | 4o |
1602 | Southwell | Robert | Saint Peters complaint Newlie augmented with other poems | I. Roberts for G. Cawood | London | English | 22960a | 4o |
1602 | Anonymous | Saint Peters Teares | William Jones | London | English | 19798 | 4o | |
1602 | Ávalos y Figueroa | Diego de | Coloquio XLIII, “en que continuando el comenzado intento y amorosos trances, interponen las Lagrimas de Sant Pedro, traducidas del Tansillo” (in Miscelánea Austral) | Antonio Ricardo | Lima | Spanish | 5043250 | 4o |
1602 | de Valagre | Sieur | Les Cantiques | Raphaël du Petit Val | Rouen | French | 6811927 | 12o |
1603 | Nervèze | Antoine de | Les larmes et martyre de s. Pierre | Thibaud Ancelin | Lyon | French | 6900326 | 12o |
1603 | Despotot | N. | Les larmes de la pénitence, tirées de Jérémie et saint Paul | Arnaud Du Breil | Bordeaux | French | 6800102 | 4o |
1603 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le Lagrime di San Pietro del Signor Luigi Tansillo et quelle della Maddalena del Signor Erasmo Valvasone, di nuovo ristampate, et aggiuntovi l’eccellenze della Gloriosa Vergine Maria, del Signor Horatio Guarguante da Soncino. | Nicolò Tebaldini | Venice | Italian | 4030344 | 8o |
1604 | Gálvez de Montalvo | Luis | Lágrimas de San Pedro (in Primera Parte del thesoro de divina poesia, donde se contienen varias obras de devocion de diversos autores cuyos titulos se veran a la vuelta de la hoja) | s.n. | Seville | Spanish | 5003160 | 8o |
1605 | Ellis | G. | The lamentation of the lost sheepe | W. Jaggard | London | English | 7606 | 4o |
1605 | De La Boissonade | Les larmes du vray pénitent Saint Pierre | Jean de Heuqueville | Paris | French | 6015786 | 16o | |
1605 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le Lagrime di San Pietro del Signor Luigi Tansillo et quelle della Maddalena del Signor Erasmo Valvasone, di nuovo ristampate, et aggiuntovi l’eccellenze della Gloriosa Vergine Maria, del Signor Horatio Guarguante da Soncino. | Heredi di Domenico Farri | Venice | Italian | 4032769 | 8o |
1606 | Nostredame | César de | Les perles que les larmes de la Saincte Magdeleine avec quelques rymes sainctes dediees a Madame la Comtesse de Carces | Colomiez | Toulouse | French | 6810728 | 12o |
1606 | — | — | Larmes de la Vierge sur la passion de nostre Seigneur | Jean Osmont | Rouen | French | 6812750 | 4o |
1606 | Estienne | Robert | Les larmes de Saint Pierre et autres vers sur la Passion. Plus quelques paraphrases sur les hymnes de l’année. | Robert Estienne | Paris | French | 6026312 | 8o |
1606 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le lagrime di San pietro del sig. Luigi Tansillo cavate dal suo proprio originale. Poema sacro et heroico in cui si narrano i lamenti, i dolori, i digiuni et le astinenze di Pietro, il quale ci è figura di un vero e divoto Penitente. Con gli Argomenti et Allegorie della Signora Lucretia Marinella et con un discorso nel fine del Sig. Tommaso Costo, nel quale si mostra quanto questo poema stia meglio di quello, che infino ad ora s’è veduto stampato, et esservi di più presso a quattrocento bellissime stanze. | Barezzo Barezzi | Venice | Italian | 4036542 | 8o |
1607 | Mesa | Cristóbal de | Valle de lágrimas y diversas rimas | Juan de la Cuesta | Madrid | Spanish | 5006697 | 8o |
1608 | Nervèze | Antoine de | Les Ouvres chrestiennes [Les Larmes et martyre de Sainct Pierre.L’exercise de l’âme chrestienne] | Thibaud Ancelin | Lyon | French | 6900969 | 12o |
1609 | Southwell | Robert | Saint Peters complaint newly augmented with other poems | Humphrey Lownes for William Leake | London | English | 22961 | 4o |
1609 | — | — | Les larmes et souspirs de saincte Marie Magdalene | Robert Fouet | Paris | French | 6016567 | ? |
1609 | — | — | Les Larmes de la glorieuse Vierge Marie sur la mort et passion de son fils | Julien Thoreau | Potiers | French | 6805780 | 12o |
1609 | Fernández de Ribera | Rodrigo | Lágrimas de s. Pedro | Alonso Rodríguez Gamarra | Seville | Spanish | 5006260 | 8o |
1611 | Lanyer | Aemilia | Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum | Richard Bonian | London | English | 15227 | 4o |
1611 | — | — | Exposition des sept Pseaumes pénitentiels. Les Larmes de S. Pierre et autres vers sur la passion; plus, quelques paraphrases sur les hymnes de l’année. | Robert Sara | Paris | French | 6025366 | 12o |
1611 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le lagrime di San Pietro del Signor Luigi Tansillo con le lagrime della Maddalena del Signor Erasmo da Valvasone, di nuovo ristampate, et aggiuntovi l’eccellenze della Gloriosa Vergine Maria, del Signor Horatio Guarguante da Soncino. | Giorgio Bizzardo | Venice | Italian | 4025433 | 8o |
1613 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le lagrime di San Pietro del Signor Luigi Tansillo con le lagrime della Maddalena del Signor Erasmo da Valvasone, di nuovo ristampate, et aggiuntovi l’eccellenze della Gloriosa Vergine Maria, del Signor Horatio Guarguante da Soncino. | Lucio Spineda | Venice | Italian | 4027356 | 8o |
1613 | Tansillo | Luigi | Lágrimas de san Pedro compuestas en italiano por Luys Tansillo. Traducidas en español por el maestro fray Damian Aluarez de la orden de predicatores de la provincia de España. | Giovanni Domenico Roncagliolo | Naples | Spanish | 4022172 | ? |
1613 | Álvarez | Damián | Lágrimas de san Pedro | Giovanni Domenico Roncaglioli | Naples | Spanish | 5018800 | 12o |
1613 | de Valagre | Sieur | Les cantiques du Sieur de Valagre et les cantiques du Sieur de Maizon-fleur…En cette dernière edition ont esté adioustees les larmes de Jesus Christ… et autres œuvres Chrestiennes | Raphaël du Petit Val | Rouen | French | 6813068 | 12o |
1615 | Southwell | Robert | Saint Peters complaint newly augmented with other poems | W. Stansby for William Barret | London | English | 22962 | 4o |
1615 | Méndez Quintella | Diego | Conversam e lagrimas da gloriosa sancta Maria Magdalena, et outras obras espirituales | Vicente Álvarez | Lisbon | Portuguese | 5016869 | 12o |
1616 | Southwell | Robert | S. Peters complaint. And Saint Mary Magdalens funerall teares. | English College Press | Saint-Omer | English | 22963 | 8o |
1618 | Tansillo | Luigi | Le lagrime di San Pietro. Aggiuntevi l’eccellenze della gloriosa Vergina Maria, del signor Horatio Guarguante da Soncino | Lucio Spineda | Venice | Italian | 4022122 | 8o |
1620 | Southwell | Robert | S. Peters complaint, and Saint Mary Magdalens funerall teares | English College Press | St. Omer | English | 22964 | 8o |
1620 | Southwell | Robert | St Peters complainte Mary Magdal. teares | W. Barrett | London | English | 22965 | 12o |
1621 | García | Lerín | Las lágrimas de Hieremias sobra la ruyna de Hierusalem | Adrian Tiffaine | Paris | Spanish | 5033321 | 8o |
1625 | Le Comte | Pierre | Les larmes de la Mère de Dieu ou Deux paraphrases sur le Stabat Mater dolorsa | Jean Bessin | Paris | French | 6002629 | ? |
1630 | Southwell | Robert | St Peters complainte Mary Magdal. teares | I. Haviland | London | English | 22966 | 12o |
1632 | Bouglers | Pierre de | Les larmes de la Madeleine ou le miroir de penitence | Jean de Spira | Douai | French | 1118644 | 12o |
1634 | Southwell | Robert | Saint Peters complaint | John Wreittoun | Edinburgh | English | 22967 | 4o |
1636 | Southwell | Robert | St Peters complainte Mary Magdal. teares | I. Haviland | London | English | 22968 | 12o |
1 | Lamentations 1: 1 (NIV). |
2 | For an expanded discussion on Abelard’s planctus cycle, see (Dronke 1970, pp. 14–49). |
3 | |
4 | Though Hay (2002) has argued that there was no significant following of the devotio moderna in Italy, save for the mid-fifteenth-century Venetian circles of Ludovico Barbo and Lorenzo Gustiniani (pp. 97–98), Mazzonis (2007) has highlighted that its emphasis on individual affect, interiority, and Christocentrism strongly resembles devotional practices in the mid-fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries (pp. 153–56). |
5 | Examples of this approach include the excellent work of (Prosperi 1996) and (de Boer 2001) on the broad expansion of Confession in the period as a sacrament that could be used to maintain social order. |
6 | González Miguel (1979) provides a helpful overview of each of the three Italian versions of the poem as follows: the one in 42 octaves (pp. 227–29); Attendolo’s edition in 13 pianti (pp. 230–32); and Costo’s 1606 edition in 15 canti (pp. 232–37). |
7 | Flamini (1893) counts 22 editions of the poem published in Italian between 1560 and 1847 (Flamini 1893, CXLI-CXLIX). |
8 | On the profound influence of Tansillo in the period, see (Cox 2011, pp. 37–38). |
9 | Sannazaro’s influence on weeping poetry has also been suggested by Terence Cave, who highlights the popularity of his 1526 De morte Christi Domini ad Mortales Lamentatio published with the De partu, and the influence of Guy de Le Fèvre de la Boderie’s 1576 French translation on the French tradition of weeping poetry. Further evidence for Sannazaro’s influence on weeping poetry in France is evidenced by the potential manuscript circulation of the lamentatio during the poet’s time in Paris (1503–1504) and by the early publication of the Latin poem in a collection printed by Josse Badius Ascencius in 1513 (Cave 1969, p. 249; Opuscula pia et docta septem 1513). On the early French circulation of the Lamentatio see (Deramaix 2006, p. 371). |
10 | Much of Tansillo’s literary career is as a lyric poet. Although he never published a Canzoniere, Milburn notes that he authored a great deal of lyric poetry that circulated in pirated editions and in both manuscript and printed miscellanies, often without the author’s knowledge or consent. See (Milburn 2003, pp. 13–15). On the experimental nature of Aretino’s Sette salmi conceived by the author as part of a ‘sacred trilogy’ combining both secular and religious material, see (Boillet 2007). |
11 | As Attendolo was one of the defenders of the superiority of Tasso above Ariosto, the letter is included in the 1588 collection of writings on the literary debate entitled Lo ’Nfarinato secondo ovvero dello ’Nfarinato Accademico della Crusca, risposta al libro intitolato Replica di Camillo Pellegrino (Lo ‘Nfarinato secondo 1588). All translations are ours unless otherwise indicated. |
12 | Confusion seems to exist around this collection with some authors claiming that two such anthologies were published (Spear 1997, p. 174). While a separate entry for Raccolta di lagrime cioè di Maria Maddalena. Di Maria Vergine. Del penitente exists in the USTC (#806834), EDIT 16 has deleted the CNCE record number 60380, noting that it is part of the aforementioned collection (CNCE 38317; USTC 806825). |
13 | Sieur de Valagre, Les cantiques du Sieur de Valagre et les cantiques du Sieur de Maizon-fleur… En cette dernière edition ont esté adioustees les Larmes de Jesus Christ… et autres œuvres Chrestiennes (Rouen: Raphaël du Petit Val, 1602). On this collection, and weeping poetry in Early Modern France more broadly, see (Cave 1969, pp. 249–66). |
14 | Johnson also notes that Tansillo’s poem was also imitated by other writers in the period, including Luis Gálvez de Montalvo (Toledo, 1587), Fray Damián Álvarez (Naples, 1613), and Rodrigo Fernández de Ribera (Seville, 1609), p. 497 fn.6. |
15 | For an argument against reading the relationship between Wyatt and Aretino as a straightforwardly Protestant reworking of a straightforwardly Catholic work, see (Rossiter 2015, pp. 595–614). For the argument that Wyatt’s publishers timed the printed edition of the Penitential Psalms as Protestant polemic, see (Costley-King’oo 2011, pp. 155–74). |
16 | Two immediate examples include several of the poems mentioned by González Miguel (1979) such as the Lágrimas de San Pedro by Jerónimo de los Cobos, which remained in manuscript until 1890, or the translation by Gregorio Hernández de Velasco—who also translated Sannazaro’s De Partu and Virgil’s Aeneid into Spanish—which remained in manuscript until 1957. |
17 | The most likely date of composition is between 1598, when Elizabeth gave Speed a political appointment (his dedication mentions her “graces” to him) and her death in 1603. |
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Boemler, A.; Brazeau, B. Tears in Heaven: Tracing the Contours of a Pan-European Transconfessional Genre. Humanities 2022, 11, 4. https://doi.org/10.3390/h11010004
Boemler A, Brazeau B. Tears in Heaven: Tracing the Contours of a Pan-European Transconfessional Genre. Humanities. 2022; 11(1):4. https://doi.org/10.3390/h11010004
Chicago/Turabian StyleBoemler, Anne, and Bryan Brazeau. 2022. "Tears in Heaven: Tracing the Contours of a Pan-European Transconfessional Genre" Humanities 11, no. 1: 4. https://doi.org/10.3390/h11010004
APA StyleBoemler, A., & Brazeau, B. (2022). Tears in Heaven: Tracing the Contours of a Pan-European Transconfessional Genre. Humanities, 11(1), 4. https://doi.org/10.3390/h11010004